Duke Pendragon

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

“Hey! Look over there!”


The fishermen near the waters of El Pasa grew wide-eyed at someone’s urgent shout. El Pasa was the only imperial port city in the south, so it was not strange to spot a sailboat.

However, there were four ships.

Moreover, the ship at the front was flying a flag of the golden lion surrounded in laurel, representing the royal family, as well as the symbol of a black killer whale.

“I, isn’t that the imperial army?”

“That’s right! It sure is!”

The fishermen stopped what they were doing and began to murmur while observing the sailboats slowly cruising across the sea.

“But if it’s the killer whale… Which one is it?”


The rest of the fishermen sank in thought, then one person exclaimed with a clap of his hands.

“It’s the seventh regiment! The seventh!”

“What!? Why has the 7th regiment come all this way?”

It was natural for the fishermen to be surprised. There was no reason for the 7th regiment to come all the way to El Pasa since they usually operated in the seas of Leus and the area around Merlade.

“Hm, does it not look like they are escorting the ships that are following?”

“Now that you mention it…”

The fishermen took a closer look at the other ships that were following behind the 7th regiment. Three of the sailboats looked almost identical to each other.

A moment later, everyone simultaneously widened their eyes in shock.

“W, what is that!?”

“I, isn’t it a human head?”

Most fishermen had good vision. Therefore, they could quickly identify the object that was hanging near the bow of the ship following right behind the 7th regiment.


The fishermen’s fears grew as the sailboats drew near. They could clearly make out the bizarre head wrapped around a pole with a weave made from thorny branches.

“T, that’s…”

They finally came to recognize the identity of the decapitated head. It was quite distinct, being several times larger than an average man’s head.

The lone head had its eyes wide open, and his tongue stuck out for all to see. All the fishermen in El Pasa, or rather, everyone in El Pasa would know his identity.

“I, it’s Toleo Arangis!”

“The Orc Eater is dead!”

The fishermen fell into complete panic.

Although El Pasa was a port city that was only slightly influenced by the Arangis Duchy, everyone was afraid of the power and the authority that the Ocean King held in the south.

And now, his second son, who was infamous for his wickedness, had died and shown up in El Pasa, with his neck hung on display for all to see, no less.

“Oh god! Benevolent Honia!”

“W, what the hell happened…?”

All the fishermen shuddered as they looked towards the passing merchant ships with disbelieving eyes. The head was still there, and the ships were sailing slowly as if to showcase their victory.

Naturally, everyone’s eyes shifted from the decapitated head of the Ocean King’s second son to the flag that was hanging from the mast of the large sailboat.

The flag fluttering under the warm southern sun was proudly displaying the symbol of a white dragon with its wings spread wide.


Similar to Leus, El Pasa was an imperial port city.

Everyone was granted entry, and those who paid taxes were guaranteed religious freedom as well. Therefore, ships belonging to the southern kingdoms and independent states, as well as the imperial merchant ships, were able to freely enter and exit.

However, today, the access center of El Pasa was about to experience the most shocking incident since its establishment.

“I am Alan Pendragon, Governor-General of Leus and a duke of the empire.”

“I am the commander of the 7th imperial regiment, Viscount Reet Moraine.”

The two appeared with dozens of orc warriors and soldiers accompanying them. The young man possessed a striking beauty, rivalling that of a woman’s, and the older knight adorned a feisty beard.

All personnel at the center stood up hurriedly.

“I, I am Nabil Peguli, the head of the El Pasa Access Center!”

Nabil Peguli spoke with a ghastly expression. He simply could not come to his senses. It was not merely due to the two people’s status.

Rather, it was due to the appearance of the ship that the two had come on, the one that had not yet been officially anchored in the port.

‘T, this is insane! Where do they think this is, openly hanging Toleo Arangis’ head like that!?’

Never mind their status, Peguli wanted to grab them by the collar and yell at them. Who cared if one was a duke?

El Pasa was a city under the direct control of the emperor, and the south was also technically considered a territory of the empire. All of them were loyal to the imperial family, or were at least required to be.

