Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 520 520

Chapter 520 520:- Soul Devouring Spider [IV]; Three Forest Guardians

The next second she felt the roots tightening around her body, making her feel suffocated. Before she could do anything, she felt her mana was being sucked from her. She wasn't just losing a small amount of her mana each second. It was as if a dam had been broken and the water holding the dam had been released. She feared that if this continued within a few minutes, her reserve of mana will be completely sucked dry by these grey roots. 


The next second, the heavy silence on the battlefield was broken by loud cracking sounds. The earth started to crack. Large fissures appeared on the ground. Seeing this everyone panicked. Even the Soul-Devouring Spiders also panicked. This also caused a small earthquake. The people inside the city also felt this earthquake. 

Once the cracks stopped appeared on the ground. At super fast speed, from these cracks, a countless number of grey roots emerged. Before the Soul-Devouring Spiders even had time to react, they found themselves bounded by the grey roots. The grey roots were not just any roots that could be destroyed. These roots were extremely tough and could not be destroyed. The number of Soul Devouring Spiders was anything but small. The grey roots captured the spiders that had reached the top of the mountain. As for the other incoming spiders, the grey did not reach that far. 

Seeing all of this, the soldiers kept a strange sense of hope in their hearts. At the same time, this made them wonder what was happening. Who was doing all of this? Who was saving them? Could it be that Mother Nature had answered their calls and had come to save them? No one knew. No one had an answer. Everyone could just stare at what was happening with a sense of excitement building in their hearts. They felt hopes of winning this battle for the first time. The soldiers began to regain their hopes and their fighting spirits. 

Suddenly a green Aura enveloped all of the troops. The green Aura felt warm to the troops. They felt as if they had become one with Mother Nature for a moment. At the same time, the wounds that they received during the ongoing battle, rapidly started to heal. The soldiers kept that their exhaustion and tiredness were disappearing. At the same time, they also noticed that their Mana reserve was being fulfilled once again. 

"I... I feel... amazing," one soldier stammered, staring at his previously injured arm, now fully healed.

"Is this a dream?" another exclaimed, flexing his fingers in wonder as he felt the rush of mana coursing through him.

"We've got a fighting chance now!" a third declared, his voice carrying a note of hope and determination that had been missing just moments before.

"It's as if the land itself is fighting with us," a young soldier whispered, eyes wide with awe.

A grizzled veteran, who moments ago had been on the brink of collapse, now stood tall, feeling years younger. "I've never felt anything like this. We're being given a second wind!"

"Look at my wounds, they're gone!" another soldier shouted, showing off his once scarred chest that was now smooth and unblemished.

Soldiers around started talking animatedly, their despair replaced by hope and gratitude. "Mother Nature is on our side," a mage murmured, tears of relief in his eyes.

A small gust of wind blew past the soldiers. As the wind blew past them, the looks on the soldier's faces changed. Some of them even looked confused wondering if what they heard was real or their imagination. It was as if the wind carried these words to their ears. 

[Soldiers of the Istarin Empire do not stop fighting. Until the battle ends, you all will never run out of Mana. If you are injured then you will be healed. You will feel no exhaustion. So don't hesitate anymore. Pick up your weapons and fight these monsters. Protect this land and protect this city. Protect your loved ones. Don't lose hope as the goddess of Nature is by your side.] 

The ethereal whisper of the Goddess of Nature resonated through every soldier's heart, like a melody of hope and strength. Their rejuvenated bodies now trembled with newfound excitement. 

"We heard her! The Goddess of Nature herself is with us!" one soldier cried out, his voice quivering with emotion.

"She believes in us! We cannot let her down!" another declared, clutching his weapon tightly, newfound determination shining in his eyes.

"All this time, we were never alone. She's been watching over us!" A young soldier exclaimed, wiping away a tear.

"Come on, lads! With the goddess on our side, these spiders don't stand a chance!" yelled a seasoned warrior, rallying those around him.

A wave of exhilaration spread through the ranks. Soldiers looked at one another, their faces reflecting a shared sentiment - a deep-rooted belief in victory. The weight of despair that had once threatened to crush them was now completely lifted.

"For our homes, our families, and the Goddess herself, we will not falter!" declared a commander, raising his sword high, the metal gleaming brilliantly under the sun.

While all of this was happening, Riya who had hidden herself using 'Natural Camouflage' just smiled. 'Natural Camouflage' was one of the powerful passive skills that allowed her to hide in nature. Not even a Peak 5th-order cultivator would be capable of sensing her presence if she used 'Natural Camouflage'.

The situation here was so bad that Riya had to come here. Just like Riya, other Generals of the Istarin Empire also had to step up. Riya came to the battlefield around the time when the Peak 5th-order Soul Devouring Spider also made its appearance. 

Unlike Aditya, Riya did not have firepower. Instead, she used grey roots to drain the Soul-Devouring Spiders' Mana and used that Mana to heal the wounded soldiers and keep filling the soldiers' mana reserve so that the Soldiers could keep fighting without needing to worry about their wounds and mana reserve slowing them down. Riya had taken the role of supportive in this battle. If any more Peak 5th-order or any 5th-order Spiders in general came to the Battlefield, her grey roots would be more than enough.

