Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Preparing for the Unit Test

Chapter 64: Preparing for the Unit Test

Noah's POV(Point of view)

With the unit test looming just five days away, the entire class seemed to be in preparation mode.

All non-essential classes were put on hold, giving ample time for students to focus solely on their studies.

Some students sought out to instructors, hoping to gain valuable advice and insights.

Those who had earned a favorable reputation in the class were fortunate enough to receive special attention from professors.

And then there was me—I couldn't care less about preparing.

Why bother when there was a far simpler solution?

Hacking into the school's system would allow me to glimpse the questions ahead of time, and with the assistance of Nano and a quick search on Google, I could effortlessly find the answers.

Easy peasy, why would I need to study?

If they had magic on their side, than I had science on my side.

And as for battle tests... I didn't really care if I did well or not. I had no reasons to go all out either.

And I didn't care about Nola's honor bullshit either.

But there was something I did cared about...—way more than this test. josei

From the moment I got transmigrated into this world, two inevitable questions stuck to me like leeches hoping to suck the answers out of me.

First question, can I go back home?

I have given this question a lot of thought, and by a lot, I mean A LOT.

I have thought about where I could get my answers from or what I should even do, or if my previous world even exists anymore.

I have thought about some bullshit like time traveling back into the past or breaking the source wall, but that was of course pure bullshit thoughts on my part.

"Huh... time traveling, as if that's even possible", I scoffed inwardly.

Moving on to the second question that haunted me relentlessly: could I prevent the occurrence of the 5 great cataclysms?

After devoting considerable time to ponder this question, two distinct answers emerged.

The short answer was a yes, while the long answer, unfortunately, was a no.

You see, the catalyst for the fourth cataclysm is the unleashing of the "Demon God", which in turn would mark the beginning of the end.

Who is Demon God?

Demon God is basically a God like entity.

With just a blink of an eye, the Demon God can erase this entire solar system.

But because it is such a powerful entity, the 'source wall', what I called it in the pages of my novel, prevented Demon God from entering this realm.

The Demon God is not a living sentient being but an entity of destruction embodied.

Even though called 'Demon' God,this entity is completely unrelated to Demons.

The 4th cataclysm is when this entity of destruction finds a suitable 'vessel' on Earth.

It can send a very minuscule portion of itself into that vessel. That is called the 4th cataclysm.

Of course, this vessel is a human being.

Who is that human being?

I have no answer because I never even mentioned him.

I intentionally kept this 'enigmatic' character shrouded in the shadows within the pages of my novel, planning to reveal his presence in the fourth volume.

Sadly, before I could complete writing the fourth volume, I got transmigrated.

The short answer to prevent the fourth cataclysm was to eliminate every human on this planet who bore even a remote resemblance to being the vessel.

While I wouldn't necessarily label myself as a mass murderer, if the long answer failed, I would have to take some extreme measures.

However, I highly doubted that the short answer was necessary.

This vessel must be some foolish guy, easily detectable. I mean, he cannot possibly be a super intelligent genius that can outsmart me, right? Hahaha... right?

"Noah, Noah!" James called out to me, snapping me out of my absent-minded laughter.

"Y-Yeah, what's up?" I asked, jolting awake from my daydreams.

"What on earth were you laughing about like a fool in the library?" James questioned, his tone filled with disapproval.

Currently, James, Anastasia, and I were currently in the library.

Even though I had no real need to study for the upcoming test like these two, I had decided to tag along for a change of scenery.

And what a surprise it was to see Emily here too.

I certainly hadn't noticed her as I made my way here, but now she was staring at me from her study table, almost as if she found me to be amusing.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I just remembered a dumb joke", I replied to James, sheepishly rubbing the back of my head.

"You and your jokes", Anastasia chimed in, shaking her head in a mixture of amusement and exasperation.


Time: 5pm

"Mr. Reynold, it would greatly benefit me if you could complete the production of the toroid and spark gap by the end of this week", I responded, althoug it may have seemed like I was simply talking to thin air.

My voice was more matured and deeper tone than usual, thanks to Nano's. Yes, yet another one of Nano's abilities- it can alter voice.

"Furthermore, I will be attaching the remaining blueprints for your reference. Kindly take into consideration the proposal I presented to you yesterday", I conveyed to Reynold, who held the esteemed position of being the head of SMV Aviation Pvt. Ltd.

I specifically requested that he manufactured a specific version of the toroid and spark gap as per our agreement.

SMV Aviation Pvt. Ltd, despite being a small-scale mechanical manufacturing industry, surprised me with its remarkable innovation and highly skilled engineers. I had no doubt that in the future, it would undoubtedly establish itself as one of the finest industries in the field.

Seizing the opportunity, I struck a deal with Reynold, leveraging my financial resources to persuade him.

On top of that, I insisted that he construct a specified version of toroid and spark gap for me.

I needed it for my Neuroshock Blaster.

Well, he wasn't able to refuse, especially after I had handed over a hefty sum of 5 million Den.

For a small manufacturing industry like his, that was a substantial amount.

Not to mention the mutually beneficial deal I had arranged, which undoubtedly added to his interest.

"Absolutely, Mr. Albus Dumbledore, consider it done", Reynold affirmed, referring to me by my alias name.

He thought I was someone named 'Albus Dumnledore.'

Oh and currently, I was communicating with him without the use of a phone.

Who needs a phone anyway?

With Nano, I could simply establish a connection with anyone within my thoughts, and it would manifest in the physical world.

Advanced technology, baby!

With a subtle click, the call abruptly ended, leaving me confident that the task was in motion.

'Now was time for some exercise', with that thought in mind I left my hostel room.


In the Gym-

Unlike the usual scene where the gym remained deserted at night, today it was unexpectedly occupied by familiar faces of class A1.

Well, to be precise, there were only about fifteen or so students present.

As I scanned the gym, my gaze eventually settled on a girl.

Her captivating golden eyes drew me in, which emitted an intense sense of focus unlike her usual self.

Her lips were adorned with a shade of crimson that effortlessly harmonized with the natural rosy tint of her cheeks, further enhancing her fair complexion and flawlessly smooth, milky skin.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, trickling down her face in a glistening cascade—Emily Reed.

It was Emily, the one who had caught my attention.

Shhhhk —Tuk! -The sound of an arrow hitting the bullseye snapped me out of my reverie.

'No time for distractions', I muttered to myself, shaking off the temptation to lose myself in her presence.

For some reason, my eyes were always drawn to her.

Maybe it was because she was one of the MCs that compelled me to closely observe her moves?

Regardless, I retrieved my bow and a quiver full of arrows from my dimensional bracelet—a purchase I had made while journeying back from Baku.

Yes a Bow, unlike my usual machete.

Why a bow?

Well to utilize the power of the Solaris Arrow, a bow was an essential afterall.

Plus, there was no harm in expanding my skills and diversifying my arsenal with different weapons.

With this thought in mind, I headed towards the archery section, where I Emily was the only person practicing at the moment.

It wasn't surprising considering how few archers were in our class.


Step by step, I approached the area, ready to begin my training and master the art of the bow!

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