Duke Pendragon

Chapter 354

Chapter 354


Ominous green energy wrapped around Serin’s arm before shooting towards the two royal guards in an instant.


Although the two instinctively aroused their spirits, the green energy swirled around their bodies like a whip and tightened.


The faces of the two guards paled and turned green. Soon, they collapsed after vomiting blood.


Lindsay froze after witnessing the shocking situation. Her eyes were filled with shock and terror, but she could not speak nor move. However, Mia had been rather suspicious of Serin from before. She reacted differently.


She raised her voice while pulling a string located next to the sofa. It was usually utilized to call for maids, but the warriors of Pendragon burst into the room after hearing her shout.

Chae Chae Chaeng!

Four knights unsheathed their swords and stepped in front of Mia and Lindsay, while two others helped them to their feet and protected them.

Serin gestured with her eyes in response.


Gus Plain, the 7th regiment knight who accompanied her to Conrad Castle, ran out like the wind and placed his right hand on his waist. It was a motion similar to unsheathing a sword. However, he was not allowed to carry a weapon as an outsider. The knights of Pendragon swung their weapons while feeling confused by Gus’ behavior.


In an instant, black flames erupted from the fingertips of Gus Plain, and it quickly elongated and took shape.

It was a sword of black flames.



The blade of black flames swayed while stretching towards the knights, and the knights reacted even though they were taken aback.


Gus Plain’s sword of black flames collided with the sword of the knights. No, rather, the sword of black flames destroyed the metal blades. The black blade shredded the blades of the Pendragon knights, then an ominous spirit shot towards them.


The blade of black flames split a knight’s armor in half, then instantly switched directions and headed towards another’s throat. 


The remaining two knights shouted and swung their longswords like lightning. The blade of black flames shifted once more like a living snake and headed towards them.



The two knights screamed as they were thrown to the wall. Their silver armors were split into pieces and dyed with bizarre, dark red colors. 

“This way!”

In the meantime, the knights protecting Lindsay and Mia quickly led the ladies out of the door. Gus Plain’s eyes, which were swarming with dark green energy, turned towards the door. He waved his hand without hesitation.


A black blade pierced the back of a knight who was just about to exit out the door.


The knight collapsed in place. However, Lindsay, Mia, and the other knight left the room safely, and Gus Plain attempted to chase after them with a glare.


Serin’s skin had long turned ash grey, and her dark green eyes suddenly darted to a certain place. Gus Plain stopped moving as well. The gazes of the two turned to the window at the same time, and a shadow appeared outside the window before exploding with a loud noise.


The large window shattered and someone’s curled figure entered through the gap. The figure rolled on the floor several times, then quickly stood up before swinging an object.


A thunderstorm filled the room along with a loud rumble. The deep, blue spirit shot fiercely towards the blade of black flames produced at Gus Plain’s fingers, and the two contrasting forces collided in the air.


Along with a loud explosion, the azure spirit shattered the black blade. The ominous dark, red energy soon turned into ash and scattered into the air, disappearing like ebony snowflakes.


Gus Plain faltered after losing his weapon. Serin stood next to him, gazing at the unexpected intruder who entered after breaking the window.



The figure took a deep breath after spinning his spear several times. His dark blue eyes were just like the winter lake, and they were fixated on the two people while emitting a cold energy.


The sharp edge of the spear of the Knight King, Thorca, was pointed toward Serin and Gus Plain. His tightly sealed lips slowly parted.

“Who… are you?”

Elkin Isla, the Knight King of Valvas and a Knight of Pendragon – he spoke in a cold voice. His spear was aimed towards the one who was set to become his other half.


But Serin Reiner, or Luna Seyrod, who was also the Elsaroa of Alcantia, the Queen of Death from hundreds of years ago, said nothing.


“My duchess! Please, you must take shelter!”

“What’s going on?”

Sir Campbell shouted urgently after storming through the door, and Elena responded with confusion.

“There’s a huge problem. Serin Reiner and Gus Plain, the knight of the 7th regiment, were in Baroness Conrad’s residence. They…”

Sir Campbell had served as a knight of the Pendragon Duchy alongside Killian for generations. He quickly explained what happened in Lindsay’s room just a while ago.

“How could that be!?”

Elena shouted with disbelief.

“For now, I had all the troops of the castle gather in the inner castle. However, it would be best to move towards the palace as soon as possible in case something unexpected happens. The little lady and Baroness Conrad are also evacuating to the palace, duchess!”

“All right.”

As Pendragon’s mistress, Duchess Elena quickly recovered her composure and left the room with her maids under the escort of fighter Argos, following behind Campbell and the other royal guards.



The maids screamed and cowered at the sudden sound of thunder.

“What is going on!?”

A soldier running down the hallway reported at Campbell’s shouts.

“A mysterious man broke into Baroness Conrad’s residence! I think the sounds are coming from over there!”


His expression darkened.

