Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 400 400

Chapter 400 400:- "Clash Of Spirits: Blades And Blood"

The soft hues of dawn painted the sky as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon. It was an exceptionally early morning in the Dragon Palace, where most residents would still be nestled in the embrace of slumber. However, today was no ordinary dayโ€”it held immense significance for everyone within the palace. Amidst the stirring of activity, one man remained peacefully asleep, blissfully unaware of the bustling preparations taking place around him. That man was none other than the revered Dragon Monarch himself.

The previous night had been a busy one for Aditya. Engrossed in his duties, he had toiled until the late hours, diligently tending to the affairs of his empire. When he finally retired to his private chambers, he was greeted by his beloved wife, Julia. The couple shared moments of joy and intimacy, cherishing the rare opportunity to connect amidst the demands of their roles. As the clock struck 1 o'clock, they finally succumbed to the call of sleep. While for most ordinary humans this might have posed a challenge, for cultivators like Aditya, sleep was a mere luxury. Their heightened spiritual essence and profound cultivation allowed them to endure long periods without rest, should the need arise. Nevertheless, Aditya recognized the importance of sleep even for cultivators, understanding that it replenished both the body and soul.

The first rays of morning sunlight gently filtered into the opulent bedroom, illuminating the lavish surroundings of the Istarin Emperor's private sanctuary. The room exuded an air of regality, adorned with exquisite tapestries and intricately carved furniture, showcasing the grandeur befitting a monarch.

As the gentle warmth of the sun caressed his face, Aditya gradually stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open.


"What time is it?" Confusion momentarily clouded his gaze as he surveyed the room, expecting to find the familiar countenance of his wife, Julia, by his side. Yet, the absence of her presence evoked a subtle longing within him, prompting him to wonder where she might be.

"Where is she?"

Rubbing the remnants of sleep from his eyes, Aditya's gaze settled on the spacious chamber. The room exuded an aura of serenity, its richly adorned walls bathed in soft hues of gold and cream. The intricately woven carpets, adorned with vibrant patterns, caressed his bare feet as he rose from the comfort of his bed.


"Oh.....right! She must be getting ready." A soft sigh escaped his lips as he realized the reason for Julia's absence. Today held immense significance for the Istarin Empire, as it marked the first time Aditya, as Emperor, would host a grand royal banquet. Despite his years of rule, he had never before felt compelled to gather his nobles and dignitaries in such a formal and celebratory manner.

Aditya's naked form, partially concealed by a delicate silk blanket draped over his lower body, stood as a testament to the intimacy shared with Julia the previous night. The discarded garments from the day before lay strewn on the floor, a subtle reminder of their shared moments of passion and connection.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Aditya stepped forward, his bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. He glanced around the room, appreciating the intricate details and fine craftsmanship that adorned every corner. The towering canopy bed, draped with flowing silk curtains, stood as a symbol of his status and authority. The ornate wardrobe, gleaming with polished wood and intricate carvings, held a myriad of luxurious garments befitting his regal stature.

As Aditya surveyed the room, his mind shifted back to the present moment, his thoughts consumed by the impending royal banquet. 'I better get up.'



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Located at the center of the bustling Istarin Capital, the Old Palace of the Emperor was a magnificent symbol of the grand history and greatness of the Istarin Empire. Once the home of mighty rulers and the center of power, this majestic palace had witnessed the glorious rise and fall of numerous dynasties, carrying the weight of the nation's heritage within its walls.

In recent years, however, things had changed. The Dragon Palace, built on the outskirts of Azure City, had become the new residence of the royal family, drawing their attention and leaving the Old Palace somewhat forgotten. Nowadays, it was mostly used for special events and important gatherings, its once vibrant halls filled with echoes of the past.

Yesterday was one such special occasion. After a momentous ceremony, the Istarin Emperor and his four beloved fiancรฉes had made their way to the Old Palace. It was a rare opportunity for them to step foot in these regal halls, even if only for a brief period. As they walked through the palace, a nostalgic atmosphere permeated the air, reminding them of the glory days gone by.

Despite its diminished importance, the Old Palace was not entirely abandoned. Around a hundred dedicated maids remained, faithfully carrying out their duties to maintain the palace's former splendor. Their commitment was evident as they tirelessly cleaned, organized, and cared for the palace. Dusting delicate tapestries and polishing gilded fixtures, they poured their hearts into preserving the beauty of this aging structure.

