Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 530 530

Chapter 530 530:- Final Attack

"Don't you dare underestimate me, Dragon Emperor?" Simon roared in anger. The next second, Simon's pupils contracted to the size of the needle. Countless red veins appeared in his eyes. Slowly but surely blood started filling his eyes before blood started rolling down his cheeks his eyes like tears. 

At the same time, his skin started becoming extremely pale. It was as his someone was sucking blood out of his body. His vitality rapidly started to decrease. His Aura started to weaken. He had put all of his remaining Mana into this attack. 

Just like before Simon was creating an energy Lance but this time, Aditya could sense that this lance was extremely tough. He had a feeling that this Lance could very well end his life. 

"This is the final attack...."

Seeing this Aditya also didn't hold back. He put most of his remaining of his Mana into his attack. Aditya's Mana was almost drained from this battle. 

A ball of Scarlett Inferno Flame formed before Aditya. While Simon was holding a lance Lance was at least 1000 times stronger than before.

Simon's body had withered as if a Soul Devouring Spider had sucked all of his Life force. He looked like a ghost. It was as if he had lost all of his muscles and was only left with his bones and his skin. He had become extremely skinny and fragile-looking. His knees were shaking uncontrollably. His hair had become grey. His skin had been wrinkled. His skin had become slightly dark. The current Simon had become so weak that it looked like he might die even from a strong gust of wind. 

Using the Soulfire Lance consumed a small part of the user's soul. Using the Soulfire lance too many times can be extremely dangerous for the user. Simon had used all of his Soul, His Mana, and his life force in this attack. This is why he had become so skinny and fragile. 

"I am going to take you with me," Simon said in a weak tone. His tone was so weak that he wasn't even sure if Aditya had heard his words. 

"I am not planning on dying, unfortunately." Both of them fired their attacks.

But just before both attacks cloud collide, Aditya used Crimson Warp Flash and tried his best to get out of the range of the explosion. As he knew that an earth-shattering explosion was going to take place in a second. Being at the center of the explosion, he wasn't sure if he could survive especially now that he had consumed almost all of his Mana. Fortunately, he didn't put all of his mana into his last attack and saved up for Mana to use Crimson Warp Flash.


Around 40 km away, Sasha, Lilith, and Riya suddenly saw a gigantic mushroom cloud rising in the air. At the same time, a wave of flame was heading in directions at the speed of sound. Seeing the wave of flame heading in their direction, they turned around and ran away from it as fast as they could. 

Fortunately Nathan and Amber had taken the Istarin troops far away. The shockwave of the attack didn't reach them or any nearby city or villages. Fortunately for Aditya, this part of the region was the least populated. 


"Fortunately we are already far away....." When the explosion happened Lilith, Sasha, and Riya were already far away. They had more than enough time to escape otherwise they would have been caught in the shockwave. The shockwave was so strong that it could have ripped their bodies apart. 

"That was scary....." Riya also admitted. 

Only Lilith wasn't saying anything. She was looking at the sky. The rain had stopped and the dark clouds had started to disperse but now due to the explosion the sky was covered in black smoke. Due to this, she couldn't see what was going on. 

Lilith could tell that this attack might have been the last and final attack. Lilith's heart was filled with worry. She hoped that Aditya was okay. 

Meanwhile, Aditya pushed away all the debris and ashes that were covering his body. His whole body was slightly burned. But he was still alright. It should take him a few hours to naturally heal these minor wounds. 

『Ding! You have killed a Peak 6th-order cultivator. You have gained experience Poins.』

Seeing this Aditya sighed in relief that he had finally managed to end Simon's life. 

"I want to sleep...." Aditya had drained all of his Mana and he was super exhausted from his battle. Even before the battle he hadn't spent for multiple nights and spent all of his time working. 

"Fortunately the threat is gone. But I can't stop here now." Simon had made Aditya realize just how far the reach of the League of the Black Tomb went. If tomorrow, another core member of the organization came after his life or came to take revenge for Simon's death, at that time, no matter how strong Aditya is, he can't stop them from killing his own people. In a less than week's time, due to Simons' actions, the number of people that had died was over 2 million.

And Aditya hated this weakness of his against the organization. 

"Since the organization keeps on disturbing my peaceful life, I am not going to let you guys sleep either." Aditya tightly clenched his fists. His eyes were full of anger. This experience has been a wake-up call to Aditya. The organization can strike at him whenever it wants. And Aditya needs to be prepared to defend himself and his Empire. 

"The Istarin Empire has to spend more money on its defense." Aditya thought out loud. Many other kinds of plans began forming in his mind. The next time he faces the League of the Black Tomb organization's members, it is going to be them who are going to suffer at his hands. 

