Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 340 340

Chapter 340 340:- Echo Dominion Empire [II]

In the Throne hall of the Echo Dominion Empire,

Slender braziers surrounding each of the fourteen marble columns light up every part of the throne hall and bathe the hall in a dancing glow of orange. The gemmed runes on the rounded ceiling dance in the flickering light while gargoyles look down upon the limestone floor of this imposing hall.

A lavender rug runs from the throne to the doors and is matched by smaller ones on either side of the hall while matching banners with adorned quilting hang from the walls. Between each banner sits a small altar full of candles, they've all been lit and in turn illuminate the depictions of heroes and Kings of the Empire below them.

Slim windows are shrouded by veils colored the same lavender as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with burnished corners and jewels.

A grandiose throne of porcelain sits below a grand chandelier made out of Lunar crystal and is adjoined by three equally impressive seats for those closest to the royal highness.

The throne is covered in hallowed motifs and fixed on each of the front legs is a sparkling lion's head. The soft pillows are light lavender and these too have been adorned with adorned borders.

Those expecting an audience with their royal highness can do so on the countless brightly decorated maple benches, all of which are facing the throne in a V-shape. Those of higher standing can instead take seats in the extremely lavish balconies facing the benches below.

Normally the Throne Hall of the Echo Dominion Empire would be filled with people. But today, the entire Throne hall was empty. Only the Emperor, his guards, and the nobles whom he summoned were present.

"Your Majesty, it has been a while since I last saw you." Right now Duke Adam, Duke Elliott Campbell, and other powerful nobles of the Echo Dominion Empire were kneeling before the Emperor.


"It only has been a few months since I last saw you Adam." Said the man who was sitting on the throne. The man was wearing luxurious clothes and a golden cape was covering his back. He was 5 feet 10 inches tall. He had a lean body and fair skin. He had short black spiky hair. He had a slightly above-average, handsome-looking face. The most noticeable thing about him was the golden crown that had 9 different color jewels on it.

Daxton Ferguson looked at Adam and felt that the wild lion had changed a little bit. Daxton has heard rumors about Adam suddenly disappearing around a month ago. But Daxton didn't believe in those rumors at the beginning. But after a month, Daxton was becoming suspicious. He was planning on sending a few of his spies to check things out. But fortunately, Adam returned.

Since Adam did not talk about his disappearance, Daxton did not question him. Daxton trusted Adam. Adam controlled 25% of the Echo Dominion Empire's military. He knew Adam wouldn't do anything to betray the Empire. As for his private life matter, Daxton saw no reason to interfere.

Daxton's eyes then moved to the person who was kneeling next to Adam. He was Duke Elliott Campbell. Daxton knew about the bitter rivalry between the houses of Campbell and Onard. For generations, their families have been rivals which was a good thing in Daxton's opinion. As long as both noble families didn't go as far as to kill each other, Daxton kept silent about the entire matter just like his father did.

Before the Onard Family was blessed with the goddess of Alchemy, the power of both noble families was equal. But after Julia was born, slowly the power shifted more towards the Onard Family. As of now, the Campbell family controls around 10% of the entire Empire's military.

"Duke Campbell, How are you doing? I heard that you're preparing for your son's marriage. Is that true?" Daxton was talking about Duke Campbell's only son who is going to be the next head of the Campbell family.

Lucian Campbell

The very same man who once held the ambition of marrying Julia and using her Alchemy powers for his own benefit. Before the goblin invasion, he even came and challenged Aditya to a duel during Julia's birthday. But later, the duel never happened as Lucian Campbell was shown the power difference between them in the goblin invasion.

Hearing Daxton's words, Adam was surprised. 'It seems I have missed out on many things.' Adam thought in his head.

Duke Elliott Campbell did not try to hide this. He calmly nodded his head. Since his plan of getting Julia married to his son had failed, Duke Elliott Campbell had found another candidate. She is the daughter of a Viscount from another continent.

"Your Majesty, if everything goes well, then in a few months' time, we will hold an engagement ceremony." Daxton nodded his head.

"You all can stand now." Suddenly the friendly tone of the Emperor changed. Daxton spoke seriously. The friendly smile on his face was long gone and was replaced with a frown.

"As you all know, the Istarin Empire is a big ally of ours. Now that our biggest rival, the Echo Nexus Empire has declared war on the Istarin Empire, it's time for us to decide whether we will be participating in this war." Hearing this everyone straightened their backs and seriously began to think.

