Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Politics are Trickery (2)

I put my luggage down in a corner of my room. A bag filled with various potions and writing utensils made a thud as it landed on the bed.

“Today is a holiday!”

I leaped on the bed with my bag. I then started to move my limbs as if I were swimming. The bed received my body into its warm embrace.

“That is bad manners, Your Highness.”

Lapis organized my luggage for me. She skillfully organized the contents of my disorganized bag before placing each item in its respective location around the room. She knew exactly where everything was supposed to go.

I spoke while performing a freestyle stroke on the bed.

“You always remind me of an older sister whenever I see you, Lapis~.”

“Yes. And Sir Dantalian is like a high-maintenance little brother.”

“In other words, a ball of lethal charm and adorableness, huh? I know.”

Lapis let out a sigh. I chuckled.

I lay on my bed with my arms and legs splayed out.


There was a luxurious chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Luxurious items like that were non-existent in this room only a few months ago. However, Lapis utilized an immense amount of capital to turn my fortune into a firm ocean that cannot dry out.

I became certain again as I stared at the faint light that was being emitted by the chandelier. Everything has finally become stable.

I was irrationally killed in an accident, fell into a weird world……and ended up in ridiculous situations, but I struggled desperately. I managed to get this far after overcoming those situations in my own way. I honestly did really well.


I slowly closed my eyes as I lied on my comfortable bed.

A dream snuck into my consciousness as if it were carefully knocking on a door.

My mother was in my dream. She usually always looked concerned about her son, but she was laughing for some reason. It wasn’t just her. Lapis, Laura, Barbatos, Paimon, and even Elizabeth were seated in the living room and laughing harmoniously.

A hazy ray of sunlight was wrapped around them. It was a ridiculous scene. It was so absurd that I ended up laughing.

I was split into two people in the dream.

One version of me was in the foggy light and laughing with the others. The laughter felt sacred as it swirled around them.

On the other hand, the other version of me.

I was in a world completely separate from the fog where everything was clear and vivid.

There were white walls all around me. It felt like even the flow of air had stopped. It was a place suited for a mental patient.

There were some people here as well. They were all seated on dull wooden chairs. Jack, Riff, and Hawk……these individuals were seated on the chairs and staring at me.


They remained silent as they stared at me.

This was a dream that I’ve had dozens of times now. The pattern was always the same. At first, I would try all sorts of methods to talk with them, but none of them would respond. They were quiet like a bunch of corpses. I would then give up after a while and become silent like them.

I would wake up shortly after.


My forehead felt cold. Damn it, I felt like shit.

I pushed myself up partially and quickly went through my pockets. I couldn’t find it. I couldn’t find my drugs. Did I leave them in my coat? I scratched my head with one hand as I muttered temperamentally.

“Damn it. Lapis? Lapis. Sorry, but can you give me my coat?”

“……It has not been 20 minutes since you fell asleep.”

Lapis was seated at a nearby desk.

“How about sleeping for a bit longer?”

“I slept enough. You know that we Demon Lords don’t need a lot of sleep. Now get me my coat.”

“Sir Dantalian.”

Lapis spoke impassively.

“The number of times you have sought out drugs has gradually been increasing. You are drinking wine much too often. Have you not also been taking other drugs like aphrodisiacs recently? I heard from Miss Jeremi that you would request for the production of drugs frequently.”

“Fine, fine. I’m sorry.”

I responded anxiously. My body was trembling with unease.

I felt like I might get upset unintentionally. However, getting angry at Lapis at any moment in time was something I would never forgive myself for. Lapis was the one who helped me climb up this far. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without her.

She was an extra that didn’t even make an appearance in <Dungeon Attack>, but to me, she was someone whom I cherished the most. I can’t get mad at her. Damn it! I’m serious. It’s impossible to get mad at Lapis.

I barely managed to contain what I felt to be an angry tone. I then made a conscious effort to speak in a gentle voice.

“I’ll listen to your nagging whenever you want later, okay? Lapis. Give me my coat.”

“……Sir Dantalian.”

“You already know that it’s only this bad immediately after I wake up……. Yeah? I’ll get better after one puff. I’ll return back to normal after just one puff……. Drugs are also considered medicine if you use them appropriately, so it’s fine.”

Damn it, I had a skull-splitting headache.

I thought this was because of manic depression before; however, after asking the skilled doctors in the demon world, it turned out to be something far from manic depression. This was a more vicious mental illness. The doctors couldn’t find the cause and gave up as well.

My symptoms became worse as time passed.

At first, I could get rid of them by drinking alcohol, so I often drank high-quality wine. After that was sex. My head didn’t hurt and my mood didn’t change drastically whenever I did it with Laura.

After that was smoking. After that was an opioid that was a little stronger than smoking……. Now I’ve started to occasionally use medicinal drugs. I wasn’t carrying around 13 bottles of aphrodisiacs for no reason. This really sucks.

“Sorry, Lapis……but hurry…….”

My headache would disappear for a while whenever I took aphrodisiacs and had wild sex. However, this was a last resort. My life would basically be over if I became a drug addict. I also couldn’t use bad things like drugs with Laura…….

I could only do it with people like Barbatos who had already gone all the way. Or perhaps a shameless prostitute. However, I couldn’t have Barbatos or a prostitute next to me at all times. At those times, I would do it with Jeremi…….

“Here you go.”

Lapis had come to my side before I knew it. I raised my head to see Lapis holding my pipe out to me in her hands. Dried herbs were already pressed down into the pipe. She had put the herbs in for me in consideration of my headache.


I quickly received the pipe from her. Lapis used magic to light it.

