Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Weapon Selection [1]

Chapter 16: Weapon Selection [1]

"The battlefield will rely on your weapons," Professor Riya stated, meeting the eyes of her diverse class.

She elaborated, "Our Academy boasts experts who will train you to wield your weapons with utmost efficiency."

After one final assessing glance, she turned and strolled across the metallic floor.

Our class was currently situated in the A-21 training facilities, a vast, metallic chamber.

At its core, a circular dais stood, its floor composed of crystal tiles. The metallic flooring encircling it was adorned with canvases depicting angelic and demonic warfare.

Professor Riya halted in front of a pristine metallic surface. As she lingered, the surface parted, unveiling an arsenal teeming with weaponry.

It was a huge room decorated with different kinds of weapons.

"Remarkable! It appears quite advanced," a student remarked.

"Are these the high-grade lethal weapons we've heard about?" queried another.

"Elites? Ha! I wager you've only laid eyes on mock armaments thus far," someone scoffed.

The sound of students conversing filled the air.

Riya's hands clapped together loudly, capturing the attention of the students.

"Listen carefully," she began, infusing her voice with mana_ "While warriors may have the ability to wield almost any weapon, mastering them is a different matter entirely

. Similarly, mages may be proficient in using mana, but lack the ability to wield weapons properly. Therefore, those of you in various classes must choose your weapons with careful consideration."


Another resounding clap echoed through the room.

"Now, everyone, choose your weapons."

The students rushed towards the armory, eager to examine the array of weapons.

The armory was stocked with an eclectic mix of weapons, ranging from swords, spears, axes, and knives, to katanas, halberds, clubs, maces, flails, glaives, greatswords, rapiers, baseball bats, battleaxes, pikes, javelins, longswords, quarterstaffs, sickles, daggers, and machetes.

Surprisingly, there were even guns on display, despite their uselessness in this realm. However, due to the technology limitations, there were not many modern weapons available.

It is said that, 'necessity is mother of all inventions'_ this utterance rings true in this world.

It's almost impossible to penetrate skins of monsters using bullets.

But whereas guns failed, mana imbued weapons and special graded weapons forged by master blacksmiths were able to easily slay tens of monsters in one swoop.

The inhabitants of this world never ventured into the realm of developing sophisticated armaments such as missiles and lasers.

Despite the concept of such weaponry being present, no one pursued their creation.

Students approached the armory and started picking up their weapons. Most of the students here picked weapons like swords, and only a few picked long ranged weapons like bows and javelines.

A huge crowd of students could be seen swarming around main characters just like how honeybees swarm around honey.

With a curious glance I looked around, at the centre of attraction and I saw Aeravat picked a double edged straight sword which was slightly cruved at the end.

Naturally a lot followed his lead and picked swords

On the other hand, Takhasi picked up a glaive.

A group of boys was observed wandering around Aurora and Emily by chance.

Aurora opted for a rapier, while Emily grabbed a bow without caring about who was watching and following them.

Despite this, a smile was visible on her lips, indicating that she was likely pleased with the attention.

To Noah's left stood Kai Lee, a white boy with straight-jacket hair, and in his arms, he held two metal gauntlets.

Kai Lee was the only fighter class in the first year, and no one else in the class had chosen a gauntlet-like weapon.

This made Kai Lee an exception, but despite his F- grade, he ranked high for a reason.

Strolling towards the armory, I felt like an eager extra with grand aspirations. "Which weapon should I select?" I pondered to myself.

As I closely examined the weapons displayed before me, I heard a commotion coming from my right.

Curiously, I turned my head to see what was going on.

-"Are you sure about choosing the nunchucks?" came a voice from the crowd.

Confidently, the boy replied, "Yeah, I think it'll be just fine."

- "Come on, who are you kidding? You don't even know how to use them," josei

-"I said it will be fine."

"Nun chucks, huh?"

