Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: 0.3 An ominous prelude, ’his’ story

Chapter 97: 0.3 An ominous prelude, 'his' story

Sitting across from me at the endless farm table was a girl with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

The table itself was nothing special.

It was sturdy enough to hold a feast fit for a dozen hungry souls.

Legend has it that this table was crafted by young Noah, when he was 12 years old at the time, with the guidance of his carpentry-loving Uncle Ethan.

It's an ordinary table, really, but there's a certain charm to its humble origins.

As I glanced around, I couldn't help but notice the spread of food laid out before us.

While it may not have been a lavish feast, it didn't hold my attention like the girl's icy glare. She seemed determined to pierce through my very soul.

In an attempt to find solace, my eyes fixed upon the table, finding comfort in its unassuming presence.

This tale isn't about grandness or extravagance; it's about the connections we make, the tensions that exist beneath the surface, and the simple objects that can grant us refuge.

I lifted my gaze once more, only to be met with Seraphina's seething gaze of pure hatred.

She was shooting laser at me, and no amount of my bright smiles could defuse the tension that hung in the air.

If anything, my attempt to ease the situation seemed to only further provoke her.

"Haaa!"—I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

Seraphina was technically my own sister now, a bond formed through our uncle Ethan's kinship.

But the blood that flowed in our veins couldn't be more different. She was Noah's elder sister, a year older than me.

Sitting beside Seraphina was another girl, who also happened to be my sister, Sabrina.

Unlike her fiery counterpart, Sabrina seemed to be blissfully ignorant of my existence, much like a cat nonchalantly dismissing it's owner, unless it needed food.

The humble origins of her indifference towards me seemed to stem from the same source as Seraphina's icy glare.

Our shared past held secrets and bitter memories that had shaped our

relationships, or lack thereof.

"So... How was your new school? "—I asked, throwing a hopeful glance at Seraphina.

I was desperately trying to break the ice and mend our rocky relationship.

"Why did you come back?"—In response to my question, Seraphina asked. It was an answer completely unrelated to my question.

"It's my home too sis!"—I replied, flashing a smile a few shades too bright in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

Sabrina, quietly devouring her soup, chimed in,"we had to change our schools in embarrassment we received for being your sister."

"That not why you had to change you schools! It was for your future carriers! Now stop fighting each other and please act like a family for once!"—Uncle Ethan tried to defuse the situation.

"Humph!"—Seraphina humphed me , shooting me a disdainful glance before looking away, clearly uninterested in complying with Uncle Ethan's plea for familial harmony.


After the family dinner I was back in my room.

In my hand, I held the ring I received from uncle Ethan.

I gazed at it, numerous hypothesis forming in the back of my head as I laid on the bed while watching the ring.

Amidst the whirlwind of thoughts, one hypothesis persistently rose to the surface — my transmigration, my seamless transition into this parallel earth, was the consequential outcome of Aurelius Grey's experiment.

The evidence seemed to align, especially when considering the message he left behind for me.

It became increasingly apparent that Aurelius Grey had foreseen my transmigration, even before his own death.

But then why the time difference?

The vast disparity in time between my transmigration and his death perplexed me.

"But then again, time and space isn't exactly consequential when it comes to unrelated world lines."—The words escaped me.

But if he was the reason behind my transmigration, the question arises is why?

Why would you summon another human from another world?

And, what were the chances of this inter-dimensional traveler sharing the exact name and visage of his son?

There was also another hypothesis looming silently in the recesses of my mind —Maybe... just maybe, the cataclysmic event that ravaged my world and Aurelius' experiment ....were interlinked.

"Nah, that can't be true! haha!"—I tried to joke.

Deep down, I doubted the validity of the hypothesis .

Lacking substantial evidence to support this notion, I really hoped that this hypothesis held no truth.

The mere thought of such an intertwining connection ...

My hand, still holding the ring, began to tremble.

A strange unease settled within me. josei

I swiftly balled my fist around the ring, pushing aside the thought and uneasy emotions.

I needed to investigate what had happened in the past.

The one place I could possibly get answers from is this ring.

But sadly, there seems to be an age timer set. And considering the genius that Aurelius Grey was, it doesn't look like it's going to be easy to break that enchantment with just about anyone's help.

To break the enchantment put by a genius, I need the help of another genius. "Seraphina Darkthorn..."—the words escaped my lips.

