Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: 0.2 An Ominous Prelude, ’his’ story

Chapter 72: 0.2 An Ominous Prelude, 'his' story

Nola Reinheart's POV (point of view):

"Fine, have it your way", the words left Noah's lips.

As he slowly openned his eyes, an instinctive shiver ran down my spine.

Gone were his usual dark, black orbs, replaced by an unsettling shade of gray.


He began to retreat?...from me, each movement like a reverse dance, clutching his machete tightly while his gaze pierced into my soul.

Yet, amidst the eerie atmosphere, an even more curious sight caught my attention.

"His gait... it has changed", I whispered, furrowing my brows as I observed his peculiar movements.

The iridescent petals of a flower still shimmered on the surface of my sword, but my instincts warned against launching an attack. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

A lingering unease permeated the air, elusive and intangible, yet I couldn't shake the feeling.

Brushing off my instincts as mere illusions, I prepared myself for what was to come.

Almost synchronously, he ceased his retreat. Our silent confrontation amplifying the tension that hung between us.

Without a single word spoken, I launched myself towards him, propelled by the force of a raging tempest.

My body became one with a horizontal tornado which formed out of thin air, swirling with unrestrained power at its core. Embodied within the vortex, my sword gripped tightly in my hands—This was the third movement of the Flower sword dance— The use can unleash incomparable speed, akin to a blur traveling at 100 kilometers per hour.

As my foot propelled me, a tremor reverberated through the ground and a small dent formed on the metallic surface—Dhummmm!

Curiosity sparked among the nearby students as their attention was captured by the escalating intensity of our clash.

Noah effortlessly contorted his body, sidestepping my lightning-fast assault—how did he manage that? It puzzled me to no end.

Determined not to squander this precious opening, I abruptly halted my break, landing with a resounding thud behind him.

The impact sent tremors rippling through the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, I swung my sword in a swift horizontal slash, aiming to strike him amidst the chaos.

With swift precision, he effortlessly nullified my attack, expertly deflecting my blow with his machete—Tung!

The sheer impact of our collision sent his machete soaring through the air—or so I initially thought. In that split second, the truth revealed itself as I realized that he intentionally released his grip, skillfully neutralizing the force behind my strike.

"Smart move, but..." I trailed off, swiftly preparing to launch another slashing assault.

But before I could execute my follow-up attack, I felt an unwavering grip enveloping my dominant hand.

Noah's hands firmly clasped my wrist, asserting a dominant hold over me. Then, in a seemingly robotic motion, his left hand securing my sword arm, his right hand glided with calculated precision from my wrist to my elbow in a perfectly vertical trajectory.

My desperate attempts to break free from his grip proved futile, as if trapped in an inescapable vice...

In that very moment, in an unimaginable flash, Noah unleashed a devastating blow, striking Nola's elbow with brutal force—it was a one inch punch.

The sickening sound of bones dislocating echoed through the air, mingled with her anguished cry—"AGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!AAAAHHHHFUUCHAHAHKK!"

In that agonizing moment, Nola crumpled to the ground, clutching her injured hand as tears streamed down her face, mingling with sorrow and pain.

She writhed in agony, rolling across the unforgiving surface.

"Stop the match!",Instructor Yilin urgently intervened, her voice piercing the tense air.

Noah's eyes, previously consumed by an eerie gray hue, swiftly reverted back to black, a flicker of remorse flickering within their depths.


Central Union(CU) sub division office, District 1— Krenada city headquaters.

A commanding figure in his white shirt and black pants, exuded an aura of (B-) strength. He stood tall with arms crossed—Officer Anthony.

His gaze was fixed upon the multiple screens that illuminated his surroundings, as if they held the key to unraveling a complex puzzle.

Each screen displayed a flurry of images, representing the enigmatic pieces of a grand mystery.

Beside him, the rhythmic sound of tapping keys echoed through the room—Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap.

She was a skilled hacker, her brows furrowed, focused intently on the keyboard before her.

Golden strands of hair shimmered under the stark white light emitted from the screens, casting an ethereal glow upon her. This gorgeous woman was none other than Charlotte Burton, renowned for her mastery of cryptography.

Among the central union officers present in the room, each with their own expertise, all eyes converged on the digital screens that commanded their attention.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, a palpable weight hanging in the air.

The room, bathed in a melange of darkness and the glow of LED lights, exuded an aura of mystery.

