Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 548 548

Chapter 548 548:- Cassian Nightrider

Chapter 548 548:- Cassian Nightrider

"So who is the person that you're taking me to see?" Aditya asked.

As the royal carriage of the Celestial Terrain Empire leisurely advanced through the bustling streets of the capital, its gloriousness was impossible to ignore. One could immediately distinguish its kingly origin, thanks in part to the elegant blend of human craftsmanship and Elven artistry.

The carriage itself was crafted from rich, dark wood, polished to a high sheen that shined in the sunlight. Gold and silver inlays beautify the wood, forming intricate patterns that seem to be inspired by both the heavens and the natural world. Elven motifs, such as leaves, stars, and ethereal vines, were engraved into the carriage, imbuing it with a mystical touch.

On each corner, one could spot lanterns made of what looked crystal, giving off a warm, otherworldly glow even in the daylight. Pulled by four majestic white magic horses with ornate harnesses, each studded with gemstones, the carriage moved as if floating, thanks to its wheels that had been carefully designed with Elven runes to minimize noise and jostling.

The windows of the Royal Carriage were framed by lush velvet curtains, also inlaid with subtle golden threads, partially obscuring the view inside. These weren't ordinary windows; they were made from an enchanted translucent material that seemed neither glass nor crystal, possibly an elven creation that allowed those inside to look out, but not the other way around.

Other carriages moved out of the way seeing the Royal Carriage. This wasn't out of fear or anything. But rather because of the huge respect and admiration that the people had for the Royal family and their Empress. Naturally, the citizens of the Empire weren't aware of the return of their Goddess.

"This person is an Uncle of mine. I have trained under him for a few months." Riya said in a mysterious tone.

"Trying to be mysterious huh....!!! I guess I would need to punish you." Aditya playfully pinned Riya down using his own body.


"Someone save me from this monster...!!!" Riya pretended to be scared and played along.

"No one is going to save you from me. Hahaha!!!" Aditya evilly laughed before taking her lips. Riya didn't struggle. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Both of them were soon lost in their own worlds.

Meanwhile, RIya's Maid who was driving the carriage had a blush on her face as she could hear lewd sounds from inside the Carriage.

"It seems Lady Riya and His Majesty Aditya have forgotten that they are not alone." The maid mumbled in a low voice.

As a cultivator, her senses were very sensitive compared to normal humans. She easily could hear all sorts of sounds inside the Carriage.

"I better warn Lady Riya to be mindful of her actions next time." The Maid mumbled in a low tone. As for telling another soul what they heard today, that thought never crossed her mind. She would rather die than reveal any of her Lady's secrets to anyone in this whole world. Her loyalty lies with Lady Riya and Lady Riya forever. Even if the whole world were to turn against her Lady, she was going to stand with her Lady and serve her. Even if her Lady were to become a normal Elf, she would still be with her.

Fortunately, the carriage was enchanted with Runes that pretended any noises from coming out of the carriage. Outsiders won't be able to hear any noises coming from the Royal carriage.

Knowing that Her Lady and her Lady's fiance were busy, she drove the carriage extra slowly which increased the time taken to reach their destination by 2 more hours. In those 2 hours, the maid was able to hear sounds that she would be never able to forget in her whole life. She heard things that made her entire body shiver. Her body trembled.

Hearing the moans of her lady, she felt her legs becoming weak. The whole journey was nothing but torture for her. She had to fight her own demons and not give in. She felt as if she was being tested.

Fortunately she managed to hold on and not fall into temptations till the very end.



<nulli>Scene change______

After a long time, the Royal Carriage finally stopped.

"Lady Riya, we have arrived." The Maid reminded Her Lady and Aditya that they had reached their destination. Fortunately, by then, they were also done. The noises have died down.

"Coming." Inside the carriage, Riya was panicking while trying to adjust her clothes. She shot a cold glare at Aditya. She blamed this hungry wolf for their current situation. And the worst thing was, he was so skilled that she couldn't reject him. She went with the flow and ended up doing a lot of things instead of showing Aditya around the Capital.

