Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 514 514

Chapter 514 514:- Annexation Of New Territories [II]

Aditya's declaration spread throughout the entire Northern Frost Dragon Empire and throughout the entire Dying Isle continent within a day. His words reached the words of his enemies and his allies. His Allies, of course, chose to support him and acknowledged the territory of the Northern Frost Dragon Empire as a part of the Istarin Empire's territory. At the same time, his allies ordered to making of a new map in which there was no Northern Frost Dragon Empire. In the new map, the borders between the previous Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Istarin Empire will be removed and the whole Southern region will be shown as a territory of the Istarin Empire.

As for his enemies, the people who were dissatisfied with this announcement, there was nothing that those people could do about this. Face the emperor in battle, they will end up dying or being destroyed and their territories being annexed by the Emperor. Challenge the Emperor's authority, the Emperor will expose them to the public just like they did to the church and humiliate them in front of their own people. Indirectly try to cause trouble or assassin the Emperor, the result would not change and they would only get themselves in trouble.

Regardless of how dissatisfied they were, the people that did not like Aditya and were against this announcement had to suck it up and keep their mouths shut otherwise the emperor had made his statement clear that he wasn't going to show any shred of mercy towards those who choose to stand in his path.

Aditya rose from being a homeless man to being the King of the smallest Dynasty in the whole continent to having the largest Empire in the whole world. If one underestimated Aditya, it would be the same as shooting oneself in the foot and bringing his own demise.

The children of the white Dragon King, Jay, weren't the least bit happy when they heard under the request of the people, the Emperor, Aditya had announced his formal annexation of their father's empire. This whole day has been really strange and shocking for them. At first, the words of the church humiliating the Istarin Empire reached their ears. Then later, the church was exposed to the whole Empire. And now the whole Empire itself was annexed by the Istarin Empire.

Once they heard the announcement, the children of the white dragon King's anger knew no bounds. They wanted to go in front of Aditya and yell at him for being unfair as the throne of this Empire and the right of the whole Empire should belong to one of the children and one of them should become the rightful ruler. Yet despite their anger, they knew if they dared to try something like this, even before they could raise their tone in front of Aditya, their tongues would be cut and they would be burned to ashes. Even if they spoke to Aditya about him being unfair and taking what should rightfully belong to them, Aditya could say that it was the people who begged him to annex the Empire. He could say that he did it for the people and their prosperity something that they had failed.

Besides, why should Aditya care if he was being unfair or fair? Aditya believed in the power of the fists. If there were any revolts or protests, he would suppress those rebellions with his fists and kill them without showing any mercy. This world wasn't fair. It was a game of winners and losers. The winner gets to keep everything and write the narrative of the history while the loser loses everything along with his life. There was no such thing as fair or unfair. The Istarin Empire was the overlord or the superpower of this continent and one of the top powerhouses of this world. No Empire has the right to question him or at least no one would dare to question him.josei

Less than 1% of the population did not like this but on the bright side, more than 99% were really happy and overjoyed hearing this news. This news meant that a new age was coming for them. Under the Istarin Emperor, they would be safe from the violence of War. There will be plenty of cheap and available foods, shelter, jobs, and peaceful times.

However, Aditya did not have the time to celebrate. Even though today was his birthday, he couldn't spend his day in peace and relaxation. He was still at the capital of the Northern Frost Dragon Empire. Just because he announced that the whole Empire would become a part of his Empire didn't mean that he was done. Rather, his workload increased even more. He was at the Palace where the White Dragon King lived previously, taking care of the small and miscellaneous works.

Around 4 hours later, Aditya finally got some free time. He had left the rest of the unimportant tasks on Spencer's shoulder. Even though they were supposed to be enjoying their holidays, because of Aditya, everyone else had to end their vacation and come with him for work. Other than Spencer no one else mind doing this. Spencer was reluctant to end his vacation so early as he wanted to give time to his girlfriend Aria. If the whole matter wasn't that serious, Aditya would have sent General Nathan to take care of everything but this matter was really serious. The core member of that organization was involved in this. And whenever Aditya has faced members from that organization, nothing has ever gone right.

"Finally, I got some time alone." Aditya sighed in relief. Aditya and Spencer felt that their best course of action would be to send at least 10,000 Istarin Soldiers along with a Dragonian and a Dragon Warrior to every Northern Frost Dragon Empire to guard the cities. Also from Aditya's announcement, other than a few thousand highly-ranked military officials, everyone else had basically surrendered and had agreed to serve the Istarin empire.

