Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 585 585

Chapter 585 585:- Powerful than a Nuclear Bomb

The flame orb in his palm started shrinking while vibrating violently. As the size grew smaller, the vibration of the flame orb became more and more intense. At some point, the flame orb became as small as a bullet. At that point, Aditya felt that he could not keep the flame orb in his control anymore. If he tried to shrink it anymore, then it was going to explode. Knowing this he fired the flame bullet down like a bullet. Under everyone's eyes, a very small sparkling bead shaped like a crimson object fell from the sky. Riya, Julia, Alicia, Sasha, and Lilith all looked at the object as it touched the ground. Around more than 10 kilometers away, a snake rose from the sands. This snake was also staring at the crimson bead-shaped object. As soon as the small, glowing red bead touched the sand, something huge happened. There was a blinding flash of bright light that lit up everything like daytime for a moment. Then, a big cloud of red flames shot up into the sky, looking like a giant flower opening up.


The heat was so intense that it felt like the whole desert had turned into an oven. The sand around where the bead landed turned into glass because it got so hot. All the scary Imp monsters that had been lurking around were gone in an instant, leaving nothing behind. Not even their ashes were left behind.

The force of the explosion made a loud sound, like the worst thunderstorm one can imagine, and the ground shook as if the earth itself was scared. It was like the biggest fireworks had gone off, but much more powerful. The red flames from the explosion were so bright and hot, it was like nothing anyone had ever seen before.

"This crazy bastard." Sasha cursed Aditya for being so reckless. Doesn't he realize that they were also going to get caught in the shockwave of the explosion? "Everyone hurry up and make a Mana barrier around the whole desert ship." Lilith hurriedly said in a panicked tone. If they didn't make Mana barriers around the desert ship, then the shockwave was going to destroy this entire ship as well. All the girls could see that as a result of the powerful explosion, a huge shockwave of Crimson flames was heading in their direction. The shockwave of the Crimson flames was so bright that in front of the wave of the crimson flames, even the 100-meter-long desert ship looked like a toy. Fortunately, among the five girls, three of them had the strength of a 5th-order cultivator. "Mana shield!!!!!" The three of them created three transparent glass-like Mana barriers around the whole ship so that hopefully their barriers could withstand the shockwave from Aditya's attack. However, Riya wasn't done yet. "Essence of the wilderness, heed my entreaty,

Grant me the vigor and might, for I am the sovereign of verdure.

Rise, Rampart of the Desert Sands!"


Under Riya's command, a huge amount of Sand began rising above the ground. Before the shockwave hit them, Riya was able to add an extra layer of protection to the desert ship by adding a sand wall between the shockwave and the desert ship. However, just like the girls had expected, the Sand barrier was blown away like cotton. Most of the sand from the intense heart instantly turned into small glass particulars before these small glass particulars shattered into billions of small pieces that cannot be even seen by the naked eye because of the shockwave. All this happened within a matter of microseconds.  It was the three Mana barriers along with the support from Alicia and Julia that somehow managed to withstand the shockwave attack. Booooom...!!!!!

As soon as the shockwave hit the Mana barriers around the ship, large cracks around the whole ship started forming within seconds. At the same time, the Desert ship was being pushed back at the speed of 500+ kilometers per hour. "Everyone use everything that you have," Lilith shouted loudly. Lilith, Riya, Sasha, Alicia, and Julia, all poured every single bit of their Mana into the Mana shield. As a result of their joint effort, the large cracks were restored however the desert ship did not stop moving backward. The desert ship was swept away by the huge and powerful shockwave of the explosion. Seeing the crimson shockwave spreading out in all directions, the little snake that was watching everything from 10 km away became scared. The snake turned around and immediately began running away with all of its might fearing that the shockwave would end its life. The shockwave of this explosion was so strong that even a Peak 5th-order Mage would be reduced to ashes within seconds. Aditya couldn't see what was happening as before the explosion happened, he used his powers to teleport more than 20 km away from the range of the explosion. Watching the massive scale of the explosion, Aditya became worried about the girls and the desert ship. He suddenly felt guilty for using such a powerful attack. But to be honest, even Aditya did not think that this attack would be so deadly and powerful. It wouldn't be wrong to say that this attack was even more powerful than 15 kilotons of TNT nuclear bomb. "I really hope that they are alright." Aditya didn't look that worried since he had added protection barriers around the ship. After Lilith left him last time, Aditya spent another hour making Mana shield around the desert ship. "Combined with Riya, Lilith, Alicia, Julia, and Sasha's powers, I am sure they would be able to keep themselves protected. But still, that was very reckless of me." Aditya reflected on his mistake. He regretted using this kind of attack. He sighed in relief as he could sense that Riya, Lilith, Lara, Alicia, Julia, and Sasha all were safe and their lives were not in danger. When Aditya rose to the air to use his Crimson flame, he was driven by curiosity to know what would happen if instead of increasing the size and scale of the Crimson orb, he just compressed the crimson orb as small as possible. And Aditya now knows that the result is frightening. "Fortunately we are in a desert. Otherwise, If I had used this attack in the Istarin Empire, then it would have changed the entire landscape and would have erased mountains and forests from the map forever." Aditya felt he would have regretted it if he had used such an attack on the Istarin empire.josei

"I really hope that there doesn't come a day when I would need to use this move," Aditya said to himself before he disappeared. It did not take Riya, Lilith, Alicia, Julia, and Sasha to realize that there was a protective barrier around the ship itself as well. Combined with the outer mana barrier that they made to protect themselves from the shockwave, nothing happened to the desert ship or the girls. However, the shockwave did kept pushing the ship back for almost 1 minute and 30 seconds. After 1 minute and 30 seconds, Riya used her powers to fight the shockwave which had grown significantly weaker than before, and was able to stop the ship from being pushed back any further. "Finally, it's over." All the girls felt exhausted as they consumed all of their Mana while trying to keep the desert ship protected. But when the ship had stopped, from the sight of the explosion, they were 13 km away. The shockwave had pushed them more than 13 kilometers away. This just goes to show just how powerful the shockwave was. "I don't think that in the history of the Beast Continent, such a massive and powerful explosion has ever happened before," Alicia said as she fell to her knees from exhaustion. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat. And her face looked pale as well. This was because she used all of her Mana and also was feeling very nervous facing the shockwave. "Just how powerful the shockwave had to be if it forced all two Peak 5th-order cultivators and the goddess of Nature who is a Mid 5th-order cultivator to use all of their Mana just to keep themselves protected? And I am afraid even then it wouldn't have been enough if that rascal hadn't created a Mana shield around the whole desert ship." Just knowing the sheer power behind this shockwave was enough to send chills down Julia's spine. She was just like Alicia. Her face was pale and she was panting heavily. Her body was covered in sweat. Sasha, Lilith, and Riya were so tired that they were just lying on the deck of the ship and panting heavily. Their faces had turned really pale. Their bodies and their faces were covered in sweat. The three had been pushed to the point where they would have been unconscious by now if they hadn't taken the Mana recovery pills that Julia made for them. "Hmph!!! Let's wait for that rascal to return home. Tonight, he will be sleeping on the couch." Julia snorted and said in an angry tone. ----------------

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