"All of this is your fault." Riya glared at Aditya before going back to adjusting her clothes. Her clothes were a mess.

"Let me help you." Usually, Aditya would use this chance to tease her but knowing that she was going to meet someone whom she respected a lot, he helped her fix the mess that they created.

"All done! But what about the rest?" Aditya looked around. The whole interior of the carriage was a mess. Many parts were wet and covered in a white slimy liquid.

But Aditya had to admit that it was a lot of fun doing it.

"Hmph!!! My maid will take care of everything. Let's go." Riya's maid just bowed to them as Riya and Aditya walked out of the carriage. The reason she bowed her head is because she was too embarrassed to face her lady and His Majesty.

"Now that we are here, can you tell me a little bit about this mysterious Uncle of yours?" Aditya asked.

Right now they were walking inside the barracks. The whole training ground was off-limits to the general public. Only members of the military and the recruits could come and leave this place. Other than that, the elders the Empress, and members of the Royal family are allowed to visit this place. As for other nobles and others, they would need special permission from the Empress or from one of the elders to get inside the training ground.

The whole training ground was surrounded by wooden walls and further protected by defensive magical runes. These runes prevent anyone from illegally entering the training ground. These defensive runes also kept what was happening inside the Training ground a secret for the outsiders and prevented any recruits from escaping.

"My uncle is in charge of this training ground. And this training ground is the largest training field in the entire Celestial Terrain Empire. Every single recruit of the Empire has at least trained in this training ground for a week before becoming a soldier."

"Oh....!!!" Aditya was surprised to hear this.

As they walked inside, many people instantly recognized Riya which showed that Riya often came here. As both of them walked together, many came up to Riya and greeted her with a smile. A few of the female recruits even took the responsibility of taking Riya and Aditya to meet her uncle.

As Aditya walked beside Riya on the large corridor, he could see at least 100 recruits bowing their heads to Riya as she walked past them. Everyone was staring at her in admiration and their eyes were full of respect. After all, Riya was their Goddess.

'I can sense more than 10,000 recruits inside this training ground.'

"Mylady we are here. The commander already has been informed about your arrival. He is waiting for you, inside."

"Thank you." Riya politely thanked the girls before walking inside. Riya followed her inside the office.

"Hello, Uncle! I hope I am not disturbing you." Riya put her hands back and said with a smile. Riya was really close to her uncle <nulli><nullb>Cassian.

"Hahaha!!! Silly girl, what are you saying? I was just done with my work." Cassian laughed and said with a big smile.

Cassian then looked at Aditya and said. "I suppose this young man is your future husband. Known as the Emperor of the Istarin Empire and the Dragon Monarch. <nullb>The strongest cultivator in the six continents; Aditya." Unlike a certain someone, he wasn't looking down on Aditya. His eyes were very sincere when he said those words.

Cassian was a warrior. He respected and admired strong people. Knowing how difficult these strong people must have worked to become strong. And meeting the strongest cultivator in the six continents was an honor for him.

Cassian stood up and walked up to Aditya. "I am <nullb>Cassian Nightrider. It's really nice to meet you, Your Majesty." Aditya shook hands with Cassian with a small smile on his face.

"Hello, Uncle!!! It's kind of awkward if the uncle of My future wife called me this formally. You can just call me Aditya. I don't mind." Aditya recognized that Cassian was the elder here and was someone who was very close to Riya.

"Hahaha!!!! I like you even more now, Aditya." Cassian laughed out loud. It looked like Cassian was genuinely a nice person.


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!


<nullb>Word from the Author -

My sincere apologies for not uploading any chapters for the last few days. The last few days I have been extremely busy with my personal life. I went out at six in the morning and I returned home at 5.30 in the evening.

Since I have a football competition this Saturday I was busy practicing and when I returned home I did not have the energy to josei

write any chapters. I hope you guys will understand and will accept my apology. I will try to make up for all the missing chapters.

[And I haven't forgotten about all the chapters that I previously owned you guys. I just don't get enough time to write these days.]

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