Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Nola Reinheart Vs Noah Grey![1]

Chapter 27: Nola Reinheart Vs Noah Grey![1]

Baffled and perplexed, I found myself in a twisted situation that seemed to have no end.

My inner voice questioned, "How can you be in such a mess?"

The world around me had taken on a surreal quality, as though up was down and left was right. From the double dungeon to this unexpected twist.

This was not how it was supposed to go. Originally in the novel, Nola Reinheart was meant to be triumphant, facing a random girl that wouldn't stand a chance against her.

As the stares of countless strangers bore into me, my nerves began to fray.

In a moment of frustration, I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut, taking a deep breath.

"If fate were a living creature, I would have stomped it to death beneath my feet!", I muttered through gritted teeth.

I may not have understood what was going on around me, but I could certainly let off some steam about it.


I knew that it was sparring session today so I was somewhat mentally prepared.

The approaching dungeon trials, set to take place in a week, were the very reason why I had been intensively training with my machete.

But I wasn't ready yet for any kind of challenge and this-?

I strolled towards the arena.

As I neared the disc, I muttered in a hushed tone to Nano, "Please refrain from resorting to 'battle mode' or 'healing' unless my survival is on the line, and I'm left clinging onto the edge of oblivion by a thread."

Nano had no ethical constraints whatsoever. It would keep attacking until the target was fully incapacitated, or, to put it bluntly, eliminated. Need I say more?

[Affirmative, still I would have to break the protocol if you were in certain danger]

I frowned at the response but whatever I can do about it now?

I loosened my expression.

As I strode towards the arena, my visage remained serene and composed, even as Nola glared at me, emitting an air of superiority that suggested she considered me little more than a bug.

Ofcourse, I could have requested Nano to do the fighting for me and stopped before my adversary breathed her last.

But that was bound to arouse suspicions and cast aspersions on my character. Notwithstanding, Nola's ranking was approximately 230 while mine stood at a modest 1872, so if I triumphed over her, it would have introduced an element of skepticism.

However, this was but a mere fraction of my motivation to take up Nano's mantle and join the fray myself.

More than anything else

'I yearned to cultivate my physical abilities and push myself to my limits, and what better arena to hone my skills than a controlled and secure environment like this?'


As the pale boy entered the arena, Nola couldn't help but take stock of his abilities, estimating his level to be somewhere around G+ while acknowledging her own low ranking of F-.

The gulf between them loomed large.

When his name was called out, she noticed the look of pure panic that washed over his face.

'What a fucking pussy', she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. 'He's pretending to be all cool and collected, but I bet he's shitting himself.'

Nola let out a frustrated sigh, fed up with his pathetic attempt to look serene in front of everyone.

"Seriously, who is he trying to fool? The guy's a total wimp."

Without hesitation, Nola drew her gleaming sword, her eyes narrowing. She had no desire to prolong this any further; she wanted to finish this quickly, and with the least possible fuss.

She had heard him referred to as the 'machete guy' or 'misfit'.

Nola had heard rumors, just a few days ago, about a scandalous incident connected to the guy's past which involved the girls' bathroom.

As a person who prided herself on righteousness and moral values, the mere suggestion of such wrongdoing filled her with disgust.

"Gross," she muttered to herself under her breath.

To Nola, the guy was nothing more than a bug.

Without missing a beat, Nola readied herself with a flick of her wrist, her determined gaze fixed on her opponent.

"Listen up, loser," Nola grunted, pointing her finger in his face.

"Are you seriously trying to compete against me? Save yourself the embarrassment and just give up already. You'll only end up with your face in the dirt, begging for mercy."

Nola rolled her eyes, smirking with contempt. "I wouldn't want to waste my time on a loser like you anyways. So what's it gonna be? Run off like a coward or stick around and let me humiliate you in front of everyone?" josei

'As if anyone could take this guy seriously. Ha! He's a disgrace. He doesn't belong in the Arcanum academy, or any academy for that matter. He is pathetic, and I can't wait to put him in his place' Nola thought to herself.

The guy, in turn, seemed to display a casual disregard to Nola's taunts.

"Nah, I'm fine. Let's begin the match," he declared, his tone bordering on arrogance.

Nola's brows furrowed at his audacity, her resolve hardening as she prepared herself to take him down.

Originally, she had planned to let him off without any harm, but his brashness and presumptuousness fueled something within her.

She was going to teach him a lesson, and a very good one at that.

Ignoring his cowardly behavior, she channeled mana into her core.

Her sharpened senses honed in on Noah, silently assessing his every move

With a calm focus, Nola raised her sword, the keen gleam of determination in her eyes.

The blade she was using was blunt, but that did not matter - it would still pack a powerful punch and it would teach this offender a valuable lesson.

As Professor Riya announced the beginning of the match, Nola advanced towards Noah, her movements fluid and graceful.

She was like a wraith, her sword flashing in the air as she delivered one swift blow after another.

Despite his best efforts, Noah was no match for her, and she was quick to capitalize on each of his mistakes.

Noah stumbled back, frantically slashing his machete to keep Nola at bay.

But his form was so nauseatingly grotesque that even a hardcore martial artist would vomit at the sight.

