Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Memorial diamonds?[1]

Chapter 84: Memorial diamonds?[1]

A/N: Go watch a B-twist round kick on YouTube for reference.


Noah's POV(point of view) :

I turned my gaze back, only to find Emily sprawled on the floor. A deep gash marred her cheek, crimson droplets staining her porcelain-smooth, milky skin. Her body bore a tapestry of scars and scratches, some of them deep, oozing blood.

Weary and wounded, it was evident that Emily had reached her limit, her strength depleted.

-"Now, who the hell are you, human?" —a demanding voice echoed, emanating from the vampiress. I paid no mind to her flimsy question or even bothered to look her way, for my attention was abruptly captivated by something else.

In Emily's right arm, she wielded a bow emanating a mesmerizing bluish glow.

'That must be the [Wind Breaker] relic' I pondered silently.

Tung! Tung! —The sound reverberated through the air as two more arrows were swiftly released by the vampiress, aimed at my torso. Naturally, such an attack barely left a scratch on the impenetrable armor of Solaris Amulet.

Shifting my focus to the distance, I beheld an intense battle taking place. Aeravat, alongside an unfamiliar female, whom I presumed to be the instructor of the traveling club, joined forces in a formidable 2v1 showdown against the ferocious wolf looking humanoid creature.

'Damn! So that's what a werewolf looks like?'— I pondered to myself as I observed its wolfy mane, dark hair, wolf-like jaw, and huge, sharp claws.

I had never seen such a creature before, only heard of them in comics and cinemas.

This world has so much to offer, so many different things I have yet to explore. A world filled with various magical beasts... However, it was indeed rare to see a werewolf in the human domain. They mostly resided in the Ruler's domain aka the beast men's territory.

-"You dare ignore me!"—a female voice reverberated through the air, filled with a palpable mixture of disgust and vexation.

Swissh! —Arrows were suddenly launched towards me, forcing me to react swiftly. This time, the projectiles were aimed precisely at my vulnerable areas where the Solaris Armor failed to provide any protection.

Without hesitation, my body instinctively moved, my right hand swinging into action.

From my dimensional bracelet, the broken machete materialized in my grasp.

Slash! —Slash! —Slash! I effortlessly nullified each of her attacks, effortlessly parrying and countering with precise accuracy. In a swift motion, I seized the final arrow mid-trajectory, firmly clasping it in my left arm.

[Initializing Electrolization sequence] josei

"Electro-what?" I muttered, a perplexed expression forming on my face as a peculiar message unexpectedly appeared in my augmented reality field of vision.

Sensing my confusion, Nano, contemplated providing a detailed explanation that I personally deemed unnecessary: ["Electrolization" refers to the intricate process of manipulating the intricate balance between electrons and protons within the composition of a metallic object. By harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics and energy manipulation, it becomes feasible to temporarily modify the electrons' orbital paths and the alignment of protons within the atomic structure of the metal, consequently inducing a highly energized and potent state.]

Simultaneously with the explanation, a vibrant yellow electricity crackled and surged through my left hand, encasing the arrow in an intense electric charge. In synchrony, my right foot began crackling with the same electrifying energy.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the vampires, propelling myself into a mid-air flip, contorting my body at a peculiar angle. As I soared through the air, I hurled the electrified arrow towards the vampiress, simultaneously executing a B twist kick with my right foot at the arrow.

Propelled by my kicking maneuver the arrow, surged with yellow electricity, crackling and pulsating with raw power as it soared towards the vampiress with her grey-tinged complexion.

Swiftly, she unleashed an arrow from her crossbow in an attempt to intercept my attack. However, to my surprise, the arrow effortlessly sliced through her feeble defense and swiftly impaled her in the stomach.

My brow raised as confusion washed over me. How could such a strike impale her? After all, she was a vampiress of minister rank. My attack should do nothing more than a mere scratch against her formidable power.

Yet, the unexpected events continued to unfold. Yellow electric currents began to crackle and surge from her body, causing her to convulse and drop her crossbow to the ground.

Despite her temporary setback, she swiftly recomposed herself and retrieved her bow.

Unfortunately for her, it was too late.

I was already above her, suspended mid-air with a single teleportation. With my machete poised and ready for action, I prepared to execute a devastating downward vertical slash upon her vulnerable form.

Just as my machete was about to make contact, a sudden impact struck me with tremendous force—BAM!

My body was sent hurtling through the air, mercilessly scraping against the rough surface until finally coming to a halt at a considerable distance.

"Gah!...fuuu..."—Wincing in pain, I gingerly examined my left arm, now marred by a deep claw mark that nearly tore through the flesh, leaving dangling shreds of meat in its wake.

