Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 434 The Big Monster

Chapter 434 The Big Monster

There were a total of 11 legendary mutated monsters in the area.

Among these eleven legendary-level mutated monsters, garen thought that the most difficult one to deal with was the mutated Giant Eagle that he had just killed.

When he was exploring the area, although garen did not make a move on these mutated monsters that he had discovered, he could roughly guess from their creature level and the size of the territory they occupied.

"Four left."

"I wonder how Yuna is doing."

Garen was not worried about Yuna.

There were quite a number of legendary-level mutated monsters here, but garen did not find any particularly powerful individuals.

If they could team up and attack garen or Yuna together, these two legendary dragons would more or less find it troublesome. However, it was only a matter of time before they were defeated one by one.

At the same time.

The tremendous sound of a nuclear explosion and the terrifying fireball that illuminated the sky as if it were daytime naturally attracted the attention of the other Dragons in the area.

An extremely old green Dragon, more than 700 years old, looked up at the sky, staring at the place where the solar fireball had exploded.

is it the noise of a deformed monster, or is it from another legendary of the same race? "


The old green Dragon frowned.

It had just arrived on the unfamiliar planet Kara, so it needed to figure out whether such a dangerous existence was an enemy or a companion.

Immediately after, it chanted an incantation, and under the cover of the magic aura, green vines broke out of the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. They deftly interweaved into the shape of a door that emitted spatial fluctuations.

The extremely old green Dragon passed through the vine door, and its figure quickly appeared in front of garen.

When it saw the silver Dragon whose scales were still reflecting the flames in the sky, the old green Dragon was slightly stunned. Although the vigilance and wariness on its face did not completely disappear, it was much less in an instant.

honorable Dragon of Time, I didn't expect that we would land in a similar place on the Kara planet.

It nodded slightly and spoke to garen in a respectful tone.

Garen had seen this extremely old green Dragon before.

In the battle with the desolate God's avatar, it had also participated.

Moreover, garen had already discovered this extremely old green Dragon yesterday.

In the dragon clan, age meant strength.

This extremely old green Dragon was the only legendary giant dragon other than garen and Yuna in the ten million kilometers area with the Black Forest as the center.

Without the two legendary dragons, it could kill all the legendary mutants in the area one by one, as long as it was not surrounded. Dragons were generally stronger than other creatures at the same level.

Garen nodded.

He still had other legendary-level aberrations to deal with, so he had no intention of chatting with the old green Dragon.

I've already included the surrounding areas into my territory planning.

I'll also personally deal with the legendary-tier mutated monsters in the surrounding areas.

"If you want to build your own territory, remember to stay far away from here."

otherwise, if there are conflicts in the territory in the future ... It won't be easy to solve."

Garen's expression was calm.

He looked at the extremely old green Dragon and said slowly.

After hearing garen's straightforward words, the old green dragon's heart trembled.

It did not want to have any conflict with the Dragon of Time, be it in the future or now.

"Since you're here, it seems that the mutated monsters here are going to suffer."

I'd be happy to be your neighbor. Of course, you don't have to worry about the territory. I'll keep a safe distance from you.

The extremely old green Dragon showed a friendly expression.

The pentashade Dragons were hot-tempered, but the ones garen had seen with his own eyes were mostly friendly.

The voice paused for a moment, and the extremely old green Dragon expressed his goodwill to garen, and continued, " Dear Dragon of Time, if you ever need my help, just crush this scale.

As he spoke, the elder Green Dragon took out a Green Dragon Scale that looked like jade.

The Dragon scale had the same aura as it, so it was obviously its own dragon scale.

Garen glanced at it and could tell that this dragon scale had been treated with magic. There were some distorted magic runes carved on it, which had the function of spatial positioning.

"Then I'll accept it."

Garen nodded slightly, accepting the other party's good intentions.

It was a Dragon with legendary power and a high level of magical attainments. It might come in handy one day.

After keeping the Emerald green scales, garen bade farewell to the old green Dragon.

He still had other mutated monsters to deal with.

Following that, garen used the spatial teleportation spell in succession according to the location of the legendary-level mutated monster that he had confirmed the day before to continue his own cleaning mission.

The other legendary-level mutated monsters 'overall strength was not as good as the black giant Eagle that garen had killed first.

Time passed by quietly.

The huge fireballs that lit up the sky rose up one after another, breaking the atmosphere of the past.

A large area of the sky was illuminated by the rolling flames into a bright red color, which was a bit similar to the sky of the lava demiplane.

Since the evocation fireball had a better killing effect on the deformed monsters, garen used the Grand Sun fireball many times.


A few dangerous red trails appeared in the air. Almost at the same time as the line of fire appeared, several solar fireballs landed on the target at the same time. A mutated monster that looked like a wild boar but was huge and had ferocious bone spikes turned into ashes in the center of the flames.

"Phew ....

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