Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 575 575

Chapter 575 575:- Shift in Attitude

Chapter 575 575:- Shift in Attitude

"Stop yelling, will you...?" The voice of the man who said these words sounded really boring. Hearing these words, Zarim whose eyes had turned red from anger looked up. As he stretched his throat to glance up, he found an average-looking man sitting in the air right above him. At this moment, there was no doubt that the Tigrine Clan Patriarch was really angry. The reason behind his anger was that this person had destroyed the thing that symbolized his power and his status. To Zarim, his status his prestige, and his pride were everything. In his eyes, that magical mural wasn't just any mural but also the representation of his status, his prestige, and his power. But now this guy had destroyed the magical mural that meant so much to him. "Who are you?" Although Zarim was prideful and arrogant, he wasn't stupid enough to charge at the mysterious man without figuring out how strong the other party was. Since the other party had dared to attack him in his territory that must mean one of either two things. 'One this man is super strong. He is a 5th-order cultivator. If that's true then I am done....!!!!' Just thinking of this possibility Zarim suddenly had his throat going dry in fear. He felt his heartbeat quickening. 'And the other possibility is that this man is someone who has the backing of some powerful clan or faction or maybe he is the price of some Kingdom from a foreign land.' Zarim did not look down on this man. There is no way the other party is a stupid madman who attacked without thinking about the consequences. If Zarim convinced himself to believe in such stupid and shitty reason then he might as well dig a grave in the desert and kill himself after lying in his own grave. After all, being the Patriarch of the Tigrine Clan required just more than being physically strong. Strength was only required to become the Patriarch but to run the clan the Patriarch needed to be smart. And Zarim had managed to climb the ranks and get stronger even though he was so young. He was one of the youngest Tigerkin to become the clan Patriarch. He was able to come this far because he was cautious and smart with every step that he took. "Who are you and what do you want?" This time Zarim's tone became a little bit soft and gentle. Although he was angry, he did not bark like a dog. His tone was slightly loud it did contain some of his anger.

Hearing this Aditya looked down. Swoosh!!!!

The next second, Zarim's heart nearly stopped beating as Aditya suddenly appeared in front of him. He was so startled and also scared that he took a step back as a drop of sweat rolled down his neck. 'This guy is so fast. It was almost as if he teleported in front of me. He must be at least Mid 5th-order cultivator.' After coming to this conclusion, Zarim knew that he had to change his attitude otherwise he and his clan might vanish from the face of this planet forever. Little did Zarim know that Aditya had actually teleported in front of him Being a 5th-order cultivator meant having the power of Demi-God; at least that's what it was considered by normal people within the 6 continents. It's not every day that one meets 5th-order cultivators. And especially for someone like Zarim, meeting a 5th-order cultivator was so rare that in his whole life, he only had met 5th-order cultivators twice. The first time was when he was really young and the second time was now.

"Who am I doesn't really matter?" Aditya replied in an indifferent tone. He did not really care about small pests like Zarim. After all Aditya's life was so busy. If he wasted his time punishing these small pests then who is going to give time to his beautiful wives who were waiting for him? "Forgive me if I am being rude, may I know the reason why Sir Cultivator is here today?" Seeing the 180-degree flip in his attitude Aditya felt speechless. 'Oi....! Where did your arrogance go now?' Aditya wanted to ask but he stopped.

Aditya could see that Zarim was a really smart man. 'He is the type of man who would live a very long life in this world.' "Patriarch, I came to this city to stay for a while but some of your men asked me to pay for drinking water."