Unlike swords that can be used for melee combat only or bows that are only functional at long range, nun chucks offer versatility in both range.

When wielded as a melee weapon, nun chucks can deal an impressive amount of damage in close range.

With the right technique, users can even parry incoming enemy weapons, making it a valuable asset for up-close combat.

For added potency, nun chucks can be imbued with mana. This will increase the pressure and power behind each strike, resulting in bones breaking and skulls cracking under the sheer force of the weapon.

So, it's no wonder that these weapons are just as useful as swords in close quarters combat.

But the real magic of nun chucks comes when they are imbued with the power of the elements.

By infusing the ends of the nun chucks with mana, they can become a deadly projectile weapon.

Swinging them with great force, users can unleash a barrage of ice shards, fire, earth, or any other type of element they desire.

This allows them to deal damage from afar, just like bows do, making them extremely potent and versatile in any combat situation.

In short, the nun chucks are a weapon that can be used for both short and long-range combat. With the right technique and mana infusion, these weapons can pack a serious punch.

And the two cadets are making a fuss over it.

The commotion had caught the attention of other students in the class. It was rare to see someone wield nun chucks.

"Who's the nerd with the nun chucks?" someone whispered from the back of the room.

"Looks like Buster Cherry." another student replied.

Turning his back to the class, Buster's friend whispered to him, "Hey man, you know you don't have an art for the nun chucks, right?"

"Anjskenbe," Buster clumsily replied before clarifying, "Hajsnskdn, I don't have an art for it."

His friend rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just pick up a shield and javelin like the rest of us?" he suggested.

But Buster Cherry was not discouraged.

"No way man, nun chucks are the way to go. I'm gonna be the first one to create a nun chuck art!" he declared.

The crowd erupted in laughter at the absurdity of the situation, but Buster stood firm in his beliefs. Even though he was foolishly in over his head.

There was a good reason for this fuss.

Capabilities of a nun chuck comes at a cost.

While sword and bow techniques can be learned through various Art, there are no known arts available for the nun chucks.

Furthermore, due to the need for extreme control over mana to wield the weapon, it is no easy feat to master.

It requires a thoughtful process, and the ability to maintain a perfect balance between thought and action.

A mistake in one's grip can cause unintentional consequences such as holding a shard of ice or fireball while inertly moving the nunchucks.

Only a genius with tremendous skill and focus can manage to utilize nun chucks effectively.

Professor Riya arrived at the scene with a tablet in her hand. "What's going on here?" she asked, peering at the two boys who were making a commotion.

One of them held a nun chuck in his hand.

"A nun chuck? Can you even use it?" she asked the boy who held the weapon.

"N-No, ma'am," he stammered.

Professor Riya raised an eyebrow and looked at the boy closely.

He had white skin and jet black hair, with an angular jaw and deep blue eyes.

After consulting her tablet, she said sternly, "You're student rank 380, Buster Cherry."

"Yes, mama-", "I mean yes, Ma'am!" he replied.

She scowled. "You were previously a sword user. Why did you suddenly decide to change your weapon?"

"Yes, ma'am?" he responded with confusion.

"And do you even have an art for nun chucks? Do you expect the academy to provide you with one?" she questioned.

"Yes, Ma'am!" he foolishly replied, before quickly correcting himself, "I mean no, ma'am."

Professor Riya was not amused. "What yes ma'am, no ma'am? Answer properly!" she reprimanded him.

The rest of the class exploded in laughter, not because they found it funny, but because of how stupidly ridiculous Buster Cherry's responses were.

"Bust...er...Cherry huh?" I pondered to myself, "I don't..yea I don't think I remember anyone with that description in the novel"

"Who is he?"

Professor Riya shifted her gaze to the other student, "Rank 400, Harry Butts?" she questioned , emphasizing the last two words.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at the crude remark.

Seriously, who even names their kid Harry Butts? The guy must have gotten so much crap for that name growing up.

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