Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 343 343

Chapter 343 343:- Alliance Meeting [II]

Watson came and informed Aditya. "Your Majesty, we have another visitor." Everyone became curious about this visitor.

Aditya already knew who this visitor was. Aditya knows every person that enters and exits the Dragon Palace. "Let him come." Aditya let that person and his colleague pass through the gate. As long as Aditya was inside the Dragon Palace, no being would be capable enough to harm him unless he willingly lets himself be harmed. Aditya wasn't worried about this new visitor coming to the Dragon Palace with malicious intent.

Even if he dared, inside the Dragon palace, no one would be able to save him. Aditya was in total control here. Other than Aditya, there were multiple Fifth-order cultivators in the Dragon Palace. With Aditya's order, these Fifth-order Dragon Warriors will rip him and his guards to shreds.

'I don't think the Istarin Empire has any other allies.' Daxton thought that all the alliance members were there. But it seems he was wrong.

He and others patiently waited for the person to enter. They did not have to wait long as a minute later, a young man entered the meeting room. An old man followed the young man.

Seeing the young man, Daxton, Adam, and Campbell widened their eyes in shock. They weren't expecting him here. This was completely shocking to them.

Meanwhile, others had no idea who this young man was. But they were able to guess that this young man was another ally of the Istarin Empire. Since only allies of the Istarin Empire would be allowed to come to this meeting room.

"Your Majesty, I have always wanted to meet you. And today I was able to fulfill my wish. It's really nice to meet you." The young man removed the hat and gave a small bow to Aditya. Following the young man, the old man behind the young man also bowed to Aditya. But unlike the young man, the old man's bow lasted an extra second longer. This symbolized the position of the old man and the young man.


A King is not required to bow in front of another King. But by greeting Aditya with a small bow, the young man was acknowledging Aditya to be superior in power. And as the old man was his Subordinate and was someone in a lower position of power, he bowed for an extra second long to show his respect to the Istarin Emperor.

"There is no need to bow. Your arrival is a surprise for me and my Prime Minister. Watson, please prepare one more chair." Aditya had heard of the declaration that The Hephaestus Kingdom made a few hours ago. Aditya wasn't sure if the King of the Hephaestus Kingdom was going to come. Aditya had made his plans without considering any help from The Hephaestus Kingdom.

As for the old man, he wasn't going to sit along with others. As his status was lower than others, letting him sit along with others would be considered disrespectful to others. Instead, he was going to stand behind the young man as his prime minister.

The status of Duke Adam and Campbell was higher than the old man because both of them belonged form a powerful Empire. And the fact that Adam is Aditya's father-in-law, puts Adam in the same position as the Thera Kingdom's King, Charles, and the Storm Isle Dynasty's empress.

The head of the table was obviously the person with the most influence and power. And that person was Aditya.

Watson bought a chair and placed it next to the Empress. "Thank you, Sir Watson." From the way, he was addressing, it was clear to others that he knew the Istarin Empire very well. He had done his homework before coming here.

"This is King of The Hephaestus Kingdom, Aidan Scott. And this is the prime Minister of The Hephaestus Kingdom, Fabian Snow." Aditya then introduced The Thera King Charles and his commander Ren. And then the Storm Isle Dynasty's Empress, Sofia Davis.

The Empress of the Storm Isle Dynasty was the quiet one. Ever since she came here, she has very rarely spoken. Not only that but also her face was hidden under a black veil. The dress that she wore covered all of her skin. Aditya was already used to her.

Sofia was just like that only. She wasn't a speaker. She would only open her mouth when it is necessary. The way she presented herself in front of everyone was very elegant and gracious.

"Alright, let's start the meeting." The head of the table spoke and everyone went quiet. The meeting was all about Aditya explaining his plans to everyone. Before the meeting, he had taken a few hours to make a few surprise plans for the enemy.

