Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 389 389

Chapter 389 389:- Fateful Encounter [II]

"Sir, I would like you to stay away from my fiance. You're our respected guest. Please stay that way." Spencer's eyes slowly became cold.

"Sontar, don't speak nonsense. I never agreed to become your fiance. Stop making things up. I am free to choose whoever I like." Spencer couldn't understand the meaning behind the latter part of her words. He failed to understand that the last part was meant for him.

Hearing that Aria wasn't Sontar's fiance, the discomfort that he felt disappeared. Spencer felt happy and light-hearted.

"You dare to talk back to me. According to the customs of this tribe, as the son of the tribe leader, I am free to choose any woman from this tribe to marry. And I have made up my mind to choose you. And you should know very well that you can't disobey the tribe's rules." Hearing this Aria looked extremely sad. She forcefully bit her lips to stop her tears.

"Now come with me. Father is looking for you." Without giving her any chance, he grabbed Aria's hand and took her away.

Spencer felt complicated as he watched Aria leave. His heart was a mess. He wanted to punch Sontar but he also realized that this wasn't the place. He wasn't sure of his emotions. He was very dense in such matters.



𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚________

"Release my hand." Aria was angry and also sad. She did not like Sontar at all. Everyone within the tribe knew that this arrogant man was nothing without the backing of his father. The Tribe leader was too soft.

Although Sam was very kind and caring towards everyone when it came to his only son, that kindness blinded him from seeing the arrogant attitude that his son had developed over the years. All the tribe members were troubled by Sontar's arrogant attitude.

Once Aria and Sontar were far away, Sontar finally released her hand. "Aira, I won't repeat my words again. You're the most beautiful woman on this island. I like you as a woman and I desire you as a mate and a partner. As a son of the Tribe leader, I have every right to choose my future partner. You can't refuse me. Refusing me would be same as breaking the tribes rules. And you know very well what happens to the people that break the tribe's rules."

Aria lowered her head and gritted her teeth in anger. "The only way you can get out of this mess would be if someone from outside the tribe proposes your hand in marriage and my father agrees to that. The possibility of that happening is next to zero. As I have already convinced my father that you're my future wife."

"Within a month, we will get married. Till then, be a good girl and stay away from that bastard." Saying that Sontar left. Aria couldn't handle it anymore. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

In this tribe, women are heavily oppressed. She wasn't even allowed to pick her own future partner. The man of this tribe is given more respect and more opportunities. The women are not even given the chance to become hunters. Without the permission of the Tribe leader, the women of this village can't even leave this village. This tribe was truly a cage for her.

From the top of a wooden house, Spencer watched the interaction between Sontar and Ara. Seeing her cry, Spencer didn't feel good about it. He felt deeply bothered seeing her shed tears. He wanted to go there and comfort her but he didn't.

'Time to go back to work.' Spencer then vanished from the top of the wooden house.



𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚________

A few hours later,

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Aditya asked.

"I enjoyed myself. It's relaxing here. If only there was a hot spring in this place. Then everything would have been perfect."

"Hot spring....? Well, this island does have an inactive volcano but I don't think we can find Hot spring water anywhere. That leaves the option of making artificial Hot springs."

"I have never heard of anyone making an artificial hot spring before."

"It's possible. My bloodline gives me the power to control the temperature of my body. If I managed to invent a new rune magic that runs on Mana stones to heat the water, then creating a Hot spring is possible." The more Aditya spoke, the more ideas he had for making in his mind.

"Sometimes, I keep on forgetting that you're one of the best runemasters in this world."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Aren't you super busy all the time? How would you have time to make something insignificant as this?" Alicia asked in a mocking tone.

Hearing this Aditya helplessly smiled. He also realized that because of his work, he has been neglecting Alicia and Riya. This was true for especially Alicia. As she also had work to do. Being the richest merchant on the planet meant that she had a ton of work on her plate as well. Julia at least gets some time with him when they are sleeping together and during their night exercise time. This is why, ever since he returned, he has been trying his best to balance everything. He wants to spend more time with Julia and Riya. Both girls have sacrificed so much for him. This is his biggest duty. Before being an Emperor, his family and his women come first.

"For you, my dear, I always have time." Hearing this the goddess of wealth smiled in happiness.

"Let's make a big Mansion on this island. Our Mansion will be located on the other side of the Island; far from this village. So that not only you and me but also others can come here and enjoy themselves."

"That's a good idea."

While talking both of them returned to the Blackburn village.

By now the Echo Dominion Emperor has arrived along with Adam and his Prime Minister.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty. Here I was thinking that I had arrived first on this island." Daxton arrived an hour before the meeting because he was planning on talking with the tribe leader. Since he was here, might as well resolve the ongoing problem that this tribe along with the other 5 Ice Elven tribes are facing.

