Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 482 [Bonus ] 482

Chapter 482 [Bonus ] 482:- Dawning Desires

Next morning,

"Big sister Julia, where is big brother and big sister Alicia?" Innocent Clara asked Julia this question at the dining table. Hearing this question, Julia for a moment felt awkward. She didn't know what to answer to little Clara. She can't just say that her big brother Aditya had naughty exercise with her big sister Alicia for who knows how long last night and has ended up missing breakfast as a result.

As Julia was still at a loss and did not knew what to answer Clara, Sylvie, Alicia's best friend, decided to answer that question for her with a grin on her face. "Your big brother and Alicia stayed up last night playing games. And this is why they are still sleeping right now." Meanwhile, Leo was eating calmly. He wasn't that concerned by Aditya and Alicia's absence.

"What kind of games Big brother Aditya and big sister Alicia were playing last night? Why I wasn't invited? I also want to play games." Playing games was one of her favorite hobbies.

Cough...! Cough.....!!

Julia who was drinking water felt choked hearing Clara's response. Riya, who was calmly eating while sitting next to Sylvie and did not got herself involved in the conversation almost dropped her chopsticks hearing Clara's innocent words. Riya's lips twitched hearing Clara's words.

At the same time, Lara who was quietly eating slightly blushed. She said nothing. She just lowered her head further and continued eating. Lara herself has recently learned about this night life. Though in the past, her Royal Mother has given her basic knowledge about baby-making, she never received any in-depth explanation on the topic. All she told was by her mother was that, babies are made when Husband puts his thing inside a women. josei

She only ended up learning about more on this matter slowly over past few months from their meetings that Julia, Alicia, Riya, and other girls has in her lab secretly without Aditya knowing about them. And the night when she and others had the picnic out in the wild was the first time that she had seen a glimpse of what it looks like.

Lara comes from a conversation family just like Alicia. And Lara is a shy and timid girl. And since due to her mysterious illness, she very rarely left her room, she never had any friends, or any relationship with another male. From a young age she has been taught to be very honest with her feelings with her husband. She has been taught that her husband is the closest person to her. She has been taught to never lie to her husband. Lara has been read any pronograhic novel or has read has ever masturbated. She wasn't even aware about masturbation up until recently though she has never tried it herself.

As a result of all of these factors, she is very shy when it comes to openly talking about sex or when it comes to becoming a part of the conversation relating to such matter.

With a playful smile, Sylvie began to explain to innocent Clara. "This is the game that you can only play when you have become an adult. This game requires you to be strong. It requires you to have very high stamina, and skills. This isn't just your regular table games or like chess or Shogi, this game is makes you sweat. At the end of this game, you're left so tired that you don't want to get up from the bed. And you........" Sylvie stopped seeing Riya and Julia glaring at her with sharp eyes. Both of them silently told her through their glare that if she continued speaking, then there will be trouble.

"A inexperienced person who has never participated or has played this game shouldn't talk like she knows about this game in great details." Julia calmly said while continuing to eat. Julia's words made Sylvie's lips twitched. It was a indirect attack on Sylvie. She felt emotionally damaged. Everyone knew that Sylvie's weakness was her 100 years old virginity.

However, Sylvie's words had excited Clara. The little girl's eyes were shining with stars upon hearing Sylvie's words. "Big sister Sylvie, can you tell me more about this game. I also want to play it with my friends." Hearing her words, everyone's mouth twitched. Julia and Riya shot Sylvie another cold and threatening glares as if telling her to not open her mouth.

"Lady Clara, shouldn't you take your food a little bit faster? If you're late, then you will make your friends wait which isn't a good thing." Watson who has been remaining silent all this time finally decided to take part in the conversation feeling that Sylvie was on the path to taint innocent Clara.

Although ever since Lady Sylvie came to the Dragon Palace and begun living with them, things has become very lively around the whole Palace, Watson can't deny that Lady Sylvie is too playful. And sometimes she even oversteps her playfulness and takes things too far

Watson distracted Clara by remembering her about her friends with whom she is going out today to play around the Azure city.

"Oh, yes.....Thank you reminding me about this Watson." Clara quickly began to eat her breakfast. As she focused on eating breakfast, everyone secretly sighed in relief. But Julia and Riya still felt angry on Sylvie. From time to time, Julia and Riya sent her glares as if warning her to keep her mouth shut and not taint this innocent girl.

Seeing this, Sylvie knew that she was screwed. Both Riya and Julia were going to take her class once their breakfast ends. 'I shouldn't have said those words.' Sylvie thought in regret.

"I haven't seen Amber since yesterday. Where is she?" Sylvie remembered about Amber. From last picnic, the wild things that this fox general had done to her Emperor was still very fresh in Sylvie's mind. And everytime she remembered what Amber did that night, made her giggle. And these days it had gotten somewhat common for Amber to hang out with the girls but she hasn't' seen Amber since yesterday morning.

