Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Perception

Chapter 20: Perception

I rested my hand on my sweaty forehead, struggling to concentrate on my memories.

My clothes clung to my damp body as I took deep, ragged breaths.

The sweat on my skin, running down my face and stinging my eyes.

I could feel the sweat trickling down my back and settling on my waist, the dampness of my clothes making me feel heavy and weighed down.

"F*ck, my time perception is messed up", I let out in frustration.

When I first arrived in this world, my sense of time became completely disoriented.

To simply put, my body was not able to accept when the days occured or when night shifted, but I was slowly able to adjust.

"As per as I remember, first day of Academy was on 10th january, Saturday"

"And then, 11th january ..no class..12 jan..weapon selection..hmf..yesterday .. that incident ...It's almost been two weeks since I got transmigrated, hasn't it?"

I looked at my smart phone, it displayed 14, jan, wednesday.

The classes were over at 2:30 pm, so currently I was in my room.

I positioned myself in the bed getting ready for neck extensions.

What prompted me to do neck exercises?

I conducted thorough research on how to avoid being easily knocked out, and discovered that having a thicker neck is the best way to defend oneself.

Considering what happened previously, I wasn't willing to take any chances.

Though I was fortunate last time, I could have easily been knocked out by those bullies.

As I slowly moved my head up and down while extending my neck, I couldn't help but notice that my vision remained fixed on the ceiling.

It was peculiar upon closer observation, as I had always been aware that our eyes tend to stay in the same position even when we move our heads or nod.

While this phenomenon is fairly common, I found it quite intriguing.

I shared my curiosity with Nano, who promptly replied in a mechanical tone with a scientific explanation.

[This phenomenon is known as "visual stability" or "perceptual constancy."]

[It refers to the ability of the visual system to maintain a stable perception of objects in the world despite changes in their retinal image due to eye or head movements.]

[The brain uses information from the vestibular system ( which senses changes in head position and movement) and other sensory cues to update our perception of the world and keep it ....]

As Nano continued to educate me on the intricacies of the human body, such as the eyes, vision, head movement, and the function of Rapid Eye Movement (REM), I grew increasingly curious and asked more and more questions.

I was fascinated by the complexity of the human body, which is essentially a collection of natural tissue machines that operate through various chemical reactions and processes to keep us alive.

While some may find it dull, to me it was enthralling.

As I pondered various scenarios, a notion occurred to me.

"What if I could disorient my enemies' vision somehow?"

" Perhaps I could create a magical device, a mechanical instrument, or even a mystical formula that could interfere with their sight. It could cause a myopic disturbance or maybe even induce nystagmus...I wasn't entirely sure"_My voice betrayed a mixed range of emotions as I spoke, and I started to chuckle to myself.

Maybe it was because I was an extra, but if that were the case, then I needed to utilize every tool at my disposal to ensure my own safety.

However, I couldn't realistically expect to reach the highest ranks without possessing a core. Even dreaming of earning an A

ranking was outlandish.

Noah took note of the idea and added it to his mental list as a topic to research further.

Noah rose from the bed and made his way over to the computer, which was connected to various devices with cables and wires sprawled messily all over the place.

"Now, let's see...the setup is complete. I just need to install one of the earliest Javascript programs into the system," he muttered nonchalantly.

Thinking of what application to create, he settled on Chess since he knew it didn't exist in this world.

An avid fan of the game, Noah had once been so frustrated by his numerous losses online that he deleted it from his computer in a fit of rage.

Even still, he found himself unsatisfied, so he erased it from his novel's setting as well, simply because he had no control in the real world.

"Hmm..."Pondering something to himself Noah made his way to his bed.

Noah muttered as he made himself comfortable on the bed,"It should be about time"




│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G+



│ Health: G │ 150/ 150(+1?)

│ Mana: G- │ 100/ 100

│ Strength: G+ │ 180/ 180(+1??)

