Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 289 Help

Chapter 289 Help

Emily was perceptive and had a keen eye for detecting inconsistencies in people's actions. She wondered if there was a hidden motive behind Ethan's newfound benevolence. She questioned whether he was using his amiable demeanor as a fa?ade to conceal his true intentions or to manipulate those around him. He didn't seem that kind of person, but… it was harder to read his intentions now.

"Let's trade Luneria, some of my magic knowledge that will make you recover mana faster for your martial knowledge," Ethan said.

In the end, Ethan did that and made Luneria and Emily stronger. Since he had the same fighting style as Dante, Ethan couldn't trade anything with him… Regardless, thanks to the trades, Ethan got stronger, and he also obtained useful knowledge that Emily granted him. However, before he could test it… Anna, Mary, and Ian suddenly returned with a magic box filled with mana potions.

"The enemies are on the move; they are decimating the cities on their path," Ian said.

Ian anxiously gathered everyone around as he opened his cell phone to reveal a series of disturbing videos. Each video showcased horrifying scenes of monstrous armies rampaging through cities across the globe. The footage depicted destruction and chaos on an unimaginable scale.

In Africa, towering creatures with scaly skin and razor-sharp claws stomped through bustling metropolises, reducing buildings to rubble with each menacing step. Flames engulfed entire neighborhoods as terrified civilians fled for their lives.

Moving to Asia, the videos displayed grotesque, otherworldly creatures with multiple limbs and glowing eyes. They swarmed densely populated areas, their sheer numbers overwhelming any attempts at defense. Ancient temples and modern skyscrapers alike crumbled under their relentless assault.

Europe appeared next, with scenes of medieval-esque monsters wielding colossal weapons, wreaking havoc in historically rich cities. Gothic architecture and famous landmarks were reduced to ruins as the monstrous forces advanced, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

In Australia, the videos revealed gigantic, venomous beasts with ferocious appetites. They attacked coastal cities, devouring everything in their path, including human settlements and natural habitats. The once vibrant urban centers were transformed into desolate wastelands.

The Demon King stood atop a charred hill overlooking the devastated landscapes. A wicked smile adorned his face as he observed the carnage unfolding below. Surrounding him were his minions, grotesque creatures of various sizes and forms, each reveling in the destruction they had wrought.

With gleaming eyes filled with malice, the Demon King took pleasure in every minute detail of the chaos. The crackling of flames, the screams of terrified civilians, and the crumbling of once-thriving cities were like sweet music to his ears. It was a symphony of suffering that fed his malevolent spirit.

"We don't have much time," Ian said. "We need to hurry up with this."

"You are right," Hannah said while showing up alongside Nuvian and Aline. "Fortunately, having allies everywhere comes really in handy at times like this. Behold!"

Hannah surprised everyone as she revealed a stunning golden crown adorning her head. Its intricate craftsmanship and radiant beauty immediately captivated the onlookers. The significance of the crown became apparent when they recalled Hannah's marriage to the king of another world.

As the crown shimmered in the light, it spoke of her royal lineage and her connection to a realm beyond their own. Hannah's union with the king had bestowed upon her the status of a queen, lending legitimacy to her possession of such a majestic symbol of power and authority.

"This is a relic that lets the user harness a ton of mana from our kingdom," Hannah said. "I have ten years worth of magic power here… the only downside is that I can't use the mana that freely; it requires too much focus, so I can only focus on using a single spell at a time."

"It is fine; we got this," Ethan said. "Just make sure to open the portal when the time comes.

"All of our people that can fight are facing the enemies; we can't afford to spare anyone else," John said. "Still, I will be waiting for good news."

"Take care, Ethan, everyone," Michael said. "Make sure to return in one piece so as not to give your mother a heart attack."

"Roger that," Ethan said.

"Since we have this much mana now, we will check things periodically with you all," Nuvian declared. "If things get dicey, you should retreat; we can always try again as long as you are alive. Don't insist if you think that things are too hard over there." josei

As the gravity of the situation settled upon the group, a collective understanding permeated the air. Each person, with a mixture of determination and solemnity, nodded in unison. They acknowledged the urgency of the task at hand and the consequences that failure would bring.

They were acutely aware that time was slipping away and lives were being lost with each passing moment. Failure was not an option. The stakes were too high, and the cost of defeat too great.

Their nods conveyed a shared commitment to their mission, an unspoken agreement to give everything they had to succeed. Eyes met with unwavering resolve as the weight of their responsibilities settled upon their shoulders.

As the group gathered, their attention focused on the task ahead; Luneria took to the air, soaring gracefully above Hannah's head. Her wings shimmered with a radiant glow, casting a soft light that illuminated the surroundings.

However, Hannah's brows furrowed slightly at the sight of Luneria's flight. Nonetheless, the urgency of the situation quickly redirected Hannah's focus, and she set aside her personal thoughts, aligning herself with the shared goal of the impending spell.

The aerial display of Luneria swiftly became secondary to the matter at hand. The group, united by their mission, concentrated their efforts on weaving the intricate strands of magic that would determine the outcome of their endeavor. They knew that every second counted, and their minds honed in on the spell with unwavering determination.

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