Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 536 536

Chapter 536 536:- Meeting

"You know, the Deep Sea Palace is a really unfair place," Aditya began, choosing his words carefully. "It's like, the Merfolks get all the good stuff, all the chances, and everyone else just has to deal with it. There's a lot of treating people badly based on what race they are. Merfolks are always on top, while other races, like Sea Elves, are at the bottom."

As he spoke, Aditya remembered his own experience visiting the Deep Sea Palace. The unfairness was not just a story; he had seen it with his own eyes. The situation was truly terrible for those not born as Merfolks.

"But wait, there's more," Laura took over and continued. "The Deep Sea Palace might seem really strong, both in how it's run and its fighting forces. But here's the thing: that power isn't really all mine. It's spread out among a bunch of strong clans, important families, and groups that have been around for a long time. And my grip on that power? It's not that strong. If all these strong and important people got together against me, I could be kicked out of my position really fast."

Laura crossed her arms, pressing them against her chest as she leaned back slightly. "Look, from what my undercover agents have found out, a lot of these big-name families and groups don't like me being in charge. See, they're all stuck in their old ways of thinking. They're so full of themselves that they can't see how some of their old-fashioned rules are actually making things worse, not better."

Laura paused, taking in the room to gauge reactions. "Here in the Deep Sea Palace, I'm pretty well-known for wanting to shake things up. I want to get rid of some of the outdated ways we do things and bring in some new ideas. That's putting me on a collision course with these powerful folks. Sooner or later, they're gonna try to get rid of me. They might even try to kill me or start a big fight against my rule. I've been careful not to give them a reason to turn on me, but realistically speaking sooner or later, they'll find some excuse." This was a clash of ideals. While Laura wanted change, they wanted to keep their old ways. A clash between the two sides was inevitable. 

Laura took a deep breath before dropping another piece of alarming news. "And as if that's not bad enough, one of the empires next door is thinking about attacking us. My spies have told me they're getting ready for war."

The room went quiet, everyone absorbing the weight of Laura's words. She wasn't just up against problems from within her own empire, but also threats from the outside. If all these issues came to a head at the same time, the whole Deep Sea Palace could fall apart.

Alicia tilted her head, trying to choose her words carefully. "I don't mean to be disrespectful, but with everything so shaky back home, shouldn't you be there to keep things calm?"

Laura nodded, appreciating the concern. "I get where you're coming from. But right now, the people I've put in charge are following my instructions to get ready for war. I think it's more important to first deal with the threats from outside our borders. Then, once that's sorted, I'll turn my focus to the mess inside the empire. I'm working on getting stronger, too. The moment I feel like I've got enough power, you better believe I'm going to clean house and get rid of all the bad stuff dragging us down."

Aditya listened intently and couldn't help but be amazed by Laura's level-headed approach. Even when facing so many problems, she seemed to have a good handle on things. "Laura, I've got to say, I'm really impressed with how you've thought all this through. If you ever need help, just say the word. We're on the same team, after all."

Aditya knew this situation wasn't one you could just muscle through. If that was possible, Laura could've just hired some tough guys to get rid of all those powerful families and factions who were giving her a hard time. But that would be a bad move. Those families and factions have a lot of say in how things go, both in politics and the military. Wiping them out would throw the whole empire into chaos.

"One reason I'm here is to make my Alliance with the Istarin Empire stronger. If I can officially become part of The Triumvirate Alliance, the outside enemies might think twice before attacking us," Laura explained, a thoughtful look on her face.

Riya raised an eyebrow. "But, don't you think that the powerful families and groups back home might get mad if you do that? Worst case, they might even turn against you."

Laura gave a half-smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Well, what other options do I have? If I just sit back and do nothing, my empire will be too weak to defend itself."

Julia then chimed in, "Why not ask these families and groups to share their armies with you? They've got lots of resources."

Laura sighed before answering, "To really understand that, you'd need to know more about how things work in the Deep Sea Palace. From the start, a lot of folks weren't happy about me becoming the leader. I earned my spot by winning a tournament, fair and square. But even after I took charge, I've tried to get help from these families and groups. They've pretty much just ignored me."

In her voice, one could hear the weight of the unspoken struggles and conflicts that she'd been facing ever since she took the throne. Laura had tried to reach out for help, but it was like talking to a wall; no one seemed to be listening.

"Because of this, I can't implement any of the policies that I had thought of before becoming the Empress. I was planning on changing the policies and laws of the Empire to give equal rights to all races but now I have to put that on hold." Everyone felt bad for Laura. She was under so much pressure from all sides



Scene change

Next day, 

"It's really good to see you again, Your Majesty," said Daxton Ferguson with a warm smile. He was the Emperor of the Echo Dominion Empire.

Aditya, the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, returned the smile and shook Daxton's hand firmly. "The pleasure is all mine, Daxton. Welcome to the Istarin Empire. I hope your journey here was smooth?"

"Very much so, thank you for asking," Daxton replied. "Your lands always offer a kind of peace I don't find elsewhere."

Just then, Aidan, the King of the Hephaestus Kingdom, walked up to join them. "Aditya, Daxton, it's has been a while since we last met," He said, extending his hands for hearty handshakes with both men.

