Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 372 372

Chapter 372 372:- It Was Over Before It Even Started


"Lady Amber, what's your command?" Asked Amber's right hand and the vice-captain of the 5th division, Ella.

"Just focus on defense." Amber, Alexander, Greenwood, and other powerful 3rd-order and second-order cultivators were focusing on creating 'Mana Defensive Barriers' to protect themselves and the soldiers from the Magic cannon attacks.

However, the Mana barriers that 4th-order and 3rd-order soldiers made were really weak and could hardly withstand the Magic cannon's attacks. The soldiers instead worked in groups. The soldiers divided themselves into small groups containing 50 to 100 soldiers. Multiple 3rd and 4th order soldiers came together to make a strong Mana barrier capable of taking the attack of the Magic cannons.

But this does not mean that everyone was safe. The enemy also adopted the same strategy. But the Mana barriers were not unbreakable shields. Each time the magic cannon attack hit a mana barrier, the barrier became weak causing cracks to appear. The troops must put more of their Mana to repair these cracks. The mana barrier would fall once the troops were out of the mana.



Both sides continued to fire Magic cannon attacks at each other for a while. As a result, a large amount of dust and pebbles rose in the air and blocked everyone's vision. But both sides kept firing at each other. As they knew the general direction of the enemy.

Amber could sense that many of the Istarin and the Echo Dominion Empire's soldiers were seriously injured. Some already had died. And Some were on the verge of death. If they acted quickly enough, they might be able to save their lives. But for that, they needed to stop them or destroy them with something stronger.

Amber saw no other choice but to use that Solar cannon that Aditya gave him. "Greenwood, I need you to cover me." Greenwood created another mana barrier in front of Mana without asking any questions.

As Amber took out the Solar Cannon, Alexander's eyes were completely drawn to it.

The Solar cannon did not have wheels. The barrel of the Solar cannon was twice big compared to normal cannons. Unlike normal cannons, this cannon had no gun power, ignition chamber, or Cannonball. Instead, a yellowish glowing stone was placed in the place of the gun power and the ignition chamber.

'What kind of Cannon is that?' The Magic Cannons that the Echo Dominion Empire used were really advanced. The Emperor had burned millions of gold coins and manpower to research and improve the power of the Magic cannons. Alexander always felt proud of their Magic cannons as despite not having any help from allies, they were able to develop magic cannons as strong as the Magic Cannons that the Oracle Alliance possessed.

In the past, The Echo Dominion had to be very worried about their border situation. Their enemies had surrounded and it was only a matter of time before they attack the Echo Dominion Empire and tried to consume it. As a result, a large portion of the Empire's revenue went into the military. In fact, the Echo Dominion Empire had the biggest military budget in the northwestern region with the Echo Nexus Empire being the second.

Amber put her hand on the Barrel and then pushed a little bit of her Mana on the barrel. A second later, a yellow ball of energy started forming at the Muzzle of the Cannon. At the same time, the whole barrel of the Cannon started glowing. With each passing second, the glow brighter. The yellow energy ball also started getting bigger and much brighter.

After 30 seconds of charging, she lifted her hand. A bright yellow ray of light temporarily blinded everyone's vision.

The Qeyesha Empire troops and commander only saw an intensely bright flash of light before an earthshattering explosion took place.


"I think the world is ending." The soldiers who were near the explosion were blown away. The shockwave of the explosion severely injured them. While some weak soldiers couldn't even survive.josei

The remaining other soldiers had to create mana barriers to protect themselves or take cover behind stones or magic cannons.

The Echo Dominion Empire and the Istarin Empire's soldiers were left totally stunned seeing this. Their eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. To think a Magic cannon attack is that powerful.

Suddenly the entire battlefield turned very silent. The Echo Dominion side stopped firing Magic cannons. Everyone was just too shocked.

Alexander looked like he was seeing the world ending. His pupils had contracted to the size of a needle watching the explosion take place. At that point, his heart pounded wildly. The shock that he received was just too much.

'If I was to be attacked by this cannon, then I don't think I can dodge it. It will leave me half dead. It would be a miracle if I managed to survive without any injuries.' As a Peak 5th-order Mage, Alexander admitted that his main powers were spells. Compared to warrior-path cultivators, it was far easier for Mages to reach Peak 5th-order. While his Magic power was very high, his body wasn't strong as the bodies of Peak 5th-order warrior-path cultivators.

