Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Age of Tyrants (1)

“We are at an extreme disadvantage.”

Elizabeth von Habsburg, the Third Imperial Princess opened her mouth.

The many generals of the empire were currently seated in a tent. Most of them were young. The old generals who had previously led the imperial army had all fallen in combat at the Battle of Austerlitz. The ones who replaced them in the current imperial army of Habsburg were a bunch of young commanders.

One of them was listening to the imperial princess’ strategy impassively, another was writing everything down seriously, and another person was chewing on some shells of wheat with his two feet on top of the table. There were all sorts of people gathered here. There was even someone who wasn’t even wearing his military uniform properly. However, no one scolded him for being ill-mannered.

All of them had obtained their positions through their skills alone, after all.

“The scorched earth policy is finally starting to have an effect as the legions of the Demon Lord army have split up in order to acquire provisions. Our time to strike has arrived.”

Tap, Imperial Princess Elizabeth tapped on the operation map with a silver rod. 

“An opportunity has finally arisen for our human army.”

Just as she had said, the Demon Lord army had lost its pivot. The 2nd legion and the 6th legion were moving further apart.

This was a common phenomenon that occurred when you didn’t have a supply group and utilized large and separated armies. You have to pillage the area nearby since you don’t have any supplies. The troops would split apart in order to get their own supplies.

A young man with a gentle face spoke up at that moment.

“But, Your Highness.”

“Receive permission first before you make a remark, Medical Captain Kurz Schleiermacher.”

“Oh, right.”

The young man scratched his blonde head awkwardly.

“My apologies. This one is still not accustomed to common etiquette. ……I request for the right to speak, Your Highness.”

“I allow it.”

“Thank you. The fact that the Demon Lord army has split apart is definitely good news for us; however, the same could be said for our side as well.”

A few of the other generals nodded in agreement.josei

The Demon Lord army wasn’t the only side running short on supplies. The human army was also facing a severe shortage of supplies. The mercenary groups had started to ask for wheat instead of gold for their service fee, and the armies of other nations had sent requests out to their homelands for more supplies.

In this situation, Imperial Princess Elizabeth made a major decision.

– Use the scorched earth policy as an excuse to pillage the people.

She had ordered her men to pillage their own people. In this era, there were very few people who still believed that the military should protect the people. Soldiers prioritized the rulers more than anyone else. Furthermore, rather than protecting commoners, they were more meant for guarding nobles.

However, a majority of the people who followed the imperial princess were a part of the republican party. They immediately opposed the moment the imperial princess gave that order.

– An army that attacks their own people should not exist!

– An army that is unable to protect mankind should not exist either. Answer me. Do we have any other options left besides using a scorched earth policy? If there is, then I will retract my order.

– …….

The talented people under the imperial princess were all competent individuals. And it was because they were competent that they knew that they had no other choice.

Under the pretext of ‘if you stay here, then you will be slaughtered mercilessly by the wicked monsters’, the imperial soldiers of Habsburg made people settle somewhere. They called it resettlement, but it was no different from forcefully kicking them out. There were farmers who refused, saying that they would protect their homes with their lives, but the Imperial Princess remained firm.

– Those who resist will be dealt with using martial law.

– Your Highness!

– Calm yourself. Even I have a heart.

Her subordinate discovered the pain that was in the imperial princess’ eyes. This made the subordinate retract his words. That’s right. His lord has always acted for the sake of the people even before the war. Even she possesses the heart of a human…….

The imperial princess’ army gradually retreated from the central region of Habsburg. They used guerilla tactics in response to the Demon Lord army’s pursuit. She prolonged the battles for as long as possible and carried out the scorched earth policy with the intent to not leave even a single grain of wheat behind in the central region of the nation.

One step back, one step back―.

Finally, they had reached a point where they could retreat no further.

They arrived at the imperial capital.

“Currently, the legions of the Demon Lord army are gathering here. The 2nd legion will most likely arrive first in two weeks and the remaining legions will most likely follow shortly after. Mmm. Would this not be an issue?”

The young man known as Kurz Schleiermacher scratched his cheek.

“The enemy may currently be split apart, but they all have the imperial capital set as their goal. They will group up the more time passes. On the other hand, the human army does not have a single goal like that……. Well, how much would the people of other nations fight for the sake of our capital……?”

That wasn’t the only issue.

A different general raised his hand.

“I would like to request the right to speak.”


“Thank you, Your Highness. I apologize, but the armies of other nations are demanding that we should be responsible for the supplies and provisions. The Demon Lord army is currently resupplying as they make their way to us. At the very least, they will most likely have enough provisions to last 15 days to a month.”

However, the general continued.

“Our imperial army does not have that many provisions left.”

“What are you talking about? Our forces have enough supplies to last us 3 more months.”

“……That is only if we consider our imperial army.”

The general cleared his throat.

“However, it is absolutely necessary for us to have the reinforcements from other nations in order to protect the capital……. We do not have enough provisions to maintain the armies of other nations. Therefore, our imperial army of Habsburg has only one option left.”

The imperial princess showed an interested smile.

“Oh? And what may that be?”

“We must not defend the capital. We must actively go on the offensive.”

The general strengthened his tone as he continued.

“The legions of the Demon Lord army are drawing closer by each passing moment. However, this also means that they have not arrived yet. There will be a gap in time between each of their arrival……. We can aim for that gap in time to divide and conquer our enemy.”

Divide and conquer five legions of the Demon Lord army.

This was the only method left to protect the capital and, going beyond this, the fate of the empire.



The room became silent. The people here knew how ridiculous this strategy sounded.

The imperial army of Habsburg was barely able to maintain its military strength at 10,000 soldiers. On the other hand, each legion of the Demon Lord army had tens of thousands of soldiers.