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( )

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1

│Resistance: G- │ 1.2

│Stamina: G- │ ( )

│Charm: E- │ ( )

│Durability: G- │ 1

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



-Momentum Transfer [Allows user to...]





Propensity: None


[Mystery of Teleportation]

Achivments: josei

[Legendary Achievment! Acquired the mystery of Teleportation!]


What's up with these question marks in my stats?

I can guess that the system is counting the age of both of my lives combine...maybe

But what are these (+1?) stats? Is it because of Nano? Even my intelligence has three question marks.


I retrieved a small box from my belongings, a gift from Riley as a token of gratitude for saving his team.

I placed my hand on the box with intent, and it was absorbed by me.


║ S Y S T E M

║ ║

║ Notification:

You have acquired a new skill

║ ║

║ Skill Rank: G ║

║ Name: Perception ║

║ ???: ??? ?[] ║

║ Description: Allows the user to ║ percieve the emotions of others


"Huh, what a useless skill. No wonder it was ranked G," I muttered to myself.

As I was about to turn off the system, another notification popped up.


Notification: Congratulations! You have

acquired the very first reward box of a double dungeon!

A legendary achievement !


Noah's eyes dilated as he stared at the notification that flashed across the screen.

Gradually, a ghastly twist of expression formed on his countenance, contorting his features in a grotesque display of revulsion and anger.

In that moment, only one thought came to Noah's mind: "What in the world is a double dungeon?!!"

A flurry of cogitation flooded his mind at an alarming pace.

The very reason for this sudden and intense reaction was simple; Noah Grey, the supposedly creator behind this world, had never once mentioned or hinted at the existence of such a thing as a double dungeon within the pages of his novel.

Noah's mind raced with possibilities and scenarios, his attempted justification for this incomprehensible discovery gradually forming and fermenting within the recesses of his mind.

-------Arcanum blades Academy--------

Professor Riya stood in the middle of the artificial dungeon, surrounded by the clang of metal and the voices of engineers setting up machines for the upcoming trials.

She adjusted her hair and turned to Vice Principal Konstantine Smirnoff.

"Konstantine, do you not think the dungeon trials are being casted too early this time?"

He raised an eyebrow, his salt-and-pepper beard bristling.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked, his thick Russian accent rolling off his tongue.

"The trials are standard procedure and have always been at this time of year."

"I understand that, but given the recent advancements in hero programs, I fear we may not have given the students enough time to prepare for what they may face", Riya countered, her expression thoughtful.

Konstantine chuckled, "Ah, always the cautious one. But fear not, we have taken every precaution to ensure the safety of our students."

He continued," Besides, they have had plenty of training before joining the Academy, I'm sure they will be more than capable."

She sighed, running a hand through her, curly hair.

"I hope you're right. I just can't shake this feeling that something isn't quite right."

The vice-principal placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder,"I understand your concern, my dear. But I assure you, everything is in order. The dungeon trials will proceed as planned."

As the two continued their conversation, the surrounding engineers worked tirelessly to assemble the artificial dungeon.

There was only 20 days left to the trial.

As the faculty members arrived, they continued their conversation, discussing the various challenges that the students would face in the dungeon trials.

"I worry about the traps," Riya said with her brow furrowed.

"In previous years, we've had a few close calls with faulty mechanisms. We can't afford any mishaps this time around."

Konstantine nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, we must take every precaution to ensure the safety of our students."

As they spoke, Konstantine began to look at the files of students one by one.

"We have a talented group of students this year,", his eyes scanning the file. "I have no doubt that they will rise to the occasion."

"I hope you're right."

As they made their way down the dimly lit corridor, Riya couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

She had a nagging suspicion that they were overlooking something important, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Do you think we could take a closer look at the trap mechanisms?"

He glanced at her curiously. "Now? Riya, we have a schedule to keep..."

"I know, I know", Riya said impaitently."But I just have a bad feeling about this. Please just a look."

Konstantine considered her request for a moment before nodding, "Very well, lead the way."

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