As the smoke and dust settled, it revealed a gigantic crater. Around 1/10 of the enemy troops were completely gone. There were no signs and no traces of them. They simply vanished. Around the crater, there were many troops lying around and groaning in pain. Their bodies were full of injuries. But one by one, they started taking the healing pills that they have been given.

The 2-star healing pills started healing their bodies. But it would take them an hour or two to fully recover; depending on the degree of burns and injuries that the soldiers had taken.

Meanwhile, as the explosion had taken place, Amber, who was completely unfazed seeing this, began to prepare for a second strike.

Everything began to calm down, she coldly smiled and then lifted her hand from the Barrel. "Time for the second strike."

The enemy commander widened his eyes in fear as he saw another bright golden light. "Jacob, do something." The commander shouted. His eyes and his voice were full of fear. If this second attack hit them, this was over for them.

"On it." Jacob was one of the beginner 5th-order cultivators from the Qeyesha Empire. He flew in front of others and stood in the face of the second strike.

But he had greatly underestimated the speed of the attack. The golden ray of light pierced his armor and then made a hole in his stomach and then went on to destroy the soldiers standing behind him.


'This Magic cannon is almost like a cheat weapon. If our Empire had this type of weapon, then we can crash the Oracle Alliance without needing anyone's help.' Alexander stared at the Solar Cannon in envy. He was going to report this to Daxton. Since the Istarin Empire and the Echo Dominion Empire were allies. Maybe they can use this to ask the Istarin Empire to tell them how Solar Cannons can be made.

"Jacob!!!!" The Qeyesha Empire's commander saw the dead body of Jacob lying in the middle of a second giant crater. This time also, another 100,000 troops died from the attack. And also left a large number of troops severely injured and unable to fight.

Even before both parties directly clashed, the battle was already over. They already had two 200,000 troops. Another 200,000 was severely injured. One of their 5th-order cultivators was also dead. Things couldn't get worse than this.

"Everyone retreat. We cannot win this battle anymore." After giving an order for retreatment, the enemy Commander flew away and fled as fast as he can. Following the enemy Commander, the Mid-5th-order cultivator who had been sent by Lucas to help the Qeyesha empire win this battle also left.

The remaining 800,000 began to run. They began to run. No one bothered to take the Magic cannons. Each magic Cannon was a million royal gold coins worth yet nobody bothered to even look at them. Their lives mattered more than a magic cannon.

"Do not let the enemy troops retreat. Chase them."

"There is no need for that." Amber's voice stopped everyone from chasing after the enemy.

Under everyone's gaze, Amber fired a third strike. Compared to the previous two strikes, this attack was even more powerful and dangerous.


A huge cloud of smoke rose in the air. The cloud of smoke was so large that it could be seen in the Mystic Spring Empire. The People of the Echo Dominion Empire and the Qeyesha Empire were able to see it as well. In the west, the people who lived near the Echo Nexus Empire's border were able to see it as well.

That day, the shape of the Glouto Mountain range had slightly changed forever. Making this part of the Glouto Mountain range a more gentle slope.

"Dragonians, it's your turn to chase down the enemy." Thousand of Dragonians flew away and started hunting fleeing enemies.

The attack had killed an estimation of around 250,000 to 300,000 troops. This meant that nearly half of the total enemy troops were dead. The ones that did manage to survive were mostly probably seriously injured. With their flight ability, hunting those fleeing soldiers shouldn't be much of a problem.

Under everyone's eyes, Amber put the Solar Cannon back into the storage ring and walked back to the place where her tent was previously set. With all the Magic cannon firings, most of the tents had been destroyed.

Fortunately, she had another large tent in her storage ring.

Meanwhile, Alexander snapped out of his daze. He slightly felt embarrassed. He felt Amber was more suited for leading the troops. In this fight, she was very calm and she acted more like the commander than he did. Not to mention the Solar Cannon that he had displayed had taken the spotlight.

'I must report everything to His Majesty as soon as possible.' As Alexander was about to order the soldiers to clean up the surroundings, he suddenly found someone teleporting a few meters away from him.

Arriving at the third battlefield, Aditya was surprised to see everything was over already. He couldn't see any signs of battles being fought. But he can see signs of large destruction taking place. It was as if someone had bombarded this whole place. There were small, large, medium, and tiny, all sizes of craters.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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