Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 357 357

Chapter 357 357:- Conclusion Of First Battle [I]

"I agree." Without any questions or without hesitation, Victoria agreed to become Aditya's Dragonian.

"Let me warn you, Once you have become a Dragonian, there is no going back. Whether you like it or not, you will have to serve me for the rest of your life. You will have to follow my every order." After hearing his words, Aditya wanted to see if she would change her mind. If she showed even a slight trace of hesitation, then she is not fit to become a Dragonian. And as his enemy, he will have to kill her.

"I am prepared for my duties. There is nothing that would change my mind." She sounded very determined. This made Aditya very satisfied with her attitude.josei

"Alright, I will begin now." Although Aditya is still suffering from turning 10,000 soldiers into Dragonians at once, he can still push himself to turn Victoria into a Dragonian. Turning her into a Dragonian would give the Istarin Empire a powerful Peak 5th-order warrior. Victoria can even take Aditya's place on the battlefield. Not only that but also, becoming a Dragonian, she can't betray Aditya or do anything against him or the Istarin Empire.

Aditya felt the benefit of her turning into a Dragonian was too many. While the disadvantages were only a very few and very small matters.

"Close your eyes." Aditya put the Adamantite Doomblade in his storage ring.

He saw Victoria on her right knee. Her head was lowered and she had closed her eyes. Both of her hands were placed on top of her right knee.

Without wasting any time, Aditya took out a drop of golden blood. The drop of blood floated above her chest. Upon contact, a golden shine soon spread throughout Victoria's whole body. Her body began to shine in a golden Aura.

'My body is changing.' Victoria thought as she gritted her teeth in pain. She felt her insides burning. The burning sensation inside was making her feel as if she had been sent to hell. She felt Aditya was intentionally punishing her for seriously injuring him.

But she knew that this wasn't true. If he wanted to hurt her, he could have done it when she had surrendered. Also, she could feel her blood changing. She could feel her power and strength rapidly increasing.

It was a mysterious feeling. It was difficult to describe what she was feeling in just a single word. She felt her spine is getting stronger and something on her back is changing. As time passed, Victoria sensed a deep connection between her and Aditya being forged. She felt like she was able to understand Aditya more. She felt much closer to Aditya. A strong connection with other Dragons had formed. She could feel many kinds of changes taking place.

Around a minute later, the golden Aura surrounding her body finally disappeared. As Victoria opened her eyes, she raised her head and stared at her master.

"How do you feel?" This was the first time, Aditya has turned a Peak 5th-order warrior into a Dragonian.

"I feel wonderful. Even though my cultivation has remained the same, I can feel my power has increased by several folds." In truth, Victoria couldn't wait to try out her new strength. If Aditya wasn't her master, she already would have challenged him to test out her powers and her new limit.

"I can't believe what I am seeing right now. To think a peak 5th-order cultivator from the enemy side would submit herself to the Istarin Emperor....today has been full of shock." Aditya and Victoria have long sensed his presence. It was Ashton.

Daxton had sent Ashton to save Aditya. But being a beginner 5th-order cultivator, his speed was really slowed compared to Victoria. When he arrived, he found Victoria kneeling in front of Aditya. A golden glow surrounded her body.

'If only I had arrived a few seconds earlier, I could have seen how the Istarin Emperor turned Victoria into a Dragonian.' Ashton was full of regret. Ashton moved as fast as his body could move but he still was late.

He can tell that Victoria is several times stronger than her previous self. This is the benefit that comes from being a Dragonian. Ashton has even heard that becoming a Dragonian can push cultivation to the next realm or to the next rank. Ashton was envious and jealous of Victoria. Unfortunately, he can't change his master. If he could, then he also would have served Aditya.

Meanwhile, Aditya removed his T-shirt which had been torn apart and was soaked in his blood. By now the injuries on his body were almost healed. This goes to show the power that Julia's 5-star healing pills had. Just two minutes ago, Aditya was seriously injured and was on the brink of death. And now he is almost recovered and was ready for another fight.

'From time after time, her pills keep on saving my life. My dear wife, without you, I might not have survived so far.' Aditya thought in his head.

"You two go back. I want to clean myself in a nearby river or lake." Victoria wanted to watch Aditya take a bath. Unfortunately, it was not possible. She could only satisfy her curiosity with her imagination.

As the two were about to head back, Aditya's voice stopped them. "Victoria, I want you to kill them all." He then vanished in thin air.

She was smart enough to understand what she needed to do now. Her role now had completely changed. She was a Dragonian of the Istarin Empire. And the Mystic Spring Empire was her enemy now.



"Your Grace, are you alright?" Asked Eddie Wood, the right-hand man of Duke Adam Onard.

"I am still alive." Adam was feeling slightly exhausted. Eddie was also exhausted. It wasn't easy to take down two powerful Necromancers.