Although Aditya knows that there could be spies among the soldiers who surrendered, he still took the risk as later on all of the surrendered soldiers will be made to sign a soul-binding contract that will prevent them from leaking any confidential information about the Empire to anyone. Even if they spoke a thing to their wives or spouses, they would immediately die.

Also once this serious phase is over, all surrendered Soldiers will have to go through another training phase in which the soldier's loyalty and the soldier's capabilities will be tested. This training phase will last for 3 months. In this training phase, the soldiers will be taught to become proper Istarin Empire's soldiers.

"With my current speed, it should be easy for me to defeat Simon. This time I am not letting him leave so easily." Last Simon escaped from Aditya's hands because he used a teleportation crystal.

In the past, Aditya wasn't as fast as he was today. This was because of the new agility enchantments that he put on his boots and on other artifacts on his body that his agility had increased too much.

"System" Aditya opened the system and reread the description of his new artifacts.

『Wraithwalk Boots』

『Rank - Peak 4-star Boots (☆☆☆☆)』I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

『Description: - The Wraithwalk Boots are made from special rare materials. The Wraithwalk Boots were made from the following items; the Ebonshard Leather, the Netherweave Threads, Ghastly Sole, and Starlight Buckles.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Ebonshard Leather is Harvested from the mythical Ebonshard Beast that resides in the Shadowlands, This leather has inherent magical qualities. The Ebonshard Leather offers its wearers an uncanny lightness.

Netherweave Threads are extracted from the Nether Spiders that live in the Abyss, these threads possess trans-dimensional properties. They allow for the enchantments necessary to support the boots' agility abilities.

Ghastly Sole are crafted from the preserved skin of a long-deceased specter, the sole of these boots grants the ability to walk without making a sound, effectively making the wearer's steps ghost-like.

Starlight Buckles are metal clasps forged from a meteorite that fell from the sky above. These metals possess light-bending qualities, making the boots difficult to spot in low-light conditions.

The Wraithwalk Boots are made by a skilled blacksmith and later enchanted by a skilled runemaster. With both of their extraordinary skills, the Wraithwalk Boots are now immune to magma, water, ice, and fire. The Wraithwalk Boots are extremely tough and cannot be easily damaged or destroyed. No one other than the wearer can use the functions of these boots.』

『Function 1 - «Agility Boost» - The Wraithwalk Boots gives its wearer an agility boost of [500+] all of the time. Whenever the Wraithwalk Boots are worn, the boots won't make any noise when walking due to the Ghostly Sole that was used in making the boots.』

『Function 2 - «Lightness» The Wraithwalk Boots decrease the wearer's body weight and make the wearer's body light by 20%.』

『Function 3 - «Kinetic Absorption» - The Ghastly Sole of the Boots captures and stores the kinetic energy produced from the wearer's movements. When activated, this stored energy is released to give a sudden, explosive burst of speed. Up to [500+], Kinetic energy can be absorbed into the Boots. When activated, the energy increases the wearer's speed by [500+] for a duration of 3 seconds.』

『Function 4 - «Flash Step» - This function allows the wearer to instantly move a short distance in any direction, effectively "flashing" to that spot. This can only be activated once every minute but is extremely useful for dodging or closing distances.』

『Function 5 - «Windwalk» - When activated, this function lets the wearer glide smoothly over water or other soft terrains without sinking, thanks to the lightness provided by the Ebonshard Leather.』

"These boots are definitely cheat code no matter how I look at them." Aditya thought out loud. He knew that if he had become a 5-star runemaster, then he would be able to make something even more amazing. Aditya especially loved the 3rd function of his boots that allowed him to store kinetic energy and then for a duration of three seconds, he can use that energy to increase his speed even more. In narrow situations where even one second matters a lot, where even one second decides the fate of someone, this function would prove to be really effective and life-saving.


Aditya opened the doors that led him to the balcony. Standing on the balcony, he could see the entire Capital of the Northern Frost Dragon Empire. Even though he had such a large territory, he did not feel happy. As if he had gotten used to the feeling of adding new large territories to his Empire. The current Northern Frost Dragon Empire didn't have anything of value other than the few mana stone mines that this Empire had. Previously in exchange for helping the white Dragon King's 7th son, Jordan, they had agreed to give the Istarin Empire the ownership of their third-largest Mana stone mine; which was almost as big as the second-biggest Mana stone mine.

The current Northern Frost Dragon Empire was a broken Empire that would take at least 4 to 6 months to fix. The ongoing Civil War had destroyed the Empire from the inside. He had tons of work he had in front of him. Maybe after seeing this much work in front of him, Aditya lost the joy of acquiring new large territories or he had just gotten used to getting new territories.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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