Aditya greeted Aidan warmly, "Aidan, it's great to see you. How have things been in the Hephaestus Kingdom?"

Aidan chuckled, "Busy as always, but we're managing thanks to all the supper you and Daxton have provided to my Kingdom. How about you? How is everything going well in your Empire?" Aidan was asking about the aftermath of the things that Simon did.I think you should take a look at

"Thanks to the hard work of everyone, we're doing quite well," Aditya humbly replied.

"Please follow me," Aditya said, turning to lead the way down a corridor adorned with complicated designs. Aidan and Daxton followed closely behind, their Prime Ministers followed them at a respectful distance.

They finally reached a set of grand doors, which Aditya opened, revealing the meeting room inside. At the center of the room stood a square-shaped wooden table, carved with elaborate designs. There were four chairs placed around the table, each one cushioned and ornately decorated. The moonstones hanging from the ceiling were casting a soft, ethereal light throughout the room. These stones shined just like the moon and gave off a calming aura. 

  "Please, have a seat."

The three leaders sat around the square table, their Prime Ministers taking up positions a little behind them. 

"Shall we begin?" Aditya asked, looking at both Aidan and Daxton.

"Yes, let's get down to business," Aidan replied, settling into his chair.

Daxton nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, there's much to discuss."

"I appreciate you both taking the time to join this sudden meeting, especially knowing how busy your schedules must be," Aditya began, glancing at the two other rulers. "I know that meetings like this are usually planned well in advance, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in your daily plans."josei

"No need to apologize, Your Majesty," Daxton responded, his face breaking into a friendly smile. "We know that you wouldn't have called this meeting if it wasn't really important."

"I agree with Daxton," Aidan chimed in, nodding his head. "Important matters like these deserve quick action. So don't worry about it."

"Thank you both for your understanding," Aditya said, feeling relieved. "That brings me to the main topic of our discussion today. What are your thoughts on the idea of bringing the Deep Sea Palace Empire into our Triumvirate Alliance?"

This was a sensitive topic. Being part of an alliance meant you had to weigh everyone's thoughts and opinions. He couldn't just make a decision without consulting them; doing so would only create tension and mistrust within their partnership. Aditya looked at both Aidan and Daxton, eager to hear their thoughts.

"I appreciate your openness, Aidan," Aditya began, taking in Aidan's words carefully. "I do understand that the idea of having an empire from the ocean join forces with land-based empires is new and could ruffle some feathers. Historically, the ocean empires have kept to themselves, living underwater and minding their own business. They've got different races like Sea Elves and Merfolks. Whenever they've interacted with the land empires, it's usually been met with some sort of disapproval from their fellow oceanic kingdoms."

Then, turning his attention to Daxton, Aditya asked, "What are your thoughts on this, Daxton?"

"I don't have a problem with adding more allies either," Daxton replied, his face becoming more serious. "But I want to know if we can trust the Deep Sea Palace. Our alliance, after all, is built on a foundation of trust. We help each other out when times are hard. So, I'm curious about how much we can count on them. Are they reliable? What are your feelings on this?"

Aditya considered Daxton's point carefully. It was true, their alliance was not just a simple agreement on paper; it was built on mutual trust and the promise of support in difficult times. Adding a new member would only be beneficial if that trust could be upheld.

"Your concerns are valid, Daxton," Aditya finally said. "Trust is indeed the cornerstone of our alliance. And that's why we need to be really sure about who we bring into our fold. But I believe that the Deep Sea Palace, despite its internal issues, can be a trustworthy ally. Of course, it would require some discussions and agreements to make sure everyone's on the same page."

"On a side note, I personally known Laura for a long time. Even before she became the ruler of the Deep Sea Palace, we had met several times. I know that I can trust her. Furthermore, even before The Triumvirate Alliance was formed, we already had agreed to officially become allies once she ascended the throne." 

Listening to Aditya's words, both Daxton and Aidan exchanged glances. Both were caught off guard by the news that Aditya had known Laura for quite some time. It was unexpected but it certainly helped tip the scales in favor of bringing the Deep Sea Palace into their alliance.

"If you, Aditya, have known Laura for that long, then that changes things," Daxton said, nodding his head. "Knowing someone personally means there's a level of trust that can't easily be replicated. So if you vouch for her, I don't see why we should hesitate."

Aidan chimed in, also nodding, "I agree with Daxton. Personal relationships are really important when it comes to trust. If you're saying that Laura is trustworthy, then that's good enough for me."

Daxton then added, "Then let's go ahead and welcome her and her empire into our alliance. It sounds like the Deep Sea Palace could be a strong and reliable partner."

Both Daxton and Aidan looked at Aditya, their faces showing that they were in complete agreement. "We're ready to welcome them with open arms, as long as you believe it's the right move," Aidan concluded.

Aditya felt a sense of relief wash over him. Having the backing of both Daxton and Aidan was crucial. With their support, the Deep Sea Palace's inclusion in their alliance would go a long way in cementing their collective strength. And perhaps, it could be the key to overcoming the numerous challenges they were all bound to face.


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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