For these maids, their daily routines revolved around the Old Palace, and they took great pride in their work. They understood the significance of their roles in safeguarding tradition and upholding the noble spirit of the Istarin Empire. With unwavering loyalty, they ensured that the palace remained a shining example of the empire's heritage.

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow upon the weathered walls of the Old Palace, the maids continued their tasks with unwavering dedication. They knew that, amidst a changing world, it was their responsibility to honor the legacy of their ancestors. They understood that the preservation of tradition and the enduring spirit of the Istarin Empire rested in their capable hands.

And so, the Old Palace stood tall, a silent witness to the passage of time, its magnificence entwined with the history of the nation. With each task diligently performed by the maids, the palace remained a source of pride and a testament to the everlasting spirit of the Istarin Empire.

Next to the Old Palace, the vast Training Grounds of the Istarin Empire showcased the kingdom's dedication to strength and discipline. This impressive area sprawled before the palace, capturing attention with its majestic presence. At the heart of the Training Grounds stood the Barracks, a grand structure shaped like a sweeping arc that encircled the Old Palace, symbolizing unity and protection.

Close to the Barracks, other important buildings thrived, forming a lively center of activity. The Town Hall served as a place for governing and making decisions. The Market Hall buzzed with energy, as merchants and customers gathered to engage in lively trade, offering a wide range of goods. And the Royal Theater provided a splendid venue for captivating artistic performances, inviting the community to enjoy entertainment and enrich their cultural experiences.

Linked to the Old Palace was the renowned Library, a sanctuary of knowledge and wisdom. Aditya, the Emperor of Istarin, cherished the Library dearly, driven by his passion for ancient texts and his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. During the palace's renovation, special care was given to the Library, resulting in its relocation near the Barracks, granting it greater prominence and accessibility.

For Aditya, the Library held immense significance. It offered him a place of solace, where he could delve into the depths of history, unravel hidden secrets, and seek wisdom to guide him in the present. His cherished collection of old books, carefully amassed over time, contained a wealth of insights and captivating stories, waiting to be discovered. Often, he would find respite within the Library's walls, immersing himself in the vast world of knowledge it contained.

The Library itself was an architectural marvel, embodying the Empire's dedication to intellectual pursuits. It was divided into five distinct sections, each catering to different areas of study and presenting a diverse selection of skill books. Within its halls, scholars, scribes, and intellectuals gathered to engage in research, study ancient texts, and expand their horizons. Soldiers and Dragonians who had proven their dedication and earned sufficient contribution points were granted the privilege of selecting one or two skill books to further develop their expertise and enhance their abilities.

In the Library's serene atmosphere, a vibrant pursuit of knowledge flourished. Curiosity filled the air, as individuals explored new ideas, broadened their minds, and reveled in the excitement of discovery. It stood as a sanctuary where wisdom intersected with imagination, nurturing the spirit of learning.

The Town Hall was the busy center of the kingdom's administration, where government officials worked and important decisions were made. Recently, the Town Hall had undergone expansions to serve new purposes and offer more services to the people.

One exciting addition was the Auditorium of Spells, a special place dedicated to the study and practice of magic. Located inside the Town Hall, this unique space had a large hall where expert wizards and sorcerers could share their knowledge and skills through interesting lectures and impressive demonstrations of advanced magical techniques. The Auditorium of Spells was a lively hub of magical learning, where both practitioners and those interested in magic could come together to exchange their knowledge and experiences.

The Town Hall also played an essential role in the kingdom's communication system. It had a dedicated section called the Magical Communication Network, which enabled instant communication between different towns and cities throughout the kingdom. Using a special method similar to teleportation, the network allowed letters and documents to be quickly sent from one place to another. This magical network made communication fast and efficient, bringing people closer together.

The Magical Communication Network at the Town Hall had two parts, serving different purposes. The public section was accessible to anyone and allowed them to use the network to send letters to cities in the Southern and Eastern regions within just an hour. All it took was a small fee of a few silver coins. Once the letter reached the network, it would be promptly delivered to the intended recipient's address, provided an additional fee was paid. If the sender didn't pay the fee, the letter would be kept at the Magical Communication Network for 14 days. If no one claimed the letter during that time, it would be respectfully disposed of by burning.

The private section of the Magical Communication Network was reserved for the Emperor and his closest advisors. It ensured that important documents, confidential letters, and vital information were swiftly and securely delivered directly to the Emperor. Special care was taken to protect the privacy and integrity of these communications, safeguarding the kingdom's most sensitive matters.