However, the reality was not so green.

Most of the southerners had a distinct appearance compared to the people from the east, north, and central parts of the empire across the sea, and they spoke a different language as well.

Those who were not merchants or nobles were mostly ignorant of the standard language of the empire as well.

Such people could not possibly be loyal to the empire and the Aragon family, even if it had been hundreds of years since the empire united the south. Rather, they felt a greater affinity and intimacy to the Arangis family, which had continued their long dynasty as the royal rulers of the South.

But not only was the second son of Duke Arangis killed, his head was being hung at the bow of the ship for all to see. It was truly an unprecedented event in history, an action no different from a declaration of war against the entirety of the south.

“I would like to formally enter the port, and also meet the governor-general of El Pasa, Lord Cedric as well.”

“W, well, Your Excellency. With all due respect, is it truly the head of Toleo Arangis hanging from the ship you came aboard…?”

Peguli asked in a trembling voice, and Raven nodded lightly in response.

“That’s right.”


Peguli and the rest of the personnel were stiffened by the nonchalant answer.

“Is that a big problem? I just responded in kind when they attacked my fleet in the Latuan Strait for no reason. And as far as I know, I heard that it is a tradition in the inland sea to hang the head on the mast after killing a pirate?”

“T, that is true but…”

“Is there a problem? Regarding that matter, I, Reet Moraine, the 7th regiment commander, can stand witness. They attacked the governor-general’s ships, which were being escorted by my ships. It turned out that Toleo Arangis was at the head of the assault. Moreover, it was not a formal battle that was declared in advance, but an ambush.”

“Ye, yes…”

‘You crazy bastard! Even so, he’s not just any random pirate. He’s the second son of the Ocean King…!”

Even Viscount Moraine joined in, and Peguli was forced to swallow his words. He wiped the pouring sweat off his forehead.

“Your Excellency Pendragon, Lord Moraine. I, I understand what you are saying, but the situation itself is…”

“Nabil Peguli.”

Raven interrupted.

“Ye, yes?”

“I am not a fool. I know what you are worried about, so you don’t have to say it.”


Peguli hurriedly shut his mouth. He had never imagined such a situation would occur in the decades he looked after the access center of El Pasa.

Although he was forced to speak in response to the tremendous situation, his opponent was the governor-general of Leus and a duke of the empire. Leus alone was as large as El Pasa.

Such a person could not have sailed for El Pasa and caused the incident without thought. Moreover, the young duke was being accompanied by the commander of an imperial regiment as well. This was well over his head.

After staring into Raven’s eyes for a while, Peguli eventually sighed and raised his seal.

“All right, Your Excellency. Welcome to El Pasa.”


The seal of the Pendragon Duchy and of the governor of El Pasa stamped down on the register of the access center.


The south was already warm.

People could be seen without their shirts, and the palm trees and the coconut leaves were fluttering in the sea breeze.

Perhaps due to its warm climate and identity as a port city, the southerners were always cheerful and noisy. Today, however, the whole of El Pasa was noisier than usual.

A rumor had started spreading from the port since morning.

“Toleo Arangis is dead?”

“Yeah, I heard that Duke Pendragon and the 7th regiment commander did it.”

“Not just dead, either. Supposedly, his decapitated head is hanging from the bow. I heard that the seagulls are going wild and pecking all over it.”

All the tables of the pub were bustling with stories of Toleo Arangis’ death. Most of the customers consisted of sailors and merchants.

“Isn’t this a huge deal? Even though he was an unfavoured son, he was still the son of the Ocean King…”

“You stupid man! It is not JUST a huge deal. The king’s lords are crawling all over the place. This is definitely an open provocation!”

“Huh! They must really have a death wish. What do you think the governor-general is going to do? If the southern lords come attacking, isn’t it over?”

“How could they publicly do that? If El Pasa is under siege, all trades with the mainland will come to a halt. The most they could do is crowd outside the gate and demand Duke Pendragon.”