But unexpectedly, Aditya already had arrived here 2 hours ago.

"Good Afternoon. I have nothing else to do, so I thought why not spend this time touring this island with my beautiful Fiance?"

Hearing this Spencer's right eye twitched.


'These days, all of His Majesty's work has fallen on my shoulders.' Sometimes, Spencer is so busy that he barely gets enough time to have his food or even go back to his bedroom to sleep.

Daxton raised an eyebrow and looked at the black-haired girl with very attractive emerald eyes. She wore a veil that covered her face. Daxton then looked at Adam to see if he knew about her. And from his calm and knowing face, it was clear that Adam knew about this girl. Both must have met before.

"Good Afternoon, Father. I hope you're in good health." Alicia politely walked up to Adam and then greeted him like a good daughter.

"Alicia. It seems you're finally taking a break. It's good. You should keep taking a break once in a while. Otherwise, you will mentally tire yourself out." Adam genuinely sounded very concerned about Alicia.

Watching them interact, Daxton and his Prime Minister felt as if Adam had met his real daughter. This made Daxton confirm his guess about Adam meeting Alicia before. 'He must have met her when visiting the Istarin Empire.' Daxton thought in his mind.

"Don't worry, father. From now on, I am planning on doing that."

"That's good to hear. How are Julia and others doing?" It has been only 3 or 4 days since Adam returned to his territory. And so much had happened in these 3/4 days. The Dragon Slayer guild was destroyed. A huge war was fought and also won by the Istarin Empire.

"Julia is doing fine. She is busy researching a cure. Others are doing well. Father, you should visit us with Mother. After all Last time, you couldn't enjoy your stay at the Istarin Empire." Last time both father and son duo was trapped inside a Frozen World where they had to go through many different trials and fight a terrifying monster.

"My daughter, I can't come right now. Once this meeting ends, I have a feeling that for the next 2/3 months, I will be super busy. Maybe after that, I can find some time to come. You know, you all can come and stay in my Castle. The doors of my Castle are always open for you."

Hearing this Alicia smiled. Adam has been really nice to her and Riya. Alicia also respected Adam almost like a real father.josei

"That also goes the same for you Aditya."

"When I have time I will come to visit you."

"Brat, even if you're the Emperor of the Strongest Empire of this continent, if I hear that you have treated either of my daughters unfairly, I am coming for your head." Hearing this Aditya smiled. He was very happy that Julia's parents accepted Riya, Alicia, and Lara. Now they treated them like their own daughters.

"My daughter, if this man bullies you, then don't hesitate to tell me. Alright?" Sending a mischievous look to Aditya, Alicia confidently nodded her head.

"I don't mean to interfere but....." It was then Adam, Alicia, and Aditya remembered about Daxton and his Prime Minister.

"Sorry, I forgot." Adam scratched his head while laughing.

"....." Daxton's right eye twitched in response.

"Forgive me for the late introduction. This is my second fiance. Her name is Alicia." Aditya did not mention anything about Alicia's background. It was agreed that the identities of the goddess will be kept secret from the public. Aditya isn't sure how Daxton would feel if he knows that the Goddess of Wealth and the Goddess of Nature is his second and third future wives.

Daxton also noticed this. Since Aditya was keeping Alicia's family name and background a secret, he didn't ask for it. He respected Aditya's secret. After all, he wasn't obligated to tell him his every secret. Every man had their own secret.

"Hello!" Alicia politely bowed to Daxton. Daxton nodded his head in response.

"His Majesty Adian Scott and his Entourage have arrived."

Everyone's attention fell on the King of the Hephaestus Kingdom's King. With a sword on his waist, he confidently walked toward his allies.

"Good Afternoon, Gentlemen. I didn't expect both of you to come so early. And here I thought I had arrived Early." Fearing that he would be late for the meeting, Adian and Entourage came an hour early. It seems it was totally worth it as both his other allies were already here.

Soon the two Emperors and one King found themselves talking among themselves. Aditya introduced Julia to Adian Scott. After the introduction, the three of them found a place to sit and have a serious conversation about the upcoming meeting. The prime ministers also went along.



Scene change________

"In an hour, the meeting will start. In this meeting, we have the advantage. I have prepared a list of things that I want to demand from the Oracle Alliance and its members. Since both of you have helped me, of course, I am going to share some parts of the compensation with you two." Hearing this both Daxton and Adian felt a little bit greedy and also happy.

"Aditya, I want to add one thing."

"What you would like to add?" Aditya curiously asked.

Since the opponent has surrendered, the Oracle Alliance will be forced to pay compensation to Aditya and his allies. The compensation may be in the form of land, money, slaves, cultivation techniques, skill books, artifacts, or any valuable thing that the Oracle Alliance has under their control.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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