Time seemed to stretch on indefinitely as the sound of keyboards resonated throughout the space, accompanied by intense mental effort.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the blonde officer ceased her tapping. A sense of urgency and apprehension dipped into her voice as she spoke up, "Sir, I believe I've cracked it...but you may not like it."

Officer Anthony, eager for answers, beseeched her to reveal the findings, "No need for suspense... What is it?"

Her words struck like lightning, "Sir, all these messages— they're from the same individual... 'Rebirth666'."

Officer Anthony's countenance involuntarily contorted into a deep frown upon hearing the name 'Rebirth666'.

After all, this insufferable guy had been causing havoc for the past six arduous months.

"After countless hours of relentless effort, I deciphered the text hidden within the image code", Charlotte explained as she swiftly pressed the enter key—TAP!

A digital image materialized on the screens, captivating their attention.

Unwilling to waste a second or entertain any questions, she pressed on, "Upon translating the text using a Vigenere cipher, with a key derived from Mayan numbers converted into letters via a letter-to-number translation...". Charlotte once again tapped enter, unveiling a domain name with a .com extension.

The tension in the room mounted as they awaited the revelation of this cryptic message, hoping it would yield the answers they sought.

The weight of anticipation bore down on the room as Officer Anthony, his voice laced with determination, issued the command, "Proceed. Let me also see what twisted game he wants to play this time."

Charlotte acknowledged his directive with a resolute nod. With a click, a video materialized, accompanied by a ticking timer, ominously counting down from ten seconds.

As the timer reached its unequivocal conclusion, the screen transformed, displaying an array of seemingly random numbers.

Perplexed, Officer Anthony furrowed his brow and questioned, "What is the meaning of this?"

Charlotte, her expression reflecting both

concern and exhaustion, responded, "It appears to be coordinates, sir."

"Coordinates?Of where?"

After checking beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and Charlotte spoke in a shaking voice—"A-around the globe sir"

A collective sense of bewilderment hung in the air, as the officers exchanged baffled glances.

"What is going on here?!" Officer Anthony demanded, his voice filled with frustration.

The tension in the room mounted, but amidst the prevailing unease, Charlotte spoke up, her voice trembling slightly, "S-sir... one of the-se coordinates corresponds to a location 50 kilometers away from us."

A sense of foreboding settled upon the room as Officer Anthony's frown deepened.

"And where does that lead!" he inquired with a sense of urgency.

Charlotte hesitated before replying, "Genova, sir."

Officer Anthony's face twisted with a mixture of anger and dread as he contemplated the implications.

Throughout his entire career, Officer Anthony had never encountered someone as perverse and elusive as 'Rebirth666'.

Questions flooded his mind, 'Who was this bastard? What is his motivation?'

And above all, what sinister game was he planning for Genova?..for Genova or for the world.


Noah's POV(Point of View):

"Don't sweat it, bro. It wasn't your fault" ,James tried to console me, offering a comforting pat on my slumped shoulder as we settled on a worn-out park bench.

"Yeah, you've got a point", I muttered, attempting to convince myself of the same.

Just a mere battle test, nothing too major.

Nola will be patched up good as new with a top-grade healing potion... fingers crossed. Ahem.

Besides, let's be clear: it wasn't me who dislocated her arm—it was Nano! Definitely not me.. nuh-uh.

As the evening sky gradually transformed into a canopy of darkness, James gazed up at the ascending moon. "This reminds me of something."

"What's that?" I raised an intrigued eyebrow.

With a touch of nostalgia in his voice, James spoke gently, "It brings back memories of my dear old mother."

"I really wish I'd heeded my mother's wisdom when I was a kid."

"Why? What did she tell you?"

"I can't say for sure; I never really bothered to listen."


(This is just to reach 1500 words, a backstory. You can decide to read or leave)

Profile of Dr. Oliver Hawthorne:


- Dr. Oliver Hawthorne pursued his studies in Criminal Psychology, showcasing his deep interest in understanding the intricacies of the human mind and behavior. josei

- He obtained his degree in Criminal Psychology from South Aristotel

- Additionally, he furthered his educational endeavors by specializing in Psychiatry, enhancing his knowledge and skills in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders.

Professional Experience:

- Dr. Oliver Hawthorne currently serves as a renowned psychiatrist, utilizing his expertise to help individuals navigate their mental health challenges.

- He is affiliated with Mindful Balance Counseling Office, a reputable establishment renowned for its commitment to providing compassionate and effective counseling services.

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