Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 502 502

Chapter 502 502:- Death Of Dragonians [I]

In the stillness of the early morning, after a night filled with unrestrained passion, the Dragon Palace was enveloped in a deep calm. Last night, After everyone left his room, they had went wild. Aditya found himself cozily sandwiched between Julia and Alicia. Their arms were wrapped around him, almost as if they were competing for his attention, even in sleep. Aditya seemed peaceful, his face relaxed, but that tranquility shattered abruptly. He opened his eyes, and his brows furrowed, knitting together in a look of deep concern.

Without uttering a single syllable, he cautiously disentangled himself from the soft, embracing arms of Julia and Alicia. He moved them gently aside, taking great care not to disturb their slumber. Both women remained blissfully unaware as Aditya slipped out of bed and padded softly towards the living room.

As he entered the living room, Amber, who was already up, noticed him. "Your Majesty, good morning. It looks like you're headed somewhere?" she asked. The sun had barely started its ascent, and the Dragon Palace was usually still lost in dreams at this hour. Amber was taken aback to see Aditya up and about, especially given the stern expression marking his features.

"Morning, Amber. What brings you here?" Aditya questioned, visibly surprised to find her awake and in the living room at this ungodly hour.

"Your Majesty, I spent the entire night cultivating to stabilize my newfound powers. I got a bit peckish, so I came out here to grab a bite," Amber explained. Her efforts had paid off; she had successfully advanced to a beginner 5th-order last night. She had continued to cultivate through the night to stabilize her cultivation and also she gained a firmer grasp on her newly acquired abilities.

Just as Aditya was about to reveal his destination to Amber, he noticed his loyal butler, Watson, emerging from the kitchen. Watson was holding a plate brimming with freshly sliced fruits, obviously intended for Amber. The butler did a double-take upon seeing Aditya, clearly not expecting the young emperor to be up and about at this hour.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," Watson greeted, still wearing an expression of mild surprise. "You're up rather early today. May I inquire where you're off to?"

Aditya paused for a moment before responding, "I'm heading to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire."

Watson and Amber exchanged puzzled glances before turning their attention back to Aditya. "The Northern Frost Dragon Empire?" Amber echoed, her eyebrows knitting together in bewilderment. "Why are you going to the southern region so early in the morning?"

Watson chimed in, equally perplexed. "Yes, Your Majesty, is there a specific reason for this sudden journey? It's highly unusual for you to leave at this hour, especially without informing anyone."

Their faces were marked by confusion and concern, eagerly awaiting Aditya's explanation. They couldn't fathom why he'd embark on a trip to such a distant and potentially dangerous territory with the day barely begun.

"The reason I'm heading there is that three of my Dragonians have been killed," Aditya said, his brow furrowing even more. This morning, he was awakened by an ominous sensation, one that informed him of the demise of three of his Dragonians in the Northern Frost Dragon Empire. Due to the bond formed when he shared a drop of his divine Crimson Dragon bloodline with them, Aditya could sense their well-being and locations. If any of his Dragonians met their end, he would immediately know about it.

However, it wasn't just the fact that he lost Dragonians that urged him to rise so early and embark on this trip. If the fallen had been lesser in strength, he would have merely sent Nathan or one of his other generals to look into the situation. He'd then carry on with his vacation without much worry. But this was a different matter altogether.

The Dragonians who had been killed were far from ordinary. They were formidable warriors, whom he had dispatched to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire for a specific mission about five and a half months ago. One of them was a beginner-level 5th-order cultivator but had the skills to even beat a mid-level 5th-order cultivator. The other two were at the peak of 4th-order but were capable of going head-to-head with 5th-order cultivators, especially if they used their unique abilities wisely.

For warriors of such caliber to be killed could only mean that their assailant was extremely powerful. Moreover, this act was a blatant provocation, a sign that the perpetrator did not fear the consequences of offending the Istarin Empire. Aditya knew that the gravity of this incident was too great to be handled by anyone else.

Determined to take matters into his own hands, Aditya decided he would personally travel to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire to investigate and exact revenge. With the vast extent of his capabilities, a single day would be more than sufficient to annihilate the individual or group audacious enough to murder his Dragonians. The urgency of resolving this dire issue was the reason he chose to head there himself.

"Watson, once everyone wakes up, inform them of my sudden departure to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire," Aditya instructed his butler, his voice imbued with an air of authority.

"Understood, Your Majesty," Watson responded, his tone equally formal and respectful.

Just as Aditya was about to turn away, Amber hesitated before speaking. "Your Majesty, may I accompany you on this journey?"

Aditya looked at her, slightly puzzled. "Why would you want to come?"

"Your Majesty, I've recently advanced to a beginner 5th-order cultivator," Amber explained, her eyes shining with a blend of excitement and earnestness. "I wish to test and utilize my newfound abilities. This mission presents a fitting opportunity to do so."

