Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 488 488

Chapter 488 488:- Secret Hobby Of Amber

At the Azure city

Nestled within the bustling capital of the Istarin Empire lay a hidden jewel of a property, a mysterious Mansion veiled from prying eyes by towering walls. These barriers guarded the privacy of what lay within, preserving the secrets that the Mansion might hold. A lush, sprawling garden filled with exotic flowers and plants stretched across the grounds, offering a tranquil escape from the outside world. Alongside it, a modest training ground was available, its very presence hinting at the Mansion's martial connection.

The owner of this secluded haven was none other than the 5th General of the Istarin Empire, Amber. Renowned for her prowess in battle, she was a figure both respected and feared. Yet, despite the Mansion's grandeur, Amber rarely spent time there. Busy with her duties and the affairs of the Empire, she would only return to the Mansion once or twice a week to rest and rejuvenate.

Known to the general public as the residence of the General, the Mansion stood as a symbol of her status and power. Yet, despite its fame, access was strictly controlled. The Mansion was further secured by an invisible and transparent defensive dome that enveloped the entire property. This sophisticated protection ensured that no unauthorized individual could breach the Mansion's walls.

A dedicated force of 100 elite soldiers kept watch over the Mansion 24/7, their stern faces and sharp eyes a clear warning to any who dared approach without proper clearance. These guards were handpicked by Amber herself, each one trained to perfection and sworn to protect the Mansion with their lives. Normal public were not even allowed to come anywhere near the entrance, let alone within the secretive walls of the Mansion.

Within the Mansion's confines, life continued at a peaceful pace. Servants went about their daily duties, tending to the lush gardens, preparing meals for the occasional visits of their esteemed master, and maintaining the pristine condition of the Mansion. Despite the absence of its owner, the Mansion was always kept ready for her arrival, every detail polished to perfection.

As one of the generals of the Istarin Empire, Amber has very rarely visited her own Mansion. The Mansion was given to her by her King, the Emperor of the Istarin Empire. Each 7 generals of the Empire received a Mansion from the Emperor within the Azure city. This was just one of the benefits of being the General of the Empire.

Yet despite having her own Mansion, Amber mostly never lived here. Although most of her belongings were in this Mansion, majority of her time was spent either at the Dragon Palace or at the training ground; training with the troops under her command.

Yet, the last 5 days, all the servants of the Mansion were surprised that Lady Amber has stayed in the Mansion for this long. It was a week of holiday; new year break granted to her by the Emperor. Even the Emperor himself took 7 days off to relax and spent time with his family. And Amber maybe the only general who is very close to Aditya's family. Being the best friend of Julia who is going to be become Aditya's first wife in the future meant that Amber was very close to the Royal family.



Scene change______

In the hidden sanctuary of her mansion's garden, Amber found peace among the green leaves and blooming flowers. Her garden was a carefully guarded secret, a part of her that she had kept hidden from the world. Here, away from the battlefield, the stern gaze of her soldiers, and the formalities of court life, Amber was simply a woman who found joy and peace in the soil and the sprouts.

Among her favorite plants were the cacti, those prickly, resilient beings that seemed so at odds with her hardened image as a general. There was something fascinating about them, something that resonated with her. Perhaps it was their ability to thrive in the harshest of environments or their unexpected beauty when they bloomed.

Amber spent hours tending to her cacti, pruning them, watering them, and even talking to them. She had named each one, bestowing them with identities that only she knew. And for her favorite cactus, a particularly robust and magnificent specimen, she had crafted a tiny armor set, a whimsical touch that made her smile every time she looked at it.

This garden was her secret, it was a place where she could be vulnerable and true to herself. Here, the general's armor was shed, and Amber was free to indulge in her secret love for gardening.

As the first rays of the sun cast a glow over the garden, Amber crouched down, carefully watering the plants that she had lovingly nurtured. Her mind, however, was elsewhere, tangled in thoughts and memories of that night, the night that had changed everything.

Her face flushed with embarrassment as she recalled her actions, her impulsiveness, her unguarded moment with Aditya. It was a memory that was mixed with embarrassment and a trace of longing.

"This whole mess is your fault," she murmured, her eyes fixed on a certain red-painted cactus. Her voice was soft, filled with a mix of frustration and affection. The cactus, of course, offered no reply, its spines glistening in the fading light, a silent witness to her turmoil.josei

In the past five days, Julia had visited her, concern and confusion in her eyes, urging Amber to return to the Dragon Palace. But how could she? How could she face Aditya, face herself, after what had happened?

The garden was her refuge, her place to ponder and heal. The cacti, with their thorns and beauty, were her companions, understanding her in a way that no one else could.