[Critical! Critical! : Healing...]

Gradually rising to my feet, I redirected my gaze to the scene that unfolded before me. The werewolf stood firm, resolutely guarding the vampiress. Not far away, Aeravat was positioned on one knee, with Liya supporting him by grasping his shoulders.

An eerie stillness filled the air, and every gaze fixated upon me. Aeravat, the instructor, the werewolf, the vampiress and even Emily and Aurora who were currently near the body of unconscious Takahashi...their gazes watched me.

A shared sense of astonishment resonated through their expressions , most notably evident in the furrowing of the werewolf's brow as he glanced at my injured left arm.

Their reactions were undeniably comprehensible; witnessing a wound that not only miraculously repaired itself but also mended in a matter of mere seconds was far from an everyday occurrence.

Ignoring their gazes, I propelled myself forward, launching a relentless assault on the werewolf.

Time seemed to halt as I instantaneously teleported above him, my machete poised in anticipation of another devastating strike.

In an explosive clash, the cacophonous clang of metal meeting razor-sharp claws echoed through the surroundings.

My damaged machete, already on the brink of ruin, valiantly held its ground against the formidable opposition.

Swiftly twisting my body mid-air, I deftly evaded an arrow fired by the vampiress, narrowly missing its deadly trajectory. Finally, with a resounding thud, I reestablished contact with the ground, bracing myself for the ensuing battle.


Aurora's POV(Point of view) :

Before me, a perplexing scene unfolded—a battle like no other.

The word "strange" seemed to be the only fitting description for the astonishing clash unfolding before my eyes.

The werewolf and the vampiress, adversaries we had engaged with earlier, were now entangled in a strange 1v2 clash against a mysterious guy. Every time he sustained an injury, his muscles miraculously reattached themselves, defying the very laws of nature.

And even though I could sense his strength to only be at a moderate "F" rank, he held his own ground, engaging the two monsters with a ferocity that surpassed what we achieved with combined efforts to challenge these monsters.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind, 'I think I know him?'

Then why can't I remember?

No matter how I tried to discern his identity, it remained elusive, yet there was an unshakable sense of familiarity.

It felt as if I had seen him somewhere before.

The pallor of his complexion, those grey eyes, and the machete he brandished—they all tugged at the strings of my memory. But I was unable to piece together the fragments and unveil the truth. It was as if some mysterious force obstructed my recollection, preventing me from making sense of his true identity.

Lost in my thoughts, Emily's voice brought me back to the harsh reality of our situation. Her battered body adorned with scars was a testament to the grueling battle we had faced. I couldn't deny the state of my own well-being, as I, too, was far from unscathed. She inquired urgently, "What should we do now?"

"Run?" I exclaimed, my gaze shifting between Takahashi's motionless form and the ongoing peculiar battle.

"Run? What about them? "—Emily asked again while pointing towards the strange battle taking place.

Before I had a chance to respond, a sudden interruption halted our conversation. A familiar voice broke through the tension, "She is right, you guys should escape."

"Instructor Liya!" I exclaimed, a mix of surprise and relief washing over me as I stood up.

"How are you holding up?" Aeravat asked, concern lacing his words as he directed his attention towards me.

"Not good. My mana has been completely drained; I have no strength left," I confessed with regret.

"Same here," Emily chimed in, her voice resonating exhaustion.

Aeravat nodded in understanding, his eyes solemnly darting towards Takahashi's unconscious form. "In that case, we need to make our escape."

"Very well then, you kids go. This place is no longer safe," Instructor Liya interjected, her tone firm as she flung her crimson-stained twin daggers and retrieved another pair from her dimensional bracelet.

My gaze lingered on the ongoing battle, concern etching deep lines on my forehead. "But what about them?" I gestured towards the chaos unfolding before us.

The instructor's expression hardened, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she responded, "We cannot determine the intentions of that guy. We cannot assume whether he is an enemy or an ally. At least for now, we are fortunate that he hasn't attacked us instead. It is important that all four of you leave this place immediately and seek assistance from the local authorities or the CU. As for me, I will remain behind. There may be other students trapped in this vicinity, and I must do everything in my power to aid them."

Aeravat, however, voiced his resistance, "If that's the case, then I will stay as well."

Suddenly, an intense golden glow engulfed the surroundings, forcing me to shield my eyes momentarily.

Once I opened them, I was astounded to witness a multitude of glowing, golden-colored butterflies filling the air around me.

The sight of hundreds of them left me speechless...

'What is...this?'

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