Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 331 331

Chapter 331 331:- Last Day Of Peace [II]

After breakfast was over, Aditya took Lara and teleported to her room. Although the sleeping princess had breakfast with them, it was not enough for her. As a vampire, her real food was drinking blood. Otherwise, she would be sleeping most of the time and her body would also become weak.

After teleporting into Lara's bedroom, Aditya sat on the edge of the bed. He then looked at Lara and signaled her to come to sit on his lap.

The Sleeping princess blushed but did not refuse. Lara always welcomed intimacy with her husband. In fact, she enjoyed it more than anything. Although she would never admit it, she is always looking forward to this moment. This moment makes her whole day much brighter. For her, this moment is more enjoyable than her whole day.

Although she appeared to be shy, she loved it when her husband teased her and played with her.

Lara put her hands on his shoulders and sat on his lap facing him. Aditya naturally wrapped his arms around her soft waist.

"How are you feeling?" Aditya could have let Lara drink his blood and gotten it over. But he wanted to use this private moment to develop their relationship and know more about Lara.

"Ever since Lara drank her husband's blood, Lara feels better. Now Lara can stay awake for almost 10 to 12 hours. Lara doesn't feel weak as before. So Lara can use my time to do other things." Aditya nodded his head with a satisfied look.

"How others are treating you?" Even though he knew it wouldn't happen, he was worried that others might treat Lara rudely behind his back.

"Everyone treats Lara with kindness. Lara feels happy here." Aside from Julia, Riya, and Alicia who already saw Lara as their little sister and treated her like one, others were also really kind to her. Leo's little sister, Clara dragged Lara to play with her as both were almost the same age.

"That's glad to know. In the future if you ever want anything or if you want to go anywhere, don't be shy. You can always ask me. If I am busy, then you can ask your sisters."


"Lara is spending her days reading books while Sister Julia researches on Lara's illness. Lara is learning more about this world." Aditya nodded in agreement. This way, Lara wouldn't feel lost in this current world.

"What about your Maid?"

"Rose spend her whole day cultivating. Since the mana density in the Dragon Palace is really high, Rose feels that she would be able to increase her cultivation realm very quickly."

Rose is a cautious person. She wants to be ready for unpredictable future circumferences. Since Lara's parents had told her to protect Lara, she wants to increase her cultivation so that in emergency situations she could protect her lady.

"Hmm" Aditya nodded in agreement. Aditya had told Watson to not treat Rose like any other maid in the Dragon Palace. Compared to other maids who worked in the Dragon Palace, Rose had more freedom and more authority.

Lara continued to speak she didn't realize Aditya's face had gotten close to hers. By the time she noticed it, he was already kissing her. His lips were on her lips. He lightly bit her lower lips earning a moan from her closed mouth.


Lara opened her mouth and let him in. His tongue entered her mouth and started wrestling with her tongue. Lara could only grab his neck and struggle to defend himself against Aditya's fierce attacks. Poor Lara couldn't compare against Aditya who had a lot of experience in kissing. In the end, Lara was completely dominated.

The Sleeping princess's face was full of joy and happiness. She was in her husband's arms. His strong arms gave her a sense of security. His chest covered her fragile body and protected her from the outside world. And his deep kiss reflected the Love and warmth that he had for her.

Right now her heart was satisfied.


At the same time, her husband's deep kiss was starting to awaken something inside her. Lara wasn't sure how to describe these strange feelings.

Back in the past, Lara was taught about sex, and, marriage by her royal mother. At that time, she only has been taught the basics. She was told that a man put his stick inside and babies are made. Her royal mother never went on to describe the emotions, the pleasure that a girl would feel in the process.

Now Lara was discovering these new emotions within her thanks to her husband.

The kiss went on for about an entire minute. Aditya had to stop because while he can hold his breath for a long time, Lara can't do that. If he kept going, then she would suffer.

After they stopped, Lara breathed heavily as she stared at Aditya. Both of their foreheads were touching at the moment. Both could each other's hot passionate breath. There was still a bridge of saliva that connected both of their lips.

Huff! Huff! Huff!

After being kissed by her husband, Lara's cheeks flushed red.

"Husband.....husband.....please kiss Lara again." Lara did not shy down from asking for another kiss. After all, the sleeping princess was the type of woman who enjoyed her intimate moments with her husband and always looked forward to them. She wasn't like a certain princess who was too embarrassed to ask for more.

"Anything for my princess." Aditya smiled before leaning his face down. The second kiss lasted an extra 10 seconds longer. When the kiss ended, Lara had a satisfied smile.

She looked slightly embarrassed but the happiness on her face couldn't be hidden. Those eyes of hers were in love and were filled with passion.

