Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 137 Coming of Age 8

Chapter 137 Coming of Age 8 : End of The Battle

The world fell in silence after two longboats were taken down that fast, I am sure the other longboats have seen it all by now.

"Good job men! Catch wind and sail to the north-west. This is not over yet." My words were absolute on this ship, everything was happening as long as I say the word.

The ship turned and sailed again. It was fast, durable, and resisted fire and magic all thanks to the many enchantments that got applied on the hull.

This ship is the war machine I am proud of the most and it is not even complete yet.

The more it sailed, the more we felt our blood boiling. Everything was screaming to let it all loose and dye the sea with fire. our only retraction was the Magicka cost.

As our blood turned hot from anticipation, the enemy’s blood turned cold from fear. We saw the Roaring Flames as the ship of freedom, they saw it as the Harbinger of Destruction.

Every fiber of our being craved victory, every fiber of their being sought a way out.

The dominance we felt was indescribable, the fear they felt was unimaginable.

After long years of slavery to the Bloodsails, the sons and daughters of Winterhold retaliated.

"The horn! The war drums!" I shouted at the fighters on my ship and they remembered the installments we made



The Roaring Flames wasn’t as equipped as I planned yet but it is an overpowered being in the sea, few can compete with its might.

After the horn got blown and the sound of the drums echoed, the pale faces of the Bloodsails changed from paleness to complete madness and started running around their longboats to turn them away.

The Roaring Flame was a big galleon but it still had the advantage in speed. In just a few seconds, we already had some them locked on.

"The front turret! Fire two shots at the same time."

Each one of the two turrets has two cannons so it can be fired that way too, we are just on the ’Power Saving’ tactic right now.

Just as the front turret shot its ’Fire Missiles’, the sailors on the longboat jumped from it to the sea.

Smart move! If you planned how to survive though.

The next longboat got fired at and the result was the same, the third longboat managed to hide behind a large rock coming out from the sea but it crumbled after it got hit and fell on the longboat.

Six down!

"Rush ahead to aid that longboat!"

I pointed at Hafthor’s longboat that was engaged in a deadly clash with another longboat.

"Hold fire! Our Allies are still there."

The Roaring Flame sandwiched the Bloodsails’ longboat with Hafthor’s longboat.

Despite us having the high ground, we couldn’t shoot down at the Bloodsails’ ship because our allies were on both sides.

Still, no problem.

"It’s time for you to shine guys!"

The ones I talked to are the Dare Dragon Guards, the small private army I created. On the ship, there are forty on standby. Now, they unsheathed their sabers and ready to roll.

"I am expecting good results. Get them, boys!"

On my mark, the men took the ropes and jumped down to the Bloodsails’ longboat. The killing started and the Bloodsails got wiped out. I then came down with Alina and Jull.

"Jon!" Vladimir who was holding a staff and a sword came to me smiling.

"That was an easy fight." I said.

"Indeed! Listen, Alina. Veka and Hafthor got injured."

"Right away!" Alina said and went to look for them.

"What happened?" I asked.

"An Aura Master. We ganged up on him to take him down." Wulfur came over and said.

"I met one too."

"It seems that every longboat has at least an Aura Master leading it." Frejya said.

"That also means that we confirmed four Aura Masters dead, three of them by Jon’s hand." Jull said.

"Indeed, we haven’t checked the survivors of the other three longboats we chased after." Ongeim came down from the ship and joined.

"That is a fatal blow to the Bloodsails." Ragnar said.

Indeed it is! Today alone we killed more than three hundred Bloodsails, their vitality is already injured too much. Not to mention that the younger generation that tried to ambush us on the island didn’t expect to face such a crushing defeat. If my assumption is correct, then the Blood sails took the best of their younger generation from various ages from 15 to 18 and added a lot of the younger generation of their associated families to kill us.

A stupid move!

In a world of sword and magic, number advantage is something idiotic. Only quality prevails.

