Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 360 360

Chapter 360 360:- Causalities And Losses

"Father, how did everything go?" After Aditya returned, Adam told him what Victoria did there. Aditya didn't mind her actions.

"We lost around ten thousand men. And another 20,000 thousand injured. The rest of the troops are perfectly fine as the battle wasn't lengthy. Thanks to the Dragonian, this whole has become really easy for us."

"I came here, preparing for the worst but with you here, we won." Aditya briefly nodded his head before looking around the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, what are you planning on doing now? Should we march our troops forward and cross the borders of the Mystic Spring Empire?" Earlier Adam and Daxton had discussed this matter. Now he was asking Aditya's thoughts on this matter. After discussing, both of them came to the conclusion of letting Aditya choose what they are going to do.

"For now, Father I think you and the troops should camp here. I will head to other battlefields and make sure that we win. By tomorrow, we will begin marching towards the Mystic Spring Empire." Rather than waiting for the enemy to send its troops, it would be much wiser to send their troops to conquer the enemy Empires.

"Alright." Daxton and Adam saw no problem with the arrangement. Since Aditya was personally going with them, what could possibility go wrong?

Aditya stayed behind for some time. He then left everything to Adam and Nathan. He went to the second battlefield.



Scene change______

"Buddy, I don't know why but I have a bad feeling. Something is telling me that we are going to get into big trouble."

The archer's best friend rolled his eyes and replied in a sarcastic way. "The fact that we are getting chased by half a million hungry soldiers looking to hunt us down is just a small trouble not worth mentioning. How about we stop by the waterfall and cook some fish?"

"I am not joking brother."

"I am taking your brothers VERY seriously. What could be more life-threatening than our current situation? We are in a place where powerful Magic animals live. If we are lucky we could meet one of these powerful and furious magic animals and we could end up becoming their breakfast, lunch, or maybe dinner. Not to mention, the poisonous plants and the deadly traps that some magic animals make to catch its preys. Falling into one of these traps would be surely very exciting. On top of that, we are being chased by nearly half a million troops."

"Unless a Peak 5th-order cultivator personally comes for us, I don't think the situation could get any worse."josei

Ironically, just as he finished his words, Victoria flew in front of them. Seeing Victoria, the first archer looked at his best friend with a happy smile.

"You and your garbage mouth!"

Meanwhile, Victoria heard what they were talking about. "You guys have two choices. Surrender or Die."

Both soldiers were completely confused as they thought that Victoria was from their side. So why she was asking them this question?"

"But you are...Don't make me repeat myself, otherwise, I will kill you two." Hearing this both archers gulped nervously.

Of all the soldiers she has met, she had given them two choices. And every time, she gave them two choices, instead of replying they would ask why she was asking them this question. If these two wasted her time any longer, she would just kill them and move on.

"We surrender." Who would want to die? Both archers were orphans and were singles. At least by surrendering they would survive longer.

"Good choices. Now head back to the battlefield and surrender yourselves. Don't try to play any tricks as I can sense you. The moment you try to play any tricks, I am going kill you two." Both archers repeatedly nodded their heads.

They couldn't see that Victoria was lying. Obviously, she can't sense that far. She wasn't a sensory cultivator. Her senses were sharp as Aditya's.

The hunt went on for around 3 hours. In her hunt, she met many troops. Most became cowards facing her and chose to surrender. And the ones that didn't surrender were instantly killed by her.

Following Victoria, Ashton also was doing things differently. Any soldier that he saw was instantly killed. The enmity between the Mystic Spring Empire and the Echo Dominion Empire runs deep.

In the last two decades together with the Echo Nexus Empire, the Mystic Spring Empire had bullied the Echo Dominion Empire in many ways. Both Empires sent their soldiers to cause chaos in the Echo Dominion Empire.

Many of the soldiers from the Mystic Spring Empire caused trouble at their borders. They attacked the people who were traveling. They stole the goods of the merchants. They attacked nearby villages and captured the villagers and sold them as slaves. Some low-lives even r*p*d the captured village girls and sold them to prostitute businesses that were mostly run by Succubus or Incubus.

The soldiers of the Echo Dominion Empire had hatred for the Mystic Spring Empire. This is the first time Ashton was given the independence of doing whatever he wished. He was going to use this chance to kill every single one of them.

Previously whenever the Mystic Spring Empire's soldiers caused trouble nearby the borders, the Emperor couldn't send any 5th-order cultivator. He instead used to send Adam. Sending a 5th-order cultivator is not a small matter. Sending a 5th-order cultivator is indirectly considered a declaration of war.

If Daxton had sent a 5th-order cultivator, then the Mystic Spring Empire would have responded by sending their 5th-order cultivator. And from there the whole situation would have turned into a war. And in the past, Daxton did not start a War even though his Empire was bullied so much because he knew that starting a war with the Mystic Spring Empire would mean that the entire Oracle Alliance would attack him. And no matter how strong his Empire was, The empire won't be able to withstand attacks from this many powerhouses. Now with the Istarin Empire, things obviously had changed.

Besides, two 5th-order cultivators, there were also the Dragonians who were chasing the fleeing soldiers. In the end, around 90% of all the fleeing troops either had been captured or surrendered, or killed. Among the remaining 10%, some died at the hands of wild magic animals or had fallen into traps built by magic animals. The troops that did manage to make it back alive, were injured and won't be able to fight for the next 4 to 7 days. In the end, the Mystic Spring Empire lost 500,000 troops.

The result of their first confrontation ended in the Mystic Spring Empire's loss. The Empire lost one of its best and most powerful Peak 5th-order cultivators, they lost their powerful commander who had the potential to become 5th-order in the near future, 500,000 troops have either died or surrendered, and all the magic cannons that they left behind. All these were a major loss for the Empire.



Scene change_____

From a top of a tree, a man who was wearing a black outfit to blend into the darkness was holding a big eyeball in his hands. The eyeball in his hand was pointed in the direction of the enemy camp that was currently being built by the soldiers. Some other soldiers were cleaning the battlefield. Using this eyeball, the Mystic Spring Emperor and the prime Minister were able to see what happened on the battlefield.

Right now, after the battle ended, the enemy troops were building camps. Some soldiers were cooking fresh food. The injured ones were taking rest and not doing any work. And the ones who were not injured were cleaning the battlefield and disposing of the dead bodies. Some Earth mages used their elemental power to bury the dead soldiers while some Mages used simple fire magic spells to burn their bodies to ashes.

'How long I will have to remain standing on this tree?' He has been sent here to use this artifact so that the Emperor could see what was going on on the battlefield. After the battle ended, he thought that no one has managed to find his presence so he decided to keep monitoring the enemy for as long as he can.

But it was his biggest mistake thinking that no one has sensed his presence.

"If you don't want to die, then I suggest you leave this place." The man's entire body was petrified in fear as he saw Victoria standing in front of him.

"We only allowed you to stay here because we wanted the Emperor to see what was happening here. Now that the battle has ended, your task is over. Now get lost before I change my mind and decide to kill you." This man wasn't even a complete soldier. He was more of a messenger and an envoy. This is why Victoria did not kill him. Instead, she gave him a chance.

It's not like he gained any valuable information. If he had, she would have killed him.

"Alright." Victoria kept an eye on the man as he slowly retreated back towards the Mystic Spring Empire's border through the dark forest.

As soon as the envoy left, the fleeing soldiers that surrendered started reaching the camp one by one. As she had sent the envoy away, the Empire won't know how many of their soldiers were captured and would be used against them in the upcoming battles.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Two chapters! I hope I can continue doing this till the end of this month.

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