Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Unnamed

Chapter 118: Unnamed


The first time, I ever saw Seraphina use a curse, was during our first clash.

It was a moment during that battle when my pin missiles transformed from metallic to granular stone.

Back then, I thought she used some kind of magic--turns out, that was a curse.

To cast a curse, one must have a heart.

Curses find their roots in emotions.

If you never felt love or emotions running through your veins at their most intense levels, you can forget about casting a curse.

Those powerful emotions only come

in brief moments of life, when we lose our loved ones or some messed up tragedy hits us square in the face.

It's in those dark times, when you're drowning in your deepest sorrow, curse magic comes alive.

You take all that pain and anguish, and turn it into a curse.

As long as I keep studying curse magic, I reckon I'll be able to cast a curse someday.

A multitude of curses exist, each possessing its own distinct nature: the Curse of Death, the Curse of Fear, the Curse of Loneliness, and emotions, in its own twisted way, can be transformed into curses.

But, curses requires the burning hatred within one's heart as fuel, rather than mana.

Suddenly, a flaming sphere, the size of a football, hurtled towards me with speed.

With swift reflexes, I evaded the attack by subtly tilting my head to the left, without needing to shift my stance.

Currently, I was engaged in a one-on-one against Seraphina.

Well, not exactly a 1v1; it's more like she's testing what I've learned.

The only element she was using was fire because so far I've only learned the [Bindrune of fire].

Of course, it's not necessary to mention, but she was holding back.

Four orbs of dandelions, the size of tennis balls, materialized around her wrists before circling them in planetery motion.

She targeted her right palm towards me, and immediately two fireballs slid from her wrist to her palm before charging my way.

I stretched out my palm, summoning the "[Bindrune of fire]."

The spell and the bindrunes clashed with each other, but Seraphina's flames easily overpowered mine, shattering my balls before heading my way.

Undeterred, I quickly forged another [Bindrune of fire] in my left hand, executing a backflip to evade the incoming projectiles by a hair's breadth.

As I flipped, the bindrune in my left hand stamped into the ground.

Meanwhile, the four fireballs surrounding Seraphina's left hand swirled around, sliding across her body in a precise trajectory, before converging into her right hand.

All of a sudden, she unleashed a volley of flames towards me.

The ground erupted in fiery red, turning the whole scenery into a hellish sight. The heat intensified, causing me to sweat profusely.

Seraphina seemed unfazed by it all.

She approached me from the distance and my battered figure was kneeling in one knee.

Refusing to give up, I threw my hands out in a T-pose, then swiftly brought my palms together with a resounding—????????!

Locking my fingers together, I thrust my hands above my head before slamming my plams forcefully onto the ground.

Like a scene straight out of a volcano movie, the bindrune which I strategically stamped on the ground previously, burst forth.

It unleashed a colossal pillar of flame that shot towards the heavens.

I could see a hint of amusement flicker across Seraphina's face. It was a move I invented myself, a little technique that caught her off guard.

Using what little control I had over my pyromantic abilities, I tried to redirect the flames towards her.

But my lack of control caused it to weaken and eventually vanish into thin air.

With lightning speed, Seraphina's form blurred before my eyes, and before I could react, a searing pain erupted in my stomach.

There she stood, in a front stance, her fist coiled and embedded deep into my gut. It was a martial art move.

I spat the remnants of morning breakfast as my body soared through the air, tossed around like a flimsy rag doll.

Somehow, I managed to regain my balance mid-air, swiftly planting my feet firmly on the ground.

But, my body continued to slide and skid for several meters before finally grinding to a halt..

For a moment, I entertained the idea of using battle mode, but immediately dismissed it.

As Seraphina's fist rocketed towards me, I swiftly raised my arms, crossing them in a defensive stance.

The impact sent me skidding backward, my feet firmly planted on the ground.

Ignoring the searing pain that shot through my arms, I utilized this momentum to launch a retaliatory strike from a safe distance.

"[Bindrune of fire]: Inferno blast!"

A roaring inferno erupted with a deafening—????????????????!





Third person's POV:

The once serene green field now became a chaotic display of dancing motes of flames.

Smoke billowed into the sky, swirling amidst the fiery vortex.

The ethereal yellow flames flickered and swayed, but gradually, even their radiant glow dimmed, succumbing to Seraphina's detox spell.

The smokes that once choked the air now dissipated, revealing a detoxified environment, the charred ground beneath giving birth to embers also cooled down.

In midts of it all, stood the burnt and battered figure of Noah.

His suit now torn everywhere, and his disheveled hair wafted in the gentle breeze, giving him an almost ravishing appearance.

He was barely standing.

His mana reserves down after the continuous battle.

His body convulsing, eyelids almost half closed.

In a strained groan, he managed to utter, "Master... I feel weak. I think..." Before he could finish his sentence, his body gave way, his eyelids closing shut.

