Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 402 402

Chapter 402 402:- "Contemplation Under The Tree"

"Please, Stand up." Aditya's admiration for Marvin Sarlus ran deep, so much so that he held him in such high regard that he would not even insist on Marvin kneeling before him. Marvin's unwavering support during the Empire's most challenging times had been instrumental in Aditya's journey thus far.

Aditya gracefully descended from his majestic throne and approached Marvin. His voice resonated with warmth and sincerity as he spoke, "Your Grace, would you be interested in witnessing the marvel that is the Dragon Palace?" Rumors of the palace's breathtaking beauty and grandeur had spread throughout the noble circles within the Istarin Empire. However, no noble had been fortunate enough to set foot inside its hallowed halls.

From the moment the Dragon Palace had been completed, Aditya had refrained from hosting any extravagant parties or granting access to the nobles of his realm. The secrets held within the Dragon Palace remained concealed, known only to Aditya himself.

Marvin's eyes gleamed with curiosity and anticipation as he responded, "Your Majesty, how can I possibly decline such a generous offer? I have longed to witness the wonders of the Dragon Palace."

A genuine smile graced Aditya's face, pleased by Marvin's eagerness. "Excellent! Then let us proceed." Aditya placed his hands gently upon Marvin's right shoulder. In an instant, both figures vanished from the confines of the Old Palace.

As they appeared in the magnificent halls, a sense of awe and wonder filled the air. The palace was filled with beautiful designs, colorful tapestries, and detailed carvings, evoking a forgotten era. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, creating a breathtaking display of colors on the marble floors.

Marvin's eyes widened with amazement as he beheld the grandeur before him. "Wow, this place is even more incredible than I imagined," he whispered, his voice filled with deep respect.

"There's so much more to explore. Join me on a tour of the entire Dragon Palace," Aditya warmly invited. They embarked on their personal journey, engaging in heartfelt conversation along the way. Aditya shared updates on his recent activities, including the Empire's conflict with the formidable Oracle Alliance and the eventual outcome of the challenging war. With complete trust in Marvin's unwavering loyalty, Aditya opened up about the Empire's closely guarded secrets.

As they strolled through the palace's lavish corridors, Aditya's words carried an air of authority and sincerity. He recounted the Empire's triumphs and trials, painting vivid pictures of their struggles and victories. Marvin listened attentively, his admiration for Aditya's leadership growing with each passing moment.

After an hour had passed, Aditya and Marvin found themselves sitting peacefully in the garden. Aditya turned to Marvin, his trusted companion, and asked a question that weighed on his mind, "What do you think? Have I made any mistakes?" Aditya's genuine curiosity stemmed from his deep respect for Marvin, who possessed a wealth of experience and wisdom that made his opinion invaluable. It was a noticeable change in Aditya's character, reflecting the transformative effect this world had on him.

Aditya held Marvin in high esteem, which motivated him to personally show his esteemed companion the wonders of the Dragon Palace, despite his status as Emperor.

Marvin, a man of advanced age and wisdom, closed his eyes briefly, savoring a sip of the fragrant tea gently offered to him by a maid. Aditya, too, held a teacup, mirroring the calmness of the moment.

"Your Majesty, I see no faults in your actions," Marvin responded, his voice radiating a peaceful assurance. "I have witnessed firsthand your unwavering commitment to the Empire's safety and prosperity. Under your capable leadership, the Empire is secure." Marvin's words carried the wisdom of his years, showing the trust he placed in Aditya's ability to govern wisely.

Both men sat together under the shade of a sprawling tree, finding solace in the silence that enveloped them. Marvin took a sip of his tea, relishing its warmth, and then directed his gaze towards the vast expanse of the clear blue sky above. Lost in his thoughts, Aditya absentmindedly stared at his teacup, his mind filled with contemplation.

In the midst of their quiet introspection, Marvin's voice broke the tranquility, carrying a weight that immediately caught Aditya's attention. "Your Majesty, there is something I need to discuss with you," Marvin spoke, his tone steady and serious.

Curiosity stirred within Aditya, prompting him to turn towards Marvin, his gaze still fixed on the teacup before him. "What is it?" he inquired, a hint of distraction coloring his voice.

Marvin met Aditya's gaze directly, his expression calm and unwavering. "I am considering retiring," he revealed, his words hanging in the air, laden with significance. It was evident that Marvin had thought long and hard about this decision.

