Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Aftermath

Chapter 54: Aftermath

A hush fell over the crowd as all eyes fixated on the leaderboard, an array of emotions flickering within each gaze.

Shock, disbelief, disappointment, and anger danced across their faces.

1. Aeravat Indrath: 890 points...

2. Myung Joon: 759 points...

3. Takahashi Aoi: 750 points...

4. Karthik Trivedi: 740 points...

5. Kai Lee: 735 points...

6. Noah Grey: 730 points...

7. Ellie: 725 points...

8. Aurora Lewis: 725 points...

9. Emily Reed: 710points...

10. David Smith: 705 points...

11. ..

14. ...


21 Spid Masiumph: 685



My pupils quivered as I stared at my ranking. josei

It was in that moment the realization of my mistake came crashing down on me.

The toll of exhaustion...

depleted mana, countless sleepless nights... navigating through the treacherous jungle, inadequate food, the constant discomfort of a sweaty body, the dirt clinging to my skin and the unforgiving vision of the surrounding light all took their toll on me, clouding my mind.

In the midst of it all, I had overlooked a crucial detail about the dungeon trials...

~"Whoever endures the dungeon trial until the very end is rewarded with an additional 40 points, while those who are eliminated suffer a deduction of 20 points."

This important fact slipped my mind..

In the end, main cast like Emily fell while I persevered until the trial's completion.

My ranking soared to heights far beyond what I had initially anticipated just because of those extra 40 points...

My limited experience in being in a jungle terrain had allowed my mind to drift, causing me to overlook this crucial detail.

'Fuck me sideways', I cursed in my mind

My own lack of self-awareness had propelled me towards this outcome.

The thought of how others would react?

Particularly the main cast and the teachers, weighed heavily on my mind.

But again maybe nobody will ask anything?

I had no desire to confront the questions that would inevitably arise from my unexpected success.

Perhaps many would label me as a cheater?but in the end...

I couldn't bring myself to care.

Fueled by defiance, I swiftly descended from the stage, leaving the area before anyone could awaken from their own daze.


Professor Riya's POV:

I was seated in my office, engrossed in analyzing the data collected from the recent dungeon trials.

Across from me sat a particular student.

As I dove into the submissions, I scrutinized the smart bracelets. While they lacked camera functionality, for the sake of privacy, they recorded voices and offered numerous other features. And at this moment, I needed to unravel ...one thing that was bothering me

"Ahem", I cleared my throat.

Glancing back at the leaderboard chart for the dungeon trials, one name consistently caught my attention: Noah Grey.

Just a few weeks ago, I had dismissed him as an ordinary student, a Joe among the rest. But today...

Someone who held the 1872nd rank had leaped to the impressive 6th position in the dungeon trial.


Dumb luck?

Within the office, the air circulated evenly, due to the AC.

The soft glow emanating from the LED bulb adorned the room with a comforting ambiance, mingling with the lingering aroma of coffee that tickled my nose.

"Apologies, Aeravat, for summoning you here. It's merely a formality", I stated, my gaze still fixated on the illuminated leaderboard chart, its data reflecting under the glow of the LED bulb above.

"No need to apologize, ma'am. It's my pleasure to assist you", the boy replied with a composed demeanor, exuding proper manners and respect.

One could easily assume he came from a well-regarded background based on his eloquent speech.

"Umhm, would you fancy some tea or coffee?", I offered, lightly tapping my finger on the name Noah Grey etched on the chart.

Noah's official rank stood at 1872.

And according to the smart bracelet's readings he was G+.

Interestingly, his rank sometimes skyrocketed during the dungeon trials..

But, what was more peculiar was the absence of any recorded voice data in his bracelet.

It almost seemed as though someone had deliberately deleted it. The possibility of someone hacking the bracelets crossed my mind, although that appeared highly unlikely...just a stupid thought.


"No, it's alright, ma'am", Aeravat curtly replied to my earlier offer.

I decided to dig deeper, looking directly into his eyes. "Let me confirm this. Noah disclosed the location of the dungeon to you?"

"Yes, ma'am", he responded, leaving no trace of dishonesty in his tone.

"And he was the one who discovered that Freya was the spy?" I interrogated further.

"Yes, ma'am, that's correct," Aeravat reassured me, his voice devoid of deception.

Inhaling deeply, I let out a "huff",taking a moment to gather my thoughts

"You may go."

As Aeravat departed, the echo of the closing door resonated with a solid—tak!.

I shifted my focus to the file before me, containing Noah Grey's information, only to find blank pages at the end.

'What are you hiding kid?'

The more I pondered, the stranger it became.

The clerk and administrator assured me that Central Union, possessed no available data on Noah's past.

Central union the most formidable authority on this planet?

Absurd! CU, with all its power and resources, had no records of a mere boy's history?

'This had to be a joke; someone was clearly attempting to hide something', the frown on my face deepened.

Grabbing my phone, I dialed a number, awaiting a response.

Beep-beep-beep—After a brief pause, a distinctive —click!, resonated through the speaker, followed by a gruff voice, "Hola? Riya?"

"Hey, Juan... I was wondering if you could do me a small favor, if you're able to", I requested, with a calm voice.

"What do you need?" came Juan's voice through the phone.

Nervously, I twirled a strand of hair between my fingers, glancing at the files scattered across my desk.

"I'll send you the necessary details. Could you try to dig into the background of this guy for me?"

Pausing for a moment, I added, "Oh, and please keep it strictly confidential."


Noah's POV:

1 day later~

As I gazed upon my bank account balance, which now displayed an astronomical sum of money, a wide smile spread across my face.

"He... hehehe, this is incredible", I chuckled, feeling a sense of amusement as I stared at my bank account.

"Hahahahah! Hahaha, this is great!"

Gradually, I managed to regain my composure.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at my table, which was littered with various wires, gadgets, computers, and screens. Everything was interconnected.

Yes, at the moment, I was in my room.

I rubbed my head, deep in contemplation, but a sudden realization struck, "Oh?it should be just about time."

The Genova incident was fast approaching, and I had, at best, only three weeks left to prepare.

If everything goes according to plan, there won't be any trouble.

Unlike the ill-fated protagonists in novels, I was fortunate enough to avoid the unwelcome knocks of trouble at my door.

It's also time to acquire the second Mystery, [Solaris Amulet].

Lost in thoughts, pondering over my next course of action...


Suddenly, a gentle knock echoed at my door.

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