Inside the Town Hall, there was also a unique room known as the Magical Courtroom. It was specifically designed to handle legal cases involving magical disputes, enchanted crimes, and conflicts among magical beings. The courtroom's special features and enchantments made sure that these cases were judged fairly and impartially. In this magical courtroom, the complexities of magic and the rule of law came together to ensure justice and harmony within the magical community.

The Town Hall, with its many functions and its commitment to efficient governance, showcased the kingdom's progressive vision and dedication to serving its citizens. From the fascinating lectures in the Auditorium of Spells to the fast and reliable communication of the Magical Communication Network, and the fair resolution of magical disputes in the Magical Courtroom, the Town Hall represented progress and innovation in the Istarin Empire.

In the early morning light, The Emperor, Aditya could be seen engaged in a physical exercise known as push-ups at the training grounds. It was still early, so only a few soldiers had gathered there at that time. Aditya had chosen to use the training grounds belonging to Division 5, which was under the command of General Amber. However, Amber and most of her division had been sent away to fight in a war. At the moment, Amber was leading her troops to quell a rebellion in a newly acquired territory that belonged to Aditya.





Aditya, dressed in special runic enchanted clothes, was diligently performing push-ups at the training grounds. These clothes were incredibly heavy, much heavier than what an average person could bear. In fact, wearing such heavy clothes would be fatal for most people. Aditya's training attire consisted of white garments adorned with black rune writings, adding to their mystical aura.

During his leisure time, Aditya had taken it upon himself to create these unique runic clothes, customizing them specifically for his training sessions. He had learned from his encounters with Arturo, the formidable general of the Echo Nexus Empire, that training could enhance one's abilities and improve their physical attributes. Aditya discovered that as he progressed in his training, his body's capacity and limits expanded, allowing him to become even stronger.

Motivated by this newfound understanding, Aditya dedicated a minimum of two hours to his training regimen every day. He recognized that the morning hours, before breakfast, offered him a precious window of free time to focus on his physical development. And so, on this particular day, he seized the opportunity to engage in his training routine, using the morning's tranquility to his advantage.

Aditya sensed a presence approaching the training ground, causing him to pause his exercises and wait in anticipation. As he waited, he noticed a young man making his way toward him.

Eliseo Brooker came from a humble background, hailing from a poor family with many members to support. Joining the military was his way of seeking a stable income to provide for his joint family, which consisted of thirteen individuals. While Eliseo pursued a military career, his brothers and cousins pursued various other professions.

Eliseo was the first of his family to venture to the capital and enlist in the army. Fortunately, he was assigned to Division 5, led by Lady Amber. This division predominantly comprised members from different wolf tribes, including the Moonshadow Pack, Frostbite Clan, Stormfang Tribe, Emberheart Pack, Silvermoon Clan, Bloodmoon Tribe, and more.

Eliseo considered himself fortunate to be part of Division 5, where there was no discrimination or prejudice. Lady Amber ensured equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their race or tribe. A few days ago, Lady Amber had taken most of the division's members to the battlefield, leaving behind those who were newly recruited and still needed time to prepare for combat, including Eliseo.

Eliseo's selection into the division was due to his unique fighting style, which revolved around agility and the use of a light, sharp sword. He relied on his quick pace and the Swiftblade he wielded to swiftly dispatch his foes. Even from a young age, Eliseo had always possessed exceptional speed compared to others. He displayed unwavering dedication and diligence, often starting his training early in the morning.

On this particular morning, just like every other day, Eliseo rose early to engage in his routine training. However, upon reaching the training ground exclusively designated for members of the 5th division, he was surprised to find a stranger waiting for him.

Not recognizing Aditya, Eliseo questioned him with a sense of caution, "Who are you?" Having never met Aditya or seen the Emperor before, Eliseo was unaware of his true identity. To him, Aditya was just a stranger who had intruded upon their sacred training ground.

The training ground held great significance for the soldiers, and outsiders or members from other divisions were strictly forbidden from entering. Eliseo shared this sentiment and felt uneasy about the presence of a stranger in their training area.

Before Aditya could respond, Eliseo expressed his concern, "You should know that outsiders are not allowed here. Are you a new recruit from another division?" The barracks itself was off-limits to the general public. No matter how powerful or influential someone might be, if they were not part of the military, they were prohibited from entering the barracks.

Observing that the soldier failed to recognize him, Aditya smiled and decided to conceal his true identity. "I have Lady Amber's permission to use this training ground for practice." Initially skeptical, Eliseo pondered the statement. He considered the fact that no one would dare to use Lady Amber's name to fabricate an excuse. If such false claims were to reach the captain's ears, the consequences would be severe.