As the new year approached, Amber knew that she would have to make a decision, to confront her feelings and her fears. But for now, she allowed herself this respite, this moment of peace in her secret garden, where she could be herself, where she could embrace the contradictions and complexities that made her who she was.

Amber was kneeling in her garden, glaring at a particular cactus she had painted red. This cactus, named after Aditya in her mind, was the one she usually complained to when she was frustrated or annoyed. Today was no exception.

"You're such a pervert, you know that?" she grumbled at the cactus. "Always surrounded by women, acting like a womanizer. I can't believe the way you behave sometimes. Why you have to be my future mate?" She shook her head, a scowl on her face.

She continued to vent, unaware that her private garden was no longer quite so private. "And that night, that kiss! What were I was even thinking? Now thanks to my actions, my feelings that I locked away has been revealed to everyone. I am such an idiot." Amber scolded herself to acting like that night.

"Kyaa!!! I even asked you for fox babies. What was I even thinking?" Amber covered her whole face with her palms. She felt her whole face burning in embarrassment.

The real Aditya, who had come to visit her, stood at the entrance of the garden, hidden behind some bushes. He had wanted to surprise her, but now he was the one surprised. A smile played on his lips as he listened to her complaints and her self scoldings, finding her rant both amusing and endearing.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"And those women, your fiances, you just can't seem to have enough, can you?" Amber was now almost talking to the cactus as if it were the real Aditya. "Sometimes, I wonder what's going on in that head of yours."

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Aditya decided it was time to make his presence known. He stepped out from behind the bushes and cleared his throat. "Talking to cacti now, General Amber? I must say, that's a new hobby I never expected from you."

Amber's eyes widened, and her face turned a shade redder than the cactus itself. She stood up quickly, trying to find the right words but failing.

"I, uh, I was just... It's not what it looks like," she stammered, embarrassment written all over her face. In her mind she cursed herself for letting her guard down. If she had been alert, then she would have sensed his presence when he stepped inside her Mansion. She was so lost while talking to her cacti that she did not even know when he came in.

'As if the wild events from that night weren't enough, now his Majesty even knows about my secret hobby. What will he even think?' Aditya thought in her mind.

'Why did no one inform about His Majesty arrival?' Amber thought in anger but that anger quickly turned into realization that she has given all of her servants a week break and right now she was completely alone in her Mansion.

Amber's mind was racing, embarrassment mixed with frustration at her own carelessness. Aditya was watching her closely, a playful smile on his face, clearly enjoying her discomposure.

"So, General Amber, tending to cacti, huh?" Aditya began, his voice dripping with amusement as he took a step closer. "I must say, it's a rather prickly hobby for someone like you."

Amber tried to maintain her composure, but she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. "It's none of your business, Your Majesty," she replied, trying to sound stern but failing.

Aditya's smile widened as he took another step closer, his eyes locked on hers. "Oh, but it is my business. Especially when you're talking to them about me."

Amber's heart was pounding now, and she tried to step back, but Aditya was quicker. He reached out, pinning her against the wall, his face just inches from hers. The teasing smile was still there, but his eyes were more intense now.

"You know, I've always wondered what secrets the great General Amber might be hiding," he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek. "And now I find out it's a secret love for cacti, even going so far as to name one after me. It's quite flattering, really."

Amber's breath caught in her throat, trapped between the wall and Aditya's presence. She could feel the heat of his body, the strength in his arms, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She was both terrified and exhilarated, unable to look away from his eyes.

"I... I didn't name it after you," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "I just... painted it red."

Aditya's smile turned into a knowing smirk. "Oh, just a coincidence, then? The color of passion, desire, and love?" Crimson was the color that was associated with Aditya.

Amber's face turned even redder, if that was possible. She had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, and yet she couldn't deny the thrill that Aditya's words and closeness were giving her.

"Your Majesty, please," she finally managed to say, her voice quivering. "This is unbecoming of us both."

Aditya's expression softened, and he released her, taking a step back. But the intensity in his eyes remained. "Perhaps, but it's also honest. And real. And I value that, Amber."

He turned to leave but paused, glancing back at her over his shoulder. "By the way, the red cactus suits you. It's as fiery and unique as you are."

"Also, the reason I came here is to tell you that, come to the Palace. Everyone is waiting for you."

With that, he left the garden, leaving Amber leaning against the wall, her heart still racing, her mind still reeling.

As the realization of what had just happened sank in, Amber couldn't help but touch her lips, remembering the heat of Aditya's body, the spark in his eyes. She was confused, flustered, and more than a little excited.

And as she looked at the red-painted cactus, the symbol of her secret conversations and now a symbol of something more, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that her relationship with Aditya had just taken a turn she had never expected, a turn that was as thrilling and unpredictable as the cactus itself.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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