Lara felt her entire body was on fire. There was something magical about his touch and his kisses that made her want to ask for more.

Huff! Huff!

Putting his forehead against her forehead, he looked into her eyes. There was a soft and gentle smile. This is the kind of smile that the fierce and Dominating Dragon Monarch wouldn't show to others. Only his women got to see this kind of smile.

"Husband, Lara feels happy. Lara loves her husband." Saying that without daring to look into his eyes, like a frightened rabbit she buried her face into his chest.

'Royal mother, I have found my happiness in this time. He is my fated one. I hope you have found your peace in Heaven.' Lara thought before closing her eyes.

No pillow in this world can match this feeling. His heart heat was like a magical drum that calmed her heart and relaxed her entire body. Lara was able to let go of her worries. She felt if she stayed in his arms like that for a few seconds, she might fall asleep.

Aditya patted her back with a smile on his smile. 'With time, I am starting to get attached to you as well. If one day you disappeared, I don't know what I would do.' Just thinking of Lara dying because of her illness, Aditya felt as if his entire world was being split apart.

'I really hope, Julia finds a cure for her illness.' Aditya closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment with Lara. Sometimes, Aditya really wished to let go of all the outside world matters and spend his whole life with his wives. But unfortunately, it was not possible. The position and power of the Dragon Monarch came with a heavy responsibility.

"Husband, can I ask you something?"


"Earlier, you talked about war..." The pleasant atmosphere around them suddenly disappeared.

Aditya looked down to find a worried face of Lara. "Isn't there any other option besides starting a War?"

"Unfortunately no." Aditya also didn't like War. Yet in the span of 9 and half months, the Istarin Empire had to fight so many kingdoms and Empires. The Istarin Empire was already so big. Aditya would prefer not to start another war but if the other party is hostile and wants war, Aditya isn't the type of man to back down.

"Is it dangerous?" Lara asked while biting her lower lip.

"Not for me. Even if the whole continent comes I will still win this war." Aditya knew even if he wins, a huge number of people would die if that ever happened.

After a moment of silence, Lara asked another question.

"Can husband win this war?" Lara worriedly asked.

"I have won every single war in my life. Don't worry, I won't lose this one either. I will try to finish it as quickly as possible." Though Aditya knew that this war was going to be on a complete different level than other wars that he has fought. The power of the Echo Nexus Empire cannot be underestimated.

Aditya didn't want to say these words to Lara as it would worry her for no reason.

"Alright, enough talking. It's time." Saying Aditya exposed the right side of his neck.

"Go Ahead." Lara's eyes sparkled in excitement. The next second those gems of hers shined in a red glint.

A next second Lara's fangs elongated. Without wasting a single second, her fangs pierced his skin.


Aditya tightened his grip on her waist. He experienced this intense pleasure every single time when she drank his blood. His breath quickened.

Lara who was sitting on Aditya's crotch felt something poking her. She quickly understood what was happening. She was embarrassed and also happy at the same time.

After a while, Lara stopped.

Huff! Huff!

Both of them looked at each other. As if by instinct their faces moved toward each other. Both of their lips connected. Both of them began to express the passion in their hearts.




Around an hour later,

Aditya stopped. Even though he wanted to continue, he knew others were waiting for him. Also, Aditya had to start preparing for the war.

Huff! Huff!

After an hour of kissing, Lara's whole face was flushed. Her whole body was on fire.

"Can you walk?" Lara shyly nodded her head.

"Husband, Lara's lips are swollen because you kissed Lara too fiercely."

"Really! I guess a few more kisses will help you out." Aditya was about to move his body to kiss her when Lara stopped him.

"Bad husband, big sisters are waiting for you." Aditya laughed upon hearing this. The next moment he picked her up and teleported to Julia's laboratory.

"Took you long enough."

"I thought you won't come."


Aditya put Lara down while staring at Riya, Julia, and Alicia with a helpless smile. It seems his three wives are jealous.

The next second Aditya teleported in front of Julia. Before she could react, she found herself being kissed by Aditya.


Julia was embarrassed being kissed in front of others. Even though she weakly tried to push Aditya away, he didn't move an inch. The kiss went on for 10 minutes.

"No fair." Riya walked up to Aditya. Seeing this, Alicia also didn't want to be left out.

The next two hours were spent kissing. All the kissing sounds made everyone horny. In the end, everyone's clothes were messed up. Their faces were flushed red.

Even Lara wasn't spared.

"I will take my leave. I have some work to do. You guys can have lunch and dinner without me." Aditya now needed to start preparing for the war. There was one important thing that he wanted to do before the war officially started.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Sorry for not uploading yesterday.

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