Surprise washed over Aditya, his eyes widening as he locked onto Marvin's face. The idea of Marvin retiring seemed to clash with the journey they had shared and the deep trust they had developed over the years. However, Marvin's resolute and composed demeanor indicated a firm resolve.

"Are you certain about this?" Aditya asked his voice a mixture of surprise and concern. He understood that if he were to express his desire for Marvin to stay, his loyal companion would undoubtedly reconsider. Yet, he also acknowledged the years of dedicated service Marvin had devoted to the Empire. Aditya would not hold him back if retirement was truly what Marvin desired.


"I appreciate your consideration, Your Majesty," Marvin replied, acknowledging Aditya's willingness to hear his thoughts before anyone else. The weight of his decision was evident in his gaze as he continued, "I value your opinion greatly, and I seek your guidance in this matter."

Aditya's voice carried a mix of respect and understanding as he responded, "Your Grace, you have dedicated a significant portion of your life to the service of this Empire. It would be unfair of me to discourage you from retiring. You have earned the right to find some well-deserved rest and peace. Whatever decision you make, whether it is to retire or continue serving in a different capacity, I assure you of my unwavering support, as well as the support of the Sarlus Noble House."

A genuine smile graced Marvin's face, gratitude shining in his eyes. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, looking upward as if seeking clarity from the heavens. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your understanding means a great deal to me," he expressed sincerely.

Marvin's voice held a note of reconsideration as he continued, "However, I have decided not to retire immediately. Instead, my plan is to gradually pass on my duties to my son, who will serve as my successor. Over the course of the next two or three years, I intend to transition fully into retirement, ensuring a smooth transfer of responsibilities."josei

Aditya nodded, his features reflecting a mixture of support and appreciation. "Your foresight and careful planning are commendable, Your Grace. I have no doubt that your son will carry on your legacy with great honor and skill. During this transitional period, I will extend my full support to both you and your successor, as the Sarlus Noble House remains an integral part of the Empire."

The weight of their conversation hung in the air, but there was also a sense of optimism and a shared understanding of the path that lay ahead. Aditya and Marvin sat together beneath the tree, contemplating the future and the continued prosperity of the Empire they both held dear.

After a few minutes of tranquil silence, Aditya decided to broach another topic that had been on his mind. "Your Grace, there is something else I'd like to discuss," he began, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. The memory of Leo's infatuation brought a smile to his face.

Curiosity piqued, Marvin leaned in attentively. "Yes?" he prompted, eager to hear what Aditya had to say.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Aditya revealed, "It appears that my adoptive little brother Leo has developed feelings for your daughter." The thought of Leo's youthful admiration for Marvin's daughter brought a lightheartedness to the conversation.

Marvin burst into laughter, his joviality echoing through the air. The news of Leo's crush had reached him through his daughter's personal maid, and it seemed that his daughter reciprocated the sentiment.

Amidst the laughter, Marvin spoke with an air of understanding. "Your Majesty, I have no objection to a relationship between Prince Leo and my daughter," he declared, his voice filled with a sense of genuine acceptance. "I have never intended to force my daughter into a political marriage against her wishes. Love should be a matter of the heart, not politics."

Aditya's smile widened, grateful for Marvin's open-mindedness and shared belief in the importance of genuine affection.

As Aditya and Marvin immersed themselves in their conversation, a familiar figure approached them with a sense of urgency. It was Watson, Aditya's butler, who had come to deliver an important message.

Interrupting their chat, Watson spoke with a hint of urgency in his voice, "Your Majesty, the event is on the brink of commencing. All the guests have arrived, and it is time to proceed."

Aditya glanced at Marvin, a mixture of excitement and responsibility evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Watson," he replied, acknowledging the gravity of the moment. "Please inform the others that we shall join them shortly."

Watson nodded, his demeanor displaying a sense of efficiency and professionalism. "Very well, Your Majesty. I will relay the message immediately," he affirmed before swiftly retreating to carry out his task.

Turning his attention back to Marvin, Aditya's expression became one of determination. "It appears that our conversation must be put on hold for now," he remarked, a touch of regret lacing his words. "Shall we proceed to join the gathering?"

Marvin, understanding the weight of the upcoming event, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Let us not keep them waiting."


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