Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 415 The Consequences Of Offending The Dragon God (1)

Chapter 415 The Consequences Of Offending The Dragon God (1)

It was the timeline that belonged to garen, the current Noah continent.

Garen looked left and right.

After passing through the Gate of Time and space, he was still in this barren land.

The sparse black fir trees were crooked and grew on the dark brown soil, giving off a desolate atmosphere.

After returning to his own timeline, garen first kept the Gate of Time and space, which had used up a lot of the power of time again. Then, he focused his mind and looked at the river of time that was still flowing quietly, which wrapped around the sky and the earth.

"The connection with the river of time has been restored."

Garen took a few deep breaths.

A stream of the river of time's water gushed into garen's body as he breathed, quickly turning into the power of time that he had.

Garen's efficiency in absorbing the power of time had also recovered.

going to other timelines will delay my normal growth rate.

"But ... What if you get something good in another timeline?"

Garen spread out his dragon claws.

Between his dragon claws, there was a handful of soft dark brown soil.

The dark brown soil looked no different from the soil around him.

It belonged to the barren land under garen's feet.

However, it was a barren land in another time.

"I can also bring items from other timelines into my own timeline."

Garen grinned.

What did this mean?

This meant endless wealth!

If garen wanted to, he could go to the lava half-plane in other timelines as many times as he wanted and kill the Lord of flaming Steel City and the Lord of Stone City a hundred times! In this case, he would have countless legendary fire elemental crystal cores and legendary earth elemental stones.

He also had the opportunity to get many of the same legendary items like the imaska magic ring.

Garen would not snatch his opportunities from other timelines, but the principle was the same. He could obtain what he wanted by going to other timelines, and it might not be material things, but valuable knowledge.

In the long course of time, some of the ancient knowledge had been lost naturally or because of fear.

For example, if he went to the heyday of the alpha Empire, he would have the opportunity to learn the Wind and Fire spells that even gods would be afraid of. Which circle would the wind of destruction that could crush a planet belong to?

The loss of the alpha tribe's heritage was too severe.

Garen was unable to learn anything useful from them.

Thinking of this, garen could not help but thank the imaska Second Empire again.

With the imaska ring and the legacy of strange machinery, he was able to build the gate of spacetime so quickly.

there might be a difference between bringing out a powerful legendary item and bringing some useless soil.

Garen let go of the dragon's claw, and the soil slipped through the gaps between his fingers.

From the consumption of the Gate of Time and space, garen could faintly sense that because he had brought more soil, the power of time had also been consumed more. If it had been a powerful legendary item, this consumption might have been much stronger.

Garen didn't think too much about this issue.

This would require him to find some valuable legendary items to verify it the next time he opened the gate of spacetime.

Next, garen used his magic power to construct the space teleportation spell.

Stepping into the space portal that appeared in front of him, garen returned to his own Dragon Nest in the blink of an eye.

Yuna noticed the movement of the space portal. With a clattering sound, her head popped out of a pile of gold coins like a gopher, and her eyes looked at garen.

"How long have I been gone?"

Garen, who walked out of the space portal, thought for a while and asked.

Garen's perception of time had always been very sensitive. Even when he was asleep, garen could clearly know how much time he had spent in his sleep. However, because he had gone to another timeline, he was not sure how much time had passed in his own timeline.

"Oh ....

Yuna stretched out her Dragon Claw and held her chin, deep in thought.

As a long-lived species, Dragons did not care much about the passage of time under normal circumstances.

After thinking for a few seconds, the girl's eyes lit up. I took a short nap. It's been about three days since you left the Dragon's Nest.

Yuna paused for a moment before she asked curiously,"By the way, why did you return so quickly from your trip?"

"You didn't open the Gate of Time and space?"

Garen had previously told Yuna that he wanted to try the Gate of Time and space, but because he was not sure about the consumption of the Gate of Time and space, he said that he might be away for a long time. That was why Yuna was surprised that garen had returned after a short three days.

Three days?

I've stayed in the timeline of the young garen for a total of thirty-two days.josei

Garen's eyes lit up.

'The flow of time in other timelines is different from mine.'

in that case, even though my growth in other timelines is much slower, in general, it's about the same as in my own timeline.

As he thought of this, garen recalled some of the legends about the time Dragon.

According to the legends, you would never know if a young time Dragon would turn into an ancient time Dragon in the next second ... This legend was somewhat exaggerated, but it was more in line with garen's current situation.

If there was a timeline that was extremely slow compared to the time dragon's own timeline, then ...

In that case, when the time Dragon spent a long time in a slow timeline, it could indeed return to its own timeline in the form of an ancient dragon.

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