Duke Pendragon

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

“I know what you all are worried about. You must have doubts about my capabilities as a commander of the coalition.”


Some people turned their eyes with an awkward expression.

“But there is no need to worry. I will not be the commander-in-chief of the coalition army.”


Everyone was shocked.

Raven continued after turning his head slightly, his gaze fixated on someone.

“The commander-in-chief of the monster coalition army will be Viscount Moraine, the commander of the 7th imperial regiment.”


Everyone shifted their gazes toward Viscount Moraine with an astonished expression. The man in question gave a light bow with a calm expression. He spoke up.

“The purpose of the coalition is to exterminate the monster army. The order has been issued by His Majesty the Emperor. His royal presence is always on the lookout for the South, so he has ordered the 7th and the 11th regiment to become the axis to subdue the monsters that threaten the safety of the southern citizens.”


The crowd began to murmur with an excited expression. However, some people took on rather shocked expressions after realizing something. Their disbelieving eyes were aimed towards Raven and Viscount Moraine.

‘The coalition formed under the imperial order will be commanded by the 7th regiment commander? Now that it has been announced at a public meeting, no one will be able to go against the decision of the coalition force in the future.’

The few nobles nodded in amazement after a moment of disbelief. Their gazes contained admiration for the young duke.

It would not have been strange for the Duke of Pendragon to serve as the commander of the coalition. He was not lacking at all. He had the required title, status, strength, and the justification.

Nevertheless, he had declared that Viscount Moraine would take the post of commander-in-chief. With such a decision, no southern lords or nobles that were present here could talk about the legitimacy of the coalition in the future.

They had announced the emperor’s will. To oppose the coalition led by the commander of the imperial regiment was tantamount to treason. Moreover, those that joined the coalition would be lending their hand to the imperial army to secure the safety of the south. They would not be serving under Count Cedric or Duke Pendragon.

‘What an impressive man.’

The nobles were lost for words. It was hard to imagine that such a young man was competent in political matters as well.

But then, a nobleman stepped out with a cautious expression.

“With all due respect, my duke. Then what role will you play in the coalition? And will the knights of the Pendragon Duchy not join the coalition force?”


Many people nodded at the question.

Even if the young duke did not take the role of the commander-in-chief, it would be strange for such a gigantic figure to not play any part in the coalition.

“I was just about to speak to that. My knight, Elkin Isla, is on his way to El Pasa right now. I would like to leave him in charge of a battalion. He should do well to serve as the captain of a thousand men. What are your thoughts?”

“Elkin Isla…?”

Some people were puzzled. But soon, excited voices began to exclaim from various places.

“Orc Slayer!”

“Isn’t Sir Isla the captain of the Pendragon Duchy’s griffon unit?”

“That’s right! I heard he was responsible for destroying all the pirates in the sea. Everyone calls him the Stormbringer! In addition, I heard that he is a Cavalier of Valvas!”

“Ooh…! Then there is no reason to disagree!”

The nobles nodded with satisfied expressions.

Knight Isla of the Pendragon Duchy was already well renowned throughout the empire, including the South. He was one of the representative figures of the Pendragon family.

Furthermore, he was an authentic Cavalier of Valvas. Even the proud southern knights would not complain about being under the command of such a brave warrior.

“Then how about Your Excellency…?”

Everyone’s eyes turned once more.

“I was thinking of taking command of a detached force at the forefront.”

“A detached force?”

“With His Excellency at the forefront?”josei

The surroundings buzzed, and someone raised their voice.

“But wouldn’t we have a shortage of troops?”

“No, I have troops.”


The nobles and the landowners could not hide their curiosity

“The demonic army. Are they not fighting currently near the Great Forest? The emperor has given me their command.”

A bright grin appeared on the face of the man who was once called the reaper of the demonic army.




Dozens of people in the lead fell down after being skewered by the pouring rain of javelins. The ground was already a muddy mess due to the rain which had gushed down overnight. It devoured even the dark red blood of the humans.


Once again, dozens of javelins flew high into the sky.


The men raised their various shields in a uniform manner, their legs stuck in the mud, but it was impossible to block the trolls’ wooden spears with their crude defense. After all, trolls were known for their incredible strength.

More bodies fell to the floor, and hundreds of goblins and harpies jumped into the ruined formation.




Individually, the goblins and harpies were low-level monsters that were not even worth a glance, but the faces of the men were stained with fear and despair as the monsters rushed in perfect order, just like a human army.

“S, save me!”


A considerable number of men threw away their weapons and attempted to run. Unfortunately, however, their legs had already sunk ankle-deep in the mud.

It would be hard to escape, and the goblins and harpies were known to be agile monsters.


The harpies jumped nearly 30 feet in a single leap, then descended towards the struggling men with a crow-like shriek.


The sharp talons dug deep into the men’s shoulders and necks. In the meantime, a small number of people managed to free themselves from the mud and began to run.

