Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 493 493

Chapter 493 493:- New Year [V]

After talking to Nathan, Sasha was about to follow everyone to the dining table when Riya stopped her. "Come with me." Riya said.

Everyone exchanged glances, wondering what could be so important that it required privacy. Sasha's eyes narrowed slightly, an unspoken question in her gaze as she followed Riya out of the room. Even Lilith, usually so composed, watched her daughter's retreating back with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Leading Sasha into a small, elegantly decorated chamber, Riya closed the door behind them. The room was softly lit, filled with the pleasant fragrance of flowers. The two women faced each other, and for a moment, the air was charged with an unspoken tension. Sasha's arms were folded under her chest, her posture radiating both wariness and defiance.

"What do you want to talk about?" Sasha asked, her voice cold.

Riya's eyes met hers, and she seemed to hesitate for just a second before speaking. "Have you bought a gift?" she asked, her tone soft.

Sasha's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Gift? For what?" she demanded, her confusion evident.

Riya took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving Sasha's. "Today midnight is Aditya's birthday. We're going to celebrate his birthday along with the new year," she explained, her words slow and deliberate.

Sasha was surprised. She didn't know when was his birthday. He never told her about it or she never asked it. Sasha has never celebrated her own birthday. For her and her mother birthday, new year, and other important days doesn't really matter much. Both mother and daughter spends their birthday like they spends their normal days.


"Ladies, I know the perfect gift that Aditya will love." The sound of the door bursting open was like a thunderclap, Sylvie opened the door and said with a flushed and excited face. Seeing Sylvie both Riya and Sasha had blank faces. The way Sylvie was breathing while looking flustered and super excited was kind of creepy.

"What are you talking about?" Sasha asked since she wanted to try hearing what idea Sylvie has.

"Well..." Sylvie came forward and whispered her plan to Riya and Sasha.

"What!!!! I am not doing that...." Riya stammered, her voice filled with flustered indignation. Her body trembled with a mix of embarrassment and outrage, and she took a step back, as if trying to distance herself from the audacious idea.

But while Riya's reaction was one of immediate refusal, something about Sylvie's proposal seemed to strike a chord with Sasha. Perhaps it was the daring nature of the plan, or maybe it was Riya's obvious discomfort, but something ignited a spark of determination within her. Sasha unconsciously raised her chest and holding her arms under her chest while looking at Riya. "I will do it. I am not scared." Her eyes gleamed with a provocative light, daring Riya to match her boldness.

Riya felt a strange mix of emotions. She was surprised, a little scared, but also felt a strong urge not to lose to Sasha. Unconsciously, she saw Sasha as a rival, and she didn't want to back down.

"Sasha, you can't be serious," Riya stammered, her voice shaking. "This idea is... is..."

"Crazy?" Sylvie interrupted with a grin. "Maybe it is, but it's perfect for Aditya. Don't you think so, Riya?"

Riya looked at Sylvie, then at Sasha. Sasha's eyes were filled with challenge, daring her to say yes. Riya felt her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't want to be the one to back down. Not in front of Sasha.

"You know what?" Riya said, lifting her chin. "I'll do it too. I won't let you have all the fun, Sasha."

While Sasha and Riya were locked in a glaring contest, filled with rivalry and determination, Sylvie was grinning broadly at the unfolding scene. She was thrilled by the enthusiasm and competitiveness that had sparked between the two women. Her plan was falling into place perfectly, and she could hardly contain her excitement.

But what Sasha and Riya didn't know was that just outside the door, hidden from view, Lilith was standing with a sly smile on her face. Her eyes twinkled with mischief, and she listened intently to every word being spoken in the room.

Lilith had known all along that Sylvie's bold idea would provoke this reaction from Sasha and Riya. In fact, she had been the one to push Sylvie to present the plan in the first place. She knew her daughter, Sasha, very well and was aware that Riya would rise to the challenge too.

'Riya is just like her mother.' Lilith thought while walking back to the living room.



Scene change______

Riya, Sasha, and Sylvie soon joined everyone at the dining table, and their eyes widened at the feast laid out before them. The dining table was filled to the brim with delicious foods, each dish carefully crafted to suit the tastes of the guests and Royal Family members. The rich aroma of the meal was tantalizing, filling the room with a scent that made Clara and Zak's mouths water.

Both Clara and Zak were staring at the food with hungry, sparkling eyes, completely mesmerized by the array of dishes. Their excitement was contagious, and everyone else at the table looked eager and enthusiastic about diving into the meal.

"Let's eat," Watson declared, his voice filled with pride.

He had personally overseen the preparation, ensuring that the chefs catered to the specific likes and dislikes of each guest. General Josh, known for his love of grilled meat and wine, was treated to a special dish called Fairy-Touched Venison. This succulent venison roast had been soaked in a unique moonbeam wine and slow-cooked with woodland herbs. It was accompanied by enchanted mushrooms and a silvery wine sauce that made it a dish fit for someone like Josh.

General Scott, a lover of vegetables. The chef had prepared a rich vegetable stew with a tiny bit of meat added to the broth, giving it a depth of flavor that would surely satisfy his palate.

Aditya's fondness for spicy dishes was well-known, and Watson made sure that there were plenty of spicy options for him. The chefs had outdone themselves, creating fiery delights that would surely set Aditya's taste buds tingling.

And for the young Zak and Clara, who had a sweet tooth, the table was adorned with all kinds of sweets and desserts. From creamy pastries to chocolate delights, the dessert spread was a wonderland for the children.

Everyone at the table couldn't help but admire the thought and effort that had gone into the meal. Each dish was a evidence to Watson's dedication and the skill of the Royal chefs. With a collective sense of anticipation, they all reached for their utensils, ready to savor the feast. The room was filled with the clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of appreciation as they began to eat, each bite a celebration of taste and tradition.

