Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 393 393

Chapter 393 393:- Crimson Warlock Vs Dark Mage Sorcerer [I]

"I have lived for more than 7 centuries. It had taken me 7 centuries to build the current Echo Nexus Empire. You might be more powerful than me, but I am more knowledgeable than you." Aditya secretly rolled his eyes. He wanted a straight answer. And he was talking about his life. Aditya wasn't the slightest bit interested in knowing about his life.

"In my long life, I was fortunate enough to find the corpses of some beings that do not originate from this realm. It took a long time but I finally succeeded. Through numbers trails and errors, I have become a Hybrid Hell Monster."

"Hybrid Hell Monster? What's that supposed to be?" Hearing this Lucas was left speechless. Then he remembered that Aditya was only 19 years old. It was normal for him to not know about such a thing.

"There are other realms connected to this living Realm. The Hell is one of them. The Hell monsters are found in Hell Realm."

"So you somehow managed to change yourself into a Hybrid Hell Monster? But Why?"

"Why? Do you even realize the power of a Hell Monster? Even 10 Hell Monsters can take over this entire world as long as they are given a little time to grow. Not even your Mighty Dragons can understand in front of Hell Monsters." Aditya felt Lucas was purposely keeping the main point from him and that is the power of the Hell Monster.

Looking at the withered dead bodies around Lucas, Aditya had some ideas about what a Hell Monster's power may be.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to surrender?" Aditya had to keep asking questions. He can still sense a few other people on this island. Meaning that the evacuation process wasn't over yet.

"I wasn't planning on facing you here. The plan was to face you at the frontline. But unexpectedly you managed to kill the Empire's strongest cultivator. I had to change my plans."

"Are you still mad about what I did to your son?"

"If so, then you can take your son back. After all, I don't have any use for him. I have to waste my resources to feed him and keep him alive." Aditya's words had managed to anger Lucas. There was still some love for his son.

"Since you have taken my son, I am going to take the life of your wife in front of your own eyes." On hearing these words, he had to force himself to calm down.

"I already know that you're trying to buy time for those people to escape." Hearing this Aditya was surprised. He stopped walking around Lucas.

A black Greatsword appeared in thin air. While keeping his eyes on Aditya, he held the Greatsword. "No matter how far they far run, I am going to kill all of them including your dear Wife."josei

"As long as I am alive, I won't let that happen." Aditya already had bought out the Adamantite Doomblade.



Both Men's weapons clashed in mid-air producing sparks of flame as a result. As their weapons clashed, both of them gained a little bit of insight into each other's strengths and powers.

As he took a step back suddenly the ground beneath him cracked. From the cracks, many black chains materialized and wrapped around Aditya's legs; pulling him down to the ground.

He couldn't react in time to dodge the black chains that rose from the ground. As he was being pulled downwards, Aditya saw a grin on Lucas's face.


But that grin soon disappeared as numerous bolts of lightning bolts struck Lucas.


Meanwhile, Just as Aditya's foot touched the ground, from the cracks, red Magma started coming out. The Magma easily destroyed the black chains and freed his legs.

However, the very next second, the earth slightly trembled. Giants cracks spread everywhere. Piercing the thick blanket of snow, thousands of black chains rose from the ground. The size of the black chains was stronger than before.

All chains had surrounded Aditya. The Black Chains were made from Dark Element. This meant that these chains were much stronger than normal chains. Like snakes, the Chains launched themselves at Aditya.

"Annoying Chains...." Aditya muttered as he tapped the ground beneath him with his right foot. The flow of Magma coming from the cracks suddenly multiplied. Using his ability to Manipulate Magma, Aditya created a wave of Magma. The Magma easily destroyed the black chains.


Just as Aditya destroyed all of the black chains, Lucas appeared on his back. Aditya could feel the Black greatsword heading toward his neck.


Two Lava hands rose from the Magma under Aditya's foot and stopped the Greatsword. This left Lucas slightly surprised. The Next second, he looked down and saw that Magma was slowly covering his feet and trying to devour him.

To Aditya's surprise, Lucas did nothing. The Monster creepily smiled at Aditya while letting its body sink in Magma.

'Something is wrong.' Aditya became wary of what Lucas was doing to do. This wasn't the first time he had been deceived by his opponents. Instead of using his eyes, he decided to rely purely on his enhanced senses.

And sure enough, just when he closed his eyes, there was no Lucas in front of him. Instead, Aditya found himself surrounded by more than ten thousand Black Chains. Lucas had managed to hide himself and the black chains using Dark Illusion.

'But the question is Where is Lucas?' No matter how much Aditya tried, he couldn't sense Lucas anywhere. It was highly unlikely that he would just flee when they had equal if not more strength and power than his opponent.

'This must be another trick or skill of his.' Aditya thought as he spread his wings and flew up in the air.

As he started flying, all of the black chains reacted. 10,000 black chains launched at him. Ten Thousand black chains wrapped around Aditya's body.


He easily destroyed all of the annoying chains using Crimson Flame and then kept looking for Lucas.

