Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 351 351

Chapter 351 351:- Battle Of NewMoon Woodlands [V]

'Something about Adam has changed.' Although Lawson was happy to see the real Adam back, he was also worried in his heart. He knew this battle might as well be his very last battle. Lawson wasn't afraid of death. He would be glad to die on the battlefield.


Adam disappeared faster than the wind. While charging at Lawson, he began infusing Mana into his greatsword causing the black greatsword to glow in dark purple light.

All this happened in less than 2 seconds. Lawson saw Adam disappear and then reappeared in front of him.

Lawson widened his eyes, seeing the famous greatsword that Adam always had used heading in his way with the intention of cutting his body in half. But as Adam thought that his attack would end Lawson's life, a dark claw stopped the greatsword before the greatsword could touch Lawson's body.

A dark claw had come out of the crack that appeared before Lawson's chest. The crack was the size of a football. The crack gradually expanded in size. The being that managed to block Adam's attack slowly came out of the void.

『Beast Technique Number 5 - Wandering Release of Void Salamander!』

2 meters long-sized dark Salamander came out of the crack and stood facing Adam. The Salamander's entire body appeared to be slightly transparent. Its eyes were glowing red. The amphibian licked its black tongue and hissed at Adam.

'Is that a Salamander?' Adam asked himself while staring at the Void Salamander.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Lawson appeared behind Adam.

『Beast Technique Number 14 - Ki Blast!』

Lawson condensed his Mana into an orb on his right fist. The Mana orb hit Adam's back.


Adam felt as if he had been hit by a cannonball. The attack was so strong that Adam couldn't keep on standing. He fell to his knees. He felt excruciating pain in his back; especially in his spine. The attack had burned his skin and almost tore his back muscles.

Seeing Adam on his one knee, Lawson was very delighted.

"This is the end...."

『Beast Technique Number 19 - Butterfly Stab!』

As Lawson prepared to stab Adam in the back, suddenly an invisible shockwave spread from Adam's body. Lawson felt as if some mysterious force had violently pushed him away. It was not just Lawson, even the void Salamander was pushed away.


With a heavy breath, Adam stood up and charged at the void salamander. What he did just now was nothing but a simple trick that he had managed to pick over the years. He condensed Mana around his body like a bubble and then violently pushed the Mana around his body which pushed Lawson and the void Salamander away. This is a cheap trick. And Adam knew that it won't work twice.

"Time to end you." As Adam run towards the void Salamander, just when he was 4 meters away from the void Salamander, he suddenly found both of his legs stuck. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't move his legs.

Looking down, Adam was surprised to see feet were stuck inside two void cracks. Realizing that this was created by the Void Salamander, he tried to free himself before the Salamander attacked him.

However, to Adam's surprise, he saw the Void Salamander gradually becoming more transparent with each passing second. The Void Salamander did not attack Adam. It stood in its place and hissed at Adam. Adam understood that this void Salamander is a summoned beast that will disappear after a certain amount of time. And that time is less than one minute.

Adam suddenly felt someone coming from behind. When he turned around he was hit with a giant silver hammer. The hammer was around 4 meters huge in size. Despite being twice his size, Lawson was able to wield it without any problem.

As Adam's body was hit by the giant hammer, he couldn't resist the pain anymore. His eyes rolled back as his body flew backward at an uncontrollable speed. He almost lost consciousness from the pain.


He was sent flying more than a few hundred meters away. As his back crashed into to hard ground, he almost closed his eyes feeling his entire body very heavy.

Right now his entire body was a mess. Blood had covered his entire body. Many of his bones were broken and shattered. It's a miracle that he was still alive after he took such a powerful attack.

The red mist that previously came out of Adam's body stopped. At the same time, the killing intent emitting from Adam also stopped.

Previously Adam had used a secret technique that uses killing intent to temporarily boost his stats. This secret skill is a berserk type of skill. Now that the berserk-type skill had been deactivated, the temporary boost that he received also disappeared; leaving Adam even weaker than before.

At the same time around the battlefield,

The soldiers who had been feeling suffocated and oppressed because of heavy killing intent, finally felt the killing intent disappear. All the soldiers from both sides sighed in relief. This killing intent was making them feel as if they had been put under a mountain. For some low-order cultivators, it was extremely difficult to breathe.

"Finally, I can properly breathe now."

"I thought I was going to run out of air." For low-order cultivators, even breathing had become very difficult. They felt as if the air had become heavier.

