Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 479 479

Chapter 479 479:- Date [II]

They fell into a comfortable silence once again, but after a few minutes, Aditya's face became clouded with a thoughtful expression. He let out a sigh and gently squeezed Riya's hand, a look of guilt in his eyes. "Riya, I need to say sorry to you," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.

Riya looked up at him, concern in her eyes. "Why sorry?" she asked, her voice gentle and comforting, trying to understand what was bothering him.

Aditya's eyes were filled with conflict as he began to explain. "I feel bad because I can't give enough time to you, Julia, Lara, Alicia, and the others. Being the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, my responsibilities keep growing. My work is expanding, and it's taking more and more of my time. I feel guilty because I can't be with you all as much as I want to be." He paused, thinking about how he hadn't even visited Sasha once, even though he had promised her he would.

Riya's face softened, and she placed her hand on top of his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Oh, Aditya, you don't need to be sorry for that. We all understand, and we accept it. We know you're a responsible man, and we're proud of you for that." She smiled warmly, her eyes full of love and understanding. "You're doing an incredible job. You're not just ruling an Empire; you're changing lives. So many families have a better life now, all thanks to your hard work and planning. You've turned the majority of the Istarin Empire's families into middle-class ones. That's no small feat."

Aditya looked at her, feeling a rush of gratitude and love. He was truly lucky to have Riya and the others by his side. They weren't just his partners; they were his support system, his strength, and his understanding companions.

"You're amazing, you know that?" he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for being so understanding, for being there for me, for believing in me."

Riya's eyes sparkled, and she leaned in to give him a tender hug. "That's what we're here for, Aditya. We believe in you, and we love you. Don't ever forget that. We'll always be here for you, no matter what."

They sat there for a while, lost in each other's embrace, knowing that their love and support for each other would see them through anything. The weight on Aditya's shoulders felt a little lighter, knowing he had these incredible women in his life, willing to stand by him and support him in everything he did.josei

Once again, both of them fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. But after a few minutes, Riya's voice broke the stillness. "You know, Aditya, in the letters I've been getting from my mom, she's been asking me to come home with you. She's actually been threatening to find someone from the Celestial Terrain to engage me to if I don't!" Riya's voice was tinged with worry. She had been trying to avoid this issue and not bother Aditya with it, but it had become serious, and she knew she had to talk to him about it.

Aditya's face instantly hardened into a frown. The thought of Riya with someone else was unthinkable. He had always seen her as his third wife, and he couldn't bear the idea of letting someone else have her. "What if we visit your mother during this new year holiday?" he suggested, already starting to plan in his head. "That way, we can put her mind at ease."

Riya's eyes widened in surprise. "Actually, in the Celestial Terrain, the new year is celebrated at the end of January. Whereas in Westnia, the Dying Isle, and other continents, they celebrate the New Year at the end of December."

Aditya's mind was racing, but he quickly came up with a solution. "Then we'll visit her after January. I'll make sure to clear my schedule."

"But what about your work?" Riya asked, her eyes filled with concern. "You're so busy with ruling the Empire, can you really take that time off?"

Aditya looked at her, his eyes filled with determination. "I'll leave that to Spencer, the Prime Minister of the Empire. For the last couple of months, I've been working on a system that can function without me. Spencer can handle things while I'm gone, and I'll still be available for anything very important. In short, I'll make sure I'm free after January." He paused, looking at her with a warm smile. "Once we return from the Celestial Terrain, we'll take Julia, Lara, Alicia, and a few others and go to the Beast Continent. We'll travel around the whole continent, just enjoying ourselves." He didn't mention the geopolitical reasons behind the trip, not wanting to burden her with that.

Riya's eyes sparkled with excitement, but also with deep appreciation. "Aditya, that sounds wonderful. Thank you for doing this for me and for us." She reached out and took his hand, squeezing it lovingly.



Scene change_____

Aditya and Riya made their way back to the Dragon Palace, their hands intertwined, still buzzing from their date. As they entered the dining area, they found the rest of the family gathered around the table, ready for dinner.

"You two finally decided to come back, huh?" Julia's voice rang out, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she looked at Aditya and Riya.

Aditya's face broke into a grin as he saw everyone seated around the table. "Were you guys waiting for us?" he asked, taking off his coat and heading over to join them.

Julia shook her head, her smile widening. "Nope, we just sat down. But you two sure took your sweet time. Have fun on your date?" She winked at Riya, who blushed slightly but smiled back.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"We sure did," Riya replied, taking her seat beside Aditya. "The Western region is so different, and we explored a lot of great places."

Lara and Alicia joined in the conversation, eagerly asking them about their day and the places they had visited. Aditya and Riya shared the details of their date, from the delicious seafood they had tried to the stunning sunset they had watched together.



Scene change_______

Spencer and Aria were away, enjoying some time together, so they missed the lively dinner with the rest of the family. After the meal, everyone gathered in the living room, chatting and playing games, enjoying each other's company for an hour or so. Slowly, the night wore on, and one by one, everyone began to drift off to their bedrooms, ready for bed.

Aditya had some work he wanted to finish up, so he headed to his office. There, he spent around 30 minutes jotting down his plans for the future, deep in thought. Once he was satisfied with what he'd written, he began to feel the weight of the long, exciting day.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm His body was tense with desire, lust building up over the past couple of days. The recent events, including the sensual energy from their picnic, had left him craving more. He knew exactly what he needed: a night of passionate intimacy with Julia.

With a determined look in his eye, Aditya headed to his bedroom, his mind filled with all the ways he planned to pleasure Julia. The anticipation was thrilling, and he could already feel the heat building within him.


As he opened the door to his room, expecting to find Julia alone and waiting for him, he was met with a surprising sight. Lara and Riya were there too, lounging on the bed, looking relaxed and alluring. Alicia, however, was nowhere to be found.

Aditya's eyes widened, his heart pounding as he took in the scene. All three women were dressed in sensuous nightwear, their bodies displayed to perfection. The room was filled with a soft, warm glow, and the air was heavy with the intoxicating scent of desire.

"Welcome back," Lara purred, her eyes smoldering as she looked at Aditya. Her voice was like velvet, and her words sent a shiver down his spine.

Aditya was just about to step forward, ready to join the tantalizing scene on the bed, when Julia's voice rang out, sharp and commanding. "Stop...!!!!" Her eyes were wide, her lips curved into a mysterious smile.

Aditya froze, a look of confusion spreading across his face. The heat in the room was palpable, and the promise of what lay ahead had him on edge. What could have possibly caused Julia to halt him at such a moment?

"Tonight," Julia said slowly, her voice dripping with intrigue, "we three are going to sleep together." She gestured to herself, Lara, and Riya, all lounging on the bed, their bodies tangled in a way that left little to the imagination.

Aditya's heart skipped a beat, his mind reeling from the unexpected twist. He couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, mixed with a thrill of curiosity. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" he asked, his voice cracking slightly.

Julia's eyes sparkled with mischief, and her smile widened as she looked at Aditya. Her finger traced a slow, sensuous path along Lara's arm as she replied, "Tonight, you will be sleeping in Alicia's room. Alicia still has 3 hours allotted time with you." Her playful wink sent a shockwave of desire through Aditya's body.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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