"Yesterday I checked on her. She said that she is busy with cultivating." Julia said. After they returned from the auction, Julia put Lara to bed and then went to check on Amber. Although Amber was fine, she was still very embarrassed about what she did that night. She was very embarrassed to face Aditya and others. And this is why she isn't coming to hang out with Julia and others at the Dragon Palace. She is rather staying in her home at the Azure city. As Amber's best friend, Julia defended Amber with a small lie.

"I kinda miss her." Sylvie said. Spencer and Aria were still away. The couple were having the times of their lives in a resort and enjoying their lives. Most probably, both of them would even get married after returning from their trip. Aria was a great companion. With Aria being around makes things even more fun. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm



Scene change____

Around 10 in the morning, the first rays of sunlight began to pierce through the curtains of the bedroom, and Aditya finally stirred from his slumber. His body felt invigorated and refreshed, but as he turned to look at Alicia, who lay beside him, it was clear that she was still deep in sleep. Her chest rose and fell gently, a peaceful expression on her face. Aditya couldn't help but smile, knowing that he had drained all of her stamina in their passionate encounter that lasted the entire night.

As he lay there, reflecting on the events of the past hours, he realized that even for him, this had been an unusually long and intense session. Usually, when he was with Julia, they would engage in their passionate activities for around 4 to 6 hours, depending on their mood and energy. Of course, there were stamina recovery pills available in this world that could have prolonged their time together, but Aditya had never wanted to use them. He believed in a more natural and genuine connection.

He could proudly say that even after a whole 10 hours, his stamina remained high. As the Dragon Monarch, how could he ever run out of energy? Male Dragons were known to have one of the highest sex drives, second only to Incubus, and most found it challenging to control their lustful desires. Many male Dragons would frequently visit red-light districts or have multiple partners to satisfy their needs.

But Aditya was different. The very thought of heading to a red-light district or engaging with a prostitute had never crossed his mind. He knew that doing so would hurt his fiancées, and he could never bear to see them in pain. Aditya's respect and love for his future wives were paramount, and he was committed to honoring their feelings and wishes.

He let his mind wander further, considering the fascinating dynamics of this world. Communities that were home to Succubus, Dragons, Incubus, and other races with high sex drives tended to be very open and accepting of their inherent natures. But most other communities and settlements were steeped in tradition. It wasn't about dress codes, as everyone was free to wear whatever they liked, but certain aspects of relationships and sexuality were heavily scrutinized and judged.

Living relationships, red-light districts, and prostitute centers were frowned upon in general society. However, paradoxically, the existence of sex slaves and engaging in sexual activities with them was considered normal. There were even auctions for beautiful virgin female slaves and handsome males with big Manhood. Aditya remembered visiting an auction house just the previous day, where a beautiful blond-haired Elf had been auctioned off for a staggering 50,000,000 royal gold coins.

With a soft sigh, he gently brushed a stray strand of hair from Alicia's face, watching her as she continued to sleep. The connection they had forged last night was something profound and beautiful, a bond that went beyond mere physical pleasure. It was a communion of souls, a joining of hearts, and he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

A sudden realization hit Aditya as he glanced at the ornate clock on the wall. "It's already 10 in the morning. I should get up," he murmured to himself, a sense of urgency creeping into his thoughts. There was a particular Goddess he had planned to meet that day, and he couldn't afford to be late.

Carefully pushing the blanket aside so as not to disturb Alicia, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose to his feet. He couldn't help but look around the room, surveying the chaos they had left in their wake. The entire space was a delightful mess, evidence of their unbridled passion and desire. The furniture was askew, clothes were strewn about, and the heady scent of their lovemaking still lingered in the air.

Aditya smiled warily at the sight, admitting to himself that he and Alicia had indeed gone a little too wild last night. He had wanted to stay by her side until she woke up, but judging by her deep and peaceful slumber, it seemed that she wouldn't be waking anytime soon.

Feeling a pang of regret at having to leave her like this, Aditya decided to leave a note for her. He found a small table on the side of her bed, cluttered with various items, including a few books. Among them, he spotted some erotic novels that she often read at night.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recalled how Alicia used to read these novels, losing herself in fantasies and pleasuring herself as she imagined being with him. But now, things had changed. They had crossed a threshold, and those fantasies had become a reality. There would be no more need for her to turn to those books to satisfy her desires; he would be there to fulfill them for her.

Taking a piece of paper and a pen, he began to write a heartfelt note, expressing his love and promising to return to her soon. He placed it prominently on the table, making sure she would see it when she awoke.

He then took a moment to tenderly gaze at her sleeping form, committing her serene and contented face to memory. With a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead and a gentle caress of her cheek.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Finally, with a lingering glance at the room that had become a sanctuary for their love, Aditya dressed and left, closing the door softly behind him.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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