Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 599 599

Chapter 599 599:- Elven Priest Helen

"So we just need to figure out what kind of features she has?" Riya nodded her head. 

"Then let's ask the people of the Lionrock City. I am sure someone must know Elven Priest." With Aditya's words, everyone spread out to ask questions to the locals of this city. Lara went along with Aditya. 

Due to her illness and her body being weaker, it was safer for her to stay with Aditya. As for others, they went in pairs. 

Sasha went with Julia. Riya went with Alicia.

As for Lilith, she had not returned yet. It seems she was still busy. 



Scene change____

"And it turned out that everyone in Lionrock knows the Elven Priest very well and knows where she lives. Contrarty to what we expected, the Elven Priest is a local celebrity in this city. She is popular among everyone. Everyone was saying good things about her."

And here they had assumed that the Elven Priest was someone who lived in the Lionrock city. And not that many people knew about her. 

"So she is a big shot here." 


"It seems, this elven chick lives at the center of this disgusting place." Lara was startled when Lilith suddenly appeared behind Aditya. Lilith was wearing a black cloak and had hidden her face under a cloak. 

While speaking, she was cleaning her daggers with a piece of white cloth. Everyone could see the blood on her daggers. 

"Honestly I can't comprehend why an elf would even think of living in such a disgusting place," Riya said as they began walking towards the center of the City. 

After all, all elves, even the half demi-elves shared the same trait. And that was cleanliness. They gave so much importance to cleanliness that it was considered a holy ritual to them. 

Just stepping here and after inhaling this heavy foul air, Riya felt that her body had become impure. She felt that she would need to take a long shot shower as soon as they were done here. 

"It's not just you who is having such thoughts," Alicia commented. 

"So I guess, there is no need for you to use your powers here," Sasha remarked. Since Lilith has found where this Elven Priest lives. 

"I guess so.....!!!" Riya nodded her head. 

However as they reached the center of the city, they noticed that the city was strangely getting cleaner. And the air was getting lighter. There were more trees in the center of the city. The number of shops and buildings also sharply decreased. 

The girls felt relieved as their surroundings changed. Compared to before there were fewer people living here.

The number of people on the street had decreased by more than 90%. The whole place was totally clean. Everything was in order and organized. 

"I have a feeling that this Elven Priest is behind all this," Julia commented while looking around. 

"Let's ask someone where can we find the Elven priest?" Aditya approached a young man walking opposite them. 


lightsΝοvel -

Scene change_____

Eventually, they made it to the very center of the city. There was a big and luxury-looking Mansion surrounded by tall and green trees. The whole mansion was surrounded by wooden walls. There were guards wearing Full body armour guarding the entire mansion. 

It seems luck was on their side as they didn't need to enter the Mansion and wait for the Elven Priest to appear. They already saw the Elven Priest outside of her Mansion. She was talking to a group of beast-kin.

As for how they knew that she was the elven priest, it was because after coming to the Beast continent, she was the only elf that they had met. Besides, her dress matched the outfit that a priest would wear. 

All the beast-kin had slave collars around their necks. 

The Elven Priest noticed them as they approached her. She stopped talking and turned to them. 

"Hello Travellers!!!! Are you looking for someone?" Helen immediately noticed that they were travelers from looking at the clothes that they were wearing. lights

Before Aditya could reply, Helen's eyes fell on a certain black-haired figure. Her long ear ears twitched slightly seeing Riya. She quickly adjusted her glasses and took a few steps forward to take a better look. 

A second later, a look of excitement appeared on her face. Helen quickly took Riya's hands. "My Goddess, is that you?" Although Riya had her hair color and her dress, her face still remained the same. So anyone who had seen Riya before would be able to recognize her with a little bit of effort. And Helen was no exception.

Another reason why Helen recognized her was because of the unique aura that the Goddess of Nature had around her. Only the Elves would be able to recognize this aura. 

Since she already had learned her identity there was no use of hiding it. "Before I answer shall we talk somewhere else?" Riya said with a smile. After all, she could see a lot of people on the street staring in their direction. 

"Please come with me, My lady." Helen lead everyone inside her Mansion. She took them everyone inside her Mansion's living room. 

Once everyone sat down, Helen was about to call the maids to serve tea with some snacks but Riya stopped her. 

"That won't be necessary. Please sit down. There are many things that we need to talk about." 

"I am not worthy of sitting in front of the Goddess. I am fine standing. Please ask me anything you want." 

"It's alright sit down first." Riya said with a smile but her tone also carried a hint of authority. She was commanding Helen to sit down. 

Helen immediately obeyed. Though she sat down, her back was completely straight. She did not relax. 

"How did you know me? Have you seen me before?" Riya asked. It was nice to meet a fellow Elf from the Celestial Terrain in a foreign land. 

"My lady, you might not remember but it was during your last birthday that you came in front of the people give a speech. At that time I was in the crowd watching you. I was fortunate enough to see you." Aditya and others could practically see stars in Helen's eyes as she spoke. 

'It seems Riya has a lot of fans. Your daughter has certainly grown to be like you.' Lilith thought in her mind. In the back of her mind, Lilith remembered a woman who looked just like Riya. It has been a such a long time since she met that woman. That woman was just as popular as Riya.

Among all the Goddesses, the goddess of Nature was the most popular. The elves just loved her. Unlike other 6 goddesses, Riya did not hide her identity. There was no need for her to hide her identity since in the Celestial Terrain no one would even dare to say a bad thing about her much less harm her. Hundred of thousands of people went to the Celestial Terrain to seek the Goddess's miraculous healing powers. 

"I see. What is your name?" Riya asked. 

"It's Helen, My Lady." 

"Helen, my fiance has some question for you." 

Helen has heard the news that the Goddess of Nature had been engaged to the Dragon Monarch. 

'If what I heard is true then this man must be the Emperor of the Istarin Empire. He is the famous Dragon Monarch. The Destroyer of Empires. The King of all Dragons. The Crimson Monarch.' Suddenly Helen started feeling a lot nervous than before. While sitting in front of Riya, all Helen felt was endless excitement but in front of the Dragon Monarch, Helen felt fear and nervousness. 

'I couldn't have unknowingly offended the Dragon Monarch, Have I?' Helen wiped the sweat from her forehead and thought worryingly. 

'Why is she sweating?' Aditya and Riya looked at each other. They had the same thoughts in their minds. 

"Speak ask anything, Your Imperial Majesty." Helen did not even look at Aditya's eyes when she replied. 

"Miss Helen, we came here after hearing a rumor regarding you." On hearing Aditya's words, Helen started sweating even more. 

"What rumor if I may ask....?" Aditya and others saw her hands shaking slightly. josei

"Helen, you don't need to be afraid." Riya sat next to Helen and put her hand on her shoulder to comfort. 

Riya managed to calm Helen down. She looked much relaxed than before. 

"It's about the Location of the Dragon Grass. Do you know where the Dragon Grass is going to appear?" Aditya asked. 

'That's all....! It turns out I was worried for nothing.' Helen felt the weight from her shoulders had mysteriously disappeared. She was worried for nothing. 

"Your imperial Majesty, that's really easy. I am surprised that you don't know the location of the Dragon Grass yet." 

Hearing this Aditya's frowned. "It must be because the Seven Beast Kings have suppressed the news so tightly." Helen spoke to herself but Aditya and others also heard it. 


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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