"I have summoned you all here to hear your opinion on this matter. I am debating whether our Empire should participate in this war or stay out of it." It's true that the Echo Dominion Empire is an ally of the Istarin Empire but Daxton has to think about his own Empire before helping out his allies.

If Echo Dominion Empire joined this war, then the Echo Nexus Empire and the members of the Oracle Alliance will target the Echo Dominion Empire first. The Istarin Empire is located in other regions but the situation in the northwest region is different.

The Echo Dominion Empire is surrounded by the Oracle Alliance members. Excluding the Echo Dominion Empire, there are 6 Empires and one Kingdom in the northwestern region.

There is The Echo Nexus Empire, The Echo Dominion Empire, The Mystic Spring Empire, The Hephaestus Kingdom, The Methia Empire, The Qeyesha Empire, The Uzacan Empire, and The Queenstown Empire. At a certain point in time, all of these every faction in the northwest region used to be an Empire which goes to show just how advanced the northwest region was compared to other regions in the Dying Isle continent.

The Hephaestus Kingdom used to be an Empire before the Echo Nexus Empire killed the Emperor of the Hephaestus Empire. The Hephaestus Kingdom lost its former powers and glory and fell into the ranks of a Kingdom. At its best, the Hephaestus Kingdom can be considered a 4-tier powerhouse.

If The Echo Dominion Empire joined this war, most probably the Oracle Alliance was going to attack The Echo Dominion Empire from all sides. If that happens, not even the Istarin Empire would be able to help them. Knowing this, Daxton felt hesitant and confused. Although he wanted to help out the Istarin Empire, he was that his Empire would become the battleground. And Daxton wasn't sure if his empire can withstand attacks from all sides.

"Your Majesty, we should just stay out of this. Yes, we can provide support to the Istarin Empire by giving them resources but directly joining this war would bring us too much trouble. I don't think the current Empire can withstand attack from all sides." Duke Campbell voiced his opinion.

Hearing this Daxton deeply began to think. He was considering Daxton's idea. A part of him wanted to do what Campbell suggested to him. But a part of him was hesitant to take such actions.

"Your Majesty, I think we should join this war. Trust me, when I say the Istarin Empire is going to win I am not lying. I have seen what the Empire is capable of. There is no doubt in my mind that the Istarin Empire will become victorious in this war." Adam was 100% certain that Aditya will win.

"Let's say we decided to remain neutral in this whole war. Since we as their ally hadn't helped them during this war, the relationship between the Istarin Empire and Our Empire will become very stiff. That would be a big loss for our Empire. When that happens, even I won't be able to do anything to repair this stiff relationship between the two Empires." Daxton widened his eyes upon hearing this. Daxton understood what Adam was trying to say here.

Meanwhile, others felt confused hearing Adam's last sentence. Even Campbell looked confused.

"We have been troubled by the Oracle Alliance for years now. Over the years, the tension between the Oracle Alliance and our Empire has been rising. The Oracle Alliance has been regularly sending their troops to our borders. I know about the situation in the borders better than anyone else as I have spent a few years fighting them."

Adam gained his Wild Lion nickname during that time. Adam alone guarded the northern border of the Echo Dominion Empire with just 1000 troops. It was at that time when the world got to see just how wild Adam can become.

Campbell stared at Adam and remembered a rumor that he heard a long time ago. To this day, Duke Campbell is not sure if those rumors are true or not. These rumors had frightened Campbell.

According to the rumors, Adam was surrounded by 3000 Peak 3rd-order soldiers. At that time Adam was also a Peak 3rd-order cultivator. He was badly injured. Both of his arms were broken. But even with broken arms and an injured body, the man managed to slaughter Peak's 3rd-order soldier and before finally losing consciousness. It was said that the fight went on for more than 2 days. Even with his injured body, he managed to hold on.

Who would want to face a wild beast like Adam? After hearing this, Campbell swore to be careful in front of Adam. Who knows when this guy might snap and start killing everyone in his sight?

"This is a great chance. We can take part in this War and finally get our revenge." Adam said the last part while releasing a little bit of his killing intent causing everyone's faces to turn pale. Not even the Emperor, who was a beginner 5th-order cultivator managed to endure his killing intent. Just a tiny bit of his killing intent was extremely suffocating.

Everyone was once again reminded why Adam is the Called the ⸢Wild Lion of Echo Dominion⸣.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

[Compensate chapter - 3/6]

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