Considering her words, Aditya weighed the risks and benefits. Ultimately, he found her request to be reasonable. "Very well, Amber. You may come along. Prepare yourself; we leave immediately."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not disappoint you," Amber replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of relief and anticipation.



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As Amber walked alongside Aditya on their way to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire, a question gnawed at her thoughts, one that she felt she needed to ask. Finally, she mustered the courage to speak up.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind me asking, why did you send such formidable Dragonians to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire in the first place?" Amber's voice was tinged with genuine curiosity. She had never heard of any official missions or operations targeted at that particular region. The Northern Frost Dragon Empire had been in a state of disarray and internal strife for the past seven months, ever since the death of their leader, the White Dragon King. The Istarin Empire had made no overt moves to annex this neighboring territory, even though it constituted nearly half of the entire Southern region.

As they continued their march, Aditya took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. "When the White Dragon Emperor passed away, his demise triggered a brutal internal conflict among his children, each vying for the throne," Aditya began, his words measured and precise.

Amber nodded in agreement; this was common knowledge, public information that had circulated far and wide.

"What you might not know," Aditya continued, "is that several months ago, I made a discreet journey to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire. My objective was to meet with a particular individual, the 5th-prince, one of the late White Dragon Emperor's sons."

Upon hearing this revelation, Amber couldn't conceal her surprise. She was a high-ranking general in the Empire's army, yet she had never been privy to this piece of confidential information.

"The reason for the secrecy surrounding this meeting," Aditya added, sensing Amber's astonishment. "But now you are part of this mission, it's crucial that you're informed." Amber felt a mixture of relief and curiosity. Now, more than ever, she was keenly aware of the gravity of their mission, and the intricate web of political and military maneuvers that had led them to this point.

"Besides Watson, Nathan, and a select few within the Shadow Guardian, nobody else is in the loop about this particular mission," Aditya stated, his tone emphasizing the confidentiality of what he was about to share. Amber nodded in understanding, acutely aware of the weighty matters that were being discussed.

"Now, let me elaborate," Aditya continued, "Over the course of its 500-year existence, the Church founded by the White Dragon King has grown exceptionally influential. It has accumulated so much political power that whichever of the late King's children gains the Church's endorsement is practically guaranteed to be crowned the next Emperor. And this led to a scramble among the royal siblings to win the Church's favor."

Amber listened intently, absorbing each word.

"But the fifth-prince is a different breed altogether," Aditya went on, his eyes showing a glimmer of respect. "He is extraordinarily mature and possesses an intellect that far surpasses his siblings. To me, he stands as the ideal candidate to fill the void left by his father, the late White Dragon King."

Here, Aditya paused to weave in some added context that Amber needed to know. "You see, after the death of the White Dragon King, the battle for the throne erupted, dividing the royal family into factions, each clamoring for control. Among all the princes and princesses, the fifth-prince found himself at a significant disadvantage. He lacked the political sway and power that his siblings enjoyed, forcing him into a sort of exile, laying low to avoid becoming a casualty in the sibling rivalry."

"The fifth-prince had no other option but to go into hiding, steering clear of the chaos that had engulfed the royal palace," Aditya explained further. "And that's when our paths crossed. Seeing his potential, we struck a deal. The Istarin Empire would covertly supply him with highly skilled cultivators and the resources he'd require to ascend to the throne. We're invested in his success because a stable and friendly neighbor benefits us as well."

Amber now realized the full scope of the geopolitical moves that had been in play behind the scenes. This knowledge deepened her understanding of why their current mission was of such critical importance.

"So, here's where it gets even more complex," Aditya resumed, his forehead creased in concern. "I dispatched some of my most formidable Dragonians to protect the fifth-prince, who goes by the name of Jordan. Their main mission was to keep him safe, listen to his directives, and assist him in whatever ways necessary."

Amber's eyes widened slightly, intrigued by the scope of Aditya's covert operations.

"And it wasn't just a one-time thing," Aditya added, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. "I have been in regular communication with Jordan, exchanging letters on a monthly basis to stay updated on the situation. Based on his last correspondence, everything seemed to be moving in a favorable direction for him. He was confident that if things continued as they were, he'd soon be able to claim the throne."

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Amber noted the seriousness on Aditya's face as he concluded his point. "What baffles me is the abrupt turn of events that led to the demise of my Dragonians. I can't even confirm if Jordan is still alive, and that's what's worrying me the most."

Amber could see the genuine concern etched onto Aditya's face, a sharp contrast to his usually composed demeanor.

"So, our first course of action is to find Jordan? Is that the plan?" Amber inquired, seeking clarification on their immediate objectives.

Aditya nodded, his face reflecting a mix of determination and apprehension. "Yes, meeting Jordan is our priority. If he's safe, then we can proceed to investigate what led to this tragedy. If not, then we have an even bigger problem on our hands."

The gravity of the situation was now fully comprehensible to Amber. The unexpected deaths had disrupted carefully laid plans, and the stakes were higher than she initially understood. Both of them now shared a common understanding of the urgent mission that lay ahead.


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