'I am getting tired of this sneaky fight.' Before Aditya's battles used to be more direct and destructive in nature. But now he found himself facing an opponent who can move like an expert Assassin. Someone who can hide his presence very well and attack without appearing in front of Aditya. He was clearly an expert at using dark Magic. His opponent was also a master at using Dark Illusions. This was very troublesome for Aditya.

Lucas did not cast an Illusion on Aditya. Rather he perfectly used Illusion to distort reality and used that perfectly with his other attacks making these attacks very deadly. If he wasn't cautious, he might get stabbed in the back.

"Aditya, can you guess where I am?" Aditya tried to trace the voice and find Lucas's location. But he miserably failed to do so. He couldn't exactly tell from where the voice was coming.

"You can't find me, Dragon Monarch. Unless I want you to find me."

『Undead Summoning!』

A small shadow materialized on the ground. In that Split second, Aditya was able to sense Lucas's presence but that presence quickly faded away as the shadow disappeared.

A large black magic circle appeared. Thousand of powerful undeads began to rise from the magic circle. As the undeads started appearing, they also bought a black miasma along with them. The black miasma started to spread around.

'These Undeads are very strong.' Each of these undeads had a very strong Dark Aura.

'If I had Holy Magic, then everything would have been 10 times easier. By now Lucas would have been dead.' It was well known that, Light counters Shadow. Holy Magic was the strongest weapon against Dark Magic. It was simply impossible for both holy magic and dark magic to exist together.

'In that case, let me show my elemental powers.' Aditya invested [1000+] of his mana into his Innate skill.

『Magma Manipulation!』


The Snow rapidly began to melt while Magma gushed out of the earth and took over the land.


Everything was covered in Black Miasma. The Sunlight was completely cut off. Making the whole Island feel as if it was a hunted place.

'Where are you?' If the situation continued like this, Aditya either would have to last long enough to force Lucas to come out of his hiding. And Aditya had no idea how long that would take. Who knows maybe Lucas can keep hiding for days or even months without needing to come out? Till he comes out of hiding, Aditya would need to deal with sneaky attacks, black chains, and undeads.

With a wave of his hand, A wave of Magma devoured all of the undeads.

Aditya stopped flying around. He landed on the ground and waited for Lucas. And sure enough, as his feet touched the magma on which he had landed, another giant magic circle appeared beneath him.


This time, the magic circle summoned 100 giant black wolves. The wolves had red eyes and the wolves were 2 times bigger compared to normal Magic wolves.

Before the Wolves could even come within his 10 meters radius, the Magma started to devour them.

"Pathetic!" Just as Aditya uttered this word, he suddenly felt a presence on his back. When he turned around, Lucas's Aura disappeared. But Aditya didn't fail to see the small dark shadow that joined his own shadow.

'So just like Nathan, he can use Shadow to travel and also hide himself in Shadow.' Nathan still can't do that latter one. This just goes to show just how proficient Lucas was at using Dark Magic. And Aditya had a feeling that this proficiency came naturally because he had turned himself into a Hybrid Hell Monster.

This time Aditya completely closed his eyes. He knew his real target was hiding in his shadow. Aditya ignored all other distractions and focused completely on Lucas. As for the other distractions that came in the form of Black chains, undeads, and wolves all of them were devoured by Magma.

10 seconds passed in silence and Aditya hadn't moved an inch. He continued to wait for Lucas with his eyes closed.

Another 10 seconds passed. The number of distractions that Lucas threw at him became much more frequent.

Another 10 seconds passed. Aditya faintly felt Lucas's Aura in his shadow. The number of distractions that were thrown at him had almost tripled. Aditya could tell that with each passing second, this guy was becoming desperate. It was as if he wanted to distract Aditya so that he can come out of hiding. At the same time, Aditya moved the tips of his fingers and created a compressed Crimson Flame bullet which took no less than two seconds.

On the 32nd second, Aditya finally felt Lucas's presence. Just as he felt Lucas's presence, he shot a small bullet size Compressed Crimson Flame.


The Compressed Crimson Flame bullet managed to hit Lucas. With the hit, Lucas's entire body appeared before Aditya.

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has been activated.』

With the activation of «Crimson Corruption» a red sparkling aura appeared around Lucas. Lucas grunted in pain.

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has inflicted Bleeding effect on the target. For the next five seconds, the target will lose 3% of Health. This curse effect can stack up to 3.』

In the next two seconds, Aditya created 10 more of the Compressed Crimson Flame bullets and shot them at Lucas who was lying in front of Aditya.


A small groan escaped Lucas's mouth. He was in pain.

𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙜! 𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙜! 𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙜

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has been activated.』

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has inflicted Bleeding effect on the target. For the next five seconds, the target will lose 3% of Health.』

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has been activated.』

『Ding! «Crimson Corruption» has inflicted Bleeding effect on the target. For the next five seconds, the target will lose 3% of Health.』


Lucas didn't know what was going on but he could feel his health was rapidly dropping.


"I have been waiting for this." Aditya grabbed Lucas's hair and pulled him up. Aditya was about to punch Lucas when he suddenly found his entire body frozen. His hands and legs were frozen. Other than his eyes, he couldn't move any parts of his body. And to his horror, he couldn't use his Mana or any of his skills.

Lucas freed himself from Aditya's grasp and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I have won."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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