But what was awaiting them was their allies, or at least the demons that they mistakenly thought to be their allies.



Spears and swords pierced and slashed through the men’s throats, and their lifeless bodies fell to the floor.


A group of soldiers shouted towards the men who fell in fear. Their voices were seeping with a fierce spirit, just like the shouts of demons.

“Forward! Forward!”

“Do not back down, you bastards! Anyone who attempts to run will die!”

There were monsters in the front, and demons in the back…

The men had been ordinary residents or serfs until not long ago. All of them were slowly slaughtered with no mercy.


A hot wind carried a strong smell of blood.

Dozens of soldiers walked through the battlefield while rummaging through the bodies of humans and monsters. It was already a land of death.

“Aha! I got you!”

A soldier grinned as he took off the boots of a man who was still dripping with hot blood. One of his comrades giggled in response to the display of the man’s yellow teeth.

“Don’t you know? Wearing the shoes of the dead will speed up your journey to the underworld”

“Fuck yourself! It is better to wear these rather than letting my feet fester in the damned mud.”

After saying so, he took off his own shoes and put on the looted boots. Then, the original owner of the boot, who was thought to be dead, suddenly raised his hand.

“Gah! S, save me…”


The soldier let out a gasp and fell on his back.


“What a stupid bastard. Kekek!”

“Did you shit yourself? Puhak!”

The other soldiers began to laugh while pointing fingers.


The soldier’s face turned red from the others’ mocking laughter, and he hurriedly stood up. He stabbed his sword into the chest of the dying man.

“S, save m… Keuk!”

After being stabbed, the man spazzed several times before he lay unmoving.


“Don’t think too badly of us. The more of you die, the more comfortable it is for us.”

The soldier grinned while pulling out the sword, and the others chimed in.

“Hehe! That way, the southern lords and the Ocean King will keep sending troops. All we have to do is pretend to fight.”

“Hm! We can make some extra money like this too!”


Soldiers burst out into laughter and filled their bags with the items of the deceased.

It was then.


A howl erupted from the depths of the dark jungle. The sound was reminiscent of dozens of predators roaring at the same time.


“O, ogre!”

“W, we must have gotten too close! Dammit! Let’s run!”

In an instant, the soldiers turned around and ran for their lives. After running for a long while, the soldiers climbed onto a low hill made of rocks.

“Phew! I’m alive.”

With a sigh of relief, the soldiers wiped away the sweat flowing through their dirty faces. Their eyes all headed towards one place.

A long wooden fence made from sharp-cut logs surrounded the perimeter, and hundreds of large and small tents were clustered within. The flag hanging on both sides of the huge wooden entrance was painted with the symbol of a demon holding a sword.


“Today’s report?”

“About 200 serfs sent from that place, Jonsen or whatnot, died. One of their knights died too.”

A large man with a skull helmet asked, and a man with a shaggy beard replied with a snicker.

“What about the rest?”

“After our boys paved the way, they crawled into the jungle. Of course, I haven’t seen them since.”

“Kekeuk! Fucking retards. We don’t have to do anything then, they just keep walking into their own deaths.”

The identity of the large man with the skull helmet was Baltai, the captain of the demonic army. The other man continued while rubbing his hands in delight.

“Hehe! It is all going according to your plan, boss. Duke Arangis should be sending a large army with the southern lords.”

“Of course he will. The local landlords and the nobles must be getting really restless. If we miss this timing, they might rebel.”

“Yes, yes. Then we can live a little longer too. Hehe.”

“You little pricks…”

Baltai grinned at the words of his men.

However, he was inwardly mocking his bootlicking subordinates.

‘Stupid bastards. Do you think I care if you go to hell or not? The Ocean King said he would personally take care of me if this issue was settled properly. I must make up for my mistake at Leus.’

He recalled the events of that day as he silently muttered.

‘Duke Pendragon…’

He did not know why, but he felt chills every time he remembered the eyes of the young duke. The duke’s eyes were much more frightening than even the Nameless Necromancer. Moreover, the gaze was definitely familiar.

‘Where the hell have I seen him before…?’

“C, captain!”

Someone rushed into the tent while urgently calling Baltai.

“Phew! I already know that you’re all senseless fuckers but…”

Baltai frowned, and his direct subordinate roared instead.

“You fucker! Who said you could crawl in here whenever you wanted!?”

“I, I it’s not that! We’re in trouble!”


Baltai’s frown grew deeper. Usually, the demonic army’s soldiers feared him more than anything. They would not dare to make such a fuss.

The soldier hurriedly held something out.

“A, a, a message!”

“What the fuck is your problem, why ar… Huh?”

Baltai’s eyes grew huge after receiving the letter.

It was a letter sealed with a red symbol, a symbol of a dragon with its wings spread out.

“D, duke Pendragon…”

Baltai managed to mutter the words through his trembling lips.

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