After she had reached Mid-5th-order, she had grown strong enough to take care of pretty much all Peak 5th-order cultivators. Her ability to Drain and absorb Mana from her opponent made Riya really dangerous. And this was just a small part of her true powers that she still hasn't used yet. 

The next second the smile from her face disappeared as she sensed the number of the Soul Devouring Spider. There were approximately 5 million of these Soul Devouring Spiders. If the troops knew of such a number they would instantly lose their fighting spirit again. This was a bad news. Even with the buffs that Riya was providing them, taking down 5 million Soul Devouring Spiders will be extremely tough for them if not impossible. 

Riya raised both of her hands up as a green Aura enveloped around her entire body. Her sliver hair started to float along with the edges of her cloth. Her eyes also started shinning in deep green.  I think you should take a look at

[Whispers of the ancient grove, awaken from your silent doze,

Hear the call of the forest's plea, rise as guardians, strong and free.

Stones of old and roots so deep, from the earth, your promise keep,

Guard the lands and skies so wide, stand as sentinels, side by side.

By the pulse of life's eternal dance, and nature's evergreen romance,

Bear the strength of mountains tall, heed the sacred sentinel's call.josei

Let this chant be the incantation to summon the powerful guardians of nature.]

[Nature's Sentinel!!!]


With Riya's call, suddenly the whole mountain started to shake. For a moment all of the soldiers stopped fighting and wondered what was going to happen now. And for some reason, all of the Soul Devouring Spiders looked really restless at this moment. 

The shaking stopped very soon. And everyone refused to fight. But a minute later, all stopped fighting the sound steps. Each step seems to shake the ground a little bit. This really made the soldiers and the people within the city feel frightened not knowing what was going on. 

From the north, a being that was almost 17 meters (55.7743 feet) slowly walked towards the Soul Devouring Spiders. Each step this being took, shook the ground around it a little bit. Everyone felt the ground tremble as this was being approached. 

"What the hell is this thing?" One of the soldiers gazed up in shock.

"I don't know..." Another soldier responded. 

An earth mage among the soldiers immediately recognized this being. In a trembling tone, she replied in a slightly loud tone. "This is a Foliage guardian."

"Foliage guardian....? What's that?" Asked the commander while staring at the Foliage guardian in a mix of shock and astonishment. 

The Foliage Guardian looked like a giant made of leaves and branches. It's really tall, about as tall as a five-story building; 17 meters (55.7743 feet). Its body is made up of thick vines twisted together, and its hands look like big clumps of leaves. It has two glowing green eyes that shine brightly. The guardian's feet are rooted into the ground, and when it moves, it looks like the ground is helping it walk. It's covered all over with different types of leaves, some big and some small. It's a mix of green shades, making it blend well with the forest. The guardian looked strong but also gentle, like a big, friendly giant that loved nature.

The face of the Foliage Guardian had a peaceful, ancient look. Its eyes were big, round, and glowing a soft green, like two lanterns lighting up a forest path. The eyes were surrounded by thick leafy eyebrows that moved like they were alive. Instead of a nose, there was a gentle slope with vines trailing down, and its mouth was a simple line, which could curve into a smile or frown. The whole face was framed by hanging moss and ferns, giving it a wise and old appearance. It didn't have ears like humans; instead, there were clusters of leaves that rustled softly whenever it "listened". Every feature on its face seemed to be in harmony with nature, making it look kind and gentle.

The female earth mage looked at the Foliage Guardian with stars in her eyes. She looked like an excited child staring at the Foliage Guardian. She looked so excited because she had never seen a Foliage Guardian of such a huge size. "The Foliage Guardian is a big protector made out of leaves and plants. Usually, only someone super strong and really close to nature can call it. Since Elves are the only race that is really close to nature, they are capable of summoning the Foliage Guardian. But the ones they summon are like 5 to 8 meters tall, tops. This one is almost 17 meters long! That's way bigger than usual. This is to be expected from the Goddess of Nature herself."

Tap! Tap! 

Soon the soldier's attention was focused on two other gigantic beings. One of them came from the south and the other came from the east direction. Seeing them everyone was again surprised and shocked. 

"That's Stone Guardian and Wood Guardian." 

The Stone Guardian looks like a huge giant made entirely of rocks and boulders. It's super tall, way taller than a big building, about 20 meters high. Its whole body is made up of different sizes of stones, all stacked and fitted together. It has two deep holes for eyes that glow a bright blue color. The guardian's arms and legs are thick and strong, like massive pillars. When it moves, one can hear the sound of rocks grinding together. Its feet are so big that with each step, the ground shakes a bit. The guardian's face is simple, with a flat surface for a mouth that doesn't move much. It looks really tough and solid, like a mountain that walks and protects.

Everyone felt even more confident as three Guardians joined them in battles against the spiders. Their massive sizes weren't just for show. Their bodies were filled with power. Normally summoning such giant Guardians would consume a lot of Mana. So much so that Riya can only summon these three Guardians for about 1 minute. 

Since the grey roots were constantly sucking Mana from the Soul Devouring Spiders, she had no problem with Mana supply. The three Guardians were receiving mana from the grey roots directly. 


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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