Nola merely smirked at his futile attempts, gracefully ducking down and swinging her sword with pinpoint precision.

The dull edge of the blade connected with his torso, causing a sound

Noah was sent flying like a ragdoll, his body slamming hard onto the ground.

The force of the hit caused nausea and muscle spasms to ripple through his arm, prompting him to let out a small but painful groan.

"F**k!" he cursed, gritting his teeth in agony.

A sadistic smirk crawled across Nola's face as she watched the boy crawl like a dog.

She strode over to him and brought her foot down on his head, pressing down with a satisfying crunch.

"Come on, loser," she taunted, enjoying the scene.

"Is the thought of getting beaten by a girl too much for you? Are you just gonna give up?"

She proceeded to swing her sword once more, striking Noah with such force that he went flying on the air.

However, he managed to focus on his balance mid-air and landed gracefully on his knees.

Nola was on the verge of launching another attack, when Noah sprang into action with fierce determination. He swung his machete with all his might, executing a mimick version of [Momentum Transfer] skill that he had been practicing daily based on Nano's ideas.

But Nola was quick to react, effortlessly deflecting his attack with a swift movement of her sword.

She then delivered a powerful kick to his abdomen, causing him to crumple to the ground in agony.

As Nola gazed at Noah's writhing form, she felt a sense of exhaustion settle in.

Combat was not her strong suit, and this whole ordeal had taken a toll on her. Afterall she barely trained her stamina.

But she didn't care. As long as she won and humiliated Noah, nothing else mattered.

Putting weight onto her foot, Nola pressed down onto Noah's abdomen.

"Now beg to me like a dog and step down from the ring," she taunted.

Despite being outmatched by Nola in terms of skill, Noah's physical strength was already in the realm of F- thanks to the training and Nano.

He used his newfound strength to struggle and slip away from her foot, performing a reverse roll to stand back up.

Nola could only smirk at his tenacity. "You really are like a rat," she jeered.

The one-sided slaughter continued, with Nola effortlessly sending Noah flying or beating him down repeatedly until he lost his footing.

But something odd began to happen.

Nola suddenly attacked Noah's wrist with her sword , causing his wrist to swell with pain. Despite this, Noah was able to dodge one or two thrusts of her sword.

As the match continued, the students watched with amusement and muttered to each other, "Why hasn't he given up yet?"

To most people, Noah was nothing more than a hopeless loser who wasted time in combat classes.

They were certain that the match would end quickly and in Nola's favor, given the large rank difference between the two.

Some of the students were beginning to grow restless, with some even mocking Noah's poor performance.

"His parents must be disgusted with him," they scoffed, while others encouraged him to give up in order to save time.

However, there were some who silently cheered for Noah, not because they had any particular affection for him, but because they wanted to waste as much time as possible.

"Bro, don't give up! You can do it," they encouraged him, while secretly sneering at his foolishness.

The longer the match went on, the more exhausted Nola became.

She had hoped to humiliate Noah and end the match quickly, but even after five minutes of continuous struggle, the stubborn bastard still refused to give up.

"Huff... f*ck... rat!" she muttered through gritted teeth, feeling the frustration start to get the better of her.

Noah saw an opportunity present itself and quickly took it.

Using his footwork, he faked a slash towards Nola and she instinctively tried to dodge. But midway through, Noah twisted his body and delivered a forceful punch to her sternum.

"F*ck?!" Nola stumbled back, surprised by the sudden attack. "What's this? He's fighting back?" she thought angrily, noticing the reaction of the onlookers.

With an overpowering rage, Nola activated her "flower sword dance" and relentlessly beat down on Noah.

Despite his best efforts to defend himself, his face and both wrists became swollen, and it seemed like he could give up at any moment.

Noah struck once more, hitting Nola square in the face with a powerful punch.

Even with the opportunity to end the match quickly, Nola still refused to use any fatal attacks due to the rules and her own ego.

Nola, was becoming increasingly frustrated and angry with Noah's persistence.

Despite being talented from a young age, there weren't many who could match her skill, and the fact that this guy was giving her such a hard time infuriated her.

If fatalk attacks were allowed and she had a sharp sword the match would have ended quickly.

"You! I was taking it easy on you," she panted heavily, "but..." Nola cut off her sentence and looked at Noah's condition.

He was bleeding from the head, his face was swollen, and his wrists were both injured.

His hair was disheveled and his eyes were unfocused.

Seeing him like this, Nola couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy.

"Pha! I will end your trouble with this. You have the spirit, I will give you that, but you simply aren't talented enough."

With one swift movement, Nola stepped back and energized her sword. Noah tried to dodge, but he was too slow. The sword hit him forcefully in the torso, sending his body flying almost to the edge of the stadium.

As Noah's body writhed and twitched in pain, it was clear to everyone that the match had gone on long enough.

Nola, satisfied with her victory, turned her back and began to leave the ring.

Professor Riya took a long look at Noah's battered body and began to announce, "Alright, that's enough. The match ends with Nola being-"

But before she could finish, she stopped mid-sentence.

Nola, sensing that something was wrong, also turned back to look at Noah.

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