Serin Reiner and the 7th regiment knight, Gus Plain, were already a massive threat. But now, even an unidentified intruder had joined the fray?

“All royal guard will protect the Duchess, the little lady, and Baroness Conrad! The rest of the troops will surround the inner castle. Make sure not even a rat can escape from there!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Please follow me, duchess.”

Campbell gave the orders, then took the lead while hastening his steps. This was the greatest danger that the Pendragon Duchy had ever faced. Moreover, the situation was located in Conrad Castle, the heart of the duchy.



“I asked who you were.”

Isla spoke once again, aiming Thorca directly at Serin’s forehead. The spear was overflowing with spirit. Then her eyes, which had been glistening with a mysterious green light, started trembling.

“Sir Isla? It’s me, Serin. Why are you acting like this to me…?”

Serin trembled with a frightened look. But Isla did not even blink as he replied with an icy expression.

“No, you are not Miss Reiner. I will ask you one last time. Who are you?”

Serin was rather startled by his cold voice and attitude. However, her expression soon turned strange.

“Sir Isla, don’t you know me? It’s me, Luna from the Seyrod County. By the way… where is His Excellency Duke Pendragon?”


Isla’s eyes quivered for the first time after hearing the unexpected response.

It was then.


Green flames erupted from Serin’s entire body. She started moving in a ghostly manner. Gus Plain followed right behind her, his body also engulfed in the strange, dark green energy.


Isla flinched and swung Thorca.


The spear of the Knight King headed for the two while growling.


Thorca’s sharp edge cut through the two people with spirit, but the figures were only an afterimage. Serin and Gus Plain threw themselves out of the broken window where Isla had entered only a while ago.


Isla quickly chased after the two and neared the window with wide eyes.


The green energy coming from their bodies spread out in all directions, then took on the shape of wings. As if ignoring the laws of nature, their bodies seemed to float up. They soon settled safely on the ground.

Serin, or perhaps Luna, slowly raised her face.

Isla met her gaze as he peered out the window.


His cold, indifferent eyes were filled with disturbance. A wicked smile was hanging around Serin’s lips. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before.


Her mouth curled up into a grin, and she burst into a burst of chill-inducing laughter. Serin and Gus Plain turned around and began running like the wind.


Isla’s cold, indifferent expression became disrupted. He became flustered when he saw where they were headed. As the two figures ran, the surrounding scenery was colored with an ominous green. The direction they ran towards led to the center of Conrad Castle, the palace.


“Stop them!”


The soldiers of Conrad Castle were surrounding the inner castle. When they saw two figures running toward them, they fired their crossbows. Mysterious green energy was unfurled behind the figures like a pair of wings.


Serin waved her arms.

The current of green instantly swirled in front of her and transformed into a barrier that protected the two. 

Kwarara! Pupupuk!

As soon as the quarrels came into contact with the green current, the projectiles scattered into tiny particles like snowflakes.


The soldiers gasped at the shocking sight, and the two people narrowed the distance before jumping over the group. The current of green death following behind Serin washed over the soldiers like a tsunami.


The soldiers screamed and collapsed in the face of the overwhelming force. Their armor shattered into pieces, unable to overcome the magic containing the energy of death.

“F, follow them! They are heading to the palace!”

A knight shouted urgently, and the remaining troops followed behind with all their might.


A sudden cry came from above their heads.


The soldiers looked up with surprise, but they soon became relieved and overjoyed.

“S, sir Isla!”

A griffon shot towards the palace like an arrow, carrying Isla on its back.

“It’s Sir Isla! Sir Isla is here!”


The courageous soldiers of the Pendragon Soldiers continued running while shouting with joy.



Campbell’s complexion turned worse as loud noises came from afar. However, he maintained his posture and glared at the main gate of the palace along with the royal guards, his hand tightly holding a longsword.


Argos also took his place in front of those he had to protect while tightening his trip.


“It will be okay, my child.”

Although Mia pretended to be calm, Elena could feel the faint trembling of her daughter’s hands as they grasped Elena’s dress. She took her youngest daughter in her arms.

“None of you should leave the side of Baroness Conrad.”

Although they were terrified, the maids bit their lips and hurriedly surrounded Lindsay.

“My Duchess!”

Vincent rushed into the palace along with a few knights.

“Are you okay?”

His face was flushed, showing that he had sprinted here without rest. Unlike usual, he was armed like a knight.

“I am fine. Did you hear?”

“Yes, my apologies. It is my fault for…”

Vincent bowed his head while clenching his teeth.josei

“No. Who knew Serin would have done something like this? This is not your fault, Sir Vincent, so raise your head.”

Despite the perilous situation, the mistress of the Pendragon Duchy remained calm. Vincent started to raise his head while blaming himself for being inept. 


The main gate of the palace, which was made of solid granite, was smashed apart.


The sound of the maids’ screams resonated throughout the palace, and dust slowly rose and obscured the entrance. Slowly, waves of ominous dark green lights of evil energy could be seen piercing through the screen of dust.

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