‘Mm. Wouldn’t that be impossible?’

The blonde man, Kurz Schleiermacher smiled bitterly.

If you compared a human soldier with an orc soldier, then the latter would obviously be stronger……. Thus, even if a legion only had thousands of soldiers, they could still stand a chance against the imperial army of Habsburg. Even if you tried to be optimistic, the best you could expect was a draw.

‘To fight and win against enemy forces with the same military strength as us five times consecutively……Jeez. That’s impossible even if the Goddess were to help us, Your Lordship.’

Kurz shook his head. It was impossible no matter how much he thought about it.

Ever since the Crescent Alliance and the human allied forces first fought, the Habsburg Empire had fought exceedingly well. They fought so well that it would be fine for the other nations to praise them.

Third Imperial Princess Elizabeth was a genius when it came to military tactics, and instead of her genius becoming duller as the war continued, it became even sharper. While every other army was being defeated over and over again, only the army led by the imperial princess continued to come out victorious. If you consider the blow she received during the ceremonial speeches, this was an amazing feat.

‘But there is a clear line between the plausible and implausible-.’

It would be difficult for even Imperial Princess Elizabeth to attack the Demon Lord armies one by one. This, Kurz was certain of.

‘This is a problem. A big problem. Haha.’

He didn’t particularly care whether his homeland was destroyed or not.

Even if humanity were to fall into ruin, he would simply shrug it off as a slight inconvenience. Humanity and nations were nothing more than absurd jokes to him anyway. These sorts of jokes were mostly boring.

However, he was curious.

‘What will you do, Imperial Princess?’

He glanced at the imperial princess’ face. According to the information Kurz had, the imperial princess was the most competent genius in the world. He couldn’t imagine someone being superior to her. To Kurz―the imperial princess was the peak of humanity. The most valuable human.

How was the peak of humanity going to respond to this situation?

Kurz couldn’t hold back his curiosity.

If the imperial princess was not averse to the impossibility of this challenge, then so be it. Kurz was ready to accept her decision. He would gladly go to the frontlines with the imperial princess and sever the heads of orcs and stab the chests of goblins. He could die there……and the imperial princess could die as well. This could result in the capital being taken and humanity being destroyed……but who cares?

That would be the limit of humanity.

He would humbly accept that, in the end, humans were a species that could only go that far.

‘Don’t tell me you’re going to fall into despair or let out a sigh, Your Highness.’

He smiled in secret. On the other hand, he was also full of anticipation. The thought of being able to witness the peak of humanity’s face crumble in despair! That would be the despair of humanity itself. Not only would it be the cruelest piece of art, but that would also make it the most beautiful masterpiece. 

When Kurz saw the imperial princess’ face.


He couldn’t help but be in silent shock.

‘She’s impassive……even in a situation like this?’

There wasn’t even a single fragment of emotion on the imperial princess’ face. An incredibly cold and emotionless expression was all that was on her face.

‘I can’t believe it.’

Kurz couldn’t understand. He knew how much the imperial princess loved the people and cherished mankind, and that this current situation they were facing was a crisis that threatened the imperial princess’ most important things.

Everyone fears losing their most important things. Humans could remain aloof before life-threatening situations if they have something they value more than their own lives. 

However, if something more important than their lives……. For example, the Goddess to priests. That’s right. It’s a bit ridiculous to say, but let’s say the Goddess was dying before some priests. Could the priests maintain their impassive demeanors then? If you torture the father of a filial son or slaughter a lord before their vassals, would they be able to remain emotionless in these situations?

That would be impossible.

However, the imperial princess was calm. It wasn’t a calmness that came after having given up on everything, but a calmness that came from composing oneself. Was this superhuman patience and self-control truly possible―for a mere human mortal?

‘There must be something!’

An electric current flowed through Kurz’s spine.

‘She must have some sort of plan to defeat the Demon Lord army!’

It wasn’t only Kurz who noticed this. Once they noticed the imperial princess remain silent no matter how much time passed, the other generals slowly raised their heads. They were slightly perplexed as they tried to grasp the imperial princess’ mood.

The imperial princess then spoke.

“I have a method to stop the Demon Lord army.”

She spoke in a completely flat tone.

“We will give up on the capital. All soldiers of the Habsburg Empire, will immediately leave the capital and retreat further.”

The sound of shock spread throughout the tent.

Kurz found himself speaking unconsciously. He completely forgot about asking for the right to speak.

“Y-Your Highness, what do you mean by that? Give up on the capital?”

“I will say it again. From this day forth, our Habsburg imperial army will abandon the capital of Vindobona.”

All of the generals stood up in unison once the imperial princess confirmed her words. They were all worked up.

“Your Highness! I object!”

“The capital is the heart of Habsburg! A nation cannot breathe without its heart!”

Nonetheless, the imperial princess did not falter as she continued.

No, it wasn’t just that she didn’t falter. It was hard to notice, but Kurz saw the imperial princess’ lips go up in a smile ever so slightly.

“If the capital is the heart of Habsburg, then we will move that heart.”

“This humble one cannot fathom Your Highness’ intent…….”

“Evacuate all of the citizens. Force them out. Furthermore, in order to acquire more funding, dig up the graves of previous rulers. And finally, in order to not leave anything behind for the Demon Lord army―.”

The imperial princess concluded.

“After we finish retreating, we will burn the entire capital down.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Why did Kurz have to be a recurring character? It’s so hard to remember his dang last name. I usually have to go to a previous chapter with his name in it to copy it. We’re back to the build up part of the segment where things aren’t incredibly interesting. Although that’s probably just a personal opinion. 

I sort of ended up doing this chapter anyway even though I mentioned taking a break. A true gamer moment. Well, if you see a chapter take a bit longer than usual, I probably decided to take a day off.

See you guys in the next chapter.

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