Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 309 - A Guest

Chapter 309 - A Guest

"Mother, I shouldn't have said those things to them; what is wrong with me nowadays?"yohan mumbled as he was standing at the window of Alena's room and Alena was standing beside him,both of them looking outside the world through the window; he wanted to Seek his mother's advice on this matter so he came looking for her; seeing yohan like that, Alena exhaled deeply. josei

"I know what you are thinking right now, but nothing is wrong with you; the thing is you just wanted to help them, but they have their own concern for the future? It's not easy to leave home; I am the prime example, so just give them some time, "Alena responded to yohan with a bright smile On her face; she knew what is going on with him.

Hearing his mother, Yohan tilted his head and looked at Alena with a smile, "mother, you did this for me,dont you?" Yohan said.

"Did what?" Alena asked in A confused manner after hearing yohan.

"You gave your consent to letting those people inside our clan, I know you did this only for me, and I am envious of you; I am fortunate to have you by my side; "yohan responded to Alena with a smile, hearing yohan and seeing that bright smile on his face Alena'a face turned red, and her heart started beating faster than usual.

Seeing those expressions on Alena's face, Yohan became confused" what happened? Are you alright? Did I say something embarrassing"Yohan asked as he looked alena with a nonchant expression.

"Sometimes I felt like you are not my son, you are an entirely different person, you know I never thought that one day would come when you say something like this to me; you just caught me off guard, but indeed I felt like something is changed with you in past few months after that incident, sometimes I wonder whether you are really my old son who never ever cared about anything, even you never cared about my feelings, my heart ache whenever?I think about your old self," Alena said as she looked at yohan with a smile on her face.

Hearing Alena, yohan turned silent; he didn't know how to answer that question; the son she was talking about was dead the moment that thunderstrike hit him; she was right. He is not her son; he is an entirely different person, and yohan don't know whether he is going to reveal this truth to her or not that he is Not her son, which she gave birth; he is just another man who died on earth and woken up as her son and a heir of the lin clan, seeing Yohan in a daze, Alena placed her hand on yohan's cheek and pinched him.

"Auch, mother, it hurts, "Yohan said as he came out From his daze and looked at Alena while touching his cheek.

"You brat, are you listening to me or not? Do you know I just had my moment, and you were immersed inside your world of imagination , ignoring your mother, tch I am also stupid talking some rubbish, you are indeed my son, I think that lightning hit you on your head and after that, you got your sense back," Alena chuckled as she said those words to him, hearing her yohan smiled and calmed himself, he understands there is no point in thinking about his past; he got everything in this life, he hated his previous life and didn't have anyone who cared about him, but this time he has too many people who cared for him and loved him, there is no way he is going to waste this life lingering those things which dont matters now.

"Yes, that lightning strike knocked some senses inside me, and I am glad that happened to me; after all, I found a new perspective of my life, and things which I have to protect no matter what it takes, I will never let go of that smile on your face," he responded to her.

Hearing Yohan, Alena smiled and caressed her cheek, and the next moment she placed her head on Yohan's chest and hugged him tightly.

"I Am blessed to have you by my side; no matter what you promise me, you will remain just like that; you are very precious to me, don't lose this self ever, and whenever you find yourself in the dark, remember there is a person who loved you, and I don't know what will I do without you, you are the only one who kept me going in those years," Alena whispered in a low voice and her eyes become wet while holding yohan tightly.

"I promise no matter where I go, I will never forget that someone is waiting for me, and I will always find a way back to home, a way back to you," Yohan responded to Alena as he came back.

Meanwhile, at the same time, an lighting struck in front of the hundred poison valley sector, and a womanly figure appeared, instant yohan and Alena snapped out from their daze as they heard that lighting strike, and yohan sensed a profound aura that was coming in front of the sector a few hundred of meters away from the mansion.

"Mother, stay here inside this mansion and promise me no matter what, you are not going to leave this place, understand, "Yohan said as he looked at Alena, hearing Yohan; she grabbed his hand with the denial look.

"I will be fine, don't worry about me, go look for diya and others,"yohan responded to her, and the next moment he jumped outside from the window and the next moment landed on the ground.

Alena gasped, seeing Yohan jumping from the height; she nearly skipped her heartbeat, but seeing Yohan was safe and standing on the ground, she took a breath.

Yohan one last time looked at Alena before disappearing into the air like a ghost; this is the first time she saw Yohan like this; she gathers her thoughts and calms herself before leaving that room to look for diya and others.

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