Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Seraphina Darkthorn [1]

Chapter 103: Seraphina Darkthorn [1]

4 days, 11 hours, and 45 minutes of no sleep and continuous work at the laboratory finally gave birth to the vial of liquid I was currently holding in my hand.

"Anhh!"—I yawned, allowing my exhausted muscles to relax.

A normal person simply cannot stay awake for this long without going insane.

But I can hardly call myself normal anymore. I had more nanomachines in my body than the blood which flowed.

Well, making the cure of cancer was not the only thing I did in these past few days.

I even made some planes.

Plan 1: Find a manager for yourself.

Plan 2: Assemble a team of game developers.

Plan 3: Recruit a group of skilled assassins.

Plan 4: Construct an underground chamber for human experiments.

Plan 5: Eliminate Dr. Elizabeth.

Dr. Elizabeth....later about her.

Plan 6: Rizz up Svetlana Darkthorn to gain Seraphina's lasting support. Svetlana is Seraphina's daughter, but this plan seems risky and needs further thought.

Plan 7: Hire a team of expert engineers.

Plan 8: Build your own private army to challenge the central union in the future.

Plan 9: Implement satellite weapons and drones.

Plan 10: Take out Boris Jackson. Take control of underworld crime syndicate.

Plan 11: Establish anarchy worldwide, dismantle the central union, and establish a monarchy where I will rule.

Plan 12: Stop the cataclysms at any cost, no matter what.

Plan 13, the final plan: Project Transmigration. Return home.

Click! —Opening the laboratory door, I headed to wash myself up.

But, I couldn't simply sleep yet; I needed to have one final discussion with Nathan.

Even though this entire facility was under my ownership, I didn't completely trust everyone.

That's why I had taken all 25 vials of cancer treatment drugs with me, carefully stored in my dimensional bracelet.

The people here had no real knowledge of what I had been working on in the lab for four nights and four days, but it was better to take precautions.

And the workshop wasn't solely a place for building; it also had private quarters for residing.

I grabbed my masterkey and entered the head office—my office.

There was a big room attached to my office with bathroom, kitchen, sleeping place, gaming place, etc. But the room was only available to me.

Entering my room, I washed myself, changed the cloths and went straight to cafeteria.


"Sparkling, please",I said, in response to the waiter's question about what sort of water I would prefer.

Yep, this workshop had cafeteria and waiters.

Turning to Nathan, the waiter asked, "And are you ready to order?"

Nathan, sitting across from me at the table and absorbed in a local newspaper, looked up and inquired, "What's the special dish here? Actually, never mind—just bring me a cup of tea."

Before long, our food arrived, and I eagerly started eating.

"Why did you call me?" Nathan asked, glancing at me briefly.

"You have the crest of monteé, don't you?" I questioned. My mouth still stuffed with Roti and Paneer.

"How do you know that I have the Crest of monteé? "— Nathan asked. Confusion etched in his voice. Quickly, he shook his head as if dismissing himself. "Forget that I asked. I shouldn't be surprised at this point. What do you want with the Crest?"

Nathan took a sip of his tea and gazed at me.

"I was actually planning to... meet Great Mage Baroness Seraphina Darkthorn", I stuttered out.

"Ah, I see..."—Nathan replied, finally understanding why I would need a royal crest, all while sipping his tea.

"PFFFUUUUU!"— Suddenly, he sputtered his tea while choking.

Cough! —Cough! —Cough! —He struggled to compose himself before staring at me, his eyes wide like he had seen a monster from area 51.


"Please, Nathan, let's maintain some table manners. You spilled your tea."

"No, fuck the tea! What did you say? Seraphina who? Do you even realize what you're saying?!"

He shook his head in disbelief all while holding his head with both hands. "No, no, no! I knew it!

"I knew it! Staying with you would get me killed someday! I am gonna die! I am gonna die!"

"I shouldn't have signed the unbreakable Oath! —I haven't even married yet!"

"You're overreacting," I said.

"Overreacting? You think this is overreacting?!" —Nathan grabbed my collar. "Tell me, am I overreacting?"

Feeling annoyed by the situation, I used a karate chop to swiftly knock him unconscious. After some time, when he finally woke up, he was able to calm down and listen to my entire story.

"So, it's about Svetlana Darkthorn," he said, while massaging his temples.

"Yeah, and I have no idea how to gain access to their estate."

"You don't need to find an entry pass or anything like that, the Crest will suffice," Nathan replied.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Won't they question me about the cure?"

"No," Nathan replied, sliding the local newspaper towards me on the table. josei

My eyes caught sight of an advertisement article by the Darkthorn matriarch in the newspaper.

"They are also searching for a cure. Doctors, potion makers, healers from all over the world have tried and failed. They've even advertised it. They are desperate for any safe cure," Nathan explained.

"Ah, this simplifies things," I exclaimed.

"Is the private jet ready?" I asked about the private jet I had specifically borrowed for this day.

"It is. However, I have a request—actually, more like a demand."

I raised an eyebrow, asking, "What is it?"

"I'm coming with you," Nathan replied with a serious expression. "I don't want to risk my life. I want to ensure everything goes well."

Looking at his determination, I sighed and said, "Fine."

I stood up from my seat to prepare for our departure when a headline in the newspaper caught my attention. ["International Cadets Tournament has commenced. A new ray of hope!-Gavisti Ashwath of Arcanum Blades Academy stuns everyone."]

I smirked.

It's finally beginning.

The plot of the novel is about to start.

Gavisti will soon emerge victorious in the International Cadets Tournament (ICT), putting the Arcanum Blades Academy on the global map.

Arcanum blades academy will become famous worldwide.

Aeravat, the strongest student in the first year, will also gain recognition alongside the main characters, as more attention will be directed towards them.

News and media outlets will start mentioning their names and fan clubs will be formed.

Aurora Lewis will be hailed as the queen of thunder, and soon enough, demons will begin attacking the academy to eliminate the potential threat that Aeravat is.

Alongside all this, a new inter-school tournament will be organized for the first-year students where several academies will participate.

'I need to become stronger',I thought to myself.

Suddenly, ideas and plans started forming in my mind as if the gears were clicking into place.

"Nathan, there's one more thing. Make sure the team of tattoo artists and shamans is prepared. I might need their assistance by the end of this month."

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