Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Mystery of Solaris Amulet [1]

Chapter 57: Mystery of Solaris Amulet [1]

Emily Reed's POV:

My brow arched skeptically at Noah's


'Permission to explore the forests of District 2? How amusing',I thought to myself, unable to suppress a hint of amusement.

Honestly, I had expected him to ask for something more conventional, like money or a weapon. Or perhaps, in a bold move, he would ask for my number – not that I would give him! Ahem.

But being the beauty I am, I knew all too well that there were few men who could resist my charm

Yet, what he asked was far from ordinary. Just like himself—strange and bizarre, not necessarily in a bad way, but definitely not fitting the mold of conventional requests.

But one thing was certain – after conversing with him and observing his mannerisms, I couldn't help but realize that the rumors surrounding him did not do him justice.

"And you have a 'team'?", I inquired about what he had already mentioned, wanting to clarify if I had heard correctly.

He simply gave me a curt nod in response.

"Huh?", I chuckled softly, my surprise evident.

To say that I was impressed would be an overstatement – definitely not impressed.

But there was no denying that he had an undeniable air of peculiarity... even weirdness.

There was something distinct about the way he carried himself, as if he were much older than his age. Call it a gut feeling— perhaps an irrational thought, considering we were both the same age?

But, it was a rare to met someone who didn't shower me with compliments about my beauty every few minutes.

"I'll consult father regarding your request", I responded politely, taking his strange inquiry into consideration.

He merely nodded, understating his acknowledgment, and proceeded to take another sip of his coffee – ssshp.

'Now that we have that settled', I mused, propping my left arm beneath my chin as I pondered, 'let's dive into the question that has been eating at my mind.'

"How exactly did you manage to secure the 6th rank in the dungeon trials?" I inquired, my tone taking on a more serious demeanor.

His strength barely reached G+ level, so how did he manage to rank so high?

He suddenly lifted his gaze, setting the cup aside. Even with the sunlight illuminating his face, his eyes remained dark— a deep black that oddly complemented his pale complexion.

Not even a shade of reflection was visible in those orbs, lacking any trace of life—briefly, an eerie sensation took hold, causing me to furrow my brow. But, I swiftly regained composure,readjusting my expression.

"In all honesty, I see no reason to answer that question. I'm not inclined to reveal my cards", he responded flatly, devoid of any trace of emotion in his voice. josei

"But,.if I were to offer an explanation... let's just say it was my dumb luck?" he continued, his nonchalant demeanor returned as he casually shrugged his shoulders.

Observing his demeanor, I had a hunch that he wouldn't readily provide an answer. "Right..."

I decided to pose another question.

"How did you come to the conclusion that Karthik was stronger than me? We both hold an F+ rank."

He met my gaze with a slight raise of his eyebrow, as if to imply that the answer was obvious. Yet, with my determined gaze fixed upon him, silently urging him to respond, he finally gave in.

"It's actually quite simple", he began, taking one last sip from his remaining coffee — sip!

"Ahem. You excel as a marksman, specializing in long-range attacks. On the other hand, Karthik is a skilled swordsman, proficient in close combat."

"Naturally, a marksman's primary advantage lies in their ability to attack from a distance."

"However, they are weaker in short-range combat", he explained, pointing a finger in my direction. "That's why marksmen like yourself,"

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in.

"Need either a tank or a mage to provide protection", he concluded.

I nodded to myself, acknowledging the truth in his words.

"Since our mages were occupied elsewhere, there was no one available to shield you. Karthik easily parried and dodged your long-range attacks in such close proximity. Ultimately, in a melee fight, you would have been defeated,which you were" he revealed matter-of-factly.

His explanation made perfect sense, resonating with my own reflections.

With a tap! – the sound of his cup meeting the plate – he ended his statement.

"It was more of a mismatch than a difference in strength. Perhaps you should consider obtaining some enhanced arrows to avoid such a situation in the future", he suggested calmly, gathering his belongings as he spoke.

I watched as he rose from his seat, a question lingering at the tip of my tongue, but I chose to hold it back.