'Who is that bastard that dared to ask money from a 5th-order cultivator? I swear if I find out which bastard is responsible for this, I am going to burn you alive.' Zarim instantly understood why his tower was demolished. It was because of a few bastards from his own clan that provoked a 5th-order cultivator. Zarim was fuming in anger but as he heard the latter part of Aditya's sentence, his expression changed. In the end, he looked really awkward and also very nervous. "Since I was not aware of the rules and regulations of this city, I came to Patriarch. I hope the Patriarch will educate me. After all, I am a law-abiding person." Hearing these words, Zarim started sweating a lot. 'Educate a 5th-order cultivator...!!!! Do you mean trying to educate the Grim Reaper about death!!!! Hell No...!!!!' In his mind, both were the same thing. Aditya was no different from a Grim Reaper who had come to take his soul in disguise. If he made a single mistake then this was yet. With a forced smile, Zarim wiped the sweat from his forehead and tried to speak normally even though his voice already had started to quiver. "Si....Sir Cultivator, please let me deeply apologize on behalf of my entire clan." Saying these words Zarim bowed his head. Seeing this scene, Zarim's personal maid Calista was dumbfounded. Zarim was a Peak 4th-order cultivator yet he was bowing his head to someone who destroyed his tower and apologizing. Even though Calista was in grave pain due to her legs under the debris, she still felt very satisfied and happy to see someone as arrogant as Zarim bowing and apologizing. "Sir, I have no idea who did this. But I swear on my mother's name. If I find that person, I am going to burn him alive." Seeing Aditya not replying he continued in a nervous tone. "Sir, there is no need for you to pay for water. In fact, if you want, then your accommodation will be personally arranged by me. I will make sure that you have the best experience while staying in this city." Zarim knew that he had made a mistake. Now he wanted to do everything in his power to please this mysterious powerful cultivator. It would be even better if this mysterious cultivator became pleased with him and his clan. So in the future, their clan would have the backing or support of a 5th-order cultivator. Thinking of this, Zarim became even more excited and continued speaking. "Sir, the laws are only there to keep the ordinary people in check. The laws of this city do not apply to you, sir. You can do whatever you want in this city." If Zarim had no wish to live anymore, if he didn't wish for his clan to exist anymore, only then he would dare to say that the rules that he created were applicable to a 5th-order cultivator. Meanwhile, Aditya was seeing this whole matter from a different perspective. 'Zarim is the strongest person in his clan. Only the strongest cultivator becomes the Patriarch. If I kill him, then his absence is going to destabilize the power structure. His death is going to leave a power vacuum that no one from the Tigrine clan can fulfill in a short period of time. This also means that the enemies of the Tigrine clan would have a chance to take down the clan entirely and take over the city for themselves.'

'Not to mention, even though the city was already full of criminals and illegal activities, the moment Zarim left this world, whatever restrain was put on the various gangs that operated in this city would disappear and the gangs would become more upfront and more violent. There is also a possibility that various gangs might work together to throw Tigrine clan and take control of the entire city or the possibility of a big fight among the gangs breaking out also existed.'

'All these things are going to severely affect the 1 million people that lived in this city. Things are going to become even more chaotic.' Then someone might ask why didn't the Istarin Empire take control of the entire City and the surrounding land. The answer was complicated. 'First of all, Taking control of this city would mean that I would need to stay here at least for a week to sort everything out. Right now I don't want to waste any time. Also taking over just this city wouldn't be worth the effort. After all, taking control of this city would give me almost no benefit at all.'

'Besides, if I take over this city, then this might become an international geopolitical issue which would result in more mess.' Right now Aditya wasn't looking for an international geopolitical mess. He was here to spend time with his wives and also look for the Dragon Grass. 'But there is no denying the fact that having a presence in the Beast Continent is going to be beneficial for the Istarin Empire in the long term. But I don't want to deal with the administrative work.' While thinking of what to do, Aditya's gaze suddenly fell on the woman who was lying in the debris with a painful expression. 'It seems her legs were crushed when I destroyed the tower.' "What is your name, woman?" Seeing that the mysterious powerful cultivator suddenly asked her name, Calista was obviously very surprised. "I am Calista." "Calista is one of my personal maids. Sir Cultivator, if you like her then...." Zarim trembled in fear as Aditya coldly looked at him as if to say 'Did I ask you to speak?' josei

"Calista, my apologies for what happened to your legs. But do not worry, I will heal your legs." Saying that Aditya suddenly teleported in front of Calista. Before she could react, he gently removed the large broken piece of the ceiling. As her legs came into his view, Aditya found her legs were in such a bad condition that he felt pity for this girl. Aditya looked at this girl in astonishment. It was a miracle that she still managed to stay conscious despite what happened to her legs. Unlike the other two maids who were Peak 1st-order cultivators, it was a miracle that despite being a normal human, Calista was still alive. "Take this.....!!!!" Calista was startled when Aditya suddenly threw a green glowing small round-shaped object at her. But she was able to catch it before it fell to the ground. Holding the green glowing round-shaped object, she inspected it. Upon a closer look, the object looked more or less like a bead but it was different. The bead-like object had veins all over it. The pill wasn't that hard. She felt that if she pressed the pill hard enough it would break. "This is a 5-star healing pill. Eat it. This pill should heal your legs completely. Also, this pill will cleanse your body and will make your body more suitable for cultivation." Hearing Aditya's words, Calista didn't waste a second. She put the pill in her mouth and began to eat it like candy. Meanwhile, Zarim was staring at his maid Calista in deep envy and jealousy. Although he only had heard that 5-star pills were extremely rare and had miraculous effects, he had never seen one in his real life.

'To give a normal human a 5th-star pill like it's nothing, just who is he?' At the same time, Zarim felt relieved that he didn't act arrogantly towards Aditya. Otherwise, by now, he would have been in hell or heaven. ----------------

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