As Aditya flew up and looked down he realized just how much the of the land had been destroyed. In front of him, there was a wasteland that stretched more than 50km in all directions. The land was formerly full of greenery and vegetation. But now the land was covered in ashes. In the middle of the wasteland, there was a gigantic crater that was 18 meters in size. 



Scene change______

Lilith, Sasha, and Riya finally felt relieved seeing Aditya flying towards them. It was as if a massive weight had been lifted from their shoulders. The trio flew towards him.  I think you should take a look at


"Are you alright?" 

Lilith just seriously stared at Aditya. 

Aditya's condition wasn't good. His clothes were torn up. Parts of his skin were slightly burned. There were many cuts on his body. Other than that, he didn't have much serious injuries. The life-ending injury that he received from Simon's punch was healed when Aditya used this new skill and also ate one of Julia's 5-star healing pills. 

"I am alright. There is no need to worry about me...." Aditya couldn't even finish when Riya came forward and hugged him. She started sobbing in his arms. Aditya felt complicated as he hugged with his one arm. 


This whole time Riya has been genuinely scared and really worried about Aditya. If the enemy was a Peak 5th-order, she wouldn't have been worried. But the enemy that he faced this time was extremely strong. The enemy was so strong that she and others had to stay out of their way. 

He hated it when he saw any of his women cry. 

"Alright. There is no need to cry. Everything is over now." Aditya gently stroked Riya's head while saying these words. 

Aditya looked at Sasha and Lilith. When Sasha and Aditya's gaze met, she just snorted. But Aditya knew that she was being a tsundere. 

"Come...." Aditya didn't want to give all of his attention to Riya. 

"Hmph! Who wants to hug you? I am not doing that." Sasha snorted and looked away. But in reality, she was just too embarrassed to come and hug him along with Riya. 

"Hehe! Then I will take your place." Sasha found her mother hugging Aditya. Seeing this she felt speechless before she puffed her cheeks in jealousy. She kind of regretted her actions and felt that she should have stopped her mother. 

Aditya also felt speechless seeing Lilith burying her face in his face and hugging him tightly. Once again he felt complicated. He wasn't sure what to do with Lilith. 

Aditya wasn't stupid. He can see all the signs and hints that Lilith is dropping at him. But he didn't take any action. When it came to Lilith, Aditya felt more complicated than ever. There is no doubt that staying with her and with her constant teasing, he is becoming fond of her. A sense of attachment is growing in his heart. But she was Sasha's mother and the matter was really sensitive. 

Aditya wasn't complaining. Which man in this world had the privilege of hugging the Goddess of Nature and the mother of the Goddess of Lust at the same time? If other men saw him, then they would of envy and jealousy.

Aditya continued to hug both beauties for a while before he separated from them. Riya had finally calmed down. Aditya gently wiped the tears from her cheek. This was the first time he had seen Riya breaking down. 

Lilith on the other hand left very reluctant to separate from him. She wanted to continue hugging him forever. She loved his masculine smell more than anything. His strong smell turned never failed to turn her on. 

"Are you done?" Sasha asked in an impatient and slightly frustrated tone. Since she had refused to join, she couldn't join now. Her place had been taken by her own mother which she didn't think much of. Seeing them hugging, Sasha felt jealous. She wanted to be a part of it or at least wanted this to end. 

Suddenly Aditya teleported in front of her. Before she could react, she found herself in his arms. For a second she resisted but that resistance quickly faded as she wrapped her arms around his back and hugged him as tight as possible. 

Riya looked at Sasha for a second. For today, she decided to not tease Sasha or pick a fight with her. 



And so, once Aditya returned, he went back to his busy life. He had to fix the damage that was done to the Southern region because of Simon's actions. 

For the next one week, he was completely busy. He didn't come out of his office at all. Aditya remained inside his office. He worked endlessly. Even when everyone in the Dragon Palace went to sleep, Aditya never slept and continued with his work. He was busy with work and work

Around a few days later, the Mana density around the Southern region returned to normal. This brought a great sense of relief to the Istarin Empire and especially to Aditya as he had been worried that hearing this news forces from the Main continent were going to come to the Southern region and would try to claim it for themselves. And this would start a big conflict. 

Aditya wanted to avoid this. Because of this, he and the shadow guardians suppressed information about the Mana density as much as possible. For the next few days, no one from the outside was allowed to enter the Southern region. Aditya did this to prevent any spies from coming to the Southern region to confirm this news and send this confirmed news back to the Main continent or the enemies of the Istarin Empire. 

Fortunately, there were no nasty surprises for the Empire and its people. Soon things returned to normal. The peaceful lives of the people returned with an unforgettable scar that will forever remain in their hearts. 


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

End of the first major Arc of this Volume!

There will be two more major arcs in this volume before we are completely done with this Volume. 

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