"Now if you will excuse me", he spoke, standing tall and composed. "I do hope you keep your promise."

With those words, he turned and left, without asking for my phone number or offering any compliments.

He came, accomplished what he came for, and departed just as swiftly. There was an air of complexity about him, something beyond what met the eye.

I rose from my seat, following suit, and made my way to the counter to settle the bill. But ,just as I was about to pay for Noah's portion as well, I was met with a surprise

"He already paid his bill, ma'am," the cashier informed me.

"What? Why?" I blurted out, puzzled by his actions. "I told him it was on me..."

Why would he go the extra mile to pay?

Was this pride?


A day later~

Noah's POV:


I splashed cold water on my face, feeling the droplets splatter against my skin.

"Ah", I sighed, leaning against the bathroom sink. "She was different from what I had imagined. Quite a lively girl."


A wave of frustration hit me as I scolded myself internally. 'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I thinking so much about her?'

Damn hormones!-I thought, trying to regain my composure.

She's just a pretty face, Noah.

Just a pretty face.

Get your shit together.

I closed my eyes, attempting to clear my mind.

But amidst the calmness, a thought emerged. 'But it wouldn't hurt to be friends with her, right?',hmm...I pondered momentarily before swiftly dismissing the idea.

"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me?" I muttered under my breath. "She's a main cast! It's not right to get involved with her."

"Must be her charm stats", I mused, coming to a conclusion.

Indeed, charm stats weren't solely dependent on one's physical appearance. It encompassed the ability to captivate and enchant others.

I shook off my wandering thoughts, focusing on the task at hand. I met my own gaze in the mirror's reflection, reminding myself of the importance of staying on track.

"You are not a simp, focus on the fucking task!"

With determination, I raised myself from the bathroom sink,Click!— the echoing click of the door serving as a subtle reminder of the mission ahead.

Without hesitation, I reached for my phone, immediately delving into the preparations I had already made. A plane ticket for Vrashyad, Baku union territories, sat secured in my digital records.

Vrashyad, situated in the northern region of St. Sebastin, the country I currently resided in. That's where the second mystery—the [Solaris Amulet]—awaited.

When conceptualizing my novel, I had deliberately scattered the mysteries across different corners of the world. Vrashyad became one of the chosen destinations.

But I wasn't satisfied with myself so I even put some mysteries in other planets all together. Now, that foolishness is gonna come back and bite me.

How on Earth (or rather, in space) am I going to reach those mysteries? Build a spacecraft from scratch?

Well I do have an Idea about how to but still thinking about how to obtain all the mysteries is giving me headache..

With a click of a button, I connected with a travel agency through the speakerphone.

"Hello", I greeted, my voice echoing through the receiver.

"I would like to book a guide, a seasoned one," I announced.

-"Sureé enouph!That wád be 6kDen for starters, bu? you'll have to pay extrá depensing on the request", came the answer.

What's with this strange accent? I wondered. Hopefully, not everyone in Vrashyad speaks like this?

After finalizing the necessary details of my journey, I started packing my essentials, making sure not to overlook anything significant.


"Mr. Noah...!?"

Engrossed in checking the details of my guide and travel arrangements, I was momentarily distracted.

"Mr. Noah"

I heard the airhostess call my name, the same one who had assisted me in finding my seat as I boarded the plane.

"Oh yes, what is it?"

"May I see your boarding pass? And what would you like for your meal?"

"Um... I believe I booked a non-veg meal," I replied with a puzzled expression, while handing her my boarding pass.

I had been too preoccupied to pay attention when they announced the meal selection from the provided booklet.

"Yes, I see, but specifically, what would you prefer?" she inquired again, tearing off one half of my boarding pass as a standard procedure, I presumed.

"What do you have?"

"Sir, I have a chicken sandwich and..."

"Alright, I'll have that," I interjected.

"And what beverage would you like?"

Once again, I gave her a perplexed look.

"I have Coke and Bel-monté."

"I'll take a Coke."

"Enjoy your meal, sir," she smiled, handing me my tray.

I sighed looking out of the window..

Acquiring [Solaris Amulet] isn't going to be easy..

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