Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 534 534

Chapter 534 534:- New Skills And Stats [III]

『Ding! 3rd-order innate skill Crimson Blaze has evolved into the 4th-order skill, 'Scarlet Inferno'』

"Scarlett Inferno..."

『Scarlett Inferno』

『4th-order Innate Skill』

『Description: - Evolving from Fiery Blaze, advancing to Crimson Blaze, and finally reaching the pinnacle as Scarlett Inferno, this skill grants the host unparalleled mastery over fire. The Scarlett Inferno isn't just any flame; it's counted among the most potent and destructive fires known to exist in the world.』

『Abilities : -』

『1. Mana Furnace』: Whenever the host activates this skill, it starts consuming mana at a rate of [1+] per second. The strength and scope of the fire are only limited by the host's creativity and the amount of mana they can channel.

『2. Infernal Ward』: This skill provides the host with substantial defensive capabilities. Any fire-based attack from an enemy is reduced in impact by [50%]. For those enemies at or below the 4th order of cultivation, their fire attacks become virtually ineffective against the host.

『3. Blaze Amplification』: When the host uses fire-based attacks, their potency is increased by [40%], particularly effective against beings or cultivators of 5th-order or lower.

『4. Flame Tongue』: The host gains the ability to understand and communicate with fire-based elemental beings, opening up avenues for alliances or gaining additional knowledge about fire manipulation.

『5. Molten Core』: As the host's understanding of fire deepens, they can temporarily turn their Scarlett Inferno into molten lava, giving them the ability to control not just the flames but also their liquefied form.

"Not bad...." Aditya was satisfied reading the description of Scarlett Inferno. 

"Instant learning and adaptation is a skill that wouldn't be upgraded by the system even if I reach a new order. It kind of makes sense since the skill is already too powerful and allows to me basically remember anything that I see or hear or read. Using this skill, I can learn skills really fast. It kind of makes a genius." Aditya couldn't help but chuckle. 

"The same is true with Dragon Transformation. The skill doesn't fall into any Order. This means the the description of Dragon Transformation will remain the same unless my bloodline evolves again which is not going to happen since my Bloodline has reached the peak already."

『Ding! Innate skill Weapon Grandmaster has been upgraded.』

『Weapon Grandmaster』

『4th-order Innate Skill 』

『Description 』: - A powerful innate skill is only given to people who have the War Dancer class. 

『Ability 1』: - This skill gives the user knowledge and instant mastery over any weapon that is held by the user. Weapon Mastery increases the power of any weapon by [30%].

『Ability 2』: - Gives the host a 90% chance of dodging or landing a critical strike if the opponent is in the same order as the host. The percentage might increase or decrease depending on the level of the opponent.

Aditya noticed that even though this skill had upgraded the name of the skill hadn't changed. "I guess upgrading a skill doesn't mean that the name of the skill is also going to change."

"It's a useful skill. An increase in the power of any weapon that I wield by 30% is going to make a big difference, especially fighting against 6th-order or high-order cultivators." Aditya thought to himself. 

『Ding! Passive skill Charm of Plasma and Innate skill Runic Enchantment have been merged to become an Innate skill named, 'Runic Soulforge'』

『Runic Soulforge』

『4th-order Innate Skill』

『Description: - Emerging from the fusion of two foundational skills, the Charm of Plasma and Runic Enchantment, the Runic Soulforge skill is an incredible boon for the host. Both of these foundational skills were unlocked due to the host possessing the Rune Monarch class. This merged skill provides the host with unparalleled capabilities in the realm of rune crafting and elemental manipulation.』


『1. Rune Mastery』: The host gains an almost unfailing expertise in crafting 4-star rune formations. There's a 100% guarantee that any 4-star rune, artifact, weapon, or armor enchantment the host attempts will succeed. Additionally, there's a 25% chance of the host successfully crafting 5-star runes and enchantments. This makes the host a formidable rune crafter capable of imbuing objects with potent magical properties.

『2. Elemental Lexicon』: The host can now explore the deep knowledge of Elemental Runes-specifically Fire, Lightning, Storm, Magma, and Space. The host can create complex elemental rune formations or add elemental enchantments to a variety of objects and even make artifacts. 

『3. Runic Insight』: The host gains a sixth sense for identifying the innate magical properties of any object, making it easier to choose the best rune combinations for enchanting purposes.

『4. Plasmic Infusion』: Tapping into the essence of the original Charm of Plasma, the host can now infuse plasma energy into their runes, supercharging them and adding an extra layer of complexity and power.

『5. Spatial Engraving』: Given their affinity for Space elements, the host can embed spatial runes onto objects to manipulate their weight, and size, or even create pocket dimensions within them.I think you should take a look at

"This skill is going to be really useful to me." Since these days Aditya is always making artifacts and drawing rune formations, just as his skill evolved, he felt as if an open door of possibilities had been opened in his mind. A door that gave him almost countless possibilities. 

He couldn't wait to try drawing runes. 

Knock! Knock!

