Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Change of plans[3]

Chapter 48: Change of plans[3]

Noah's POV:

Suddenly, I heard Nano's warning—[Enemies approaching,50 meters away]

I swiftly shifted into a squatting position behind the towering tree, its branches rustling above me in anticipation.

In my right hand a white furry glove materialized —a dart gun of my own design.

What should I call it? Pewpew pistol?

Well the name didn't matter in this moment

The glove contained five metallic darts, each coated in a potent fentanyl chemical.

This substance possessed sedative properties, its effects determined by the dosage administered. An excessive amount could be lethal, while a scant dose would merely induce slight nausea or drowsiness. josei

Activating the [Mystery of teleportation], I willed my surroundings to shift.

In an instant, my view transformed, and I found myself perched atop a lofty tree, the world beneath me stretching out in all directions.

Nano's voice warned once again, [Enemies closing in,10 meters]

A surge of nerves coursed through me as I observed the group below, well aware of their formidable reputation within their respective classes.

These guys may not have held prominent roles in the novel, but their strength was unquestionable.

It puzzled me, though, why didn't they appear in any of the novel arcs?


Oh well, I was the one who wrote the novel.

Sighing in mild frustration, I refocused my attention on the scene unfolding beneath me.

Dozens of students, oblivious to my presence, passed right beneath the tree I was perched upon.

My lack of mana capacity, rendered me unable to absorb atmospheric mana so in a way it concealed trace of my presence.

Had I possessed even a sliver of mana capacity, it would have been possible for skilled mages like Aeravat or Myung Joon to detect the disruptive flow of mana emanating from the branches overhead.

In my augmented reality field of vision, dots and boxes materialized above the heads of the students

Soon one box above a tall mascular boy turned a vivid shade of red, and a plethora of information about him – his class, designation, family background, and role – began to unfurl alongside my field of vision.

[Name: Adin Smith]

[Class A3, designation...]

"Ah," I silently observed Adin Smith, the leader of class A3, as he strode beneath my elevated vantage point atop the tree branches. My gaze narrowed with focused intent.

Positioning my right arm, clad in the furry glove, as if it were a firearm, I took aim towards him.

In that precise moment, another box materialized above the head of a nearby individual, revealing their identity—[Kenta Shiro, class A4...]

Steeling my resolve, I pressed down my thumb finger on the glove's surface, akin to pulling a trigger.

A split second later, the mechanism within the glove activated, propelling a razor-sharp steel dart through the air with a resounding —"Shuu!!" The projectile found its mark, slicing into Adin's back with lethal precision.

"Ah!",With an abrupt cry of surprise and pain, Adin doubled over, his hand instinctively reaching out to clutch at his back where the dart had found its mark.

"What the hell was that?!" he growled, his voice laced with irritation.

Reacting swiftly, I activated teleportation, whisking myself away from the safety of the tree branches and into the concealment of a nearby brush, nestled amidst the enemies.

Peering out from within the brush, I raised my head cautiously, catching sight of Arisha, the leader of class A5, standing before me, his back turned at me.

His dark brown hair and pristine, porcelain-like skin gave him a unique presence.

Despite being a mere F+ rank, he exuded an intimidating aura, rivalling that of a formidable Rank E- individual.

As the commotion of Adin's injury unfolded before my eyes, with Kenta rushing to his aid, my attention flickered to Arisha.

In that moment, I trained my glove gun on him, focusing my intention for a precise shot. With a swift motion and a resounding —"Fuu!!", the dart hurtled through the air, finding its target squarely in his back.

"Gah!" With a deep, guttural growl, Arisha recoiled in pain and irritation upon being struck by the dart.

Undeterred by his reaction, I swiftly aimed and launched yet another dart, this time directed towards Kenta.

"F*ck?!!" Kenta's anguished scream pierced through the air as he leapt from his position, writhing in agony.

"Another trap?!" one of the onlookers exclaimed, as a wave of unease and apprehension rippled through the crowd.

-"Everyone be careful!"

-"Nobody moves!Nobody moves!"

Panic spreaded through the crowd.

Satisfaction stirred within me, a peculiar sensation gnawing at my core as I observed the chaos unfold before me.

With a resolute thought that my job was now complete, I activated the [Mystery of Teleportation], vanishing into the distance, leaving them to wrestle with the aftermath of my calculated actions.


Third Person's POV(Point Of View):

Abdul Rahman lived a mostly tranquil life, with his father working as the head of a security department and his mother fulfilling the role of a homemaker.

His existence could be described as satisfactory, possessing average potential but luckily he was accepted into the prestigious Arcanum Blades academy.

If he were ever asked about his happiest moment, it would undoubtedly be the day he received the news of his admission to the academy. Everything was going smoothly for him, until a few months ago.

Upon discovering he was assigned to class A2 of first-year students, Abdul initially felt excitement for his upcoming school years.

However, his elation quickly turned to dismay as he found himself the target of relentless bullying from Myung Joon, the strongest student in class A2.

Anyway, currently he found himself in the midst of the dungeon trial.

He was stationed behind class A2. His task was to tail them every 50 meters, waiting before following them again. Myung Joon had given him this instruction, claiming it would be beneficial in case other classes decided to ambush them. Reluctantly, Abdul had to comply; he couldn't afford to go against Myung Joon's orders.

"Ah, screw that guy," Abdul muttered in frustration.

"Screw who?" a calm voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Abdul's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected anyone else to be stationed near him. So who-

Slowly turning around, he was met with a pair of piercing black eyes that seemed to penetrate his very soul, causing an overwhelming sense of unease to wash over him.

"W-who...?" Abdul stammered, taken aback by the presence of the pale boy standing before him.


With bravery fueling his actions, Abdul unsheathed his sword, poised and ready to attack.

But before he could make a move, the mysterious figure blurred in front of him, astonishingly agile.

In a swift motion, the stranger pressed his left hand firmly against Abdul's mouth, effectively silencing any potential retaliation. Simultaneously, his right hand tightly gripped Abdul's sword hand, rendering him defenseless.

"I'm about to do something and it will hurt.I want you to", as the pale individual calmly told this much, his left hand started emanating a peculiar yellow lightning.

Pain surged through Abdul's body, overwhelming his senses as the agonizing sensation consumed him.

"Scream",the pale figure commanded, releasing his grip on Abdul's mouth.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"


The piercing cry reverberated through the jungle, catching the attention of nearby classes within a hundred-meter radius. They swiftly mobilized, instinctively drawn towards the source of the distressing sound.

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