Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Top Rankers

Chapter 29: Top Rankers

My eyes opened.

The first thing I saw was a familiar ceiling.

"Uhm...it hurts?" A whimper left my mouth.

I took a moment to examine my body and found only a few minor cut marks that were healing at an impressive rate.

"You've been administered a low-grade healing potion. It should take effect in a few minutes, but I recommend you take some rest," said the nurse, scrutinizing my condition.

She continued, "I'm not sure. It's not common to see someone with your level of mana deficiency. But there appears to be no internal damage, so that's good news."

I only nodded.

'Right, Nano could not have healed the visible wounds since I had specifically prohibited it from doing so. But, it must have mended all the internal damage that I had sustained.'

As I lay there, I couldn't help but think about what had just transpired.

Despite almost defeating Nola, my mana had given out and I lost consciousness.

I attempted to sit up, but it became clear that I was more exhausted than I thought.

"Ah ,fuc- ahem, I am exhausted".

The nurse raised an eyebrow at my antics but didn't press the issue.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I began to recollect the events that had led me to this point.

It still surprised me that I had come so close to defeating Nola, but my mana had other plans.

In a soft tone I muttered, "Status."



│ S t a t u s W i n d o w ?


Name: Noah Grey

Age: 16 (+23?)(=39?)

Class: None

Rank: G+



│ Health: G+ │ 180/ 180(+10?)

│ Mana: G- │ 1(+)/ 100

│ Strength: F- │ 190(+)/ 200(+5?)

│ Dexterity: F+ │ ( )

│ Intelligence: ??? │ ( )

│ Mana Capacity: │ 0




│Armor: G- │ 1.1

│Resistance: F │ 12

│Stamina: F │ ( )

│Charm: E │ ( )

│Durability: G+ │ 8

│Flexibility: B │ ( )



-Momentum Transfer [Allows user to...]

-Perception[Allows user to...]





Propensity: None


[Mystery of Teleportation]


[Legendary Achievment! Acquired the mystery of Teleportation!]


My mana was steadily replenishing, though at a sluggish pace.

I had used up all my 100 mana.

Although it was possible for the body to replenish mana on its own, without a mana core, the process couldn't be any slower.

I had only managed to recover a single point out of 100.

If it were the MC, by now, he would have recovered 100 mana in a mere second.

That is why without a mana core, fighting in a real battle was hardly feasible, and that was why, regardless of how much I bettered my physical condition, I would never be enough.

With a thought, I realized, "It should be about time for the main event."

Checking the clock, I muttered to myself, "I should get going."

---------------Mean While -------------

A figure with gray locks sprinted at full speed, taking massive leaps with a glinting sword in her grip. It was none other than Tiya.

Fwussshh- Chuck Chuck Fwusshh

Three arrows rapidly zoomed towards her, aimed with deadly accuracy.

She pivoted, brandishing her sword and expertly deflecting two of the projectiles while dodging the third one with a fluid motion.

Meanwhile, Emily stretched her bow as her fingers pulled back the string, fitted with two arrows.

The other girl, noticing the incoming danger, cut through the air and ran towards Emily.


Two arrows shot out, racing through the air with precision towards their mark.

Tiya prepared to deflect the incoming arrows, but the two arrows in her peripheral vision were a deliberate distraction, intended to blind her to the third projectile hurtling towards her.

Slash-Slash, With a swift maneuver, Tiya slashed at the incoming arrows, easily cutting them down. However, her sharp eye caught sight of another arrow hurtling towards her with menacing speed.

She attempted to counter the attack by imbuing mana within herself, yet it was too late to either dodge or deflect the projectile.

Unbeknownst to Tiya, the whole ambush was part of Emily's plan. She knew that the blunt arrows would hardly cause any damage as long as Tiya fortified herself with a barrier of mana.

And so, Tiya concentrated to fortify herself with a shield of mana. However, something remarkable happened. The arrow was imbued with mana, which instead of hurting her...


It struck her, carrying a forceful gale along with it. The arrow propelled her body through the air, out of the confines of the disc arena without causing her any injuries.

"Match over! Emily Reed is the victor!" Professor Riya's voice boomed across the arena.

