Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 279 279

Chapter 279 279:- Warning | Anti-Gravity Crystal

'If they knew, then why they are so kind to me? If they knew that I was a disgrace, then why they waited till so many years before throwing me out?' Aditya's mind was in chaos. For the first time ever since his parents had thrown him out, he wanted to meet them so that he can ask for them some answers.

Aditya always thought the only reason that he wasn't loved by his parents anymore is that he had failed to awaken his dragon bloodline. But the words that this old man was telling him were going against his belief.

"No, you're lying." For a moment Aditya refused to accept the reality. The pain that he suffered all those years can never be forgotten. Aditya refused to accept the truth.

The old man simply stared at Aditya's face for a second before sighing. "While I apologize for the pain and suffering you have been through, I can assure you that I have no reason to lie to my Dragon Monarch about it." The old man Michael wasn't lying. He did all of this just to meet the Dragon Monarch. Even before he knew who was the Dragon Monarch, in his heart he held immense respect and admiration for the future Dragon Monarch.

Aditya went quiet. He closed his eyes He recalled the memories of the past. All the happy memories that he had built with his family began to appear. His parent's behavior changed during the time when they and others learned that he can't awaken his dragon bloodline. Slowly with time, they distanced themselves from Aditya and stopped loving him.

Michael let Aditya take his time. He had seen that this child has suffered a lot. The situation around him must have forced him to mature a lot quicker. He can't imagine what kind of difficult life he lived.

After more than 40 minutes of silence, Aditya finally opened his eyes and coldly looked at Michael. "What do you want?" Michael noticed that Aditya was hiding his emotions with a cold mask. Seeing this, Michael inwardly sighed.

"I am here to meet the Dragon Monarch and also warn him about something that is about to befall the entire planet."

The look on Aditya's face became serious. "Warm me about what?"

"I had a dream where the Dragon Monarch was in the center of it. The Dragon Monarch would face very strong enemies. Each of them has the power to annihilate a continent. If even a single of them was left behind, they could bring endless chaos to the land. The Dragon Monarch must unite all the Dragon races and Dragon clans in this world to fight these enemies."

After an entire minute of silence, Aditya replied. "Your words are not helping me. Who are my enemies? Where are they now? What kind of power do they possess? How many of them are there?"

"I apologize my Dragon Monarch. In my dreams, I only saw some glimpse of the chaos that they have bought. However, the center of everything will be the Dying Isle continent. What I can tell you is that your enemies will be masters of a certain element. Each of them would specialize in using a certain element. To fight against these enemies, you must bring all the goddesses together. If even one goddess stands against you, your chances of winning this will be extremely difficult."

"Why should I believe in your words?"

The old man just smiled. His body started to turn into dust. But before turning into dust, he left these words to Aditya. "You will start seeing signs."

"You didn't even tell me your name?" Aditya said as he stared at the floating dust in front of the throne.

"My name is Michael." Even though the voice was very weak and was in a very low tone, Aditya was able to hear it. The specks of dust that floated above the throne started to disappear. Michael was gone. But he had left the Dragon Monarch conflicted. The Dragon Monarch was questioning himself. He was questioning his memory. He was questioning the feelings that he held for his parents. The hatred that he held for his parents was being shaken.

"Michael, if I have time, I will look for the other Origin Dragons in the future" Aditya murmured as the dream world break to collapse.



100 Km away from Adam, Aditya was lying in a deep crater. His body was covered under a pile of stones and debris. Aditya had lost consciousness. It has been almost 2 hours since he lost consciousness.


His right hand slightly twitched for a moment before he opened his eyes. After regaining his consciousness, Aditya found himself buried under stones and debris. His whole body was in pain. Aditya was sure that he had broken a few of his bones and had cracked many of his bones. The speed at which he was sent flying was too fast even for Aditya. It's already a miracle that he managed to survive.


"My whole body is in pain. Right now I just want to go back and cuddle in my wife's bosom." He groaned in pain. Strangely he also felt slightly lazy. He felt it wouldn't be bad to keep lying here for a few more hours.

After a few minutes, all the debris and the stones that were covering his body were sent flying as Aditya stood up. He took out a healing pill and ate it to heal his body. "Whenever my life is in danger, my wife's pills always save me. Without her pills, I probably would have died by now."

10 minutes later, Aditya's body recovered. "Where am I?" The Istarin King wondered as he glanced around. He was surrounded by tall trees. He can hear the sound of water. Probably there is a river nearby. He can hear birds chirping sounds.

Aditya soon got his answer as he flew 100 meters above the ground. He had crushed into another floating island. "So there are other floating islands in this world." Aditya was sure of it.

For the next 10 or 15 hours, Aditya randomly wandered here and there. He was searching for Adam but he had no idea which direction he should start searching. On his travel, Aditya found many things. He found a big gold boulder in one of the floating islands. The gold boulder was 15 meters in size and was made up of pure gold. He wasn't going to leave this behind. He took the boulder with him and then kept wondering.

On one of the islands that Aditya came up on, he found a strange type of rock. The rocks were floating. When he was flying past the island, the floating rocks caught his attention. Upon a closer look, he found that the floating rocks were a kind of crystal that he had never seen before. The floating rocks were slightly transparent. They were deep purple in color. Each of the rocks was of different shapes and sizes.

Just as Aditya touched the fist size metal he got the description of it.

『Anti-Gravity Crystal』

『3 -Star Metal [✪✪✪]』

『Description - A special type of crystal that can defy gravity and keep floating. The crystals have the power to make objects float above the ground. The crystals can be used to make weapons, armor, and many other things.』

『Power 1. - Can absorb mana and store up to 1,000 mana.

2. Due to its rank, when any armor or weapon is forged using this crystal, it will give the user additional buffs depending upon the forger's rank.』

"This...." This metal has opened up so many opportunities for Aditya. He can make weapons that can store his mana. He can make armors that can store mana and use that mana when the user runs out of mana.

Aditya put all the anti-gravity crystals in his storage ring. Then he searched the entire island to see if he can find more of these anti-gravity crystals. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any more of the anti-gravity crystal.

However, just before Aditya could leave the island, he sensed someone in this area. Aditya took out his black sword and then disappeared.

In less than 5 seconds, he appeared in front of someone who looked exactly like him. That's right, it was his duplicate version. Unlike Aditya who managed to heal himself, the duplicate was seriously injured. The right side of his face was covered in blood. The blood on his face had dried. He was also looking at Aditya without any emotions on his face.


"Let's end this." Aditya suspected that as long as he managed to kill this duplicate, he and Adam would be able to leave this world. Since the duplicate was injured, it would be very easy for him to end this duplicate's life.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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