However, Eliseo failed to understand that even Lady Amber herself would not challenge the Emperor's authority. Reflecting on this, he nodded his head and said, "Okay." Since this stranger had Lady Amber's permission, then he cannot do anything. Driving out this stranger from here would mean defying lady Amber's words. The consequences of such actions would be severe.

As Eliseo prepared to leave and find his own spot to begin training, Aditya called out to him. "Hey, buddy, would you mind if we had a friendly sparring session?" Aditya's interest was piqued upon seeing the Swiftblade in Eliseo's hands. He desired to engage in a spar with Eliseo, as he believed that through his ability of instant learning and adaptation, he could glean valuable insights from their encounter.

The Swiftblade, Eliseo's chosen weapon, was truly impressive. It was designed to match his quick fighting style, with a blade made of strong steel that shone in the sunlight.

The blade of the Swiftblade was long and slender, curving slightly like a crescent moon. It was about three feet in length, which allowed Eliseo to move swiftly while still reaching his opponents effectively. The blade was polished to a smooth surface, reflecting light and giving it a shiny appearance.

The handle of the Swiftblade was carefully crafted for both comfort and grip. It was made of polished wood and woven leather, providing a secure hold for Eliseo's hand. The handle had smooth curves that felt natural when he held it, making it easier for him to move quickly and accurately in battle. It was also decorated with beautiful engravings, intricate patterns that caught the eye.

At the bottom of the handle, there was a metal pommel that added balance to the Swiftblade. It was not only functional but also had a special symbol on it. This symbol represented the unity and strength of the 5th division, which Eliseo was a part of. It showed a wolf's head, symbolizing the unity and fierce spirit of the wolf tribes within the division. Overall, the Swiftblade was a weapon that combined agility and beauty. Its sleek and well-crafted design made it deadly in combat.

Eliseo's surprise was evident as he processed Aditya's proposal. "You want to spar with me?" The unexpected invitation caught him off guard.

Aditya maintained his friendly demeanor and responded, "Yes, if you don't mind." His genuine interest in testing his skills against Eliseo was clear.

"Alright," Eliseo agreed, intrigued by the opportunity. He had been searching for a suitable sparring partner to gauge his progress in swordsmanship. Facing Aditya would provide valuable insights into his own improvement.

Taking their positions, Eliseo stood opposite Aditya, ready to engage in the spar. "I am prepared. You can come at me whenever you're ready."

As Eliseo observed Aditya, he felt an inexplicable sensation. It was as if he stood before a man who possessed a century's worth of battle experience. The confidence exuding from Aditya surpassed even that of Lady Amber, a seasoned warrior herself. Despite Aditya's gentle and kind appearance, his aura emitted a sharpness that sent shivers down Eliseo's spine. Standing in the presence of this enigmatic man filled Eliseo with a heightened sense of tension.

'Amazing! I don't know who this man is but his identity is definitely not simple.' Eliseo strangely felt excited to fight someone like him.




Eliseo, a skilled warrior at the peak of his training, attacked Aditya with speed and determination. He unleashed a series of carefully practiced sword techniques, aiming to overpower his opponent. But to his surprise, Aditya effortlessly defended against each strike. Aditya seemed to have an extraordinary ability to predict Eliseo's moves and effortlessly block his attacks.

Eliseo's sword swung through the air, performing quick slashes and clever feints, yet Aditya's defenses remained impenetrable. Aditya's swordsmanship was a true display of agility, accuracy, and smart anticipation. His sword moved gracefully, effortlessly stopping Eliseo's relentless assault. No matter how hard Eliseo tried, he couldn't find an opening to land a successful hit.

Amazed and in awe, Eliseo couldn't help but admire Aditya's incredible skill. It felt as if Aditya could read his mind, always ready to counter his every move with precise blocks. The difference in their abilities was stark, leaving Eliseo humbled and full of respect for Aditya's mastery of the sword.



The intense spar between Aditya and Eliseo pressed on. Aditya wielded a simple sword, grasping it with one hand, as he skillfully blocked Eliseo's onslaught. It was evident that Aditya had deliberately lowered his cultivation level to match Eliseo's, creating a fair and balanced encounter. Furthermore, he had deliberately donned heavy garments, adding weight to his body and reducing his agility. Despite these intentional handicaps, Aditya remained a formidable opponent.