But, Seraphina swiftly caught him in her arms, holding him gently.

"You did well, kid," she whispered softly, a touch of pride shimmering in her eyes, her only response.


(1 week later)

Noah's POV:

I was back at the academy.

Engineers and workers were busting their butts, adding all sorts of new equipment that wasn't here before.

Teleportation gates had been set up too.

I was donned in my formal black shirt and hunter green pants.

I strolled my way towards a café.

The sun was blazing high in the sky, and it being summer, the heat was mercilessly roasting me.

'Perhaps, wearing black was not such a good idea'—I thought to myself.

Fed up with the scorching heat, I decided roll up my sleeves, all while loosening a button or two on my shirt.

And the minute I made that move, comments started flying in.

-"Holy shi-"

-"Damn, he's smoking hot!"

-"Is he in our class?"

All the girls suddenly had their eyes locked on me.

"I seriously need to do something about Solaris Amulet," I grumbled to myself, barely audible.

At first it was okay, but now, it was getting annoying.

My charm stats have already reached (A+).

But charm stats was not the only thing Solaris Amulet gave me.

Solaris amulet also gave me a certain charisma along with a certain glamor.

That means no matter what I did, people would find me...exquisitely 'attractive'.

Shaking my head, I tried to ignore the flirty looks from the café waitress.

I grabbed my iced latte in a hurry and made a beeline for a chill park bench nearby, not trying to draw any more attention.

Once I got comfy on the bench, I started to think.

All my stuff was already moved to the A1 hostel, the hostel workers were currently getting it all organized for me.

'Svetlana must also be in A1 hostel right?'—I thought while closing my eyes and extending my hands, making myself comfortable in the bench.

Suddenly, I felt something tickle my nose.

I opened my eyes to find a butterfly perched on the bridge of my nose.

But it flew away. josei

??????????! —Slurping my latte I was about to leave when..



Third person's POV:

Aeravat, Emily, Takahashi, Aurora, and Sophia could be seen strolling together, engaged in lively conversations.

They were the famous group among the first-year students, known by almost everyone in the academy.

However, something seemed different this time.

One could notice Myung Joon trailing behind them.

It wasn't that he enjoyed being with them, but rather, he was compelled to do so.

The Unit1 supervisor had made it clear that he should mix with his colleagues, as his initial behavior on the first day didn't sit well with him.

Unlike others, he was just silent. Not saying anything. He neither disliked his unit nor hated them.

"Myung Myung?Why are you so quiet?"—Emily playfully taunted.

She was always super cheerful and friendly with pretty much everyone.

"Miss Reed, it's Myung Joon, not Myung Myung. And I am not talking because I don't want to. "—Myung Myung replied in a cold tone.

"Leave that loser Emily, he got no social skills."—Takahashi chimed in, sneering with the intention of stirring up some trouble.

Myung Myung, as always didn't gave a flying fuck about Aoi's existence.

The group talked about the new system of academy and of course there was another hot topic.

Svetlana Darkthorn.

The prodigious mage from powerful Darkthorn family was a late enrollee into Arcanum.

Her mom was legendary for being the strongest mage in the whole human domain.

That's some next-level stuff. Even Aurora and Takahashi couldn't help but be somewhat intimidated by her status.

Word on the street was that she was probably just as powerful as Aeravat, if not even stronger.

And she wasn't just powerful.

She was drop-dead gorgeous...and by drop-dead, I mean D-A-M-N beautiful.

Aeravat and the rest tried to befriend her, but for some reason, she kept her distance from them.

She wasn't rude, but always declined their approach.

Nobody knew why she was so cold towards them.

But, she was a sweet and warm girl to everyone else, so it didn't seat well with Aurora.

The boys in her unit were already falling head over heels for her.

She got like five proposals just this week.

In simple words... She had an army of simps.

Yep, she was a special case.

All of a sudden, Aeravat's footsteps came to a screeching halt, causing everyone else to also freeze in their tracks.

They followed his gaze, trying to figure out what had caught his attention.

There, seated leisurely without a care in the world was another such special case.

His black long hair flowed down in beautiful curtain bangs.

Unlike the others, he stood out in his suit, his pristine black shirt providing a striking contrast against his alabaster skin.

As his face tilted upward, basking in the sun's radiant rays, a butterfly gracefully landed on his nose.

The sight of his beauty caused Sophia's heart to skip a beat, and she found herself involuntarily swallowing.

Lost in admiration, she failed to notice that Aeravat had already approached and stood in front of him, signaling that time had passed while she was gawking at him.

'Why am I feeling like this?!' Sophia thought, her cheeks turning a rosy shade as she tried to calm herself down.

Sophia was familiar with Noah, but he had always been just a random.

Now, she couldn't quite understand what happened to this boy.

He was just.... different.

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