"Come in," Aditya called out when he heard a knock on his door. The door creaked open, and Lara cautiously stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room curiously. Though she lived under the same roof as Aditya, this was her first time setting foot in his office.

The office was a space that Aditya considered private. When he wasn't working, he didn't let anyone in there except for Watson, who was the only one given permission to clean the space. It wasn't because Aditya had secrets to hide; rather, he often left important papers scattered across his desk and the nearby couch. He didn't like it when someone disturbed his work. Aditya had a habit of tidying up all the papers once he was finished with his work, and he preferred to work alone.

Spotting Lara, Aditya looked up from his desk and greeted her warmly. "Lara, what brings you here?" he asked, his face breaking into a smile.

"Husband, it's time to stop working. Dinner's ready," Lara gently reminded him.

It was only at that moment that Aditya realized time had slipped away from him. So engrossed was he in reviewing his various skills that he hadn't noticed the sun setting outside the window. Dinner time had arrived without him even realizing it.

"Wow, I totally lost track of time. Dinner already, huh?" Aditya said, scratching the back of his head as he stood up from his desk. He stretched his arms wide, trying to shake off the stiffness that had settled in his body from hours of sitting.

"Husband, you are working too much," Lara said, her eyes filling with sadness as she looked down at the floor. "We hardly see you anymore. You're always busy."

Feeling a twinge of guilt, Aditya quickly wrapped his arms around Lara's petite frame, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I'm really sorry, Lara. There's just so much stuff that needs to get done. If I don't take care of it, bad things could happen to a lot of people. It's my job as the leader to make sure everything's okay."

All week long, Aditya had been burning the candle at both ends, giving up sleep to focus on his work. The only breaks he took were for meals, and even those were often rushed. Family time had become a rare luxury, something he knew he couldn't keep sacrificing.

If it hadn't been for Simon's evil plans, Aditya's workload wouldn't be this crazy. Because of Simon, millions of those dangerous Soul-Devouring Spiders invaded, and so many people lost their lives. On top of that, he messed up the whole Mana density in the Southern Empire of the Dying Isle Continent, making everything even more tricky. And let's not forget, he wiped out an entire city. All this forced Aditya to step up the safety measures for all the cities in his Empire. He didn't want anything like this to happen again.

So now, he was buried in work, dealing with the fallout. As the leader, it was his job to make the army stronger and keep everyone in the Empire safe.

Trying to ease Lara's worries, Aditya looked into her eyes. "It's okay, you know. I'm almost done with all this work. Tomorrow, I've got a big talk with our friends who help us out, our allies. But once that's over, I'll mostly be free." Smiling, he leaned in and planted a kiss on each of her cheeks. Lara's face lit up with happiness, a clear sign she was looking forward to spending more time with him.

"Let's go." Taking Lara's hand both of them walked to the dining hall. 

Aditya wasn't the first to arrive. Others were already there, sitting and waiting. But today was not like any other day. They had a very special visitor from another empire, the Deep Sea Palace Empire. The lady in charge of that place, Empress Laura, had come to visit. And she didn't come alone; her maid Kate was with her too.


Lilith took the lead in making introductions. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Laura. She's the big boss of the Deep Sea Palace Empire," she said, making sure to introduce Laura to everyone in the room. Some people had already met with Laura. Julia, for example, had met her ages ago. Back when Aditya and Julia were enjoying their date Laura interrupted them. Alicia caught a glimpse of her once when she got back home after a long, tiring day. But for Riya and a few others, this was their first time seeing Laura.

The person who looked the most shocked to see Laura was none other than Sasha. Her eyes widened, and for a moment, she seemed almost speechless.

"So you're Sasha? This is what you look like?" Laura said, her face lit up with a welcoming smile.

"It's great to meet you," Laura continued, her smile staying in place.

However, Sasha looked more than just a little uneasy. She actually looked kind of guilty. Just a few months ago, she had been on a mission to try and kill Laura. And she would have, if it weren't for Aditya stepping in to stop her. Sasha never thought that she would end up face-to-face with Laura again. Back when she made those attempts on Laura's life, she was wearing a disguise.

Feeling the tension, Sasha managed to muster a response. "It's good to meet you too. I'm Sasha," she said, offering a nod in Laura's direction.

While this strange exchange was going on, Riya, Alicia, Julia, Lara, and the rest of the gang were left scratching their heads. They couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly happened between Sasha and Laura in the past. Julia glanced over at Aditya. Seeing him just sitting there, calmly munching on his food, she got the sense that he probably knew what was up.

Catching on to everyone's puzzled looks, Lilith couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle as she continued to enjoy her meal.

Sylvie calmly looked at Lilith and Aditya's faces and thought. 'I have a feeling that there is a really interesting story between the Empress of the Deep Sea Palace and the strongest assassin in the whole world. I have to approach Lilith to get to know what happened.' Sylvie loved drama. She could smell a Big Drama between Laura and Sasha. 

Aria also looked thoughtful. While Spencer completely ignored the situation and focused on his food. He wasn't interested. He wanted to finish eating dinner early and spent time with his lover Aria. 

As for Leo and Clara both of them were clueless. 


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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