"Jon, what is that dragon ship?" Vladimir asked while looking at the Roaring Flame with lust in his eyes, even Frejya was looking at her with a lot of emotions.

For the calmest Firemanes to be like that! The Firemanes are indeed flame-loving arsonists through and through.

"This is the Roaring Flame, the Flagship of the Dare Dragon Company. The pride of our industrial department." Ongeim said.

"Amazing! Jon, how does it make fire?" Vilkar popped out of nowhere.

I shook my head! This is a strategic secret that belongs to the company after all.

"Now, is not the time to play! We need to get to the Uncle’s ship as soon as possible!" Hafthor who seemed to have got healed came and joined in.

"I agree!" I said as I signaled the sailors of the Roaring Flame to get us some rope ladder.

"No, we will take our longboat and try to take trap the Bloodsails’ main ship with you."

"Good idea!" I said as I took one of the ropes and climbed back to the ship.

We started preparing for the final assault. The Bloodsails have only one main ship and the and two longboats. And now that I look at it, the longboats has already started to sail north. They are running away like that?

Cowards! I was just going to burn them to a crisp, nothing dangerous about it.

Anyway, we got prepared and sailed again with Hafthor’s longboat.

Halfway through the way to the Uncle Vali’s ship, the Bloodsails ship started moving forcefully and its sailors started cutting all the ropes from the Uncle’s ship. They were doing it at the cost of their lives as it seemed.

The Roaring Flame caused all that panic, after all, it is akin to a dragon in the sea

"Fools! We wouldn’t have shot at them if they remained beside the Firemane ship." Ongeim remarked. josei

"Fear can cause them to be that stupid, it is not something they can control. Their minds are shouting at them to get the hell out of here." Jullanar said.

It seems that my lessons of philosophy are showing their effect with her.

"Will we gave a chase?"

"I am not sure I want to, just shoot at them when the move and make it count." I said.

The Bloodsail main ship is large and the ’Fire Missiles’ won’t take it down with two hits, I am also more concerned about the situation of the Uncle Vali. He was fighting since the start after all.

As we approached the Firemane’s ship, uneasiness spread through the exhausted crew when they saw the scary ship with the unfamiliar flag come closer.

Until the moment we stopped beside them and showed no hostility, they started to ease up a bit.

The ramp was extended from ours to theirs without permission but the first person who walked on it was Alina. Once the sailors saw Alina... well, let’s just say she is so damn popular... even more than me... and more than Hafthor and Frejya themselves.

Sigh! I knew this would happen anyway.

The Veiled Girl Alina is not a princess in two Hidden Clans for nothing. Even so no one saw her face, she is undoubtedly a beautiful maiden that may ruin a nation.

The Roaring Flame now was considered something that related to Alina in the eyes of the sailors now and whoever came after Alina would be greeted as a brother in Alina’s Hardcore Fanclub.

"Tch! How vexing!" I was clearly dissatisfied.

I walked right after Alina who introduced me as Jon Dare, a new member of the clan and the owner of the Dare Dragon Company, the new ally to the Firemane Clan blah, blah, blah.

Uncle Vali seemed to be fine but he seems to have lost a friend in the fight so he was clearly depressed. The casualties on the main ship were a lot as it seemed.

"We were prepared but they tried to screw us hard this time. Even though they suffered a great loss that may affect their vitality for years, we also would have suffered a big loss if not for our allies of the Dare Dragon Company and their leader, the new son of our clan, Jon Dare." Uncle Vali said some good words about me. He also started to show off the bravery of the juniors from the clan and how they ran into the heat of the battle despite being outnumbered.

Anyway, I took Ongeim and Eliel to the side and started hammering them with a series of orders as to executives of my company now. I had a lot of plans on how to deal with the Bloodsails and the Blood Horkers.

I was actually a bit impatient now to get done with the Firemane’s Coming of Age Ceremony and put some power into research and developing the company. There are also some treasures and Daedric Artifacts I need to acquire.

By the time we finished licking our wounds, the Roaring Flame turned around and left and we headed back to the clan.

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