"Did the enemy commander get defeated?" Noticing that the killing intent had stopped, one of the Necromancers from the enemy side couldn't help but ask.

"No, their battle has reached its peak. The victor of their battle will be decided at any given moment." Another Masked Necromancer replied while summoning a new batch of undeads. As the previous batch of undeads that he had summoned had been destroyed by the Dragonians.

"Did His Grace win?" Eddie asked. Eddie couldn't tell what was happening as he was on the other side of the battlefield.


Adam was about to lose his full consciousness, but right before he fell into the abyss, he saw a picture of his family. His wife and his children were smiling at him. As if seeing the picture of his family, had reignited the candle that was about to burn out inside Adam.

'This isn't time for me to lay down.' Adam tried to move his body.

'I endured much worse injuries back in my prime days. This is nothing.' Gritting his teeth, once he tried to push his body to move. Even moving an inch felt extremely difficult to him.

'If I don't open my eyes now, then we will lose. I have to stand up.' Adam tried to open his eyes. But the pain was just too much. He felt no matter how much he tried his body wasn't responding to his call.

'I don't care for my family even if I had to use my lifespan. MOVE DAMMIT!!!!' Inside, Adam shouted in anger and in desperation.

Lawson who was approaching Adam. Seeing Adam lying in a small crater, with his whole body covered in blood and with his eyes closed, For a second, he thought the fight was over.

But his entire body froze in deep shock as he watched Adam opening his eyes and staring at him. His eyes were filled with blood. Adam looked like a corpse that had a bath in a river of blood.

"Just die already." In a desperate tone, Lawson raised his giant hammer to land the final blow.

At that moment, Adam felt as if time had slowed down. He could see the giant silver hammer approaching him. As long as this attack hit his body, there is no doubt that the Wild Lion of Echo Dominion Empire would be slain by the enemy commander.

'Earlier, when I used berserk, I had consumed most of my Mana. Now I don't have enough mana to use any powerful skill. I have been defeated.' This time the enemy was too prepared to take him down.

Adam could only watch but not move his body. His reaction was not fast enough to dodge.

Just as the hammer was about to hit Adam, a purple-color barrier stopped the attack. Both Lawson and Adam were shocked to see this. Adam shocked face told Lawson, that even he couldn't understand what just happened.

The purple barrier was transparent. The barrier stopped Lawson's attack. Lawson felt as if he had hit an iron wall. Even though the barrier looks thin and weak, it was extremely strong. Strong enough to withstand attack from Peak 4th-order cultivator.


Adam noticed the engagement ring on his left hand was releasing some kind of purple energy. Adam was once again shocked to see this. He never knew that this engagement ring had this kind of function.

'Now that I think about it, after our marriage, Sophia did take this ring to be customized. She returned the ring around a week later.' Now Adam finally understood that other than customizing, his wife had spent a big fortune on turning his ring into a life-saving artifact that would activate if Adam's life was in danger.

Realizing this, Adam was deeply touched. He felt his love for his wife growing.

While all these were happening, certain someone sneaked behind Lawson. Lawson couldn't even detect his presence. But Adam widened his eyes seeing that person.

Suddenly Lawson found his entire body tied with metal wires. "When did this happen?" He asked himself in confusion. It didn't take long for Lawson to feel Nathan's presence.

Seeing Nathan, Lawson frowned in displeasure. This was supposed to be a battle where no one was going to interfere. Nathan had broken that unspoken and unwritten rule.

Adam used his hands to drag his body away from the hammer that was currently being stopped by the purple barrier. Who knows how long this purple barrier will last?

"My Apologies for interfering. Since earlier, one of your underlings had saved your life by intervening, we can call things even." Without waiting for Lawson's response, Nathan walked up to Adam. Meanwhile, Lawson was deeply thinking. Since when did the enemy have an assassin like Nathan on their side? Since the start of the battle, Lawson didn't sense or saw Nathan anywhere on the battlefield.

"Your Grace, this is something that Lady Julia has sent for you. I apologize for being late." Secretly Nathan was sweating. He has been observing the battle between Adam and Lawson since the beginning. If not for the purple barrier, Nathan wouldn't have made it in time to save Adam. Inwardly, he was thanking whoever made this purple barrier.

"What is this?" Adam was looking at the test tube that was filled with a strange sparkling orange liquid.