Aditya pointed at The Hephaestus Kingdom on the map. Just like the Echo Dominion Empire that was surrounded by the Oracle Alliance members from its three sides, the same had happened to The Hephaestus Kingdom. The Kingdom was surrounded by members of the Oracle Alliance from three sides. If they were ever attacked from all three sides, then the population would have to escape through the sea.

"Judging from the current situation, there is going to be at least two active frontlines. One is going to be in The Hephaestus Kingdom and the other is going to be in the Echo Dominion Empire. So I am planning on sending my elite troops to your territory."

"It would take weeks if not an entire month for your troops to reach our territories. By then, the Oracle Alliance would be done with us." Daxton's expressed his worried to everyone.

"By Elite troops, I meant my Dragonians." Everyone widened their eyes. They all have heard about the Dragonians. When the Istarin Empire invaded the Southern Fire Dragon Empire, the Dragonians played a huge role in taking down the Empire. Or when the Istarin Empire invaded the three Western Empires, the Dragonians managed to take over the cities in no time, allowing the Istarin Empire to capture three Empires within a single night.

Daxton and Aiden didn't think that Aditya would send his Dragonians to their territory. This made them excited. With the Dragonians, they would be able to give a tough fight to the enemy. "One Dragonian is equal to one thousand regular soldiers. Having just 100 Dragonians on the battlefield could change the whole tide."

However, the next second, the excitement from Daxton's face disappeared. "But how are you planning on sending them to our territories? At most, by tomorrow, the soldiers of the Oracle Alliance members will be deployed."

"I am going to use the Teleportation array, of course," Aditya said as if there was nothing wrong with his words.

"Your Majesty, do you realize that using teleportation arrays to send the Dragonians would be extremely costly?" This is why an Empire can't use the Teleportation Array to send its troops. Teleporting just a thousand troops requires a lot of mana stones and which is really expensive. In everyone's opinion, by doing that, Aditya would be wasting a lot of money.

Only Adam, and Watson remained quiet. Unlike others, they did not question Aditya. They knew that Aditya would make such decisions without thinking thoroughly.

"I have used this method to send over a thousand of my Dragonians to the Western region. Sending the Dragonians through the sea would take too much time. By the time they will arrive in the Northwest region, both the Echo Dominion Empire and The Hephaestus Kingdom had already fallen or would be on the brink of defeat."

Hearing this both Daxton and Aiden went silent.

"I want to end the Oracle Alliance before they bring their troops to the Eastern region. I am going to bring the fight to them. As for the cost, I will worry about it."

The current Istarin Empire didn't lack money. Especially after it had begun selling glass. It earned a lot of profits. The Istarin Empire had more money than it could spend. And the money that Aditya got from the Dragon Slayer guild was still there. Not to mention the fact that the Istarin Empire had mana stone mines. Aditya had the luxury of sending his troops using the teleportation array. No other King or Emperor in this continent had the same luxury.

For the next two hours, Aditya explained how everything will go. At the end of the meeting, the alliance was sent out by Watson. Only Aditya was left sitting in the meeting room. As for Adam, he didn't immediately go back along with Daxton and Duke Campbell. Instead, he went to meet his baby daughter since he was here.

Watson came back to find Aditya looking at the map while deeply thinking about something. "Your Majesty, what are you thinking about?" Watson asked.

Aditya pointed at the Western region on the map. His fingers were resting on the remaining four Western Empires. "For some reason, I have a feeling that the four remaining Emperors are going to attack while we are busy fighting at the frontlines."

"But even if they were to attack, this time I will personally head to the battlefield and take care of everything." Aditya's eyes became cold. From time to time, he had made his intentions clear. As long as the other party did not provoke him, he won't act against them. But every idiot kept on making the same mistake.

"Your Majesty, the cannons are ready. If you would like we can test them out right now."

"Alright. I also want to see the power of those cannons." Meanwhile, the other allies returned to their territories and began to prepare for the war.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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