“Oh my. This is going to be huge. If the Arangis family decides to send a fleet…”

“Ah, stop saying such scary things.”

Even though the residents of El Pasa were born and bred in the south, they were mostly in favor of the empire and the imperial family. The people of El Pasa could not possibly harbor good intentions for the Ocean King and the southern lords, who often threatened their city.

Naturally, it did not apply to all residents.

El Pasa was a free city, and many were also influenced by the Arangis family as well.

“It’s all Duke Pendragon’s fault. If he didn’t do such an atrocious thing, there would be no problems, right?”

“That’s true! I have heard that he’s caused all sorts of accidents in the mainland as well.”

“Old habits really die hard…”

Some men spoke without hiding their anger.

As their complaints resounded, some people from other tables jumped up and raised their voices.

“What bullshit is that? Who cares if he was the second son of the Ocean King. Even a three-year-old from El Pasa could tell you that Toleo Arangis had been helping the pirates from the islands. Moreover, he’s a pirate himself as well!”

“That’s right. It was the Orc Eater who initiated the attack on the Pendragon Duchy’s ships. It’s only natural that his head be hung from the bow after he’s been killed pirating! Everyone, isn’t that the law of the South?”


“Since when did El Pasa become subservient to the Ocean King!?”

“Yes! This is the city of His Majesty Aragon!”

The majority of the men in the pub sympathized and chimed in, banging the tables with their mugs.

“F, fuck you!”

“Just wait until the Ocean King brings his fleet…”

Eventually, the ones who had brought up the complaint were forced to leave the pub. Bottles and mugs flew after them as they hurriedly escaped the compound.

“No, if you really think about it, the Duke of Pendragon and the 7th regiment commander did a great job! Think of how much damage we suffered because of those bastards!”

“El Pasa is a free city! Duke Pendragon cleaned up those hippo-shit bastards that suppressed El Pasa!”

Starting from daylight, people drank to their heart’s content and cheered, praising Duke Pendragon and the 7th regiment.

It was a huge mess.


A few men nodded in agreement before silently leaving the pub, placing several coins on the bar table. They had been quietly observing the whole incident.

Their footsteps hastened as they stepped out into the increasingly hot, southern sun, hurrying towards the same destination.


“The atmosphere is quite turmoil. It has been less than half a day since the arrival of Duke Pendragon and the 7th regiment, but the public sentiment is already greatly shaken.”josei

“What is the atmosphere of the government general?”

“We have sent a few people, but there hasn’t been any word. It seems that there is no movement from them yet. But given the city’s atmosphere, it is highly likely that Governor-General Cedric will stand on the side of Pendragon. He’s surrounded by enemies on all sides, so that is the only move he could make.”


A man with a youthful appearance and a thin, fancy suit of gold nodded as he stroked his rich brown beard.

A man in front of him spoke in a wary voice.

“We need to quickly make a decision as well, boss. If the Ocean King were to send a fleet with the lords… The 7th regiment is strong, but they will not be able to retaliate with a single battle ship.”

“And the imperial navy stationed in El Pasa does not even have a proper fleet.”

The man addressed ‘boss’ replied calmly.

“Yes, if the Arangis family’s troops surround the sea, our association is finished. Shouldn’t we stand with the Ocean King to prevent any future troubles?”

The proposal had its merits.

Even if the imperial navy of El Pasa combined their forces with the newly arrived 7th regiment, it would be hard to guarantee victory facing three or four southern lords, let alone the entire fleet of the Arangis Duchy.

Moreover, if the Arangis Duchy joined forces with the lords, the difference in power between the two forces would be heaven and earth.

After silently stroking his chin for a moment, the leader raised his head.

“No, we will observe for a bit longer. Even if it was due to the storm, good luck is not enough to destroy the three major pirates and the Orc Eater. For now, keep a close watch on the government general and Duke Pendragon’s group.”


At the leader’s orders, the men bowed their words without hesitation. The man who sat in front of them was Karl Mandy.

He was known as the Gold King, and he controlled 30% of the commerce in El Pasa and the South.

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