"This is a special type of liquid that Lady Julia has recently invented. It is called 'Flask of Speed'. After drinking this, your agility will be boosted by 3 minutes." With the goddess of Nature's help, Julia has managed to upgrade the 'Flask Of Speed' to 4-star.

Saying that Nathan gave a 5-star healing pill to Adam. Without needing to say a word, Adam ate the pill first and then drank the orange sparkling liquid that his daughter made for him.

"Lawson, you're right when you said that I have changed. I don't regret it. Family is never a weakness. I am still alive because of my wife. And I will defeat you with my daughter's help. Unlike you, I am not alone." At that moment, Lawson truly had a sense of loneliness. Unlike Adam, Lawson never had forged any relationship ties with anybody.

Adam did not doubt Nathan's words. After all, Nathan was one of the seven generals of the Istarin empire. Even though this was their first time interacting, Adam had met Nathan a few times when he had visited Aditya in the Istarin Empire.


Lawson could do nothing but grit his teeth in frustration and anger watching Adam take the 5-star healing pill.

'Dammit! I was so close to killing Adam. It feels as if Heaven is favoring Adam and wants him to live.' Right now Lawson was very angry. These metal wires were very strong. Even though Lawson used his full strength, he still couldn't break free. He also knew that Nathan can cut his entire body into pieces just by pulling a few strings.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Right after drinking the 'Flask of Speed', Adam felt his body was becoming lighter. His body was rapidly healing. The mind that almost shut his brain was slowly disappearing. At the same time, the purple barrier around Adam finally started fading as it run out of energy to function.

Nathan turned to Lawson. He pulled a few strings and released Lawson.

"I won't intervene anymore. Please take your time." Saying that Nathan disappeared into shadows.

A few seconds later, Nathan appeared 300 meters away from Adam and Lawson. Without making any noise, like a ghost, he resumed killing the enemy soldiers. Ever since the start of the battle, Nathan has been silently killing the enemy soldiers. Till now, no one had managed to see him. In the sea of soldiers, Nathan was a ghost that killed silently without making any waves.

"Time to end this." Adam stood up and then grabbed his Greatsword.

"Yes." That was the only time Lawson agreed with his biggest rival and enemy. Adam was slightly surprised when the silver hammer in his hand began changing shape. The hammer changed to take the shape of an Axe. It was the same Axe that Lawson was previously using.

Lawson's weapon had the ability to change into a hammer and an Axe whenever he wished.

Grabbing the silver Axe with both of his hands, as his arm muscles bulged and his veins expanded, Lawson swung his Axe at Adam using his full strength.

Adam knew that he cannot block this strike. Using his increased speed, he silently jumped to the right.

As the Axe struck the ground instead of Adam, it sent shockwaves in all directions. On the ground where it struck, a massive fissure appeared. The fissure was so big that some soldiers who were fighting in the distance fell into the fissure.

Meanwhile, Adam moved as if he was constantly teleporting. One moment he appeared on Lawson's right. When Lawson tried to attack him but Adam again disappeared. He appeared on Lawson's left. josei

Like this Adam kept appearing around Lawson. Leaving him confused and frustrated.

"If you're a true warrior, then fight me head-on. Stop using such pathetic moves." Lawson roared in frustration.

"I think you forgot when you summoned a Salamander. A win is a win. I admit that I am not a warrior like you. But in the end, I am going to win." The next moment, a punch landed on Lawson's face.


Blood started coming out of his nose. The next second, another punch hit him in the chin. The next second, another punch landed in his throat. Adam started punching Lawson. The enemy commander couldn't stop Adam.

After taking repeated punches, the silver Axe fell down.

"And this is the end." Adam appeared in front of Lawson.




Lawson coughed out a large amount of blood. His entire body trembled as he glanced at his chest. The Greatsword left a big hole in Lawson's chest. His heart and other organs were missing. A hole was big as a human head.

He then looked at Adam. Gradually his eyes were losing light. His consciousness was fading. "I won."

Just before Lawson lost his consciousness, he saw an image. It was Adam standing surrounded by people. There was his wife, his daughter, his son, his son-in-law, his right man, and many other people. Opposite of Adam, Lawson saw himself. He was standing in darkness. He was completely alone. No one even cared about his existence.

"I see......." Lawson's body fell to the ground.




Back when the battle began, Aditya came to face another powerful woman from the enemy side. She was a Peak 5th-order cultivator. She kept Aditya occupied as a result he couldn't lend any help to Adam or anyone.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

A big chapter to make up for not uploading yesterday. Hope you guys liked the chapter.

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