All eyes turned to Emily, their expressions a mix of shock and awe. Not only had she ended the match in under 30 seconds, but she'd done so with remarkable finesse and skill. It was no exaggeration to call her a prodigy.

"That was amazing, Emily!" Sophia cheered, beaming with pride.

"Yeay! Emily, Emily, Emily!" A group of boys cheered raucously, clearly part of the 'Emily Fan Club' that Sophia found cringe-worthy.

As whispers of amazement and admiration rippled across the crowd, Emily basked in the afterglow of her victory, knowing she was worthy of each and every accolade.

Just like a main character, Emily made her exit from the disc arena, graceful and assured. It would not be wrong to call her a main character, for in that moment, she had seized the spotlight and held it with all the charismatic force of a true hero.


Making my way through the corridors of A- section, I couldn't help but feel excitement building within me.

The last match of the day was set to be between Aeravat and Takahashi. There was no way I was going to miss it.

Slowly but steadily, I got closer to the A21 Training Ground.

Even though I knew the outcome of the match, I was eager to witness the grandeur with my own eyes.

Thanks to Nano, my physical condition had fully stabilized and healed.

If anyone asked, I could just bs claim to have used a healing potion.

However, despite being in peak physical condition, my mana levels were still extremely low. It had been five minutes and the best I could do was replenish a mere five mana. It was ridiculous.

As I approached the training ground, the sound of raucous cheering voices echoed through the hall.

I could feel the energy and excitement building to a crescendo.

Without hesitation, I pushed open the door to the training room, eager to experience the spectacle for myself.

What unfolded before my eyes was truly a beautiful sight.

A blonde haired boy and white skin was leapt in mid air holding a giant black shield which was radiating a white colour as he made his descent like a rocket.. BOOM!

The ground shook with loud sound as the shield hit the ground.

Poof- Aurora dodged back just in time by leaping in mid air.

'He is using shield as a weapon? Wth what is he, a shield hero?'

"Common, Harr...yyyy BUTTS!!GO!!"

A sneerung cheer came from the crowd..

Harry Butts gave a frowning look toward the direction before quickly refocusing his gaze on Aurora.

'Harry Butts huh?I remember him from weapon selection. He was with that other nunchuck guy'

"Tsk, seems like he and his friend really choose unique weapons" a dry chuckle left my mouth.

"Oh you are here?"

I looked to see who called me...and who could it have been but "James, yea they gave me a healing potion so it wasn't really a big deal"

I moved closer to the disc in the arena, engrossed in the ongoing fight. josei

James remarked, "You really fought well back there."

I let out a small, amused chuckle, replying, "Is that so? Haha."

Together, James and I made our way closer to the disc arena.

It seemed like this Harry Guy was giving Aurora some trouble which was remarkable considering who Aurora is.

Its when Aurora elegantly lifted her rapier into the air before forcefully plunging it into the ground.

Suddenly, just a few meters away, a blue electric bolt shot out of the ground like a fish jumping out of the water before diving back in. In a similar fashion, the bolt began making its way through the ground, jumping out in the distance like a spring before diving back in again.

'She's using her propensity! Voltaic!' I thought, recognizing Aurora's signature move.

This process continued as the bolt flowed in and out of the earth like a wave, rapidly making its way towards Harry, who frantically tried to evade it.


"Ahhhhhaaa!" Harry let out a loud scream before collapsing unconscious on the ground.

'Damn!... She is strong!'

"Halt!" Professor Riya's commanding voice echoed through the arena as she swiftly made her way towards Harry's fallen form.

With practiced ease, she assessed his condition before calling for the medical staff to attend to him.

As I watched the harried scene unfold, my mind was fixated on the intense battle that had just concluded.

The crowd erupted into a joyous pandemonium, cheering loudly for Aurora Lewis Victor.

But I wasn't paying much attention to them; my focus was entirely on the dramatic aftermath of Harry's sudden collapse.

It was only when Professor Riya silenced the uproar that I became aware of my surroundings again.

"Aurora Lewis Victor!" she announced, her voice booming across the arena.

The crowd , well mostly boys cheered again like NPCs, their enthusiasm bubbling over as they celebrated the victory of the main cast.

After the cheers had died down, Professor Riya cleared announced , "Final Match Aeravat Indrath vs Takahasi Aoi."

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