"It seems like we have met a little earlier than I planned."

"Nano, mark two new plans. Name one, 'To win Seraphina Darkthorn'? , I commanded, my voice resolute with determination.

An electronic voice responded, seeking clarity. [Affirmative. And what shall the other plan be named, master?]

I hesitated for a moment, "Project..."

My voice trailed off, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation filling the silence.

The mechanical voice persisted, seeking further instruction. [Project what, master?]

"Project Transmigration"


James Reeves's POV(point of view) :

In the dimly lit, cold corridor, a gathering of people filled the space — people of my age, some older, all seemingly paying their respects to me. Understandably so, not many could question my power.

-"Boss James, you've arrived!"

-"Ah, James."

-"It's been far too long."

While they called out to me, I continued walking, acknowledging them with a simple nod.

They were familiar faces, comrades I grew up with.

In this place, the people congregated possessed diverse backgrounds and origins.

Yet, despite our differences, there was a binding element that united us all — Eugenics experiment, a dirty secret of the Elite League.

Continuing my footsteps, I eventually arrived at a foreboding black door adorned with a signboard that read 'emergency' in bold letters.

"Hnfaaa"—Inhaling deeply, I expelled a sigh, attempting to clear my racing mind of all distractions.

As I approached the door, it swung open, revealing the presence of a strikingly beautiful nurse.

With a graceful gesture, she removed her mask and nodded to acknowledge my arrival. "He doesn't have much time", she solemnly conveyed.

Suppressing the surge of emotions within me, I nodded in response and passed by her, stepping into the room beyond.

Within the confines of the room lay an elderly man, confined to a patient bed.

His once vibrant gray locks remained unchanged since the last time I saw him.

Drawing closer, I greeted him with heartfelt words. "Priest Santey! I am here!" My hand gently made contact with his frail one.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, and a warmth emanated from within as they met mine.

"Ah, James... You've arrived", he scrutinized me with a soft gaze.

"You've grown up so quickly", he spoke softly, his voice filled with a touch of vulnerability.

"Oh, come on! We only met seven months ago!" ,I attempted to lighten the mood, hoping to bring a smile to his face.

Cough!— Cough!— Cough!— He coughed relentlessly, the sound reverberating in the room before finally subsiding.

"I apologize for burdening you with my troubles", he confessed, his words intertwining with the last words my own grandfather uttered years ago.

A searing pain stabbed at my heart, as if a scorching dagger had been thrust into my chest.

Gritting my teeth, I fought to suppress the tears threatening to escape.

Inhaling deeply, I composed myself and wore upon my face a vibrant smile, though it betrayed the turmoil within me. "It's alright, Priest Santey. I am here now", I said, my voice attempting to exude optimism.

I tried to mask my true feelings, to uplift his spirits, but his wise eyes easily saw through my fa?ade.

"You have grown up really"—he whispered, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

Damn it!

Damn it, that smile stirred an overwhelming urge within me to shed tears.

But I couldn't allow myself such vulnerability when his time with us was so limited.

"If you want I can-",he silenced my words by moving his hand side to side, "Leave the small talk. I want you to met someone."

"Met someone?",I was confused.


His eyes darted upward, fixating on a secluded bench veiled by the cloak of darkness.

Emerging from that hidden nook was a figure, a man in his twenties, who commanded attention with the sheer intensity of his light-hazel bluish eyes. Alongside those captivating orbs, his dark hair shone with a lustrous sheen.

There was an undeniable sense of otherworldly allure that emanated from him, surpassing the boundaries of mere human existence.

As the warm rays of sunlight caressed his face, he seemed to emit an ethereal glow, resembling nothing short of a celestial being, a living embodiment of the angels portrayed in holy scriptures. It was like, he was a... a light-bearer.

Whether it was a mere illusion or an enchanting mirage, I couldn't say for certain. But the sunlight coming from the window danced around him, reflecting off the glass wall behind, the sight created the illusion of four magnificent wings, as if they were gracefully adorning his back.

For a moment, the sun's rays shattered into a vibrant display of rainbows, casting an array of enchanting hues upon his face. As the light gracefully danced through the glass window, it appeared as though he was adorned with an assortment of precious gemstones, each one radiating its own unique brilliance.

"Hello James. I've heard much about you", he greeted me with a voice so soft and angelic, it seemed to float on a cloud.

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