I put the end of the pipe in my mouth and took a long puff. My headache slowly receded like the waves on a sandy beach during low tide. The pressure and anxiety that was pressing down on my entire body faded away.



I smoked in silence.

My headaches were especially bad immediately after waking up. I would always have bizarre dreams and those dreams would ruin my mood. If people bother me while I’m in this state, then I can’t control myself. A good example of this was probably when Daisy failed to assassinate me.

Anyone who messes with Little Dantalian will get fucked.

Mm, it seems my mental condition has stabilized since I’m able to make jokes now.

I turned my head to see Lapis glancing at me. She was expressionless like usual, but I could easily tell that she was genuinely worried. I spoke brightly.

“Don’t worry too much. Most of our problems have been resolved now, you know?”


“Be it the humans or the Demon Lord army, they’ve all incurred losses. They will have to pour all of their resources into rebuilding their forces for at least a decade. Potential threats to my Demon Lord Castle have been dealt with in our vicinity. I’ve also gained the support and backing of the Plains Faction, Mountain Faction, and even the Neutral Faction.”

Imperial Princess Elizabeth has become a wingless bird and the hero siblings are being held down by me. I had gotten rid of even the worst-case variables.

“All threats have been removed. Lapis, this splendid achievement was only possible because of your help. I did become a little messed up during the process, but everything in the world has a price.”

“……I see.”

Lapis nodded her head carefully.

“It is as Sir Dantalian has said. Most threats have definitely been dealt with.”


I let out a candid laugh.

“We’ve also made a huge load of money. Now, all we have to do is enjoy a comfortable life for the next decade or century.”

My headaches and nightmares will probably fade away as time passes. I was certain of this. There’s nothing that time can’t cure, after all……. I continued to smoke my pipe as I looked up at the glowing chandelier.

* * *

As was discussed during the previous meeting, a new law was established in my land.

The problem was the fact that my people were still not used to it yet. They had solved all of their problems using the common law until now, so there was no way that people would suddenly accept a new law after it had just been announced. It seems like they were struggling to get used to it.

“They aren’t going to revolt because of the new legal system, right?”

“No. The issue isn’t about getting accustomed to it, Your Honor.”

Parsi spoke.

Parsi had started to genuinely take the role as the lord’s representative. It was a bit shabby, but we built an office out of bricks on the hills of Palatino and this basically acted as the government office. Although, Parsi was the only administrator here.

“It’s hard for them to switch to a new custom since they had been using the old one all their lives.”

“Tsk. You’re still young, Parsi. If you aren’t able to change the way you live, then any sort of reformation will disappear in smoke. If you’re going to change, then change big.”

Parsi shrugged.

“What am I supposed to do when they come saying that they didn’t follow the new law because they forgot? Do you want me to fine them?”

“Forcing the people to accept a new law would be the worst policy. No matter how good a new law is, if coercion is stacked on top of it, the people would only try to oppose it at first. You have to make them abide by it voluntarily.”

I turned to look at Daisy. The girl was listening to our conversation in silence.

“Daisy, do you have a good idea?”

Daisy had been following Parsi around and learning about the important and trivial matters throughout the villages. It was to give her some insight as my maid. She was still much too young to learn about territorial management, but I didn’t intend to go easy on Daisy of all people.

It’s often said that lion cubs only learn when they’re pushed against a wall. Daisy wasn’t a lion cub but a dinosaur baby. I had to push her against a wall and drop a boulder on her.

Daisy answered calmly.

“It would be best to wait for now.”

“Wait? For what?”

“Until one of your citizens makes a huge mistake. If one person breaks the law in a grand manner, then we can use them as an example and execute them. Punish them as a warning to others.”

She gave a model answer.

Referentially, there was nothing more effective than making an example out of someone. It sounded like a good idea to Parsi as well as he stroked his beard and nodded. However, I let out a snort.

“How foolish. You only have book smarts, so even the solution you suggest is witless. What, execution? What did you learn after following Parsi around for a couple of days? Do the lives of the people seem as worthless as flies to you?”

Daisy paused.

“Where did that little girl who stepped forward on her own two feet in order to beg me to spare the lives of her village people go? Do you not care about them if they are not from the same village? You hypocrite, are you not ashamed to show your face before your brother?”

“……I believed Father would prefer the most effective method above all else.”

“Kuh. You are even delusional.”

I scoffed.

“I clearly said that we should not use force. I thought the slime had left your body, but it seems it had gone to your ears. I see, executing someone as a warning to others must not seem like a forceful thing to you.”


“O such a wise and enlightened monarch has descended upon us! I am so honored to have such a wise girl as my adopted daughter.”

The girl bit her lips.

Parsi spoke up to me awkwardly.

“Aren’t you being too rough on a young child? She’s still a kid.”

“Parsi. I will decide on how I will raise my daughter.”

“If you say so. Well, it’s not my responsibility…….”

Parsi smacked his lips awkwardly. He didn’t intervene any more than this. Despite his looks, he was someone who knew when to stop prying.

“In any case, does Your Honor have some sort of ingenious plan?”

“Simple. Prepare 3 large boulders.”

“Why boulders? What are you going to use rocks for?”

Parsi tilted his head.

I patted his shoulder.

“Watch carefully. You may be more knowledgeable when it comes to farmwork, but this is my field of expertise. I’ll show you what politics are like.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. We’re getting a peak at Dantalian’s mental decay in this chapter, huh? I guess we’re finally getting it visualized in a way with his brain wanting to split into two sides. It does make me worry for him in the future with how much his mind is sort of falling apart. We’ll have to wait and see how he decides to handle this.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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