Aditya's keen observation allowed him to discern patterns in Eliseo's attacks. His experiences from countless past battles honed his ability to read his opponents' movements with remarkable accuracy. Whenever Aditya faced an opponent, he possessed a remarkable talent for instantly assimilating and mastering their sword techniques. It was as if he absorbed their swordsmanship in the heat of combat, effortlessly turning their own moves against them.

In this spar with Eliseo, Aditya's proficiency in reading attack patterns came to the fore. He anticipated and countered Eliseo's strikes with uncanny precision, thwarting each attack with ease. Aditya's adaptability was extraordinary, seamlessly adapting to his opponent's style and exploiting their weaknesses. His ability to assimilate and utilize the very sword techniques employed against him made his defense impenetrable and his counterattacks devastating.

As the spar continued, the dance of swords intensified. Aditya's movements, though seemingly slower due to the weight of his attire, remained fluid and calculated. Each block, each parry, demonstrated his deep understanding of swordplay and his mastery in using his opponents' own techniques against them. Eliseo could only marvel at Aditya's expertise, realizing that he faced not only a formidable opponent but also a brilliant strategist who could turn the tide of battle with remarkable ease.josei



Unbeknownst to Aditya and Eliseo, a hushed gathering of members from the 5th division had quietly assembled at the training ground. Eyes widened in astonishment as they observed the enthralling clash between the two warriors. These newly enlisted soldiers, having joined the division recently, were well aware of Eliseo's reputation as one of the finest swordsmen within their ranks. His exceptional skills had earned him widespread admiration and respect.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know. But look, this man is able to block Eliseo's moves so easily."

"It's as if he has studied Eliseo's attack patterns for years. We know this is impossible."

"The only logical explanation is....."

"This man is better man Eliseo."

Thus, their disbelief was palpable as they witnessed Eliseo's apparent struggle to gain an upper hand against his enigmatic opponent. This unknown figure, who had dared to face Eliseo head-on, had proven to be a force to be reckoned with. The gathered soldiers marveled at the extraordinary display of skill and determination unfolding before their eyes.

Eliseo's every move was met with a formidable defense, expertly executed by this mysterious adversary. The new soldiers couldn't help but exchange astonished glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise, curiosity, and a touch of trepidation. Eliseo, their shining star, seemed unable to make a dent in his opponent's resolute stance, his every strike meeting an impenetrable wall.

Aditya, unyielding from the start, remained rooted in the same position, seemingly unfazed by Eliseo's relentless assault. His unwavering posture and steadfast defense only added to the air of mystique surrounding him. The onlookers couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, realizing that they were witnessing a rare encounter between two extraordinary swordsmen, the likes of which were seldom witnessed within their division.

As the spar continued, the members of the 5th division exchanged whispered comments, their voices tinged with a mixture of awe and intrigue. They couldn't shake the feeling that they were witnessing a clash between titans, a battle that transcended their expectations and left them yearning for a deeper understanding of the enigma standing before them.

After what felt like an eternity, exhaustion began to take its toll on Eliseo's body. The intense spar had stretched on for over an hour, draining his energy and testing the limits of his endurance. Despite his unwavering determination, Eliseo found himself unable to make even the slightest dent in Aditya's immovable defense. It was a humbling experience for him, a first-time encounter with such a formidable opponent.

Sensing Eliseo's weariness, Aditya called for a temporary respite. The young swordsman, his body drenched in sweat, nodded wearily, gratefully accepting the opportunity to catch his breath. Collapsing onto the ground, he sat there, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. The strain of the intense sparring session was etched across his face, a testament to the physical and mental exertion he had endured.

Silence enveloped the training ground as Eliseo gathered his strength, allowing the tranquility to settle over them. The onlookers, still captivated by the display of skill and resilience, watched in quiet admiration as the two warriors took a momentary pause. It was evident to all that this clash had surpassed their expectations, pushing Eliseo to his limits and leaving him in awe of the untapped depths of his opponent's abilities.

With his heart pounding in his chest and a newfound respect for the strength he had just encountered, Eliseo reflected on the spar. It was a valuable lesson, a reminder that there were realms of martial prowess yet to be explored. As he caught his breath, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination welling up within him, fueling his desire to push himself further and continue his pursuit of growth and mastery.


'There are so many things that I still need to learn.' Eliseo thought while staring at Aditya.

Aditya's smile widened as he observed Eliseo, a sense of satisfaction evident in his eyes. "You fought well, Eliseo. Your skills show great potential. I look forward to our next spar tomorrow. Prepare yourself," he declared, a note of challenge lacing his words. With that, Aditya vanished from the training ground, his form dissipating into thin air as if he had never been there.