"What about you?" Adam asked as he started killing the enemy soldiers.

Eddie who was standing behind Adam scanned the battlefield while replying. "I can still go on. By the way, where is His Majesty?" As Eddie was scanning the battlefield, he noticed Aditya couldn't be found anywhere.

An arrow flew towards Adam. Adam grabbed the soldier who had the gut to fight him by his throat. Adam shielded himself using the body of the poor soldiers who could do nothing. As the arrow stuck the head of the soldier, Adam calmly threw away the soldier's body before focusing his sight on another enemy soldier.

"I don't know. Maybe they are fighting somewhere far from the battlefield." Adam and others felt the shockwave when Aditya and Victoria's attacks collided. Since neither Victoria nor Aditya wanted their battle to bring any harm to their soldiers, both of them gradually moved away from the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Eddie was scanning the battlefield. It has been around 7 or 9 minutes since the battle started. In that short time period, many things have changed. The Necromancers that the enemy force bought with them has been slaughtered mostly by the Dragonians. Now only a very few Necromancers remain standing.

Previously the undeads summoned by the Necromancers were starting to overwhelm their soldiers but now the tide has shifted. It was the Mystic Spring Empire that was feeling the pressure. The pressure on the Mystic Spring Empire's Soldiers was increasing.

The army of 600,000 had around 5,000 Dragonians. Each Dragonian was in a league of his own. Even the weakest Dragonian was smashing everyone in his sight.

When the battle started, half of the Dragonians started taking down the enemy archers and started destroying the magic cannons or killing the soldiers who operated the magic cannons. While the other half stayed at the center of the battlefield. They took down all the powerful soldiers and the Necromancer.

Among the soldiers, Dragonians, Necromancers, archers, and knights, there was one other individual who had killed the most soldiers. No one from the enemy side knew his identity. he was a silent killer. No one knew when he arrived and when he left.

He was the shadow of this battlefield. He silently observed and killed. No one was able to sense him.

He was Nathan, the best Assassin of the Istarin Empire, the Captain of the Shadow Guardian Squad, and one of the most powerful generals of the Istarin Empire.

Adam and Eddie knew even without Aditya's help, they would in the battle. The situation was in their favor. The enemy commander has been killed. This has killed the morale of the enemy soldiers. The soldiers were confused. Some didn't know if they should continue. Some wanted to surrender thinking now that their commander has been killed, there was no use in fighting anymore. While most soldiers harbored the thought of running away.

When the enemy commander was alive, the Mystic Spring Empire's soldiers were full of spirit and fighting intent. But now they had lost their will to fight.

"The commander has already died, why are we still fighting?" One of the archers asked. With his enhanced vision, he can see that some soldiers already had started fleeing the battlefield. They were running away in every direction.

"Should we also run?" Asked another Archer. The Mystic Spring Empire had 60,000 archers. The archers were divided into three groups. Each group had 20,000 archers. Group A already has been slaughtered by the Dragonians. When the Commander died, some Group B archers run away while some died in the hands of the Dragonians and some were still fighting the Dragonians.

The Group C archers knew that soon it would be their turn. Once the Dragonians finish everyone from Group B, they will become their next target.

"Is that even a question that needed to be asked?" Answered a third archer. The archers of Group C looked at the battlefield. All they saw was their soldiers brutally getting killed. Especially the sight of Adam and Eddie killing their soldiers made them tremble in fear.

The enemy was gradually pushing them. Gradually their soldiers were spreading out and were trying to surround them entirely. Once that happens, there is no escaping. Not to mention, a few minutes later, the hungry Dragonians will be charging at them from the left. At least now they can escape from the back.

"Let's run." The Captain of Group C who has been relentlessly shooting arrows and was trying to take down as many enemy soldiers as possible, suddenly found his group members running away.

"What the hell are you guys doing? If we abandon this battlefield, then this is equal to betraying our homeland. Do you guys want to live as traitors?" His loud words did not stop anyone. After the death of the commander, their morale had completely shattered. They had no will to fight anymore.

"Sir, I think we should retreat. Unfortunately by the looks of things we already have lost this battle. It would be better if we retreated and regrouped at Oakbank City." Hearing the words of the vice-captain, the Captain did not hesitate anymore. It was as if the words of the vice-captain gave him the perfect excuse and the final push he needed to flee.

As soon as the captain lowered his bow and started running away, all the reminding archers also followed him and started fleeing the battlefield. Even the Captain was running away, why they should stay here and wait for death? This was the thought of all the fleeing archers.

As the archers started fleeing, seeing them, other soldiers also followed. The fleeing of the group C archers had caused a chain reaction to occur. More and more archers, knights, and soldiers started fleeing from the back.

But how can Nathan let that happen? If all of these archers and soldiers reached Oakbank city which is the defensive fort located at the border of the Mystic Spring Empire, it would be troublesome when they attack Oakbank city.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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