"Watson, join us," Aditya warmly urged the seasoned butler, his voice filled with genuine invitation.I think you should take a look at

"Your Majesty, I wouldn't dare..." Watson immediately replied, his voice wavering with uncertainty.

"What are you saying, Grandpa? You're part of the family. Join us," Julia added with a bright and friendly smile, her eyes twinkling with sincerity.

"Alright," Watson agreed, though he still looked a little bit hesitant. He took a seat at the table.

As they continued to eat, laughter and lively conversation filled the room. Aditya engaged in discussions with Adam and the others, sharing stories of their lives.

Meanwhile, the girls—Alicia, Julia, Riya, Lara, and Sasha—had their own animated conversation. They chatted and giggled, exchanging glances and sharing secrets. Although earlier, there had been a heated exchange between Sasha and Riya, now everything seemed fine. Both of them respected each other, and the tension had dissipated, replaced by a friendly competitiveness that glinted in their eyes.

The dinner lasted for a delightful two hours, a leisurely feast enjoyed by all. Everyone, except for the eager children, Zak and Clara, ate slowly, savoring both the food and the companionship. The conversations were pleasant and engaging, filled with laughter.

Lilith and Sasha, in particular, seemed to be enjoying their time. Their faces were relaxed and content, their smiles genuine and heartfelt. It was clear that they felt welcomed and at ease in this warm gathering.

Time seemed to slow down as they all lingered at the table, lost in the joy of being together. The food was delicious, the company was cherished, and the evening was perfect.

Eventually, the plates were cleared, and the table was a happy mess of empty dishes and half-filled glasses. The satisfied smiles on their faces told the story of a meal well-enjoyed.



Scene change_______

"It's finally time." Everyone was standing at the balcony from which they all could see the Azure city in the few kilometers distance. The whole city was glowing in gently golden lights. The streets were full of people.

"20 more seconds left..." Standing at the right side of the balcony, Aditya was staring at the Azure city with a proud smile on his face. He has never felt so proud of all his hard work. Within a year, this city transformed from a small city that was full of crime and corruption and poverty to the most developed and prosperous city in the whole continent. The small city that was full of poverty and slums had changed to a city where millions of people lived. A city where there were almost no poverty. And now after an entire year, staring at the Azure city, he felt proud of his hard work. But he was far from being satisfied.

Aditya was standing in the middle. On his right, Julia was standing. On his left, Alicia was standing. Riya, Sasha, Lara, were standing on his sides. Sylvie, Amber, and Lilith were standing little bit far.

The anticipation built to a feverish pitch as the seconds ticked away. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the night sky, hearts pounding, breaths held in expectant silence. The glow of Azure City provided a mesmerizing backdrop, but the real spectacle was yet to unfold.josei

"5..." The crowd began to chant in unison, voices filled with excitement and joy.

"4..." Faces turned towards one another, eyes sparkling with shared anticipation, hands reaching out to grasp those of loved ones.

"3..." The energy in the air was palpable, a thrilling wave of emotion sweeping through the gathered masses, resonating in every heart.

"2..." Time seemed to slow, each heartbeat echoing the promise of a new beginning, the close of one chapter and the thrilling start of another.

"1..." The final count, a collective breath drawn, the world poised on the cusp of something magical and profound.

"Boooom!!!!!" The night sky exploded in a breathtaking display of fireworks, illuminating the entire city in a cascade of brilliant colors and dazzling patterns. Cheers erupted from the crowd, a thunderous roar of joy and celebration that resonated through the streets of Azure City.

"Happy new year!" Voices rang out, laughter and shouts of delight mixing with the resounding booms of the fireworks. Embraces were exchanged, kisses shared, and toasts raised as the city rejoiced in the arrival of a brand new year.

The fireworks continued to light up the sky, each burst a symbol of hope, joy, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. Faces turned upwards, awestruck by the beauty of the display, smiles wide and eyes filled with wonder.

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the arrival of the New Year, the entire Azure City transformed into a spectacle of unparalleled beauty and enchantment. The cityscape, already mesmerizing in its nightly glow, took on an even more magical appearance, becoming a living, breathing work of art.

Azure City, true to its name, was bathed in a soft blue glow, the sky illuminated by fireworks that erupted in brilliant cascades of color. The fireworks painted the heavens with dazzling patterns, each burst of light reflecting the joy and hope of the new beginning. The sound of celebrations filled the air, a symphony of laughter, music, and cheers that resonated through the streets.

The city's buildings, already adorned with colorful lights, became even more resplendent, their surfaces dancing with reflections from the fireworks above. Traditional Chinese elements blended harmoniously with modern designs, creating an architecture that was both stunning and symbolic of the city's vibrant culture.

The bustling streets were filled with people, all gathered to witness the marvel of the New Year. Families, friends, and strangers alike shared smiles and embraced, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of streetlights and lanterns. Trees swayed gently, their branches adorned with twinkling lights, adding to the magical ambiance.

In the heart of the city, the pond sparkled with the reflection of fireworks and lights from the buildings. A breathtaking display of lanterns floated serenely on the water, each one a symbol of wishes and dreams for the coming year. The lanterns, in shapes of spheres and lotus flowers, created a delicate dance of illumination on the river's surface, enhancing the ethereal atmosphere.

Bridges arched gracefully over the shimmering water, adorned with decorative lights, connecting different parts of the city in a physical and symbolic embrace. Gondolas glided silently, their passengers awestruck by the serene beauty of the night.

Beyond the city limits, majestic mountains stood as silent witnesses to the celebration, their peaks glowing with a mystical aura, veiled in the soft mist of the night.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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