A stunned silence settled over the gathered members of the 5th division as they processed the astonishing sight before them. Their eyes widened, mouths agape, as they witnessed Aditya's sudden disappearance. Whispers and murmurs broke out among the recruits, their astonishment painted across their faces.

"Who was that?" one soldier exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "I've never seen anyone move like that before!"

"He must be a highly skilled warrior," Another recruit ventured, his eyes still fixed on the spot where Aditya had stood just moments ago. "But who is he? I've never seen him before."

As the confusion and curiosity grew, Eliseo, still catching his breath, turned to his fellow soldiers, a mixture of awe and intrigue in his expression. "I don't know who he is, but his skills are unlike anything I've ever encountered. We'll have to wait and see."

Amidst the speculation and wonder, a hushed conversation unfolded among the members of the 5th division. Whispers filled the air, each soldier offering their own theories and guesses about the enigmatic warrior who had crossed paths with Eliseo. Some speculated that he might be a wandering swordsman, while others pondered the possibility of his affiliation with a secret martial arts sect.

In the midst of the discussions, one soldier dared to voice a thought that sent a shiver of realization down the spines of those nearby. "What if... what if he's someone important? Someone, we should know?"

The question hung in the air, the weight of uncertainty settling upon them. None of the recruits could fathom the truthโ€”that the one they had just faced in combat was none other than their own King, the ruler of their land. Oblivious to Aditya's true identity, they were left with nothing but bewilderment and anticipation for the next encounter, unaware of the destiny that awaited them all.



After his invigorating shower, Aditya emerged from the bathroom only to be met with a surprising sight. To his astonishment, Julia and the other girls were gathered in his bedroom.


A moment of silence passed as Aditya stood there, the realization dawning on him that he hadn't expected anyone to be in his room. His senses hadn't alerted him to their presence, leaving him momentarily taken aback.

Meanwhile, the girls found themselves equally captivated by Aditya's appearance. Clad in nothing but a pristine white towel wrapped around his waist, his muscular physique was on full display. His long, damp blue hair clung to his skin, adding to his allure. As their gazes fell upon him, different reactions unfolded among them.

Riya felt her cheeks grow warm as her body responded to the sight before her. Innocent Lara, unable to contain her curiosity, shyly lowered her face with her hands, yet stole furtive glances through the gaps between her fingers. Alicia's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of red, memories of their intimate encounter from yesterday's morning flooding her mind.

Amongst the array of reactions, Julia remained the calmest, having grown accustomed to Aditya's presence. Nonetheless, even she couldn't deny the appreciation she felt for the sight that greeted her eyes.

As Aditya calmly made his way towards his wardrobe, he couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes of the girls upon him. With a hint of amusement in his voice, he broke the silence by asking, "Have you all seen enough?"

His words prompted a mixture of reactions from the girls. Riya's cheeks flushed deeper as she averted her gaze, feeling caught in the act. Lara, her curiosity momentarily forgotten, sheepishly nodded, her face still flushed. Alicia, her embarrassment evident, managed to nod with a shy smile. Julia, unfazed by the situation, simply observed with a knowing look.

Realizing that the unexpected encounter had caused a slight disturbance, Aditya reached for a fresh set of clothes from his wardrobe. As he slipped into his attire, a comfortable air settled in the room, breaking the tension that had momentarily hung in the air.

The girls, now regaining their composure, exchanged glances before breaking into light laughter. The awkwardness gradually dissipated, replaced by a sense of familiarity and ease. It was another day in the Dragon Palace, filled with surprises, laughter, and the unique dynamics of their shared bond.


This is chapter 400!!! A big milestone for me and for this novel. First of all, I would like to thank you all for supporting this novel with gifts, golden tickets, and power stones. Thank you for reading this novel till here. I know the past few months I have been a little inconsistent with this novel but from now on I am going to try my best. The aim is to release 2 chapters per day from now on. But no promises. My summer vacations have started so I have a lot of free time to write.

For every 100 Golden tickets, I am going to release one bonus chapter. The Bonus Chapters will be released at the end of this month. (30th June).

As this is the 400th chapter of this novel. This chapter is going to be a long one. [5,300+]. Really hope you all liked this chapter. There was so much more I wanted to include in this chapter but it would make the chapter too long. After this I am planning on reading a chapter on side-characters. I have been planning to do this for a while.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.