Dual Cultivation In Martial Peak

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: I Will Be Back Soon

Chapter 43- I Will Be Back Soon

"To think something like that is possible." Hu Mei'er exclaimed.

"I always thought that reincarnation was the stuff of legends, but to think it is real." Hu Jiao'er nodded.

{Did I act like this, too?} Su Yan used her Divine Sense to send a telepathic message to Su Mu, wondering if she had behaved in the same manner as the Hu sisters.

Looking at Su Yan, Su Mu nodded slightly with a smile.

"And to top it all off, you are from a different world." Hu Mei'er said, her excitement clearly visible as she looked at Su Mu with a smile.

"A different Universe World, yes, but they are all still part of the 3000 Worlds." Su Mu explained.

"But aren't you afraid of what will happen if this information gets revealed? From what I think, it will be better to not tell anyone about this, not even us." Hu Jiao'er said. Unlike her sister, who was excited after hearing about Su Mu's origin, she was worried about the fact that Su Mu was talking about his reincarnation so lightly.

"And why do you believe that?" Su Mu asked, giving Hu Jiao'er a knowing smile.

"First, what will you do if your enemies were to hear about your reincarnation? Second, even people in this world would be interested in someone who reincarnated after his death, and I can only imagine what they will do in case they find out." Hu Jiao'er explained.

"Well, for the first one, you don't have to worry about that. As for the second, I don't believe it's that big of a deal. While reincarnation is unheard of, body possession is not. As it is quite common for cultivators within the higher realms to take over someone's body if the situation asks for it. And the most important thing is that I trust you, Jiao'er, Mei'er." Su Mu said.

Both Hu Jiao'er and Hu Mei'er were taken aback by his words, but soon, they smiled.

"But what if someone were to check our Knowledge Seas in the future?" Su Yan, who had been silent up to this point in the conversation, was the one who asked that question.

"Let's see who dares to do something like that to my woman." Su Mu chuckled. "I believe in you all, and you will be strong enough to look after yourself. And if something beyond your control happens, I will always be there to help you."

After Su Mu's words, there was a deep silence as the four of them kept quiet for a few minutes.

"Then, do you know how you reincarnated?" Hu Mei'er asked.

At her question, Su Mu simply shook his head. "Although I have studied many ways of Dao, I never tapped into something that could cause this kind of effect. Even for the strongest of cultivators, tampering and bending fate to their will is impossible."

'Even with the Dao of Time and the Dao of Space, it is only possible to interfere with the past and future, at least according to those two. Ah, I wonder how aptitude in this life is with the Dao of Space and the Dao of time?' Su Mu thought.

In his past life, he had tried to learn the Dao of Time and the Dao of Space from the Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress on multiple occasions, but the three of them soon gave up on it.

While thinking about it, Su Mu remembered what his friends had said after they tried to teach him the Dao of Space and Time.

"Your aptitude with the Dao of Space is so bad, I wonder if the Dao itself despises you?"

"But to think you never came across the opportunity to learn even the simplest forms of Dao of Time throughout your lifetime"

"With how many Daos you cultivated, I never expected you to be unable to even learn the basics of Dao of Time."

"In short, your aptitude with both Time and Space is trash. It's best to give up."


"I still support the idea of having him inherit a Dragon Source, at least he will be able to learn the Dao of time, and maybe having him dual cultivate with some Phoenix would help increase his aptitude in the Dao of Space."

"I wholeheartedly concur."

That was what his two friends had said.

'But with the Golden Divine Dragon Source, my achievements in Dao of Time will increase naturally after I reach the Emperor Realm. As for the Dao of Space, I have no idea if my natural aptitude is the same as my past life, but cultivating with Su Yan is more than enough to increase it.' Su Mu concluded.

"But during your life, you must have received many different Inheritances from stronger cultivators, right? Maybe your reincarnation is related to one of them." Hu Mei'er proposed, making Hu Jiao'er and Su Yan nod at her ability to come to such a plausible conclusion.

"While I do think that is possible, the number of inheritances that helped me out before I reached the peak of my power can be counted on one hand, and none of them was related to an esthetic Dao that could cause such a Heaven-Defying situation." Su Mu replied. "The things I received in my past life cannot even begin to compare to the Dragon and Phoenix Inheritance I received back in the Heaven's Inheritance Cave."

"The importance of the Dragon and Phoenix Empress, is it considering your relationship with the Phoenix Empress and Dragon Emperor, or its value as an actual Inheritance?" Su Yan asked.

"For me, its value is simply unparalleled. But even as an Inheritance, nothing I had could come close to it. The only thing I could truly rely on was my aptitude with the Dao of Sword and my talents as a Dual Cultivator." Su Mu replied with a nostalgic smile.

"Then, how is my aptitude in the Sword Dao when compared to yours?" Hu Jiao'er asked.

"It's one of the best I've ever seen, but still not comparable to mine. I have never seen someone with aptitude comparable to mine in the Sword Dao, so there is no need to belittle yourself." Su Mu said, making Hu Jiao'er nod.

Hu Jiao'er knew that Su Mu could've easily lied about his aptitude to make her feel better, but knowing that he had said the truth made her happy.

"My residence was once known as the Grave of Swords, you know?" Su Mu replied with a smile.

"Grave of Swords?" Hu Mei'er asked, her interest increasing.

"Only a handful of Swordmasters could pick up their swords again after facing me, and most of them would just bury their swords in front of my castle. But those who were able to get past that had always improved leaps and bounds." Su Mu laughed a bit.

"Ah, right. Why didn't you ask Lan Chu Die and Du Yi Shuang to be here with us?" Su Yan asked.

"They're preparing dinner for us, so why must I disturb them? It's not like this conversation is that important, as I can tell them whenever I have time." Su Mu shrugged his shoulders.

'Indeed, it'll take Little Sister Mei'er and Jiao'er some time to get used to Su Mu's normal.' Enjoying the shocked expressions on the Hu Sisters' faces, Su Yan giggled lightly.

Knock* Knock*

"Come in." Su Yan said as the door opened.

"Master, the food is prepared." Lan Chu Die said, entering the room.

The four of them sat around the table as Lan Chu Die and Du Yi Shuang served the food.

"By the way, I'll be leaving the High Heaven Pavilion for a while." Su Mu stated.

"Where are you going?" Su Yan asked.

"The Sea City. There is something I need to get. But don't worry, I will be back in a month or two." Su Mu replied.

"Can we tag along?" Hu Mei'er asked, looking at him with a pleading gaze.

"No." Su Mu shook his head. "I don't mind having you with me, but right now, you must train. Mei'er, your Cultivation is rapidly increasing, so you must stay with Jiao'er, but she will be training on her own for now. And Su Yan still needs to study the 'Ice Empress Imperial Secret Art.'" Su Mu explained. "But I promise to take you somewhere nice after I return from this trip, okay?"

"Really?" Hu Mei'er asked.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

"Then, how about taking them with you?" Su Yan asked, looking at Lan Chu Die and Du Yi Shuang.

"Indeed, we can accompany you, Master."

"There is no need for that. The two of you recently broke through the 1st Stage of the Separation and Reunion Realm, right? It's best to stay here and cultivate." Su Mu replied, making his two servants nod, although a bit reluctantly.

"When will you be leaving, then?" Hu Jiao'er asked.

"Hmm." Su Mu thought for a few seconds. "After saying my goodbyes to Senior Sister Xia and Treasurer Meng."

"I see." Hu Jiao'er nodded.

"But I still wonder why someone as powerful as Senior Meng is a treasurer at the High Heaven Pavilion." Su Yan commented.

"That is something you must ask him yourself." Su Mu replied with a smile.

After they were done with their food, Su Mu said his goodbyes to them.

"Don't do something reckless because this world is weak. Please bear in mind your current strength."

"Come back fast, and take care of yourself."

"Tell me about your journey when you return."

"I am not a child, but I will keep that in mind." Su Mu chucked.

"We wish you luck, Master." Lan Chu Die and Du Yi Shuang bowed.


'She is close to a breakthrough, but it'll take her at least a week to come out.' Standing outside Xia Ning Chang's living quarters, Su Mu shook his head, a bit disappointed that he couldn't see her before leaving.

Since that was the case, he walked over to Meng Wuya's living quarters, and without even needing to knock, the door opened on its own.

"It's been a while, Treasurer Meng."

Entering the room, Su Mu waved his hand towards Meng Wuya.

"You seem disappointed to see me?" Meng Wuya asked.

"Who in their right mind would be happy to see a hairy old man? The disappointment only increases after I am unable to see Senior Sister Xia." Su Mu replied, taking a seat in front of Meng Wuya.

"You brat." Meng Wuya knew that Su Mu would do something to anger him, and he had prepared himself for it, but he couldn't help but get angry at Su Mu's words.

'No, I need to stay calm.' Meng Wuya thought.

"I am just joking." Su Mu chuckles. "So, how is the method I gave to release the Seal on your cultivation doing?"

"Good, good. It is an excellent method." Meng Wuya nodded, his anger vanishing as he smiled. "I have almost unlocked the first part of the Seal, so I will be able to reach the 2nd Order Transcendent soon."

"That's good to hear." Su Mu nodded.

"So, are you leaving for a while?" Meng Wuya asked.

"Indeed, I am going on a small journey. I came to say my goodbyes to Senior Sister Xia, but I guess I will say them to you, so please pass them to her when she comes out of seclusion." Su Mu replied.

"Where do you plan to go?" Meng Wuya asked.

"To the Sea City."

"I see." Meng Wuya nodded.

"While I am away, keep an eye on the forces who are starting to swarm within the High Heaven Pavilion and the Blood Battle Group thanks to the Heaven's Cave Inheritance. If they cause any unnecessary trouble for Su Yan or Jiao'er, just kill them." Su Mu said. "Wait, don't kill them, just tell me their names when I return. I will deal with them myself."

"... I see. How long till you come back?" Meng Wuya replied.

"A month or two, why, do you plan on leaving this Small World with a pathetic 2nd Order Transcendent Realm Cultivation?" Su Mu smiled.

"Of course not. With how things are back at the Tong Xuan Realm, I won't go back unless I am at least a Saint." Meng Wuya shook his head.

"Then, I guess you will be staying here for a few years at least." Su Mu said. josei

"It's just that Chang'er will miss you, and she will be mad at me that I brought her back from your house at the Black Wind Forest." Meng Wuya stated.

"Don't worry. I will be back soon."

"While you are outside, don't do something you shouldn't, and be cautious of others." Meng Wuya explained.

"I know you are worried about me, but I am no longer a child. I can look after myself." Su Mu said, waving his hand.

"Haah. Youngsters these days, just make sure to come back with all your limbs intact, at least for your women's sake." Meng Wuya sighed.

With that, Su Mu left the High Heaven Pavilion.

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